Introduction to Reversing from Scratch Using IDA PRO
Hello, Khabravchans!
For those who do not know, at one time I took the responsibility to translate the Spanish Introduccion Al Reversing Con Ida Pro Desde Cero course, written by Ricardo Narvaja, into Russian. 2.5 years have passed and now I can safely say that the course has been translated into Russian. At the moment it is 67 parts. But that is not all. At the end of part 67, we can see that a continuation awaits us. Now I would like to tell you about how I translated the course, what I encountered during the translation, what I learned and how it all happened.
And it was so that in November 2016, when I had almost taken off the entire debugging course www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvA316tqfNE&list=PL59fvn5FIiQG0CrnALLgXzdpDTOk0hrz2
Ricardo posted on his twitter post such as twitter.com/ricnar45710661072377210721072. I was very happy with this post, because the debugging course had not been updated for a long time and stopped at chapter 58. It was something new and useful, because Ida Pro does not have much literature, especially in Russian - this is an old book by Chris Kaspersky, just the first volume, of the three that should have been released, and The Ida Pro by Book Chris Eagle.
And so I started to translate, because as I knew at that time, Spanish is a very easy language. At that moment, I immediately created Temko on Exelab's exelab.ru/f/index.php?action=vthread&forum=5&topic=24454. And immediately after the creation, I received in response that this is Sisyphean labor. I was very upset, but cheered up, because I was immediately supported by the moderator r_e and I realized that I needed to continue. But I didn’t succeed. Google coped with the translation very poorly, and Promt is even worse. Then I decided to look for a freelancer who would help me translate the text. A lot of freelancers refused to help after I sent them the source, arguing that this is a non-standard topic and they are not ready to undertake. But still I found one. All freelancers take payment for the number of characters or words and therefore the first three parts cost me ~ 3t.r. I began to process them, understand Spanish in parallel and prepare texts without pictures for the next translation, but the freelance translator refused me, saying that he was no longer ready to help and I had to stop the translation. There was no translation on the forum for a long time, and they began to write about me that Yasha was blown away. But at that very moment, when I had already lowered my hands, a translation into English, made bytwitter.com/ivinsoncls and only thanks to this person, the course is now available in Russian. His translation stopped at 46 parts, but that did not stop me. Until chapter 46, I translated English text and simultaneously translated Spanish into English and Russian, and began to notice that Google translates better into English than into Russian. So I began to study, simultaneously buying a book www.chitai-gorod.ru/catalog/book/817261. Translating Ricardo’s texts was very difficult. He constantly made grammatical errors in them, or simply skipped letters, for example, wrote Pedo, but Puedo was needed. Also, punctuation marks were placed in his texts absolutely incorrectly and it was completely unclear whether the sentence ended or not. That is, he constantly dropped points, or instead of points, put commas or didn't put anything at all, and it turned out one very long sentence, without periods and commas, with errors in words and missing characters. He also came up with a lot of words derived from English verbs that are not in Spanish, for example Pushear, Popea, Pivoteando, Leakeando, Bypassear, etc. There were also words that normally did not translate through the translator and it was necessary to launch Ida and see what they mean and what Ida does, for example, Armado, Tiros, etc. But the hardest thing this is that he uses revolutions and stable expressions, which are very difficult for a beginner to translate and which an online translator does not translate. For example, “Responded con los pies”. If you translate it literally, it will turn out - “And answer with your feet”. The correct translation is “Bring the answer”. Also in his text there are a lot of identical words. When they are repeated already 10 times on one page, then you understand that these are already words of parasites. His entire text is crammed with the words “We see.” Also in one sentence there can be up to 5 words - “Which”. Another difficulty is the use of pronouns. It would be completely incomprehensible without pictures what he is talking about, what noun, he simply uses the pronouns “this”, “this” or “he” or “she”. which is very difficult for a beginner to translate and which an online translator does not translate. For example, “Responded con los pies”. If you translate it literally, it will turn out - “And answer with your feet”. The correct translation is “Bring the answer”. Also in his text there are a lot of identical words. When they are repeated already 10 times on one page, then you understand that these are already words of parasites. His entire text is crammed with the words “We see.” Also in one sentence there can be up to 5 words - “Which”. Another difficulty is the use of pronouns. It would be completely incomprehensible without pictures what he is talking about, what noun, he simply uses the pronouns “this”, “this” or “he” or “she”. which is very difficult for a beginner to translate and which an online translator does not translate. For example, “Responded con los pies”. If you translate it literally, it will turn out - “And answer with your feet”. The correct translation is “Bring the answer”. Also in his text there are a lot of identical words. When they are repeated already 10 times on one page, then you understand that these are already words of parasites. His entire text is crammed with the words “We see.” Also in one sentence there can be up to 5 words - “Which”. Another difficulty is the use of pronouns. It would be completely incomprehensible without pictures what he is talking about, what noun, he simply uses the pronouns “this”, “this” or “he” or “she”. The correct translation is “Bring the answer”. Also in his text there are a lot of identical words. When they are repeated already 10 times on one page, then you understand that these are already words of parasites. His entire text is crammed with the words “We see.” Also in one sentence there can be up to 5 words - “Which”. Another difficulty is the use of pronouns. It would be completely incomprehensible without pictures what he is talking about, what noun, he simply uses the pronouns “this”, “this” or “he” or “she”. The correct translation is “Bring the answer”. Also in his text there are a lot of identical words. When they are repeated already 10 times on one page, then you understand that these are already words of parasites. His entire text is crammed with the words “We see.” Also in one sentence there can be up to 5 words - “Which”. Another difficulty is the use of pronouns. It would be completely incomprehensible without pictures what he is talking about, what noun, he simply uses the pronouns “this”, “this” or “he” or “she”.
As soon as I was able to translate 46 chapters, I began to look for a translator in my city who would help me translate the remaining chapters. I managed to find him, and when I arrived and showed him the texts of Ricardo, he said that it was just horror and asked if Ricardo was a Spaniard. I replied that he was from Argentina, to which he replied that they didn’t communicate like that in Argentina, and that this person was either illiterate or self-taught. Also, during the translation, I began to teach Google the correct translation, sending him the correct translations and typing the dictionary in Promt, until I began to recognize and translate words without their help.
Also, a provocateur acted on the forum all this time, he is also a genius from Mogilev, better known to the Internet community as Indy, Clerk, difexacaw (how is this being read ??). He constantly dropped the topic on the forum to the bottom, breeding such an offtopic that the administration specially created an acid theme for this character, where he could communicate without a ban. Seeing that his posts were being deleted, he began to write to me in PM, always the same thing - that the course is not needed, that the main thing is to study the hardware and that the disassembler is for the slave, and he boyar (read the elite) uses only a self-written debugger. Without knowing it, Indy after his posts only made me work harder. So I say hello to him. Also thanks to the moderator who supported me and protected me from this character.
Separately, I want to say hello to Alexander Gostevtwitter.com/codelancer to a former Kaspersky Lab employee who spoke very positively about my first video course and to Boris Ryutin twitter.com/dukebarman for feedback on my translation work.
After I published the pdf file with the latest translation - dropmefiles.com/XYeNL I received such an offer. Will I be able to redraw all the pictures and make the course more beautiful in terms of screenshots, since Ricardo’s cribs are not very beautiful, and in chapter 67, where he began to take screenshots as in the previous course, the chapter looks very beautiful. I support this suggestion. All pictures will be redrawn, grammatical errors corrected, the text will be subtracted and sentences will be opened. The whole translation will be the same as in part 67.
I also want to say a big hello to the guys from the Exelab portal who supported me with likes and forced me to move the course further - these are SReg - 26 likes, ClockMan - 20, ksol - 18, mak - 14, zNob - 12, as well as super-moderators who I was also supported and protected from the attacks of Indy - these are r_e and Jupiter. I put this song for them - www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vD4wmKtOJk
I also want to thank the Exelab administration for helping me in a difficult life situation - “Thank you, I wouldn’t have managed without you” .
I also want to say Thank you to the person who helped me purchase a PC for this course. My old PC on which I was shooting the first course will not pull the normal operation even of Windows 7. I also want to say thanks to everyone who donated. Donuts were few, but they were still. They all went to a good deed. I drove them to the other end of the city, paid for their translation and bought a couple of books on Spanish.
Anyone who wants to thank me for the work done and to help me learn Spanish (Now I would like to go to a language school to study Spanish.) And translate further courses of the CracksLatinoS team, please visit my site. There is everything you need.
Since our course is called “Introduction to Reversing from the Ground Up Using IDA PRO,” I want to have a small competition. As you already know, I went to Ouspenskoe to visit Chris Kaspersky’s father (I’ll talk about this trip very soon) and my father gave me a book that Kolya bought when he was on a business trip - The Ida Pro by Book Chris Eagle. To anyone who is interested in this book, write to me at yasha@yasha.su with the headline - "I want a book." The random number generator will determine who gets it. You just need your address in Russia. Translation by Russian post will be free. Also, as a bonus, you will receive this cute mouse K.K.

For those who do not know, at one time I took the responsibility to translate the Spanish Introduccion Al Reversing Con Ida Pro Desde Cero course, written by Ricardo Narvaja, into Russian. 2.5 years have passed and now I can safely say that the course has been translated into Russian. At the moment it is 67 parts. But that is not all. At the end of part 67, we can see that a continuation awaits us. Now I would like to tell you about how I translated the course, what I encountered during the translation, what I learned and how it all happened.
And it was so that in November 2016, when I had almost taken off the entire debugging course www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvA316tqfNE&list=PL59fvn5FIiQG0CrnALLgXzdpDTOk0hrz2
Ricardo posted on his twitter post such as twitter.com/ricnar45710661072377210721072. I was very happy with this post, because the debugging course had not been updated for a long time and stopped at chapter 58. It was something new and useful, because Ida Pro does not have much literature, especially in Russian - this is an old book by Chris Kaspersky, just the first volume, of the three that should have been released, and The Ida Pro by Book Chris Eagle.
And so I started to translate, because as I knew at that time, Spanish is a very easy language. At that moment, I immediately created Temko on Exelab's exelab.ru/f/index.php?action=vthread&forum=5&topic=24454. And immediately after the creation, I received in response that this is Sisyphean labor. I was very upset, but cheered up, because I was immediately supported by the moderator r_e and I realized that I needed to continue. But I didn’t succeed. Google coped with the translation very poorly, and Promt is even worse. Then I decided to look for a freelancer who would help me translate the text. A lot of freelancers refused to help after I sent them the source, arguing that this is a non-standard topic and they are not ready to undertake. But still I found one. All freelancers take payment for the number of characters or words and therefore the first three parts cost me ~ 3t.r. I began to process them, understand Spanish in parallel and prepare texts without pictures for the next translation, but the freelance translator refused me, saying that he was no longer ready to help and I had to stop the translation. There was no translation on the forum for a long time, and they began to write about me that Yasha was blown away. But at that very moment, when I had already lowered my hands, a translation into English, made bytwitter.com/ivinsoncls and only thanks to this person, the course is now available in Russian. His translation stopped at 46 parts, but that did not stop me. Until chapter 46, I translated English text and simultaneously translated Spanish into English and Russian, and began to notice that Google translates better into English than into Russian. So I began to study, simultaneously buying a book www.chitai-gorod.ru/catalog/book/817261. Translating Ricardo’s texts was very difficult. He constantly made grammatical errors in them, or simply skipped letters, for example, wrote Pedo, but Puedo was needed. Also, punctuation marks were placed in his texts absolutely incorrectly and it was completely unclear whether the sentence ended or not. That is, he constantly dropped points, or instead of points, put commas or didn't put anything at all, and it turned out one very long sentence, without periods and commas, with errors in words and missing characters. He also came up with a lot of words derived from English verbs that are not in Spanish, for example Pushear, Popea, Pivoteando, Leakeando, Bypassear, etc. There were also words that normally did not translate through the translator and it was necessary to launch Ida and see what they mean and what Ida does, for example, Armado, Tiros, etc. But the hardest thing this is that he uses revolutions and stable expressions, which are very difficult for a beginner to translate and which an online translator does not translate. For example, “Responded con los pies”. If you translate it literally, it will turn out - “And answer with your feet”. The correct translation is “Bring the answer”. Also in his text there are a lot of identical words. When they are repeated already 10 times on one page, then you understand that these are already words of parasites. His entire text is crammed with the words “We see.” Also in one sentence there can be up to 5 words - “Which”. Another difficulty is the use of pronouns. It would be completely incomprehensible without pictures what he is talking about, what noun, he simply uses the pronouns “this”, “this” or “he” or “she”. which is very difficult for a beginner to translate and which an online translator does not translate. For example, “Responded con los pies”. If you translate it literally, it will turn out - “And answer with your feet”. The correct translation is “Bring the answer”. Also in his text there are a lot of identical words. When they are repeated already 10 times on one page, then you understand that these are already words of parasites. His entire text is crammed with the words “We see.” Also in one sentence there can be up to 5 words - “Which”. Another difficulty is the use of pronouns. It would be completely incomprehensible without pictures what he is talking about, what noun, he simply uses the pronouns “this”, “this” or “he” or “she”. which is very difficult for a beginner to translate and which an online translator does not translate. For example, “Responded con los pies”. If you translate it literally, it will turn out - “And answer with your feet”. The correct translation is “Bring the answer”. Also in his text there are a lot of identical words. When they are repeated already 10 times on one page, then you understand that these are already words of parasites. His entire text is crammed with the words “We see.” Also in one sentence there can be up to 5 words - “Which”. Another difficulty is the use of pronouns. It would be completely incomprehensible without pictures what he is talking about, what noun, he simply uses the pronouns “this”, “this” or “he” or “she”. The correct translation is “Bring the answer”. Also in his text there are a lot of identical words. When they are repeated already 10 times on one page, then you understand that these are already words of parasites. His entire text is crammed with the words “We see.” Also in one sentence there can be up to 5 words - “Which”. Another difficulty is the use of pronouns. It would be completely incomprehensible without pictures what he is talking about, what noun, he simply uses the pronouns “this”, “this” or “he” or “she”. The correct translation is “Bring the answer”. Also in his text there are a lot of identical words. When they are repeated already 10 times on one page, then you understand that these are already words of parasites. His entire text is crammed with the words “We see.” Also in one sentence there can be up to 5 words - “Which”. Another difficulty is the use of pronouns. It would be completely incomprehensible without pictures what he is talking about, what noun, he simply uses the pronouns “this”, “this” or “he” or “she”.
As soon as I was able to translate 46 chapters, I began to look for a translator in my city who would help me translate the remaining chapters. I managed to find him, and when I arrived and showed him the texts of Ricardo, he said that it was just horror and asked if Ricardo was a Spaniard. I replied that he was from Argentina, to which he replied that they didn’t communicate like that in Argentina, and that this person was either illiterate or self-taught. Also, during the translation, I began to teach Google the correct translation, sending him the correct translations and typing the dictionary in Promt, until I began to recognize and translate words without their help.
Also, a provocateur acted on the forum all this time, he is also a genius from Mogilev, better known to the Internet community as Indy, Clerk, difexacaw (how is this being read ??). He constantly dropped the topic on the forum to the bottom, breeding such an offtopic that the administration specially created an acid theme for this character, where he could communicate without a ban. Seeing that his posts were being deleted, he began to write to me in PM, always the same thing - that the course is not needed, that the main thing is to study the hardware and that the disassembler is for the slave, and he boyar (read the elite) uses only a self-written debugger. Without knowing it, Indy after his posts only made me work harder. So I say hello to him. Also thanks to the moderator who supported me and protected me from this character.
Separately, I want to say hello to Alexander Gostevtwitter.com/codelancer to a former Kaspersky Lab employee who spoke very positively about my first video course and to Boris Ryutin twitter.com/dukebarman for feedback on my translation work.
After I published the pdf file with the latest translation - dropmefiles.com/XYeNL I received such an offer. Will I be able to redraw all the pictures and make the course more beautiful in terms of screenshots, since Ricardo’s cribs are not very beautiful, and in chapter 67, where he began to take screenshots as in the previous course, the chapter looks very beautiful. I support this suggestion. All pictures will be redrawn, grammatical errors corrected, the text will be subtracted and sentences will be opened. The whole translation will be the same as in part 67.
I also want to say a big hello to the guys from the Exelab portal who supported me with likes and forced me to move the course further - these are SReg - 26 likes, ClockMan - 20, ksol - 18, mak - 14, zNob - 12, as well as super-moderators who I was also supported and protected from the attacks of Indy - these are r_e and Jupiter. I put this song for them - www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vD4wmKtOJk
I also want to thank the Exelab administration for helping me in a difficult life situation - “Thank you, I wouldn’t have managed without you” .
I also want to say Thank you to the person who helped me purchase a PC for this course. My old PC on which I was shooting the first course will not pull the normal operation even of Windows 7. I also want to say thanks to everyone who donated. Donuts were few, but they were still. They all went to a good deed. I drove them to the other end of the city, paid for their translation and bought a couple of books on Spanish.
Anyone who wants to thank me for the work done and to help me learn Spanish (Now I would like to go to a language school to study Spanish.) And translate further courses of the CracksLatinoS team, please visit my site. There is everything you need.
Since our course is called “Introduction to Reversing from the Ground Up Using IDA PRO,” I want to have a small competition. As you already know, I went to Ouspenskoe to visit Chris Kaspersky’s father (I’ll talk about this trip very soon) and my father gave me a book that Kolya bought when he was on a business trip - The Ida Pro by Book Chris Eagle. To anyone who is interested in this book, write to me at yasha@yasha.su with the headline - "I want a book." The random number generator will determine who gets it. You just need your address in Russia. Translation by Russian post will be free. Also, as a bonus, you will receive this cute mouse K.K.