Parallels that intersect - the Ministry of Communications overnight burned billions in budgets
The article is ambiguous, the article is arrogant and defiant. The request to the haters eschews, otherwise swallow me without chewing.
In general, the situation was as follows. I have a website, my hobby is
Now it is registered, but it is available at
I have been developing projects for more than 10 years, I’m not a professional in any field, but I picked up some knowledge and try to hone my skills where it is most difficult to do - that's why I chose the theme of cinema! The project is complex, the project is gray, but the project is honest!
As you may have guessed, my site is based on films, the site has entered the registry, and I will not hide it. This is not the first time the site has entered the registry. Previously, the site was blocked by the Moscow City Court since I missed letters from Roskomnadzor demanding to remove this or that content, the situation was solved and always was democratic. I will not hide it, it caused pride in the country. I was truly surprised by the ILV's activity in assisting owners of sites like mine. At some point, it even seemed to me that democracy as such exists, but it wasn’t there.
Yes, the site is gray, and the site is original, but democracy lies in the fact that there is no socialism here, let's not write about the bad / good, but consider the situation differently.
There is democracy, there is a set of laws, these laws do not prohibit the placement of films in the public domain, taken from open sources. Every second contact user has one or another movie in his collection of videos - this makes him an automatic distributor, alas, this is a sore and so far it is incurable. In any case, I am against piracy, I’ll tell you more, I personally buy films, or rather rent them on itunes. I am proud to publicize with my friends how cool the music app on my phone is for only 150 rubles, and what do you think, everyone around me considers me an idiot, claiming that why the heck I paid if it's free. No one understands that I pay for a quality limitless music collection of all the performers of the world to which I get full access, does it not cost 150 rubles? Of course it’s worth, but I won’t exaggerate they really blame me for this, claiming that only an idiot could do that. The mentality is indestructible, for this reason all the haters who want to call me a pirate immediately suggest not to waste time.
Now closer to the point. In our country, there are a number of departments that are interconnected, but they all go under the Ministry of Communications. For example, there is a department of ILV - which is the executive branch, they do not make any decisions, they only perform the function of a punisher, but I have no complaints about them - this is the usual six, which is in any mechanism.
Over the years, ILV sent me letters warning of an impending blocking of content whose authorship was claimed. Naturally, I, as a law-abiding citizen, could not help but respond to a direct court decision - I deleted the content in a timely manner and for three years ILV sent notifications to my personal mail, which they could not find out through the site - they really helped me, demonstrating the true face of democracy , I was even slightly surprised. But in order for the law to be respected, there are no questions.
But recently, my site was entered into the registry for a lifetime lock. Moreover, this time the decision was not made by the court, as was the case with any raclad, namely the Ministry of Communications. Moreover, the decision was undeniable - my site was recognized as a mirror of the site, which allegedly violated the law and did not comply with legal requirements, for which it was long ago placed in the registry for life, and my website went there with the clone wording.
When I turned to the ILV with a request to clarify the situation, the answer came to me short and clear - on this form of blocking, the decision is not considered, not appealed and not accompanied - the decision is made by the Ministry of Communication and Information Development. Any questions, please write to them. Naturally, I left an appeal on the website of the Ministry of Communications, but as it turned out by phone, I need to wait for the answer within 30 days.
As a result, my site is not just mistakenly entered into the registry, so the answer is not yet planned in the near future. Not only did the Ministry of Information Development make a mistake and could not distinguish my site from shit (forgive me the owner of I do not have any personal hostility, just really the site is just disgustingly disgusting when compared with my project. Again, my opinion is personally mine and it is not punitive, which can not be said about the Ministry of Communications.
It turns out people who are almost at the highest level, controlling in the literal and figurative sense of high technology are so stupid and illiterate. But it doesn’t bother me much. I am worried about the personal situation in which I fell because of these freethinkers who allowed themselves lynching.
I would say that I am indignant, but this wording will not be accurate, I am truly insulted, insulted by the fact that they allowed themselves to compare my work with some kind of govnosayt, so they also did not try to figure out the function of a lynching, and they simply cut off my project taking his life. And these people fight and protect copyright. That is, they are not embarrassed that they generally allowed me to offend my authorship. I was dumbfounded when I saw which site they decided to mix me with in the Ministry of Communications. That is, they are not confused by the wording that my site is a copy of - that is, they considered my work of art, they considered my work of art to be a copy of some poop, and these are the highest ranks in the IT space - say I live in a country of fools, and the House of Ministers in literally the ward of the madhouse ?!
That is, in fact, everything that the ILV department does is absolutely pointless. They only pretend that there is some kind of pseudo-democracy, but at some point when they get bored they ask the ministry to take a fatal turn, just reinforce an unreasonably good site to any forbidden one and voila, forgiving democracy, hello dictatorship.
That is, according to one fool from the Ministry of Communications, the whole project is mistakenly losing life. Moreover, no one specifically accompanies this decision and does not render assistance. If earlier in the ILV they helped me, referring to certain legal norms that they kindly followed, for which I answered in kind, now they have written to me in plain text that this is a trap. There is no resolution, there is no court, and no one is responsible, but the Ministry of Communications announced that applications are considered up to a month. That is, they were not embarrassed that I shouted into the phone that they had mistakenly killed the project, and they should have thought, but they said so, we do not care, but do not care about my project, but generally do not care about everyone.
In fact, it turns out that the whole ILV department for which multimillion-dollar budgets are being spent, headed by the communications ministry, for which multibillion-dollar budgets are being spent, decided to simply dust the money of the tax authorities.
It turns out there are not any notifications, there is not any democracy, there is a supreme body that is authorized to administer lynching on the basis of its subjective point of view with absolutely nothing to back up.
In my place could be any site, any project in general as a whole. That is, our state is not just not democratic, to hell with democracy, it’s not about it, it’s about the fact that they didn’t even take care that their mistakes are fatal. Formally, an authority endowed with such power is simply obliged to be in two-way communication. God be with him on my site, he’ll fly into haters now, they’ll mindlessly write about piracy without realizing that the main pirate is Yandex, they didn’t even hesitate to immediately submit content for movies in the style of an online movie theater, I was really crazy how they could shoot a gun in the Ministry of Communications without even noticing an elephant. Double standards are our everything!
In any case, the situation is simply paradoxical, the whole ILV department was simply depreciated by one example, the whole ministry simply surprised - they really considered and to be related sites.
And now I ask people who can think in an abstract way to put together all the components of this lawlessness and draw the very parallels that completely intersect themselves. Agree, if there is a department of ILV, which is mainly created to resolve issues, gets into a stalemate, it turns out it's not even a check, it's not even a checkmate - it's really a stalemate. In fact, the department is only a phenomenon, a phenomenon that requires large energy resources. A huge number of educated people, and judging by their ability to conduct dialogs, they seemed educated to me, busy just banal air shock. That is, these people do not even understand that they are not just sixes, but sixes of a rotten apparatus, headed by a tyrant who allows himself, under the banner of copyright protection, to make such gross errors by insulting someone else’s authorship - this is a direct vicious circle of madness, and most importantly, the whole ILV department in this circle does not even suspect that they are simply busy with nothing. Many of them consider themselves useful social elements that are rapidly trying to contribute to their work, but they do not even realize that they are only a phenomenon, they simply do not exist - this is a paradox. And what about multimillion-dollar budgets for the content of this phenomenon - this is no longer a paradox; let it be called by the Ministry of Communications as they want this financial illiteracy. Moreover, given the competence of this body - they still do not understand what it is about. They could not distinguish from that they are only a phenomenon, they simply do not exist - this is a paradox. And what about multimillion-dollar budgets for the content of this phenomenon - this is no longer a paradox; let it be called by the Ministry of Communications as they want this financial illiteracy. Moreover, given the competence of this body - they still do not understand what it is about. They could not distinguish from that they are only a phenomenon, they simply do not exist - this is a paradox. And what about multimillion-dollar budgets for the content of this phenomenon - this is no longer a paradox; let it be called by the Ministry of Communications as they want this financial illiteracy. Moreover, given the competence of this body - they still do not understand what it is about. They could not distinguish from
In any case, I feel sorry for the people from ILV, it’s true that they seem to be part of some kind of structured structure, and there is no structure as such, because arbitrariness, and most importantly illiteracy, does not even allow you to get out of this vicious circle of completely innocent people that turn into dust, and in fact, the agency is playing pseudo-democracy. To some extent, the ILV is also to blame, they are well aware that a freethinker is sitting on the other end, as it turned out that he has absolutely nothing to do with IT, and they are not embarrassed to send notices to the site owners every morning, realizing that they don’t even throw dust in the eyes , and they themselves are just dust. Well, they are not able to abstract, I’m even afraid to imagine how a person will feel, realizing overnight that he is dust!
Undoubtedly, I am a bit biased towards ILV, I was saddened by how they cleverly decided to play the circus. I am sure this tyranny was initiated from their submission. Well ...
If someone among you is trying to make a clown - make yourself a joker!
In the Ministry of Communications it is worth considering, if someone is empowered to take punitive decisions by eye, you should rule out cross-eyed at least. Today I, and tomorrow, because of my squint, bury any public property. In general, I was outraged that the department has such punitive power and allows itself to consider applications up to 30 days - is it really that all decisions of the department are so flawless that any tragedies are ruled out, and this is a punitive case. You can’t give the cross-eyed ax into your hands.
As a result, the ILV gets dust in the eyes, and at the other end of the corridor, a cross-eyed one generally cuts from the shoulder.
If it seems to someone that there are signs of abuse or disrespect for the authorities, I’ll ask you to open my website and the second website - if you think that the person who recognized these sites as copies is not a cross-eyed deer, then he’s just a deer . Although I think even a deer would see a difference, therefore there will likely be more complaints from Greenpeace because I underestimated the deer))) - but here excuse me, the wedge is knocked out as they say. They easily and naturally allowed me to compare my site with some kind of govnosayt, while when I asked to sort it out as soon as possible - they said 30 days. Well, I weakly believe that squint is generally treated, especially a deer, but in any case, they caused irreparable damage to my project, I’m silent about the multimillion-dollar budgets of taxpayers that just buy dust!
PS Naturally, I’m not connected with the website either - this is not my project, and I don’t intersect with it either. And in the ILV this was well known, and in the Ministry of Communications too. But if the ILV is dust, then the second is holding an ax. They refused to correct the situation in hot pursuit both there and there, for this reason the purpose of this article is to get rid of at least dust. I hope that the ILV will read this article and understand that they do not exist as an entity, but the tyrant from the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, who simply devalued them, is to blame for everything. Anyway, the ministry should be no matter what, but why is Roskomnadzor needed to regulate all sorts of hot topics around gray sites, but in reality it all depends on the monkey with the grenade. Although I think a monkey would distinguish sites. Well, personally, I did everything to make difficult to confuse with anyone, although I will not hide a couple of similar satellites there are, but they also fulfill all the requirements of the ILV as the Movie Guide, but they have not yet reached the cross-eyed samurai. In any case, I swear to the website that I have nothing to do. Anyway, I'm a perfectionist in everything. I am firmly convinced that as you call a ship, it will sail. I would never have called my project hdkinogid - well, unless it is a submarine))
In general, the situation was as follows. I have a website, my hobby is
Now it is registered, but it is available at
I have been developing projects for more than 10 years, I’m not a professional in any field, but I picked up some knowledge and try to hone my skills where it is most difficult to do - that's why I chose the theme of cinema! The project is complex, the project is gray, but the project is honest!
As you may have guessed, my site is based on films, the site has entered the registry, and I will not hide it. This is not the first time the site has entered the registry. Previously, the site was blocked by the Moscow City Court since I missed letters from Roskomnadzor demanding to remove this or that content, the situation was solved and always was democratic. I will not hide it, it caused pride in the country. I was truly surprised by the ILV's activity in assisting owners of sites like mine. At some point, it even seemed to me that democracy as such exists, but it wasn’t there.
Yes, the site is gray, and the site is original, but democracy lies in the fact that there is no socialism here, let's not write about the bad / good, but consider the situation differently.
There is democracy, there is a set of laws, these laws do not prohibit the placement of films in the public domain, taken from open sources. Every second contact user has one or another movie in his collection of videos - this makes him an automatic distributor, alas, this is a sore and so far it is incurable. In any case, I am against piracy, I’ll tell you more, I personally buy films, or rather rent them on itunes. I am proud to publicize with my friends how cool the music app on my phone is for only 150 rubles, and what do you think, everyone around me considers me an idiot, claiming that why the heck I paid if it's free. No one understands that I pay for a quality limitless music collection of all the performers of the world to which I get full access, does it not cost 150 rubles? Of course it’s worth, but I won’t exaggerate they really blame me for this, claiming that only an idiot could do that. The mentality is indestructible, for this reason all the haters who want to call me a pirate immediately suggest not to waste time.
Now closer to the point. In our country, there are a number of departments that are interconnected, but they all go under the Ministry of Communications. For example, there is a department of ILV - which is the executive branch, they do not make any decisions, they only perform the function of a punisher, but I have no complaints about them - this is the usual six, which is in any mechanism.
Over the years, ILV sent me letters warning of an impending blocking of content whose authorship was claimed. Naturally, I, as a law-abiding citizen, could not help but respond to a direct court decision - I deleted the content in a timely manner and for three years ILV sent notifications to my personal mail, which they could not find out through the site - they really helped me, demonstrating the true face of democracy , I was even slightly surprised. But in order for the law to be respected, there are no questions.
But recently, my site was entered into the registry for a lifetime lock. Moreover, this time the decision was not made by the court, as was the case with any raclad, namely the Ministry of Communications. Moreover, the decision was undeniable - my site was recognized as a mirror of the site, which allegedly violated the law and did not comply with legal requirements, for which it was long ago placed in the registry for life, and my website went there with the clone wording.
When I turned to the ILV with a request to clarify the situation, the answer came to me short and clear - on this form of blocking, the decision is not considered, not appealed and not accompanied - the decision is made by the Ministry of Communication and Information Development. Any questions, please write to them. Naturally, I left an appeal on the website of the Ministry of Communications, but as it turned out by phone, I need to wait for the answer within 30 days.
As a result, my site is not just mistakenly entered into the registry, so the answer is not yet planned in the near future. Not only did the Ministry of Information Development make a mistake and could not distinguish my site from shit (forgive me the owner of I do not have any personal hostility, just really the site is just disgustingly disgusting when compared with my project. Again, my opinion is personally mine and it is not punitive, which can not be said about the Ministry of Communications.
It turns out people who are almost at the highest level, controlling in the literal and figurative sense of high technology are so stupid and illiterate. But it doesn’t bother me much. I am worried about the personal situation in which I fell because of these freethinkers who allowed themselves lynching.
I would say that I am indignant, but this wording will not be accurate, I am truly insulted, insulted by the fact that they allowed themselves to compare my work with some kind of govnosayt, so they also did not try to figure out the function of a lynching, and they simply cut off my project taking his life. And these people fight and protect copyright. That is, they are not embarrassed that they generally allowed me to offend my authorship. I was dumbfounded when I saw which site they decided to mix me with in the Ministry of Communications. That is, they are not confused by the wording that my site is a copy of - that is, they considered my work of art, they considered my work of art to be a copy of some poop, and these are the highest ranks in the IT space - say I live in a country of fools, and the House of Ministers in literally the ward of the madhouse ?!
That is, in fact, everything that the ILV department does is absolutely pointless. They only pretend that there is some kind of pseudo-democracy, but at some point when they get bored they ask the ministry to take a fatal turn, just reinforce an unreasonably good site to any forbidden one and voila, forgiving democracy, hello dictatorship.
That is, according to one fool from the Ministry of Communications, the whole project is mistakenly losing life. Moreover, no one specifically accompanies this decision and does not render assistance. If earlier in the ILV they helped me, referring to certain legal norms that they kindly followed, for which I answered in kind, now they have written to me in plain text that this is a trap. There is no resolution, there is no court, and no one is responsible, but the Ministry of Communications announced that applications are considered up to a month. That is, they were not embarrassed that I shouted into the phone that they had mistakenly killed the project, and they should have thought, but they said so, we do not care, but do not care about my project, but generally do not care about everyone.
In fact, it turns out that the whole ILV department for which multimillion-dollar budgets are being spent, headed by the communications ministry, for which multibillion-dollar budgets are being spent, decided to simply dust the money of the tax authorities.
It turns out there are not any notifications, there is not any democracy, there is a supreme body that is authorized to administer lynching on the basis of its subjective point of view with absolutely nothing to back up.
In my place could be any site, any project in general as a whole. That is, our state is not just not democratic, to hell with democracy, it’s not about it, it’s about the fact that they didn’t even take care that their mistakes are fatal. Formally, an authority endowed with such power is simply obliged to be in two-way communication. God be with him on my site, he’ll fly into haters now, they’ll mindlessly write about piracy without realizing that the main pirate is Yandex, they didn’t even hesitate to immediately submit content for movies in the style of an online movie theater, I was really crazy how they could shoot a gun in the Ministry of Communications without even noticing an elephant. Double standards are our everything!
In any case, the situation is simply paradoxical, the whole ILV department was simply depreciated by one example, the whole ministry simply surprised - they really considered and to be related sites.
And now I ask people who can think in an abstract way to put together all the components of this lawlessness and draw the very parallels that completely intersect themselves. Agree, if there is a department of ILV, which is mainly created to resolve issues, gets into a stalemate, it turns out it's not even a check, it's not even a checkmate - it's really a stalemate. In fact, the department is only a phenomenon, a phenomenon that requires large energy resources. A huge number of educated people, and judging by their ability to conduct dialogs, they seemed educated to me, busy just banal air shock. That is, these people do not even understand that they are not just sixes, but sixes of a rotten apparatus, headed by a tyrant who allows himself, under the banner of copyright protection, to make such gross errors by insulting someone else’s authorship - this is a direct vicious circle of madness, and most importantly, the whole ILV department in this circle does not even suspect that they are simply busy with nothing. Many of them consider themselves useful social elements that are rapidly trying to contribute to their work, but they do not even realize that they are only a phenomenon, they simply do not exist - this is a paradox. And what about multimillion-dollar budgets for the content of this phenomenon - this is no longer a paradox; let it be called by the Ministry of Communications as they want this financial illiteracy. Moreover, given the competence of this body - they still do not understand what it is about. They could not distinguish from that they are only a phenomenon, they simply do not exist - this is a paradox. And what about multimillion-dollar budgets for the content of this phenomenon - this is no longer a paradox; let it be called by the Ministry of Communications as they want this financial illiteracy. Moreover, given the competence of this body - they still do not understand what it is about. They could not distinguish from that they are only a phenomenon, they simply do not exist - this is a paradox. And what about multimillion-dollar budgets for the content of this phenomenon - this is no longer a paradox; let it be called by the Ministry of Communications as they want this financial illiteracy. Moreover, given the competence of this body - they still do not understand what it is about. They could not distinguish from
In any case, I feel sorry for the people from ILV, it’s true that they seem to be part of some kind of structured structure, and there is no structure as such, because arbitrariness, and most importantly illiteracy, does not even allow you to get out of this vicious circle of completely innocent people that turn into dust, and in fact, the agency is playing pseudo-democracy. To some extent, the ILV is also to blame, they are well aware that a freethinker is sitting on the other end, as it turned out that he has absolutely nothing to do with IT, and they are not embarrassed to send notices to the site owners every morning, realizing that they don’t even throw dust in the eyes , and they themselves are just dust. Well, they are not able to abstract, I’m even afraid to imagine how a person will feel, realizing overnight that he is dust!
Undoubtedly, I am a bit biased towards ILV, I was saddened by how they cleverly decided to play the circus. I am sure this tyranny was initiated from their submission. Well ...
If someone among you is trying to make a clown - make yourself a joker!
In the Ministry of Communications it is worth considering, if someone is empowered to take punitive decisions by eye, you should rule out cross-eyed at least. Today I, and tomorrow, because of my squint, bury any public property. In general, I was outraged that the department has such punitive power and allows itself to consider applications up to 30 days - is it really that all decisions of the department are so flawless that any tragedies are ruled out, and this is a punitive case. You can’t give the cross-eyed ax into your hands.
As a result, the ILV gets dust in the eyes, and at the other end of the corridor, a cross-eyed one generally cuts from the shoulder.
If it seems to someone that there are signs of abuse or disrespect for the authorities, I’ll ask you to open my website and the second website - if you think that the person who recognized these sites as copies is not a cross-eyed deer, then he’s just a deer . Although I think even a deer would see a difference, therefore there will likely be more complaints from Greenpeace because I underestimated the deer))) - but here excuse me, the wedge is knocked out as they say. They easily and naturally allowed me to compare my site with some kind of govnosayt, while when I asked to sort it out as soon as possible - they said 30 days. Well, I weakly believe that squint is generally treated, especially a deer, but in any case, they caused irreparable damage to my project, I’m silent about the multimillion-dollar budgets of taxpayers that just buy dust!
PS Naturally, I’m not connected with the website either - this is not my project, and I don’t intersect with it either. And in the ILV this was well known, and in the Ministry of Communications too. But if the ILV is dust, then the second is holding an ax. They refused to correct the situation in hot pursuit both there and there, for this reason the purpose of this article is to get rid of at least dust. I hope that the ILV will read this article and understand that they do not exist as an entity, but the tyrant from the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, who simply devalued them, is to blame for everything. Anyway, the ministry should be no matter what, but why is Roskomnadzor needed to regulate all sorts of hot topics around gray sites, but in reality it all depends on the monkey with the grenade. Although I think a monkey would distinguish sites. Well, personally, I did everything to make difficult to confuse with anyone, although I will not hide a couple of similar satellites there are, but they also fulfill all the requirements of the ILV as the Movie Guide, but they have not yet reached the cross-eyed samurai. In any case, I swear to the website that I have nothing to do. Anyway, I'm a perfectionist in everything. I am firmly convinced that as you call a ship, it will sail. I would never have called my project hdkinogid - well, unless it is a submarine))