From application to the scene. Life Report at Saint TeamLead Conf 2019
The life of the report on TeamLead Conf goes in several stages. First, it appears in the form of an application, then in the program on the conference website, flows into the newsletter, into the announcement on the Habr and on the stage. After - lives in decryption on Habré and the YouTube channel, if he is on the list of the best. To move from the application stage to the “Great report! You have to post it on Facebook. ”It takes a lot of time - sometimes months. At this time, the Program Committee helps the speaker: structures his thoughts, removes unnecessary things, looks for examples, watches presentations and speeches. But few see this work. Like an iceberg, 90% of the mass is hidden under water, and 90% of the work on the report is hidden from view.
If you ever wanted to know how the Program Committee helps speakers, how the life stages of the report go, how they are processed, who prepares speakers and how, and on what topics we are waiting for applications, now I’ll tell you. Teamwork, interaction, personal growth, Tinkoff, buses, DevRel, pain management, approved topics in the program - all this under the cut.

The interaction of the PC and potential speakers is in several stages. The first is application processing.
Applications for the autumn conference have been received since February. As soon as 15 is typed, we begin to work with them. This usually happens in the region of April.
The first is study . When a new application appears in the admin panel, the PC learns the topic and material. Consideration can take a week, and if you submitted an application, but there is no answer, this does not mean that the PC does not see it. He sees, but usually answers once a week.
On Thursdays, the PC meets . The committee members are preparing for it: they look at all the reports, leave notes, and already at the meeting they discuss . This is the second filter.
We communicate with the speaker through a personal account in the system, sometimes we additionally use instant messengers. The PC asks questions and, when they end, marks the application as fulfilled and discusses the report with a voice.
If the application is “crude”, but the topic is promising, please call or meet to clarify what the author had in mind. The call itself does not mean that the application was included in the program. This is only a manifestation of interest in the topic, and then the application will either fall into the program or not.
The PC selects reports on the quality and experience of the company and lastly looks at the regalia. If you look at the top speakers in recent years, then these are mainly representatives of little-known companies. Small companies pay more attention to structure, text, slides, and timing. Nobody knows them, it is necessary to stand out, therefore the result is higher than the average value for the conference.
After receiving the report, the main work of the speaker and the PC begins. “Structural coaching” and the coach, Roman Poborchiy ( p0b0rchy ), enter the case .
The novel over his life listened to several thousand reports. Its task is to help formulate the skeleton of your story. Simplified is the problem, solution and conclusion. The speaker calls up with Roman and without presentation tells the ideological component of the report. The trainer listens and helps structure.
The next stage is phoning with someone from the committee. Already with the structure, the future speaker is talking with an expert. Leading questions the expert pulls out all the most interesting that listeners love: life cases, discoveries, problems, examples.
At this point, the PC helps with slides, general style, abstracts, headlines, and face-to-face runs. Runs are held the day before the event. Saint TeamLead Conf 2019 will be held on September 23 and 24, on Monday and Tuesday, so on Sunday we will rehearse the performance.
To run the speaker arrives / arrives in St. Petersburg. The organizers of the conference, Ontiko, make the life of the speaker as comfortable as possible: they help with transfers, hotels and tickets.
Two to three members of the PC will listen in advance to the reports, discuss and give feedback. After the runs, a pre-party, at which everyone communicates informally and discusses new projects.
The next stage after the preparation of the presentation and face-to-face runs is the speaker’s speech at the conference. What happens there - you already know.
We selected five clusters , each of which has conditional blocks and key topics. Topics flow into others, intersect and intertwine. Focus on them before submitting a report. If your topic falls into this list, then this year it is especially interesting.
The first group of reports in the block is about micromanagement . About this - a report by Yegor Bugaenko , the founder of the company "Zerocracy", which is located in Silicon Valley. Egor has his own methodology, which he will talk about. This will not be a classic report, but a dialogue with the audience.
Next come the reports on working with risks and the unification of processes . When companies talk about improving relationships and sharing experience between teams, it’s always interesting.
There were no reports on feedback, retrospectives, and debriefing at the conference, but there were many presentations on demonstrations and interim retrospectives. If you have experience that is related to these areas - great,submit an application !
There will be a large block about personal work with employees and individual development plans. Checklists, team leader and team development plans, and tips on how to apply management board tips will be described by Dmitry Li in his report “Classroom team recipes: tools, approaches and practices . ” Motivation and the report of Stas Schetinnikov from DomKlik
fall into the same cluster . The story of where to grow when the team lead helped with auto tests, fastened CI / CD, monitoring, alerts, involved in hiring, conflict resolution, adaptation of newcomers, in decomposition, evaluation and planning. What to do when it seems that all processes are configured. Transfer of values
. Many companies talk about values, and each has its own meaning. The PC has a master plan for capturing high-level executives for the conference, who will describe how they convey global corporate values to employees and team leaders.
The next step after personal work is teamwork : the formation and building of relationships within the team . To know how to ruin everything and not repeat it - a training manual with harmful tips “How to ditch teamwork: a guide for a manager” by Alexandra Baptizmanskaya .
Role models . In IT, employees change jobs easily and often do it all of a sudden. At Finam, we got tired of this “running around” and figured out how to deal with defectors and introduced a mechanism to reduce the bus factor. This is a list of areas of responsibility, attention, roles and zones of influence, which is compiled during the employee’s work. After dismissal, all duties are easily transferred to the next. The mechanism will be shared by Alexei Troshin from Finam.
Relaying targets. Most of it is about how to send goals from top to bottom, how to accept them in a team and pass them below. This was the report of Anton Kosterin from Tinkoff Bank: how tasks should appear that meet the interests of the customer, how to send this information to the development team, how to eliminate the pain of team leader and team if the task is set poorly.
Youth growth : packaging, training, introducing newcomers to the process and growing jones in the middle. One of the accepted reports on the topic is Sergey Popov ’s experience with working with joons : what they hide, what they are afraid of, how to immerse them in work so that the dunes can be beneficial to the company for a long time.
Interviewing. From an HR point of view , Ekaterina Gavrilova , the founder of DigitalHR recruiting agency for IT specialists, spoke about interviews for IT professionals . The PC decided it would be great to hear about interviews from an engineer or techie. For example, listen to Stanislav Tsyganov on how to conduct interviews , how to behave, what questions to ask.
In matters of interaction with external customers, related departments and neighboring teams , senior management, a customer, often a team leader who interacts directly with the product manager, appear within the same section . On such communications, the report of Arthur Dementyev is a story about the life of a team that grew, faced with idle development management approaches, screwed up processes, made mistakes, and screwed up processes again.
Developer Relationships - this is the part of team lead development that allows you to properly position yourself in the community, helps to get bonuses for the team, improve selection and motivate. On the subject of DevRel will be a report by Alexey Dolgushev. He will share methods that are suitable specifically for team leaders.
At the February conference in Moscow, speakers talked about growth, but the reviews show that it’s not enough. Therefore, the PC included in the program a report by Alexander Bikmanov about the burnout of timber.
Further the report about the hard life of the manager and the inhuman efforts from our regular speaker. Eugene Kot took first place among the reports in the user rating with a story about how hard it is to be a team leader . Now he has become a manager and will tell you how difficult it is to turn from a techie into a classic manager.
Now we have 90 applications available, and 16 reports in the program. Another week a reception is open, and from experience about half more of what remains to be considered in the remaining days before the conference will fall on us. Selection will be stricter, and competition will be higher.
We accept an infinitely many applications - the PC will search with you for questions that will be interesting to listen to. If you doubt the topic, or simply do not know what to talk about - focus on the main areas above.
Do not be afraid of repetitions if it seems that all topics have already been raised and told. Managing people is a non-linear process . Your perception filter, experience and conditions in the team will give a completely different result and a different story. For example, at the St. Petersburg conference in 2018 there were 3-4 communication reports, and each company presented its vision and rethinking of the issue.
The TeamLead Conf conference is created for everyone who manages or thinks that it is time to switch to manager status. Both speakers and PCs share their experience, increasing the number of cool specialists in the market. The more there are, the easier it is to find a competent employee in the team. The more classroom professionals, the more often they and their colleagues attend conferences to improve their skills and grow. The market is growing, new technological products are being released and the general atmosphere of the community is improving - this is good for everyone. If you want to participate in it - submit an application !
If you ever wanted to know how the Program Committee helps speakers, how the life stages of the report go, how they are processed, who prepares speakers and how, and on what topics we are waiting for applications, now I’ll tell you. Teamwork, interaction, personal growth, Tinkoff, buses, DevRel, pain management, approved topics in the program - all this under the cut.

Application Life Cycle
The interaction of the PC and potential speakers is in several stages. The first is application processing.
Applications for the autumn conference have been received since February. As soon as 15 is typed, we begin to work with them. This usually happens in the region of April.
The first is study . When a new application appears in the admin panel, the PC learns the topic and material. Consideration can take a week, and if you submitted an application, but there is no answer, this does not mean that the PC does not see it. He sees, but usually answers once a week.
On Thursdays, the PC meets . The committee members are preparing for it: they look at all the reports, leave notes, and already at the meeting they discuss . This is the second filter.
We communicate with the speaker through a personal account in the system, sometimes we additionally use instant messengers. The PC asks questions and, when they end, marks the application as fulfilled and discusses the report with a voice.
If the application is “crude”, but the topic is promising, please call or meet to clarify what the author had in mind. The call itself does not mean that the application was included in the program. This is only a manifestation of interest in the topic, and then the application will either fall into the program or not.
Selection for the program
The PC selects reports on the quality and experience of the company and lastly looks at the regalia. If you look at the top speakers in recent years, then these are mainly representatives of little-known companies. Small companies pay more attention to structure, text, slides, and timing. Nobody knows them, it is necessary to stand out, therefore the result is higher than the average value for the conference.
Work in a little-known company is not a reason to refuse to speak.
After receiving the report, the main work of the speaker and the PC begins. “Structural coaching” and the coach, Roman Poborchiy ( p0b0rchy ), enter the case .
Structural coaching
The novel over his life listened to several thousand reports. Its task is to help formulate the skeleton of your story. Simplified is the problem, solution and conclusion. The speaker calls up with Roman and without presentation tells the ideological component of the report. The trainer listens and helps structure.
Thematic Coaching
The next stage is phoning with someone from the committee. Already with the structure, the future speaker is talking with an expert. Leading questions the expert pulls out all the most interesting that listeners love: life cases, discoveries, problems, examples.
Presentation and face-to-face runs
At this point, the PC helps with slides, general style, abstracts, headlines, and face-to-face runs. Runs are held the day before the event. Saint TeamLead Conf 2019 will be held on September 23 and 24, on Monday and Tuesday, so on Sunday we will rehearse the performance.
To run the speaker arrives / arrives in St. Petersburg. The organizers of the conference, Ontiko, make the life of the speaker as comfortable as possible: they help with transfers, hotels and tickets.
Two to three members of the PC will listen in advance to the reports, discuss and give feedback. After the runs, a pre-party, at which everyone communicates informally and discusses new projects.
The next stage after the preparation of the presentation and face-to-face runs is the speaker’s speech at the conference. What happens there - you already know.
Main topics
We selected five clusters , each of which has conditional blocks and key topics. Topics flow into others, intersect and intertwine. Focus on them before submitting a report. If your topic falls into this list, then this year it is especially interesting.
Management, processes and planning
The first group of reports in the block is about micromanagement . About this - a report by Yegor Bugaenko , the founder of the company "Zerocracy", which is located in Silicon Valley. Egor has his own methodology, which he will talk about. This will not be a classic report, but a dialogue with the audience.
Next come the reports on working with risks and the unification of processes . When companies talk about improving relationships and sharing experience between teams, it’s always interesting.
There were no reports on feedback, retrospectives, and debriefing at the conference, but there were many presentations on demonstrations and interim retrospectives. If you have experience that is related to these areas - great,submit an application !
Personal work
There will be a large block about personal work with employees and individual development plans. Checklists, team leader and team development plans, and tips on how to apply management board tips will be described by Dmitry Li in his report “Classroom team recipes: tools, approaches and practices . ” Motivation and the report of Stas Schetinnikov from DomKlik
fall into the same cluster . The story of where to grow when the team lead helped with auto tests, fastened CI / CD, monitoring, alerts, involved in hiring, conflict resolution, adaptation of newcomers, in decomposition, evaluation and planning. What to do when it seems that all processes are configured. Transfer of values
. Many companies talk about values, and each has its own meaning. The PC has a master plan for capturing high-level executives for the conference, who will describe how they convey global corporate values to employees and team leaders.
The next step after personal work is teamwork : the formation and building of relationships within the team . To know how to ruin everything and not repeat it - a training manual with harmful tips “How to ditch teamwork: a guide for a manager” by Alexandra Baptizmanskaya .
Role models . In IT, employees change jobs easily and often do it all of a sudden. At Finam, we got tired of this “running around” and figured out how to deal with defectors and introduced a mechanism to reduce the bus factor. This is a list of areas of responsibility, attention, roles and zones of influence, which is compiled during the employee’s work. After dismissal, all duties are easily transferred to the next. The mechanism will be shared by Alexei Troshin from Finam.
Relaying targets. Most of it is about how to send goals from top to bottom, how to accept them in a team and pass them below. This was the report of Anton Kosterin from Tinkoff Bank: how tasks should appear that meet the interests of the customer, how to send this information to the development team, how to eliminate the pain of team leader and team if the task is set poorly.
Youth growth : packaging, training, introducing newcomers to the process and growing jones in the middle. One of the accepted reports on the topic is Sergey Popov ’s experience with working with joons : what they hide, what they are afraid of, how to immerse them in work so that the dunes can be beneficial to the company for a long time.
Interviewing. From an HR point of view , Ekaterina Gavrilova , the founder of DigitalHR recruiting agency for IT specialists, spoke about interviews for IT professionals . The PC decided it would be great to hear about interviews from an engineer or techie. For example, listen to Stanislav Tsyganov on how to conduct interviews , how to behave, what questions to ask.
In matters of interaction with external customers, related departments and neighboring teams , senior management, a customer, often a team leader who interacts directly with the product manager, appear within the same section . On such communications, the report of Arthur Dementyev is a story about the life of a team that grew, faced with idle development management approaches, screwed up processes, made mistakes, and screwed up processes again.
Developer Relationships - this is the part of team lead development that allows you to properly position yourself in the community, helps to get bonuses for the team, improve selection and motivate. On the subject of DevRel will be a report by Alexey Dolgushev. He will share methods that are suitable specifically for team leaders.
Personal growth
At the February conference in Moscow, speakers talked about growth, but the reviews show that it’s not enough. Therefore, the PC included in the program a report by Alexander Bikmanov about the burnout of timber.
Further the report about the hard life of the manager and the inhuman efforts from our regular speaker. Eugene Kot took first place among the reports in the user rating with a story about how hard it is to be a team leader . Now he has become a manager and will tell you how difficult it is to turn from a techie into a classic manager.
Call for papers
Now we have 90 applications available, and 16 reports in the program. Another week a reception is open, and from experience about half more of what remains to be considered in the remaining days before the conference will fall on us. Selection will be stricter, and competition will be higher.
Did you develop development plans, build vertical and horizontal interaction, grow from a developer to a product, create a dream team? Come to Saint TeamLead Conf and share secrets, boast of achievements and experience that will be useful to colleagues - send an application . We accept theses until July 23.
We accept an infinitely many applications - the PC will search with you for questions that will be interesting to listen to. If you doubt the topic, or simply do not know what to talk about - focus on the main areas above.
Do not be afraid of repetitions if it seems that all topics have already been raised and told. Managing people is a non-linear process . Your perception filter, experience and conditions in the team will give a completely different result and a different story. For example, at the St. Petersburg conference in 2018 there were 3-4 communication reports, and each company presented its vision and rethinking of the issue.
The TeamLead Conf conference is created for everyone who manages or thinks that it is time to switch to manager status. Both speakers and PCs share their experience, increasing the number of cool specialists in the market. The more there are, the easier it is to find a competent employee in the team. The more classroom professionals, the more often they and their colleagues attend conferences to improve their skills and grow. The market is growing, new technological products are being released and the general atmosphere of the community is improving - this is good for everyone. If you want to participate in it - submit an application !