Information Hope Predicates
Something new originates inside before the blood of hackneyed paths. The trampled and crushed cultural soil, from which, as it seems, all the air was knocked out, is ready to fulfill what it does best - to maternally put everything in its place. Beginning as an intellectual game of singles, seized upon by historical necessity, having received the monetary blessing of the world Machine, something kneeling receives power and the right to a sociocultural, philosophical and technical voice, from now on participating in solving key issues on the epoch-making stage. Before us is a qualitatively new Being, developed in the bosom of the old, woven into its flesh, entering, however, into the ranks of the Resistance in relation to its parent. Being dragged from all sides by those who, by their genetic purpose, sees in it only a means, the subject of our intention is fighting to recognize itself as a goal, forming its own sociocultural dignity. We can only speculate, more often - fantasize, about what impact the new power will have on the picture of the future. Now we are fastening the word to him - a dream that has already become a reality with some of its manifestations.
Utopian thinkers, playfully theorizing, wrote wonderful pictures of the future: the third wave, the post-industrial society, and finally, the information society. Much of what was recorded crashed onto the sturdy walls of the world’s Babylonian towers. Utopia is an unintelligible invention, but we do not exhaust it only with this: Utopian ideas do not suffer a complete collapse - a new force does forcibly change a number of traditional spiritual human models in the 20th century.
With its inherent instrumental neutrality in itself, meeting with Man in a particular historical arena, informatization has advantages, as well as problems - challenges - for the present. Accepted and meticulously developed, these latter are outside the current review. Now we are interested in the first. Performing one of its functions - to be an instrument and to unfold in relation to the external, the forces of informatization are evolutionarily developing their internal component, with its inherent values, ideology, mythology, archetypes, magic, in general, culture. Here we find its worth. Here we find the soil loose. And here the slavish canvas of the horizon of an illusory free play is thinning. The information world is the result of almost artel production, whose members at the dawn of their path,
The sphere of informatization production is naturally subject to the influence of external forces beyond its control - a kind of almost uncontrollable machinery of production efficiency. However, the internal structure, being uniquely folded, rooted in marginality, and by no means anarchist, is able to successfully find strength for resistance to fan, systemic submission. With her characteristic youth of the heart, she conducts her business in the arena of large, almost planetary and, of course, historical, decisions. The traditional industrial culture of the New Time, having felt its unity, the center of its own, its own unique path, has grown and expanded over the course of several centuries, occupying more space, absorbing more land, using more peripheral resources of particular interest to it. This culture inherently tends to quantitative deployment. Therefore, we call it a quantitative culture. The millstones of such a machine are twisted strongly, rotate quickly, and for a long time, by inertia, they will grind their fuel, including the person himself, turning everything into dust - technical waste. But our generation is attracted by a different production, a different person, a different culture - a high-quality culture, in which expansion is replaced by deepening, "spiritualization." Developing the same soil in places where scorched earth remained after the victorious procession of past eras, it builds its new Building, without blind hopes of dominating nature, but rather a more thoughtful (informatization) creation of “living” connections. spinning fast, and for a long time, by inertia, they will grind their fuel, including the person himself, turning everything into dust - technical waste. But our generation is attracted by a different production, a different person, a different culture - a high-quality culture, in which expansion is replaced by deepening, "spiritualization." Developing the same soil in places where scorched earth remained after the victorious procession of past eras, it builds its new Building, without blind hopes of dominating nature, but rather a more thoughtful (informatization) creation of “living” connections. spinning fast, and for a long time, by inertia, they will grind their fuel, including the person himself, turning everything into dust - technical waste. But our generation is attracted by a different production, a different person, a different culture - a high-quality culture, in which expansion is replaced by deepening, "spiritualization." Developing the same soil in places where scorched earth remained after the victorious procession of past eras, it builds its new Building, without blind hopes of dominating nature, but rather a more thoughtful (informatization) creation of “living” connections. in which expansion is replaced by deepening, "spiritualization." Developing the same soil in places where scorched earth remained after the victorious procession of past eras, it builds its new Building, without blind hopes of dominating nature, but rather a more thoughtful (informatization) creation of “living” connections. in which expansion is replaced by deepening, "spiritualization." Developing the same soil in places where scorched earth remained after the victorious procession of past eras, it builds its new Building, without blind hopes of dominating nature, but rather a more thoughtful (informatization) creation of “living” connections.
The tasks of the new culture are extremely complex, because it works with the legacy of past eras - with the sociocultural crisis of the 20th century, generated in the depths of the positivistically (as some later naively conclude) programmed New Time, with its accompanying alienations: from the results of its work, from the work collective, from social connections and many others. The intellectual and spiritual charge is extremely closely connected with the redundancy of resources, the key of which is time: here the cultural strata of mankind are rooted, both material and spiritual, which could develop only at those moments when the issues of survival (both biological and sociocultural; as physiological and mental) set aside. Progress itself takes place in a territory free of basic necessities of life.
More recently, contrasting classes existed - high carriers of spiritual energy - constructively set a spiritual rhythm, spreading its vibrations into the external environment. They were inherent in a certain idleness and “existential boredom,” which, however, is also characteristic of a person of the 21st century. The question is how to deal with the inevitably pulsating sublimation dynamics. The presence of excess heterogeneous resources gave rise to excess in the biological sense of the word. It, as a superstructure, is actually Man. The tragedy is that the insignia served as the beginning of the process of breaking the abyss, which sharply continued in recent centuries. And a person is forced to pay for it: now the abyss is not only in front of him, it is also inside him.
The internal culture of the production processes of the information age, limited and feasible, but confidently enters into the struggle with the established models of the past. The production specificity, due to its natural youth, returns the concept of redundancy to a pragmatic and semantic everyday life of a person, suggesting in practice (nostalgically) to get acquainted with its creative nature. There is an increase in the value of social ties within production processes. The rusted mechanism of centripetal clarification of the general starts: goals and objectives - truly rare guests of our time (1). The force of coercion to “turn away against the wall” and “bury oneself in a point” is weakening. It becomes permissible to look around - time appears for this. There is a “handicraft” of industrial culture, which enters into the struggle with the awareness of the place,
(1) Some of us were even lucky to see something similar to the Ideal.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, understanding of home and work comes into an acute conflict attitude - these are forces on different sides of the barricades, often reaching violent actions. By means of the sociocultural tricks available to him, a person cleans the home space of any signs of the work process so that nothing reminds of the special, often acutely negative color of labor in the era of the formation and development of capitalism. The time has passed for home-work, between two fundamental social institutions - family and profession - a watershed is formed, both territorial and psychological.
But human psychology is changing. They - changes - concern not only the attitude to work, but also that which is on the opposite scales, in painful attempts, and it is rare to admit it when it is successful, trying to balance a shaky person. Changes also apply to leisure. A person ritually bored in the workplace (“a person who is bored,” “an animal that misses”), “asubjectively”, cosmically-alienated by necessity, driven here against his will, detached and confused, accumulates everyday boredom, waiting for “it will all end” ". The closing circle that keeps a person through the theft of his redundancy - the fuel of development, is programmed so as not to seem like a deceiver: the terrible week ends, the end of penal servitude and upright time are nearing, the lungs are filled with fresh air, and it seems everything ceases to be so meaningless - there is an inner hope - “too human” to not be constituted in the flesh of the necessary. This charge is the charge of necessity, not being able to be distributed evenly, densely and forcibly concentrated in the temporal relation, turning into a bunch of motivation and will. So will it be unexpected that the situation is potentiated in places that go beyond human control, going to extremes, becoming objectified in radical, marginal forms of narcotic, alcoholic, fanatical, role intoxication? We ask for meaning, and, not finding it, quickly replace it with surrogates, to the brim filling our materialism-environment. not being able to be distributed evenly, tightly and forcibly concentrated in a temporary relationship, turning into a bunch of motivation and will. So will it be unexpected that the situation is potentiated in places that go beyond human control, going to extremes, becoming objectified in radical, marginal forms of narcotic, alcoholic, fanatical, role intoxication? We ask for meaning, and, not finding it, quickly replace it with surrogates, to the brim filling our materialism-environment. not being able to be distributed evenly, tightly and forcibly concentrated in a temporary relationship, turning into a bunch of motivation and will. So will it be unexpected that the situation is potentiated in places that go beyond human control, going to extremes, becoming objectified in radical, marginal forms of narcotic, alcoholic, fanatical, role intoxication? We ask for meaning, and, not finding it, quickly replace it with surrogates, to the brim filling our materialism-environment. alcohol, fanatical, role intoxication? We ask for meaning, and, not finding it, quickly replace it with surrogates, to the brim filling our materialism-environment. alcohol, fanatical, role intoxication? We ask for meaning, and, not finding it, quickly replace it with surrogates, to the brim filling our materialism-environment.
The informatization production culture is the first force on the world stage over the past few centuries that challenges a deeply rooted modern working culture. Carrying out an internal filtering on the youth of both mind and spirit, she makes every effort to exclude the influence of embraces of the past - previous eras, so strong as jealous, doubtful, ossified, whispering manifestos of wealth, burdening a person with a heavy burden. Youth is the cornerstone of information production, a knot that weaves a lot of what is mentally significant. We cannot avoid the frequent use of this word.
Young intellect, not subordinate to the past, is not debtor and obliged, as they try to imagine it. A smart old man pulls his hands for a friendly hug embraced by the anthem of erudition, but we know what is behind it. Hands off! We will not be your next servant. Young intelligence is young in spirit. He finds himself among similar ones, among those nearby. He values the connections with those nearby. Communication is a value, if you have something to talk about. Youth finds what to talk about. Youth wants to talk.
The young heart of informatization production fills with new life that which for many years has been dried out by the scorching sun of a positive sensation of scenic knowledge that requires continuous correspondence to the internal logic of productivity - internal social connections. Silence, isolation, detachment, estrangement are feasibly removed within collectives. The taste of human communication, live communication is returning, acquiring its legal right to be located above, albeit surrounded by surrogates. Socialization smoothes out the processes of forced abandonment of a person into, as it were, someone else’s, intimate, extra-personalized, weakly controlled and therefore frightening and lurking many dangers of the territory. The gap is thinning, groping balance, extremes recede into darkness. Work and home, work and leisure - are no longer far in conflict,
Art - our eternal barometer of sociocultural energy - offers us its argument - architectural and associated with it - an environmental style with a harmonious name, as if purposely extracted from archetypal depths in order to build bridges between two substances - “hi-tech”, which challenges a long tradition Separation of home and work spaces. This phenomenon is not alien to the inner spirit of information production. The reason is precisely what was said above: the reduction of the psychological gap between the two institutions. The work incorporates what was the prerogative of home comfort, the house finds effective use of tools for conducting work processes (2). Two artificially, but historically necessary divorced areas have something to learn from each other. For the information age, as we see it, a similar interaction,
(2) We know that this trend should be considered multilaterally. But such an analysis is not the task of this paper. Here, the argument is used to partially prove what is repeatedly emphasized.
The claimed “quality” of information culture is realized in yet another, not exclusive, but still peculiar project, already without reservations, radically completely overcoming the foreignness of the home and work sphere to each other - work in the home space. Strictly obeying the requirements of production manifests, a person no longer needs to stand at the machine, like three centuries ago, or be present in the office, like a century ago. In-depth production and technical shifts have led to the fact that the main object submits to expedient activity along completely different energy lines, the entrance to which is no longer a bulky mechanical system, but a more compact other system - electronic, computer - freely fit in the home space. Characteristic of the craft industry of the past,
The historical sociocultural background in which the force we are describing unfolds is characterized by a crisis, with a pronounced distrust in relation to the logic of knurled reductions: systematic, rational, and therefore, according to the current tradition, dehumanistic tricks are far from always suitable. The crisis requires a different description, difficult to express in words, since it is impossible to clearly express a person — that dynamic soil that serves as the identity of the word “everything”. We will not repeat the gross mistakes of the past, and will not deny ourselves an attempt to give some explanation to the reader. Our era is the era of the death of adhering masks, values-chimeras, informational fermentation, revived controlled sporadic patterns and the eternal struggle for life. This is an era in which, in the rare moments of loosening of a machine grip, we are immersed in dreams of sunshine, courageously burning century-old growths, formed from lashes, to the vitally clean flesh of mankind. The feeling of total venality is one of the key dominants of modern intellectuals who, by all youthful and sometimes marginal rites, completely riddled with structures of contradiction, renounce such a label.
Everything is for sale, everything is for sale, also with big Sunday discounts. The long-awaited, promised Sunset is about to begin. Sociocultural mechanisms - beauty, art, creativity, personality - once called to participate in the Resistance, are now located on the other side, inside the glass shelves, in the reflection of which the face of a smart old man is hidden but clearly visible. The power, which had great hopes for several centuries, which the strongest minds of mankind, which was called upon to build and unite, extracted from concealment, became a corrupt lot available to a limited number of buyers. We are talking about the mind.
Reason, as a key force for solving both ontological, epistemological, and ethical and aesthetic problems, historically did not live up to all the expectations placed on it, and in the end found itself in a timid submission to the forces, which had recently been friends on a par with it. It took a lengthy investigation (3) to uncover the fundamental limits of the mind - since he himself is the key assistant in this matter. The result was the deepest doubt about the power of rational knowledge, sometimes reaching fanatical denial and warlike rebellion. But man is a synonym for effort, effort and hope. And now, as has happened more than once, we are witnessing another “high-tech” attempt to restore the creative status of the mind on the basis of a new information era, which, in our opinion, nutritious enough for intelligent shoots. At the very least, it should be pointed out that information production is an intellectual production that warmly accepts rationality as part of its narrative (4). Our hope is that the intellectual nature of getting used to life and its experiences will not be alien to the person of this production. The bottom line is the solid availability of premises. While throughout the history of mankind, one or another existential answers, solutions, systems, and models that are no longer deleted from the pages of a human book that are inherently contained in the future are thrown out (sometimes very sharply) throughout the history of mankind, now another addition is proposed, another counterbalance in a complex system of relations. Nothing will displace the results (and someone will say success) of the 20th century, no one will “justify” and turn back the century XVII, no one will return to the century X. However, we are awaiting the revival of something that man already knows. And, as it seems to us, this acquaintance is sad. We look forward to the hope that, as a complement, clarification, clarification - fresh air - things will turn out differently. Our hope is that the mind, comfortably placed in the bosom of the internal information sphere, with a friendly grip will seize a person sliding to the extreme - into the endless swamps of subconscious, irrational silhouettes.
(3) It is noteworthy that the moment the investigation began approximately coincides with the moment the phenomenon of science-centrism itself appeared.
(4) A flourishing of the so-called popular science, in which the secrets of high-elitist elite-scientific constructions are set forth, albeit in an extremely simplified, but in the form of the spirit of the time, form, which, however, does not interfere some people slide into the level of everyday cleverness in applying this knowledge.
In our narrative experiments, we give an important place to idealization, but in the rare moments of apodictic despair, we are capable and ready for the opposite - to "realize" through the traditional binary illusion. Having a clear idea that we live in an era characterized by a multilateral crisis, including a crisis of human dignity, it should be recognized that, being existentially inalienable, it - human dignity - cannot remain in a devastated state, that is, it is rapidly seeking self-fulfillment from any available artificial and natural cultural sources, in difficult times of crisis fermentation, relegating quality issues to the background, replacing quantitative ones. Dissolution, deconcentration of spiritual landmarks, recently focusing on social differentiation, transcendental, extraterrestrial forces, violation of the settings and adjustments to self-identification that once occurred with the help of higher (ideal) patterns - all this pushes a person to search for a new source of dignity. It is not surprising that it occupies a devastated place, if you recall which economic system characterizes today. Our time is a time of monetary value. He is more worthy who is richer in monetary terms. We, being pushed to realization through monetary identification, conclude: informatization production feels comfortable in the model proposed by the spirit of the times, concentrating in its luggage the high density of monetary material. A person of information production, at least, does not meet on his way to his own dignity insurmountable, tightly closed, office (in the spirit of Kafka) doors. Moreover, the entrance here is an event which (at this stage) is alien to the exclusivity of a large social heritage and great acquaintances. We add that the spirit of informatization production is not characterized by the loss of connection with the earth, generated by dizzying, random (in the classical mental model) results, which, as it seems, are richly dotted with modern sociocultural soil. In this sense, it is the result of expedient activity in its classical sense - albeit hidden, but here the Ideal is deployed. random (in the classical mental model) results that seem to be richly dotted with modern sociocultural soil. In this sense, it is the result of expedient activity in its classical sense - albeit hidden, but here the Ideal is deployed. random (in the classical mental model) results that seem to be richly dotted with modern sociocultural soil. In this sense, it is the result of expedient activity in its classical sense - albeit hidden, but here the Ideal is deployed.
“Quality” is the most important characteristic of information production, loosening the depth to a greater extent, capturing the area to a lesser extent, shifting the classical German formula, undoubtedly, is not only a goal, but also a means. As a proposal, deployment to the outside is the same vector to phenomenological completeness. Sectors that take on the role of users of the results of information production, get the opportunity to get in touch with the inner spirit of global changes brought by the fresh, electrified air of a fascinating information age. Like a skilled jeweler, a man of information production processes previously rough, hastily captured lands, depriving them of their characteristic industrial, and at the same time, cultural, roughness. The natural brilliance of figures inherited by the logic of expansion,
Now, entering the depths of the XXI century, we note the presence of many people freed from the industrial, industrial dictates of the past, the spiritual path of which originates in the discursive field of computerization production - a region, as it seems to us, in a folklore way isolated, composing its own signs, languages and rules. You can read about how bad this is in another place - today people have learned how to dig the ground in the backyard in search of the dead. We say: such people were affected to a much lesser extent by the damage to inhuman, means-oriented dances of large stone statues. In particular, this is expressed in the breaking of the hereditary connection (advance) with models of past eras, the heart of which was directivity, fear and responsibility, dissolved in the team. Now we see well that tramps in expensive costumes, lost ghosts, phantoms without a home, or rather, with a house left in the past, no longer having the strength for an existential project, rejecting the spirit of youth as such, go everywhere. With the whole determinism of the power that they inherited, they are trying to reach a living, trembling heart. But the repertoire has changed, a new story is being written.
A man of the crisis era highlights his existence, affirms his own "I", being inscribed in the conditions of an ongoing battle, the subject of which is himself. He is forced to constantly fight for himself, for his self, his self-worth, for his irreducibility with depersonalist forces that are much superior to himself - advertising, bureaucratic, television, political and other forms of violence generated by a motley bouquet of hidden and at the same time undisguised human daydreams, to keep track of which becomes a sign of bad taste. These warlike forces, armed with an impressive arsenal of means, aggressively and scientifically select a person from himself, plunder his spirit, use it as a means for their uncomplicated purposes, building their psychological colonies inside him. We know, that "information shots" always hit exactly in the head, but they are not able to touch our heart. Our hope is only that a new person, developing in the bosom of information production, a new spiritual and magical power, seized by a fresh wind of meta-variables, blessed by the World Spirit longing for progress, will ultimately not change himself, preserve his life-giving roots and will not be corrupted in conditions extremely severe reductionist test. The inherent detachment, island nature, we believe, will allow us to break the bonds of discursive stereotypes developed by the Machine on a thorough scientific basis. At the same time, we are witnesses of how, over the past decades, the movement of the initial sociocultural fallout, which made it possible to keep a key cultural and avant-garde supply from the first couple, including dissolved in the environment of the encrypted person, decreased significantly: the acute processes of misunderstanding the new force, often characteristic of an immature human consciousness, gave way to processes of effective interaction and mutual handshakes. We believe that, as once upon a time, a person, taking the first steps towards narrowing the circle of survival, scooping up water not with his hands, but typing it into a sea shell, while receiving space outside this circle, where the excess activity of drawings on the walls began to arise caves and the manufacture of female figures, and now the redundancy extracted from the crushed earth by the force of qualitative changes will allow at least for a short time to put aside the fight, as we are told, with a predetermined nature outcome,
Utopian thinkers, playfully theorizing, wrote wonderful pictures of the future: the third wave, the post-industrial society, and finally, the information society. Much of what was recorded crashed onto the sturdy walls of the world’s Babylonian towers. Utopia is an unintelligible invention, but we do not exhaust it only with this: Utopian ideas do not suffer a complete collapse - a new force does forcibly change a number of traditional spiritual human models in the 20th century.
With its inherent instrumental neutrality in itself, meeting with Man in a particular historical arena, informatization has advantages, as well as problems - challenges - for the present. Accepted and meticulously developed, these latter are outside the current review. Now we are interested in the first. Performing one of its functions - to be an instrument and to unfold in relation to the external, the forces of informatization are evolutionarily developing their internal component, with its inherent values, ideology, mythology, archetypes, magic, in general, culture. Here we find its worth. Here we find the soil loose. And here the slavish canvas of the horizon of an illusory free play is thinning. The information world is the result of almost artel production, whose members at the dawn of their path,
The sphere of informatization production is naturally subject to the influence of external forces beyond its control - a kind of almost uncontrollable machinery of production efficiency. However, the internal structure, being uniquely folded, rooted in marginality, and by no means anarchist, is able to successfully find strength for resistance to fan, systemic submission. With her characteristic youth of the heart, she conducts her business in the arena of large, almost planetary and, of course, historical, decisions. The traditional industrial culture of the New Time, having felt its unity, the center of its own, its own unique path, has grown and expanded over the course of several centuries, occupying more space, absorbing more land, using more peripheral resources of particular interest to it. This culture inherently tends to quantitative deployment. Therefore, we call it a quantitative culture. The millstones of such a machine are twisted strongly, rotate quickly, and for a long time, by inertia, they will grind their fuel, including the person himself, turning everything into dust - technical waste. But our generation is attracted by a different production, a different person, a different culture - a high-quality culture, in which expansion is replaced by deepening, "spiritualization." Developing the same soil in places where scorched earth remained after the victorious procession of past eras, it builds its new Building, without blind hopes of dominating nature, but rather a more thoughtful (informatization) creation of “living” connections. spinning fast, and for a long time, by inertia, they will grind their fuel, including the person himself, turning everything into dust - technical waste. But our generation is attracted by a different production, a different person, a different culture - a high-quality culture, in which expansion is replaced by deepening, "spiritualization." Developing the same soil in places where scorched earth remained after the victorious procession of past eras, it builds its new Building, without blind hopes of dominating nature, but rather a more thoughtful (informatization) creation of “living” connections. spinning fast, and for a long time, by inertia, they will grind their fuel, including the person himself, turning everything into dust - technical waste. But our generation is attracted by a different production, a different person, a different culture - a high-quality culture, in which expansion is replaced by deepening, "spiritualization." Developing the same soil in places where scorched earth remained after the victorious procession of past eras, it builds its new Building, without blind hopes of dominating nature, but rather a more thoughtful (informatization) creation of “living” connections. in which expansion is replaced by deepening, "spiritualization." Developing the same soil in places where scorched earth remained after the victorious procession of past eras, it builds its new Building, without blind hopes of dominating nature, but rather a more thoughtful (informatization) creation of “living” connections. in which expansion is replaced by deepening, "spiritualization." Developing the same soil in places where scorched earth remained after the victorious procession of past eras, it builds its new Building, without blind hopes of dominating nature, but rather a more thoughtful (informatization) creation of “living” connections.
The tasks of the new culture are extremely complex, because it works with the legacy of past eras - with the sociocultural crisis of the 20th century, generated in the depths of the positivistically (as some later naively conclude) programmed New Time, with its accompanying alienations: from the results of its work, from the work collective, from social connections and many others. The intellectual and spiritual charge is extremely closely connected with the redundancy of resources, the key of which is time: here the cultural strata of mankind are rooted, both material and spiritual, which could develop only at those moments when the issues of survival (both biological and sociocultural; as physiological and mental) set aside. Progress itself takes place in a territory free of basic necessities of life.
More recently, contrasting classes existed - high carriers of spiritual energy - constructively set a spiritual rhythm, spreading its vibrations into the external environment. They were inherent in a certain idleness and “existential boredom,” which, however, is also characteristic of a person of the 21st century. The question is how to deal with the inevitably pulsating sublimation dynamics. The presence of excess heterogeneous resources gave rise to excess in the biological sense of the word. It, as a superstructure, is actually Man. The tragedy is that the insignia served as the beginning of the process of breaking the abyss, which sharply continued in recent centuries. And a person is forced to pay for it: now the abyss is not only in front of him, it is also inside him.
The internal culture of the production processes of the information age, limited and feasible, but confidently enters into the struggle with the established models of the past. The production specificity, due to its natural youth, returns the concept of redundancy to a pragmatic and semantic everyday life of a person, suggesting in practice (nostalgically) to get acquainted with its creative nature. There is an increase in the value of social ties within production processes. The rusted mechanism of centripetal clarification of the general starts: goals and objectives - truly rare guests of our time (1). The force of coercion to “turn away against the wall” and “bury oneself in a point” is weakening. It becomes permissible to look around - time appears for this. There is a “handicraft” of industrial culture, which enters into the struggle with the awareness of the place,
(1) Some of us were even lucky to see something similar to the Ideal.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, understanding of home and work comes into an acute conflict attitude - these are forces on different sides of the barricades, often reaching violent actions. By means of the sociocultural tricks available to him, a person cleans the home space of any signs of the work process so that nothing reminds of the special, often acutely negative color of labor in the era of the formation and development of capitalism. The time has passed for home-work, between two fundamental social institutions - family and profession - a watershed is formed, both territorial and psychological.
But human psychology is changing. They - changes - concern not only the attitude to work, but also that which is on the opposite scales, in painful attempts, and it is rare to admit it when it is successful, trying to balance a shaky person. Changes also apply to leisure. A person ritually bored in the workplace (“a person who is bored,” “an animal that misses”), “asubjectively”, cosmically-alienated by necessity, driven here against his will, detached and confused, accumulates everyday boredom, waiting for “it will all end” ". The closing circle that keeps a person through the theft of his redundancy - the fuel of development, is programmed so as not to seem like a deceiver: the terrible week ends, the end of penal servitude and upright time are nearing, the lungs are filled with fresh air, and it seems everything ceases to be so meaningless - there is an inner hope - “too human” to not be constituted in the flesh of the necessary. This charge is the charge of necessity, not being able to be distributed evenly, densely and forcibly concentrated in the temporal relation, turning into a bunch of motivation and will. So will it be unexpected that the situation is potentiated in places that go beyond human control, going to extremes, becoming objectified in radical, marginal forms of narcotic, alcoholic, fanatical, role intoxication? We ask for meaning, and, not finding it, quickly replace it with surrogates, to the brim filling our materialism-environment. not being able to be distributed evenly, tightly and forcibly concentrated in a temporary relationship, turning into a bunch of motivation and will. So will it be unexpected that the situation is potentiated in places that go beyond human control, going to extremes, becoming objectified in radical, marginal forms of narcotic, alcoholic, fanatical, role intoxication? We ask for meaning, and, not finding it, quickly replace it with surrogates, to the brim filling our materialism-environment. not being able to be distributed evenly, tightly and forcibly concentrated in a temporary relationship, turning into a bunch of motivation and will. So will it be unexpected that the situation is potentiated in places that go beyond human control, going to extremes, becoming objectified in radical, marginal forms of narcotic, alcoholic, fanatical, role intoxication? We ask for meaning, and, not finding it, quickly replace it with surrogates, to the brim filling our materialism-environment. alcohol, fanatical, role intoxication? We ask for meaning, and, not finding it, quickly replace it with surrogates, to the brim filling our materialism-environment. alcohol, fanatical, role intoxication? We ask for meaning, and, not finding it, quickly replace it with surrogates, to the brim filling our materialism-environment.
The informatization production culture is the first force on the world stage over the past few centuries that challenges a deeply rooted modern working culture. Carrying out an internal filtering on the youth of both mind and spirit, she makes every effort to exclude the influence of embraces of the past - previous eras, so strong as jealous, doubtful, ossified, whispering manifestos of wealth, burdening a person with a heavy burden. Youth is the cornerstone of information production, a knot that weaves a lot of what is mentally significant. We cannot avoid the frequent use of this word.
Young intellect, not subordinate to the past, is not debtor and obliged, as they try to imagine it. A smart old man pulls his hands for a friendly hug embraced by the anthem of erudition, but we know what is behind it. Hands off! We will not be your next servant. Young intelligence is young in spirit. He finds himself among similar ones, among those nearby. He values the connections with those nearby. Communication is a value, if you have something to talk about. Youth finds what to talk about. Youth wants to talk.
The young heart of informatization production fills with new life that which for many years has been dried out by the scorching sun of a positive sensation of scenic knowledge that requires continuous correspondence to the internal logic of productivity - internal social connections. Silence, isolation, detachment, estrangement are feasibly removed within collectives. The taste of human communication, live communication is returning, acquiring its legal right to be located above, albeit surrounded by surrogates. Socialization smoothes out the processes of forced abandonment of a person into, as it were, someone else’s, intimate, extra-personalized, weakly controlled and therefore frightening and lurking many dangers of the territory. The gap is thinning, groping balance, extremes recede into darkness. Work and home, work and leisure - are no longer far in conflict,
Art - our eternal barometer of sociocultural energy - offers us its argument - architectural and associated with it - an environmental style with a harmonious name, as if purposely extracted from archetypal depths in order to build bridges between two substances - “hi-tech”, which challenges a long tradition Separation of home and work spaces. This phenomenon is not alien to the inner spirit of information production. The reason is precisely what was said above: the reduction of the psychological gap between the two institutions. The work incorporates what was the prerogative of home comfort, the house finds effective use of tools for conducting work processes (2). Two artificially, but historically necessary divorced areas have something to learn from each other. For the information age, as we see it, a similar interaction,
(2) We know that this trend should be considered multilaterally. But such an analysis is not the task of this paper. Here, the argument is used to partially prove what is repeatedly emphasized.
The claimed “quality” of information culture is realized in yet another, not exclusive, but still peculiar project, already without reservations, radically completely overcoming the foreignness of the home and work sphere to each other - work in the home space. Strictly obeying the requirements of production manifests, a person no longer needs to stand at the machine, like three centuries ago, or be present in the office, like a century ago. In-depth production and technical shifts have led to the fact that the main object submits to expedient activity along completely different energy lines, the entrance to which is no longer a bulky mechanical system, but a more compact other system - electronic, computer - freely fit in the home space. Characteristic of the craft industry of the past,
The historical sociocultural background in which the force we are describing unfolds is characterized by a crisis, with a pronounced distrust in relation to the logic of knurled reductions: systematic, rational, and therefore, according to the current tradition, dehumanistic tricks are far from always suitable. The crisis requires a different description, difficult to express in words, since it is impossible to clearly express a person — that dynamic soil that serves as the identity of the word “everything”. We will not repeat the gross mistakes of the past, and will not deny ourselves an attempt to give some explanation to the reader. Our era is the era of the death of adhering masks, values-chimeras, informational fermentation, revived controlled sporadic patterns and the eternal struggle for life. This is an era in which, in the rare moments of loosening of a machine grip, we are immersed in dreams of sunshine, courageously burning century-old growths, formed from lashes, to the vitally clean flesh of mankind. The feeling of total venality is one of the key dominants of modern intellectuals who, by all youthful and sometimes marginal rites, completely riddled with structures of contradiction, renounce such a label.
Everything is for sale, everything is for sale, also with big Sunday discounts. The long-awaited, promised Sunset is about to begin. Sociocultural mechanisms - beauty, art, creativity, personality - once called to participate in the Resistance, are now located on the other side, inside the glass shelves, in the reflection of which the face of a smart old man is hidden but clearly visible. The power, which had great hopes for several centuries, which the strongest minds of mankind, which was called upon to build and unite, extracted from concealment, became a corrupt lot available to a limited number of buyers. We are talking about the mind.
Reason, as a key force for solving both ontological, epistemological, and ethical and aesthetic problems, historically did not live up to all the expectations placed on it, and in the end found itself in a timid submission to the forces, which had recently been friends on a par with it. It took a lengthy investigation (3) to uncover the fundamental limits of the mind - since he himself is the key assistant in this matter. The result was the deepest doubt about the power of rational knowledge, sometimes reaching fanatical denial and warlike rebellion. But man is a synonym for effort, effort and hope. And now, as has happened more than once, we are witnessing another “high-tech” attempt to restore the creative status of the mind on the basis of a new information era, which, in our opinion, nutritious enough for intelligent shoots. At the very least, it should be pointed out that information production is an intellectual production that warmly accepts rationality as part of its narrative (4). Our hope is that the intellectual nature of getting used to life and its experiences will not be alien to the person of this production. The bottom line is the solid availability of premises. While throughout the history of mankind, one or another existential answers, solutions, systems, and models that are no longer deleted from the pages of a human book that are inherently contained in the future are thrown out (sometimes very sharply) throughout the history of mankind, now another addition is proposed, another counterbalance in a complex system of relations. Nothing will displace the results (and someone will say success) of the 20th century, no one will “justify” and turn back the century XVII, no one will return to the century X. However, we are awaiting the revival of something that man already knows. And, as it seems to us, this acquaintance is sad. We look forward to the hope that, as a complement, clarification, clarification - fresh air - things will turn out differently. Our hope is that the mind, comfortably placed in the bosom of the internal information sphere, with a friendly grip will seize a person sliding to the extreme - into the endless swamps of subconscious, irrational silhouettes.
(3) It is noteworthy that the moment the investigation began approximately coincides with the moment the phenomenon of science-centrism itself appeared.
(4) A flourishing of the so-called popular science, in which the secrets of high-elitist elite-scientific constructions are set forth, albeit in an extremely simplified, but in the form of the spirit of the time, form, which, however, does not interfere some people slide into the level of everyday cleverness in applying this knowledge.
In our narrative experiments, we give an important place to idealization, but in the rare moments of apodictic despair, we are capable and ready for the opposite - to "realize" through the traditional binary illusion. Having a clear idea that we live in an era characterized by a multilateral crisis, including a crisis of human dignity, it should be recognized that, being existentially inalienable, it - human dignity - cannot remain in a devastated state, that is, it is rapidly seeking self-fulfillment from any available artificial and natural cultural sources, in difficult times of crisis fermentation, relegating quality issues to the background, replacing quantitative ones. Dissolution, deconcentration of spiritual landmarks, recently focusing on social differentiation, transcendental, extraterrestrial forces, violation of the settings and adjustments to self-identification that once occurred with the help of higher (ideal) patterns - all this pushes a person to search for a new source of dignity. It is not surprising that it occupies a devastated place, if you recall which economic system characterizes today. Our time is a time of monetary value. He is more worthy who is richer in monetary terms. We, being pushed to realization through monetary identification, conclude: informatization production feels comfortable in the model proposed by the spirit of the times, concentrating in its luggage the high density of monetary material. A person of information production, at least, does not meet on his way to his own dignity insurmountable, tightly closed, office (in the spirit of Kafka) doors. Moreover, the entrance here is an event which (at this stage) is alien to the exclusivity of a large social heritage and great acquaintances. We add that the spirit of informatization production is not characterized by the loss of connection with the earth, generated by dizzying, random (in the classical mental model) results, which, as it seems, are richly dotted with modern sociocultural soil. In this sense, it is the result of expedient activity in its classical sense - albeit hidden, but here the Ideal is deployed. random (in the classical mental model) results that seem to be richly dotted with modern sociocultural soil. In this sense, it is the result of expedient activity in its classical sense - albeit hidden, but here the Ideal is deployed. random (in the classical mental model) results that seem to be richly dotted with modern sociocultural soil. In this sense, it is the result of expedient activity in its classical sense - albeit hidden, but here the Ideal is deployed.
“Quality” is the most important characteristic of information production, loosening the depth to a greater extent, capturing the area to a lesser extent, shifting the classical German formula, undoubtedly, is not only a goal, but also a means. As a proposal, deployment to the outside is the same vector to phenomenological completeness. Sectors that take on the role of users of the results of information production, get the opportunity to get in touch with the inner spirit of global changes brought by the fresh, electrified air of a fascinating information age. Like a skilled jeweler, a man of information production processes previously rough, hastily captured lands, depriving them of their characteristic industrial, and at the same time, cultural, roughness. The natural brilliance of figures inherited by the logic of expansion,
Now, entering the depths of the XXI century, we note the presence of many people freed from the industrial, industrial dictates of the past, the spiritual path of which originates in the discursive field of computerization production - a region, as it seems to us, in a folklore way isolated, composing its own signs, languages and rules. You can read about how bad this is in another place - today people have learned how to dig the ground in the backyard in search of the dead. We say: such people were affected to a much lesser extent by the damage to inhuman, means-oriented dances of large stone statues. In particular, this is expressed in the breaking of the hereditary connection (advance) with models of past eras, the heart of which was directivity, fear and responsibility, dissolved in the team. Now we see well that tramps in expensive costumes, lost ghosts, phantoms without a home, or rather, with a house left in the past, no longer having the strength for an existential project, rejecting the spirit of youth as such, go everywhere. With the whole determinism of the power that they inherited, they are trying to reach a living, trembling heart. But the repertoire has changed, a new story is being written.
A man of the crisis era highlights his existence, affirms his own "I", being inscribed in the conditions of an ongoing battle, the subject of which is himself. He is forced to constantly fight for himself, for his self, his self-worth, for his irreducibility with depersonalist forces that are much superior to himself - advertising, bureaucratic, television, political and other forms of violence generated by a motley bouquet of hidden and at the same time undisguised human daydreams, to keep track of which becomes a sign of bad taste. These warlike forces, armed with an impressive arsenal of means, aggressively and scientifically select a person from himself, plunder his spirit, use it as a means for their uncomplicated purposes, building their psychological colonies inside him. We know, that "information shots" always hit exactly in the head, but they are not able to touch our heart. Our hope is only that a new person, developing in the bosom of information production, a new spiritual and magical power, seized by a fresh wind of meta-variables, blessed by the World Spirit longing for progress, will ultimately not change himself, preserve his life-giving roots and will not be corrupted in conditions extremely severe reductionist test. The inherent detachment, island nature, we believe, will allow us to break the bonds of discursive stereotypes developed by the Machine on a thorough scientific basis. At the same time, we are witnesses of how, over the past decades, the movement of the initial sociocultural fallout, which made it possible to keep a key cultural and avant-garde supply from the first couple, including dissolved in the environment of the encrypted person, decreased significantly: the acute processes of misunderstanding the new force, often characteristic of an immature human consciousness, gave way to processes of effective interaction and mutual handshakes. We believe that, as once upon a time, a person, taking the first steps towards narrowing the circle of survival, scooping up water not with his hands, but typing it into a sea shell, while receiving space outside this circle, where the excess activity of drawings on the walls began to arise caves and the manufacture of female figures, and now the redundancy extracted from the crushed earth by the force of qualitative changes will allow at least for a short time to put aside the fight, as we are told, with a predetermined nature outcome,