Summ3r 0f h4ck: internship Digital Security 2019

    Digital Security, one of the largest consulting companies in the field of information security, invites to the Summ3r 0f h4ck summer internship program in St. Petersburg. Summ3r 0f h4ck will be held from July 15 to August 15, 2019. Applications will be accepted until May 30 (inclusive). Limited number of seats.

    As part of your internship, you will be able to:

    • To conduct research in the selected field of practical information security with the support of a curator.
    • Present the results of the study at a specialized international conference.
    • Get practical skills through specially prepared training stands.
    • Listen to a course of lectures on practical information security from specialists of the company of the research department and the security audit department.

    Testimonials from previous internships can be found here and here .

    In the lectures of the specialists of the research department, you will learn about finding vulnerabilities in C / C ++ applications (using whitebox and blackbox methods), useful tricks for reverse engineering (IDAPython, Ghidra, DBI), wisdom in phasing applications (KLEE, libfuzz, AFL ), as well as the safety of firmware and hardware.

    The employees of the security audit department will analyze common web vulnerabilities, the nuances of the mechanisms on which web security is built, as well as consider useful tools in this area and work with them. In addition, Digital Security employees will talk about privilege escalation in Linux and Windows systems, Active Directory, specific Android vulnerabilities, and much more.

    We expect from candidates:

    • Possession of basic knowledge and the desire to learn and learn new things in various areas of information security.
    • Independence and responsibility, but we are also ready to provide any assistance in research.

    There are two main areas of activity at Digital Security; each direction is handled by a separate team. To complete an internship in a specific department, you need to fill out the appropriate application form.

    Security Audit Department

    The audit department is engaged in penetration testing, security analysis of web applications and enterprise software. The department is suitable for those who like to understand how sites are organized, to wander around the bowels of corporate networks and to carefully look at the source codes of applications. Here are waiting for those who like to break everything.

    Apply to the security audit department.

    Research department

    The research department, first of all, is engaged in reverse engineering tasks, searching for vulnerabilities in binary applications and devices. If you like to sit in a disassembler or debugger, if you want to automate various tasks to find vulnerabilities, if you like to write super fuzzers, then here you are.

    Submit an application to the research department.

    The selection results will be announced on June 10. For questions, please write to our mail:

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