GeekUniversity Opens Enrollment at Design Department

    A new faculty of design has opened at our GeekUniversity online university. For 14 months, students will be able to create a portfolio of six projects for companies: CityMobile, Delivery Club, MAPS.ME and other projects, and put their skills into practice. Education at the faculty will allow students to work in any direction of design: in graphic, grocery, web, UX / UI, and interface design.

    The learning process is divided into several quarters. The first and second help students master the profession of graphic designer. During this time, students will master the basics of academic drawing, study the process of creating branding and identity for the company, master the basics of Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop. In the third and fourth quarters, students will study the design features of the web: they will learn how to work with website designers, get acquainted with the process of briefing on tasks, prepare design concepts and prototypes, learn the basics of product design and make projects in a team with programmers, learn the basics of analytics and layout , principles of motion design.

    The final quarter of the training is 2 months of practice devoted to working on a graduation project. Upon completion of training, students will take a course in preparation for an interview for a designer position. Graduates will receive a certificate and certificate confirming their qualifications. Upon completion of training guaranteed employment.

    Teachers of the faculty are practicing specialists and employees of large companies with specialized education and extensive experience:

    • Artyom Fenelonov, art director of Group
    • Sergey Chirkov, CEO & Founder - Chirkov Studio, Creative Director - Intourist Thomas Cook
    • Ilya Polyansky, Leading Digital Product Designer at Invitro
    • Ignat Goldman, Product Designer Group
    • Arthur Gromadin, Lead Designer, Group
    • Pavel Scherer, Partner at Eleven Design Bureau

    Everyone can enter the GeekUniversity. The first stream starts on May 14, then on June 20. Tuition is paid. You can register for the faculty here .

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