Mobility and environmental friendliness: how modern trolleybuses can ride without trolleys

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Modern autonomous trolleybuses can combine remote corners of the city and at the same time contribute to the preservation of the environment.


Today, roads polluted and overloaded with transport are a disappointing reality not only for Ukraine, but also for developed countries. In order to solve such a problem, the European Union plans to completely ban the movement of such vehicles in cities [probably, this refers to the generally introduced initiatives to ban the sale of cars from internal combustion engines and the transfer of public transport to electricity - approx. translator, hereinafter - PP] . And our country is going to switch to electric public transport until 2030. National manufacturers are ready to answer this challenge - in particular, with the help of modern trolleybuses with autonomous running, which can combine remote corners of the city and at the same time contribute to the preservation of the environment.

Technological innovations of Ukrainian engineering

Domestic automakers have long been on their own initiative supporting the trend of environmentally friendly electric transport, seeking to increase the comfort of the population in cities. What are the advantages of trolleybuses?

First, they save budget money. For example, Bogdan trolleybuses consume 40% less electricity [compared to which? - PP] . At stops, their engine turns off, and during braking generates electricity and transfers it to the contact network [recovery - PP] . In addition, the maintenance of such equipment is much cheaper in the long term: it can be overhauled, its life can be extended.

Secondly, trolleybuses are more comfortable for drivers and passengers. In summer, electric vehicles do not heat the passenger compartment with the engine, which means there is no need for additional cooling. They are also much quieter than other equipment and do not increase the level of traffic noise in the city [bus - 90-92dB, trolley bus - 70dB - PP] , which negatively affects the health of the population.

Previously, trolleybuses were often criticized for their slowness. The reason for this was the contact network , which significantly limited the mobility of transport. But modern technology allows you to be independent of it.

To ensure movement without connecting to the mains, the Bogdan trolleybuses are equipped with lithium-ion batteries. They allow you to drive on a stretch of road from one kilometer on your own. The more such batteries - the greater the autonomous range.

In 2018, in Kremenchug, thanks to this technology, Bogdan united the banks of the Dnieper: until that time, trolleybuses could not travel along the Kryukovsky bridge [total length - 1.2 km - PP] , because there was no contact network on it. Thus, an important message arose aimed at reducing transport tension and improving the environmental situation in an industrial city. Moreover, this route created competition for private transport, which for a long time was the only alternative on the right bank of Kremenchug.

The lithium-ion batteries in the trolleybus design make it possible to reach the most remote areas and overcome obstacles without creating congestion. This means that city authorities do not need to look for money to create an electrical contact network. At the same time, mobility of autonomous trolleybus movement makes it possible to combine several routes into one. And also replace routes depending on the needs of the population at no extra cost.

The need for greening transport

Another big advantage of trolleybuses is their environmental friendliness. Cities feel an urgent need for such transport, as they suffer from excess gas levels. So, in Kiev in 2018, the rate of pollution with nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde was sometimes 4-6 times higher than normal. Behind these complex names are the causes of respiratory diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases. According to a study by Ukrainian scientists, among teenagers living in the city center, there are significantly fewer healthy ones than among those who spend time in sleeping areas with less traffic. These results indicate the urgent need to reduce the number of equipment that does not meet environmental standards.

To date, in most of the 460 cities of the state [Ukraine - PP]bus routes prevail. Electric transport operates in only 51 of them. At the same time, out of almost four thousand registered trolley buses, 67% have already exhausted their useful life and need to be replaced.

Consequently, improving the quality of passenger traffic due to the new electric transport is one of the main ways to overcome the problem of gas pollution. The main thing is that the modernization of technology takes place along with the reform of the infrastructure, which would provide for separate lanes for public transport and a clear timetable.

Today, Bogdan is ready to provide modernized low-floor trolleybuses to all cities that express a desire to renew rolling stock: the best Automobile Assembly Plant No. 1 is capable of producing up to 6,000 units of equipment per year. In 2019, new trolleybuses have already been ordered by Kiev, Kharkov and Sumy, continuing to move towards the greening of their transport systems.

From the translator:
At the moment, Bogdan produces 4 series of trolleybuses for 100/105/150/184 passengers. According to the website "Passenger Transport" for 2018 and the beginning of 2019, the corporation produced and delivered 58 trolleybuses to the cities of Ukraine

Video advertising of trolleybuses Bogdan (Ukrainian language)

You can read about the advantages and disadvantages of trolley buses over other public transport here .

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