4. Check Point Getting Started R80.20. Installation and initialization

  • Tutorial

Welcome to the 4th lesson. Today, we finally “feel” the Check Point. Naturally virtual. During the lesson, we will perform the following actions:

  1. Create virtual machines;
  2. Install the management server (SMS) and security gateway (SG);
  3. Let's get acquainted with the process of marking the disk;
  4. Let's initialize SMS and SG;
  5. We learn what SIC is;
  6. Get access to the Gaia Portal.

In addition, at the beginning of the lesson we will look at how the process of installing Gaia on Check Point physical devices looks like, i.e. on appliance.

Video lesson

In the next lesson, we will already consider working with the Gaia portal, system settings, and also get acquainted with the Check Point CLI . As before, the lesson will first appear on our YouTube channel .

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