Sovereign Runet rose in price to ₽30 billion

    Measures to isolate the Russian segment of the Internet were more expensive than originally anticipated. Now, from the budget for these purposes they are going to allocate ₽30 billion, that is, almost half a billion dollars. There is a possibility that this is not the final amount.

    The new financial layout has been published on the ANO Digital Economy website, which is responsible for implementing the program of the federal project Information Security, including isolating the Runet if necessary.

    The updated Passport of the federal project "Information Security" of the national program "Digital Economy" has a new section with a list of projects worth about $ 50 billion, most of which relates to the implementation of measures to protect the Runet, reportsRBC.

    Here are some of these articles:

    • Purchase of equipment that will ensure the security of the Russian segment of the Internet - ₽20.8 billion;
    • Gathering information about Internet addresses, autonomous system numbers and connections between them, Internet traffic routes, as well as managing specialized software — about ₽4.5 billion;
    • The development of software and hardware that will ensure the collection and storage of information, the monitoring and management of public networks, the monitoring of Internet traffic routes, etc. - about $ 5.5 billion.

    Bill No. 608767-7 on the autonomous work of the Runet was submitted to the State Duma on December 14, 2018, and in February it was approved in the first reading . The authors are Senator Lyudmila Bokova, Senator Andrei Klishas and MP Andrei Lugovoi.

    For the second reading, a number of amendments were prepared for the document, including one very important one. It was decided to compensate the costs of telecom operators for the purchase and maintenance of the budget .

    The bill imposes new obligations on telecom operators and owners of traffic exchange points and gives additional powers to Roskomnadzor.

    In particular, telecom operators are required to:

    1. Follow routing rules established by Roskomnadzor.
    2. Correct routing at the request of Roskomnadzor.
    3. When resolving domain names, use software and hardware allowed by Roskomnadzor, as well as the national domain name system.
    4. Use only traffic exchange points from the traffic exchange registry.
    5. Promptly inform Roskomnadzor of information about its network addresses, routes of telecommunications, software and hardware used to resolve domain names and the infrastructure of communication networks.

    Initially, it was assumed that the enactment of the law would not require budgetary funds. But it soon became clear that this was not so. This year, the Russian government published a review of the bill criticizing the financial and economic justification, which is provided in the accompanying note to it. The criticism is caused by the fact that the financial and economic justification “does not define the sources and the procedure for fulfilling a new type of expenditure obligations”. By the second reading, the authors are amending the bill in order to fully finance the project from the budget, all the more so because due to the increase in taxes, the RF budget is now being implemented with a surplus , so there is no shortage of funds in it, rather there is an excess.

    The ANO “Digital Economy” website also contains the composition of the work group “Manageability and Reliability of Functioning of the Network of the Russian Internet Segment”. It includes representatives of 21 companies and organizations:

    • Postgres professional
    • Russoft Association
    • Yadro
    • Sberbank Asset Management JSC
    • VEBleasing
    • GK InfoWatch
    • Group of companies Systematics
    • Security code
    • Compulink
    • MIPT
    • National Computer Corporation
    • Research Center (Rostec Group of Companies)
    • Roskomnadzor
    • SKB Kontur
    • FSUE Scientific Research Institute of Measuring Systems named after Yu.E. Sedakov
    • FSUE All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute
    • Skolkovo Foundation
    • ICT Import Substitution Competence Center
    • T-Platforms OJSC
    • PJSC Megafon

    There are also separate working groups “Ensuring the stability and security of the functioning of a single telecommunication network”, “Technological independence and the security of functioning of hardware and data processing infrastructure”, “Sustainability and security of the functioning of information systems and technologies”.

    In addition to isolating Runet, under the Digital Economy program, it is also planned to allocate ₽9 billion for domestic LTE-450 equipment, as well as ₽2.35 billion for providing Rosguard with domestic information security software, etc.

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