Video from Badoo PHP Meetup # 2: About Testing and Code Quality

    On March 16th, we gathered the second PHP community meeting at the Badoo office. In truth, it turned out a whole mini-conference - there were so many participants this time.

    We discussed issues of autotests for PHP developers, sorted out real cases from practice, discussed the quality of the code and talked a lot. Thanks to the participants and speakers for a useful Saturday!

    Under the cut - slides, recordings of reports and a panel discussion with speakers from Badoo, EPAM, Avito and Lamoda.

    - On the same wavelength as QA or how we automated the testing of the CI / CD platform

    Dmitry Morozov, PHP developer, EPAM


    Report on the construction of an automated testing CI / CD platform, which consists of many technological stacks and components and provides the deployment and testing of 700+ sites.

    Dmitry came to us from Minsk to talk about the approach to testing one of the platform’s web services using Behat, using Gherkin and delegating test scripting to QA engineers.

    - Why and how to write high-quality Unit tests

    Alexey Solodky DoctorX , PHP Developer, Badoo


    It seems that Alexey's reports on Badoo PHP Meetup are becoming a tradition. This time he told how to write unit tests in real PHP projects, minimizing the amount of pain. How to achieve stability and speed, monitor quality, and also why a bad test is worse than its absence - in the most understandable way and with practice.

    - Codeception tests for PHP backends

    Pavel Stashevsky, QA-engineer, Lamoda


    Pavel develops and supports autotests for PHP services in the Lamoda team. He told what tests they write, why they need flow tests, why they chose Codeception and why they needed their modules for it. The story also tells how external dependencies get wet in Lamoda and run tests from an infrastructure point of view.

    - Mutation testing in PHP

    Vladimir Yants, PHP Developer, Badoo


    Not so long ago, at Badoo, we began to introduce mutational testing. This tool allows you to measure the quality of Unit tests and answer the question "Is my test good at checking the code"? In the report I told what mutation testing is, what tools are in PHP, and also what problems you may encounter.

    - Panel discussion with speakers: “Quality and metrics for self-testing”

    We talked briefly about the need for tests and how to measure and control their quality.

    True, the holivar didn’t really come out of the conceived rubric “Holivar-blitz” - either the experts gathered too polite, or we all agreed on the same opinion, but judging by the reviews, the discussion found its audience! :) What are we glad for.

    Thanks to Pavel Stashevsky, Frol Kryuchkov, Alexander Svintsov and Dmitry Morozov for their expert opinion and pleasant conversation!

    Photos are on our Facebook and VKontakte . The entire mitap playlist is on the YouTube channel . Come to our little PHP chat to chat about sore and discuss interesting!

    See you soon!

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