“Audio is cool, but a little later”: a podcast about content makers, GTD for an editor and a media career
This is a podcast with content makers. The guest of this issue is Ivan Makridin, a gonzo journalist, author of the podcast and digital nomad. We are talking about content and self-development.
Ivan Makridin, gonzo journalist, lead author of the podcast and digital nomad
alinatestova : First of all, I want to ask a question about your background. Please tell to our listeners to yourself, what are you doing now? Can you highlight the main areas and profession, which is now the main thing for you?
Ivan: Hello everyone. I lead an author's podcast ( iTunes ), where I talk about everything that may be of interest to me. About the agenda, talking with interesting people, discussing self-development. Everything that somehow interests me, I light up there.
Plus, I do SMM and lead instagram where I just talk about my life style. I sometimes call myself an immodest gonzo journalist . I believe that this is more suitable for me, because I try to write and discuss not on hype topics, but on topics that interest me, and be a direct participant in these events.
If we talk about the background, then I come from LJ. It used to be one of the most popular platforms. I came there very early when the audience there was 35+, and I was about 15. I started a blog about travel and from there I faded a year and a half ago. Background among such mastodons ... when Varlamov was a zyalt, these are the times.
A: As far as I know, you are engaged not only in texts, and not only in audio, but also in photography. Tell me, please, what was the first? Your hobby for photography or journalism? Or is it somehow jointly and simultaneously launched?
And: It was the [hobby] of photography that started when I got a camera. This was probably in 2014.
A: How old were you then?
And: Fifteen, probably. Yes exactly. I just turned twenty recently, and I'm trying to somehow reconfigure myself.
And if we talk about some kind of love for texts, it was from childhood. I wrote essays at school, argued with teachers and so on. Probably, at first there was still a fascination with texts, then a camera appeared, and I somehow correlated all this and started doing photo stories in LiveJournal.
A: If we talk about photo stories and, in general, a topic related to photography as a medium and a means of transmitting information: what do you think, can you tell a story in images, did you succeed? Or is a photo rather an auxiliary tool that only complements the text?
And: Specifically, I had this auxiliary material. It was just convenient, because if someone told me that the photo turned out to be ugly, I say: “This is just supporting material, the main thing is not that.”
The story in photography can be told. For example, the master of documentary photography, Sebastian Salgad , about him the film “Salt of the Earth” was still shot. This is right when you can tell everything with a photograph alone, especially black and white. Well, now we have photojournalists who shoot for all kinds of publications. Sergey Ponomarev , for example, who received Pulitzer . Also a man from Russia, he tells a story in photography.
I still had it as an auxiliary material: photos from rallies or from travels. I tried to write more for people to read.
A: You have already mentioned that you call yourself a gonzo-journalist, why so?
And: I just somehow long ago read the book of Hunter Thompson . This is a man about whom, I think, less people know than about the film "The Rum Diary" with Johnny Depp in the title role.
I read and think: “What kind of gonzo journalism is this?” I went to Wikipedia, looked. They say that this is when journalism is intertwined with the real impressions and experience of the heroes who are in it all. And they experience it and mention it in the texts. You could say it is like bloggers now. And then it was gonzo journalists.
I thought I liked it better. It’s just gustatory, because bloggers are often a synonym for some people who, for example, on YouTube make a bath of chips, bathe in it and shoot it on camera. I do not want to relate myself to this in this way, so I decided that still I would be a gonzo journalist. But I call myself so apprehensively.
Like, say, Vanya Survillo. I also interviewed him, just like you [ link to the text version of the podcast with Ivan Survillo on Habré]. He also said that he cautiously calls himself that, because it is immodest enough. And I try to be modest enough in everything that concerns my some things when they ask me. For example, now I feel a little awkward because there is too much attention to my humble person.
A: Tell me, please, you say: “I went to Wikipedia, looked at the definition, I realized that this is close to me, this is what I do about”. Did such self-identification give you any support?
From the series: “Now I understand where I should go, how I should do it. I read Hunter Thompson; understand how he wrote; and I want to do something like that. ” Or rather, you just decided to find an explanation and description of what you are doing?
And: It's just very convenient, yes. When someone asks you, you say that you are leading a podcast and consider yourself a gonzo journalist. It is simply self-identification.
If we talk about when I began to understand what I want to do, it was very early. If you rephrase Carnegie, interested in others and, I want to believe, interested in others. It has always been about me. I was interested in other people, stories and loved to tell stories myself. And this is what I essentially do now. I tell stories about my life. Just from here my position follows that every person needs to keep a blog.
A: So everyone can be a gonzo journalist?
AND:Yes. If you do something, write, take a photo, do anything, then the world should know about it. Unfortunately or fortunately (now not about that), it turned out that the Internet now is more of a world than what is really happening. I don’t know whether this is good or bad, just the world should know about it, and therefore I believe that everyone needs to keep a blog. But for some reason people are afraid. I even know why, probably.
A: What do you think, how to get a gonzo journalist out of an ordinary person?
And: Well, people are afraid, because ... I am constantly faced with this, because as soon as I began to express my position that everyone needs to keep a blog, I’m flown about twice a week: “What should I write about?” I say: “What am I writing about? About his life. "
But they are somehow afraid that other people will think about them. They have a lot of thoughts in their heads about this, they don’t know what they want. Plus, people are afraid to express their point of view. I have never had a problem with this. And people, you understand, want to conditionally watch Dude’s interview, scoop out a quote from the hero, some Pharaoh , “hard work pays off”. And put yourself under the photo where they smoke hookah.
And they say so, reason. They like to express other people's thoughts, not their own. For some reason they are afraid of this. In fact, there are many reasons, but this is the main one: they are simply afraid.
A: If we are already talking about what people are afraid to talk about because they do not want to receive negative reviews: please tell me how you yourself worked with the negative?
If people said: “No, your photos are not good, your descriptions are incomplete,” or something else. How did you deal with such things yourself? What would you recommend to others?
And: I had a very harsh school of life called LJ, where there was a lot of negativity. As soon as the post went to the top, criticism fell on me. I got used to it very quickly. My mother worries more about some kind of comment that was left to me than me. As a rule, people who write such nasty things to you will not tell you this in life.
They are afraid to say it. Not even because I'm some, I'm not, they just get scared, they are embarrassed. Well, haters are good. So you're interested in someone. Others are interested in me, which means that I am also interested in someone.
A: That is, from the very beginning you were quite calm about negativity.
And: I am always for constructive criticism, I always write to disagree with me.
I’m leading, say, nowFacebook so far. I write there on topics that I want to speak about. They can be called quite hype. Some kind of negativity constantly flies in there, but I take it calmly, because truth is born in a dispute.
A: Tell me, please, what is your attitude to editing? I want to go a little from afar. The bottom line is: now a lot of people go to journalism and content marketing, because this topic has become popular and more or less monetary in recent years.
For this, you don’t need any special skills, roughly speaking, like stretching, like a ballerina’s, and you don’t have to go somewhere and study from the age of three to start writing at 20+ or 30+ years old.
Do you think any special talent or special preparation is needed in order not only to write texts or do the work of an editor, but also to receive money for this?
And: I can’t answer for sure about this, because everything was very simple for me too. I started writing, I read others, tried to find something that I like in their texts. Then, when he began to read classics, he began to notice that, for example, Tolstoy writes in big sentences. A bunch of commas, segregations - for some reason I liked it. I started to take over this business.
I don’t know about the money. It seems to me that now in principle there is such an environment and the Internet that you can start doing anything and get paid for it. It's easier than ever. It is clear that this does not mean that you can do nothing at all. You need to make some effort.
A: You can get a bath of chips.
AND:Yes Yes. Even a bath of chips to dial and make money on advertising. But it's just that everything is open now, and this year I have just one of the goals - online education. I want to hit it a little, improve my skills.
A: That is, after all, it seems to you that you need to get some kind of fundamental base and that simply reading is not enough to develop further in this direction?
And: When you start doing something, you start to notice it. As with photography: I began to study it and began to notice the composition in other people's photographs, as a person built it; determine the shutter speed on the eye, how much he did.
So it is with the lyrics. Just recently, I wrote that I learned to appreciate the buzz texts. When I read them, I feel good about it. But before, I could not distinguish a conditional info-style from the usual kind of scribble. Now I can. Just watch, notice, adopt.
A: I want to move towards podcasts. Tell me, please, what is your podcast about? If you do not talk about everything that happens around you. How do you select topics for releases? What are you building your podcast around?
And: I build it around the fact that I have always been interested in topics of self-development. But, suppose, I couldn’t embed it in LJ, it was of no interest to anyone. There is either politics, or travel, or some little thing. I came to the topic of podcasts and I think: “It is necessary to cover all the things that I try, to light up and say that I like in them, what I did and what didn’t.” Plus, I was always interested in communicating with other people.
If you start from afar, I remember that when I was just about to make a podcast, I sat down and drew directly on paper: either I would do a podcast on a specific topic (for example, I had an idea to do a podcast on techno-themes, because in LiveJournal I was one of the few bloggers who did reviews on technology), or to talk about everything at all.
In the end, the final decision was for the podcast, roughly speaking, about everything, because you can embed an interview there. This was even before Dud and a bunch of other interviewers appeared.
Therefore, my podcast is probably about personal effectiveness, self-development and interesting people. Something like this. Sometimes I tell myself. I’m a gonzo journalist, after all (laughs).
A: Subjective experience. Speaking about the interview: how do you determine who you would like to interview, how do you find these people and call them to your podcast?
And: I had a moment when I just wanted to interview several hype personalities. But I quickly pushed the whole thing away from me, because I considered it necessary to do interviews with those with whom I am really interested. Who can give something to me and my listeners.
For example, I am interested in the topic of urban studies, and I want to record an interview with one urbanist. This is interesting to me, and people too. For example, with Vanya Survillo , I did a podcast, and I just wanted to chat with him. I was 19 years old and he was 19 years old. Now I am 20, and he is 19, but he will soon catch up (laughs). I asked him a lot of questions about our generation, the interaction between generations.
Suppose I had an interview with a traveler, just with my friend, with whom we have been friends for a very long time. He is one of the most famous of such informal travelers. I just wrote to him, I say: "Let's record an interview." He says, "Yes, come on." Here, too: and I am interested in talking with him again, and people.
Of course, sometimes there are issues with famous people. I recorded a recent interview with Ernesto Shut up - this is a rapper, a member of Versus Battle. Many know him, at least they heard him. But I listen to him for a very long time, and I wanted to record an interview with him. Although, of course, I understood that when he reposted the release, a certain number of audiences would come to me. Initially, all this is interest for oneself, then interest for the audience, and only then some figures.
My position is very simple: what will I lose if he says “no” to me? Ernesto Shut up - also a dude who might not answer me, he was probably not interested. I just wrote him in a personal on Instagram. I say: "Hi, I’m leading a podcast, I want to interview you." He says: “Take off the example.” I took off, he says: “Oh, bright head. Let's write it down. ”
They will answer, they will not answer - I do not know. He wrote to someone - they did not answer. Nothing wrong.
A: One of the episodes of the podcast you devoted to the topic of audio and even entitled it: “The future lies behind podcasts and voice.” Why do you think so?
And: Why do many people think that there is no future for podcasts in Russia? I don’t know, they think that we have some special market. It is, but, for example, when Instagram began to develop in the States, everyone in Russia treated it as some kind of strange application with photos that is unlikely to come to Russia and conquer something here. And now this is one of the most popular social networks. networks. Even more popular than VKontakte in Russia.
Entire teams work on podcasts [in the USA], there is a lot of money. After some time, they will come to Russia, because all the trends reach us a bit late.
Regarding the voice - my personal opinion. All these things - Yandex.Station, Apple HomePod, Alexa Skills from Amazon - they are needed to make our life easier. It is clear that everyone is watching us. You just need to understand: no matter how easy it is for us to find any information through the phone, this is still some way, a limiter.
And voice is a way around this limiter. We just say, "Remind me so." And the assistant makes a reminder. So are podcasts - they are easily integrated into such devices.
Although many say: "Do not send me voice messages, I hate them, write." I take this calmly, absolutely. When some important information - write me its text so that I can re-read. And so I constantly communicate with my voice.
They used to say: "The Internet will not be popular, there will be a TV." Now on TV there is nothing in Russia, except for "Evening Urgant." Everything on YouTube. The same thing is said about podcasts. In the end, everyone will run, maybe not into podcasts, but into audio form, they will do it too.
That's even you podsuetsilsya correctly. How many people are doing podcasts right now? Medusa began, then Lifehacker, and [now] many people do podcasts at all, even companies . When I myself listened to the Lifehacker podcast, half of the questions they were asked were: “What for you started a podcast? Do nothing? Lead the site. " And now they are gathering a good audience.
A: It seems to me that the conversation was excellent. In the end - our little traditional blitz from one question. Audio, text or photo?
And: I ’ll select the text after all.
A: Yeah! That is, you talked about the last ten minutes about what ...
And: Here again, you need to understand, if the method of consumption, then more audio. If the method of transmitting some information, then the text is all the same. Audio is cool, but a little later.
Now, to be on the wave, you need both this and that, in favor of the text after all. I just really like to sit at a laptop and type. It just gives me pleasure.
A: And then we switched to the subjective experience of a gonzo journalist.
And: Yes, exactly.
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Ivan Makridin, gonzo journalist, lead author of the podcast and digital nomad
alinatestova : First of all, I want to ask a question about your background. Please tell to our listeners to yourself, what are you doing now? Can you highlight the main areas and profession, which is now the main thing for you?
Ivan: Hello everyone. I lead an author's podcast ( iTunes ), where I talk about everything that may be of interest to me. About the agenda, talking with interesting people, discussing self-development. Everything that somehow interests me, I light up there.
Plus, I do SMM and lead instagram where I just talk about my life style. I sometimes call myself an immodest gonzo journalist . I believe that this is more suitable for me, because I try to write and discuss not on hype topics, but on topics that interest me, and be a direct participant in these events.
If we talk about the background, then I come from LJ. It used to be one of the most popular platforms. I came there very early when the audience there was 35+, and I was about 15. I started a blog about travel and from there I faded a year and a half ago. Background among such mastodons ... when Varlamov was a zyalt, these are the times.
A: As far as I know, you are engaged not only in texts, and not only in audio, but also in photography. Tell me, please, what was the first? Your hobby for photography or journalism? Or is it somehow jointly and simultaneously launched?
And: It was the [hobby] of photography that started when I got a camera. This was probably in 2014.
A: How old were you then?
And: Fifteen, probably. Yes exactly. I just turned twenty recently, and I'm trying to somehow reconfigure myself.
And if we talk about some kind of love for texts, it was from childhood. I wrote essays at school, argued with teachers and so on. Probably, at first there was still a fascination with texts, then a camera appeared, and I somehow correlated all this and started doing photo stories in LiveJournal.
A: If we talk about photo stories and, in general, a topic related to photography as a medium and a means of transmitting information: what do you think, can you tell a story in images, did you succeed? Or is a photo rather an auxiliary tool that only complements the text?
And: Specifically, I had this auxiliary material. It was just convenient, because if someone told me that the photo turned out to be ugly, I say: “This is just supporting material, the main thing is not that.”
The story in photography can be told. For example, the master of documentary photography, Sebastian Salgad , about him the film “Salt of the Earth” was still shot. This is right when you can tell everything with a photograph alone, especially black and white. Well, now we have photojournalists who shoot for all kinds of publications. Sergey Ponomarev , for example, who received Pulitzer . Also a man from Russia, he tells a story in photography.
I still had it as an auxiliary material: photos from rallies or from travels. I tried to write more for people to read.
A: You have already mentioned that you call yourself a gonzo-journalist, why so?
And: I just somehow long ago read the book of Hunter Thompson . This is a man about whom, I think, less people know than about the film "The Rum Diary" with Johnny Depp in the title role.
I read and think: “What kind of gonzo journalism is this?” I went to Wikipedia, looked. They say that this is when journalism is intertwined with the real impressions and experience of the heroes who are in it all. And they experience it and mention it in the texts. You could say it is like bloggers now. And then it was gonzo journalists.
I thought I liked it better. It’s just gustatory, because bloggers are often a synonym for some people who, for example, on YouTube make a bath of chips, bathe in it and shoot it on camera. I do not want to relate myself to this in this way, so I decided that still I would be a gonzo journalist. But I call myself so apprehensively.
Like, say, Vanya Survillo. I also interviewed him, just like you [ link to the text version of the podcast with Ivan Survillo on Habré]. He also said that he cautiously calls himself that, because it is immodest enough. And I try to be modest enough in everything that concerns my some things when they ask me. For example, now I feel a little awkward because there is too much attention to my humble person.
A: Tell me, please, you say: “I went to Wikipedia, looked at the definition, I realized that this is close to me, this is what I do about”. Did such self-identification give you any support?
From the series: “Now I understand where I should go, how I should do it. I read Hunter Thompson; understand how he wrote; and I want to do something like that. ” Or rather, you just decided to find an explanation and description of what you are doing?
And: It's just very convenient, yes. When someone asks you, you say that you are leading a podcast and consider yourself a gonzo journalist. It is simply self-identification.
If we talk about when I began to understand what I want to do, it was very early. If you rephrase Carnegie, interested in others and, I want to believe, interested in others. It has always been about me. I was interested in other people, stories and loved to tell stories myself. And this is what I essentially do now. I tell stories about my life. Just from here my position follows that every person needs to keep a blog.
A: So everyone can be a gonzo journalist?
AND:Yes. If you do something, write, take a photo, do anything, then the world should know about it. Unfortunately or fortunately (now not about that), it turned out that the Internet now is more of a world than what is really happening. I don’t know whether this is good or bad, just the world should know about it, and therefore I believe that everyone needs to keep a blog. But for some reason people are afraid. I even know why, probably.
A: What do you think, how to get a gonzo journalist out of an ordinary person?
And: Well, people are afraid, because ... I am constantly faced with this, because as soon as I began to express my position that everyone needs to keep a blog, I’m flown about twice a week: “What should I write about?” I say: “What am I writing about? About his life. "
But they are somehow afraid that other people will think about them. They have a lot of thoughts in their heads about this, they don’t know what they want. Plus, people are afraid to express their point of view. I have never had a problem with this. And people, you understand, want to conditionally watch Dude’s interview, scoop out a quote from the hero, some Pharaoh , “hard work pays off”. And put yourself under the photo where they smoke hookah.
And they say so, reason. They like to express other people's thoughts, not their own. For some reason they are afraid of this. In fact, there are many reasons, but this is the main one: they are simply afraid.
A: If we are already talking about what people are afraid to talk about because they do not want to receive negative reviews: please tell me how you yourself worked with the negative?
If people said: “No, your photos are not good, your descriptions are incomplete,” or something else. How did you deal with such things yourself? What would you recommend to others?
And: I had a very harsh school of life called LJ, where there was a lot of negativity. As soon as the post went to the top, criticism fell on me. I got used to it very quickly. My mother worries more about some kind of comment that was left to me than me. As a rule, people who write such nasty things to you will not tell you this in life.
They are afraid to say it. Not even because I'm some, I'm not, they just get scared, they are embarrassed. Well, haters are good. So you're interested in someone. Others are interested in me, which means that I am also interested in someone.
A: That is, from the very beginning you were quite calm about negativity.
And: I am always for constructive criticism, I always write to disagree with me.
I’m leading, say, nowFacebook so far. I write there on topics that I want to speak about. They can be called quite hype. Some kind of negativity constantly flies in there, but I take it calmly, because truth is born in a dispute.
A: Tell me, please, what is your attitude to editing? I want to go a little from afar. The bottom line is: now a lot of people go to journalism and content marketing, because this topic has become popular and more or less monetary in recent years.
For this, you don’t need any special skills, roughly speaking, like stretching, like a ballerina’s, and you don’t have to go somewhere and study from the age of three to start writing at 20+ or 30+ years old.
Do you think any special talent or special preparation is needed in order not only to write texts or do the work of an editor, but also to receive money for this?
And: I can’t answer for sure about this, because everything was very simple for me too. I started writing, I read others, tried to find something that I like in their texts. Then, when he began to read classics, he began to notice that, for example, Tolstoy writes in big sentences. A bunch of commas, segregations - for some reason I liked it. I started to take over this business.
I don’t know about the money. It seems to me that now in principle there is such an environment and the Internet that you can start doing anything and get paid for it. It's easier than ever. It is clear that this does not mean that you can do nothing at all. You need to make some effort.
A: You can get a bath of chips.
AND:Yes Yes. Even a bath of chips to dial and make money on advertising. But it's just that everything is open now, and this year I have just one of the goals - online education. I want to hit it a little, improve my skills.
A: That is, after all, it seems to you that you need to get some kind of fundamental base and that simply reading is not enough to develop further in this direction?
And: When you start doing something, you start to notice it. As with photography: I began to study it and began to notice the composition in other people's photographs, as a person built it; determine the shutter speed on the eye, how much he did.
So it is with the lyrics. Just recently, I wrote that I learned to appreciate the buzz texts. When I read them, I feel good about it. But before, I could not distinguish a conditional info-style from the usual kind of scribble. Now I can. Just watch, notice, adopt.
A: I want to move towards podcasts. Tell me, please, what is your podcast about? If you do not talk about everything that happens around you. How do you select topics for releases? What are you building your podcast around?
And: I build it around the fact that I have always been interested in topics of self-development. But, suppose, I couldn’t embed it in LJ, it was of no interest to anyone. There is either politics, or travel, or some little thing. I came to the topic of podcasts and I think: “It is necessary to cover all the things that I try, to light up and say that I like in them, what I did and what didn’t.” Plus, I was always interested in communicating with other people.
If you start from afar, I remember that when I was just about to make a podcast, I sat down and drew directly on paper: either I would do a podcast on a specific topic (for example, I had an idea to do a podcast on techno-themes, because in LiveJournal I was one of the few bloggers who did reviews on technology), or to talk about everything at all.
In the end, the final decision was for the podcast, roughly speaking, about everything, because you can embed an interview there. This was even before Dud and a bunch of other interviewers appeared.
Therefore, my podcast is probably about personal effectiveness, self-development and interesting people. Something like this. Sometimes I tell myself. I’m a gonzo journalist, after all (laughs).
A: Subjective experience. Speaking about the interview: how do you determine who you would like to interview, how do you find these people and call them to your podcast?
And: I had a moment when I just wanted to interview several hype personalities. But I quickly pushed the whole thing away from me, because I considered it necessary to do interviews with those with whom I am really interested. Who can give something to me and my listeners.
For example, I am interested in the topic of urban studies, and I want to record an interview with one urbanist. This is interesting to me, and people too. For example, with Vanya Survillo , I did a podcast, and I just wanted to chat with him. I was 19 years old and he was 19 years old. Now I am 20, and he is 19, but he will soon catch up (laughs). I asked him a lot of questions about our generation, the interaction between generations.
Suppose I had an interview with a traveler, just with my friend, with whom we have been friends for a very long time. He is one of the most famous of such informal travelers. I just wrote to him, I say: "Let's record an interview." He says, "Yes, come on." Here, too: and I am interested in talking with him again, and people.
Of course, sometimes there are issues with famous people. I recorded a recent interview with Ernesto Shut up - this is a rapper, a member of Versus Battle. Many know him, at least they heard him. But I listen to him for a very long time, and I wanted to record an interview with him. Although, of course, I understood that when he reposted the release, a certain number of audiences would come to me. Initially, all this is interest for oneself, then interest for the audience, and only then some figures.
My position is very simple: what will I lose if he says “no” to me? Ernesto Shut up - also a dude who might not answer me, he was probably not interested. I just wrote him in a personal on Instagram. I say: "Hi, I’m leading a podcast, I want to interview you." He says: “Take off the example.” I took off, he says: “Oh, bright head. Let's write it down. ”
They will answer, they will not answer - I do not know. He wrote to someone - they did not answer. Nothing wrong.
A: One of the episodes of the podcast you devoted to the topic of audio and even entitled it: “The future lies behind podcasts and voice.” Why do you think so?
And: Why do many people think that there is no future for podcasts in Russia? I don’t know, they think that we have some special market. It is, but, for example, when Instagram began to develop in the States, everyone in Russia treated it as some kind of strange application with photos that is unlikely to come to Russia and conquer something here. And now this is one of the most popular social networks. networks. Even more popular than VKontakte in Russia.
Entire teams work on podcasts [in the USA], there is a lot of money. After some time, they will come to Russia, because all the trends reach us a bit late.
Regarding the voice - my personal opinion. All these things - Yandex.Station, Apple HomePod, Alexa Skills from Amazon - they are needed to make our life easier. It is clear that everyone is watching us. You just need to understand: no matter how easy it is for us to find any information through the phone, this is still some way, a limiter.
And voice is a way around this limiter. We just say, "Remind me so." And the assistant makes a reminder. So are podcasts - they are easily integrated into such devices.
Although many say: "Do not send me voice messages, I hate them, write." I take this calmly, absolutely. When some important information - write me its text so that I can re-read. And so I constantly communicate with my voice.
They used to say: "The Internet will not be popular, there will be a TV." Now on TV there is nothing in Russia, except for "Evening Urgant." Everything on YouTube. The same thing is said about podcasts. In the end, everyone will run, maybe not into podcasts, but into audio form, they will do it too.
That's even you podsuetsilsya correctly. How many people are doing podcasts right now? Medusa began, then Lifehacker, and [now] many people do podcasts at all, even companies . When I myself listened to the Lifehacker podcast, half of the questions they were asked were: “What for you started a podcast? Do nothing? Lead the site. " And now they are gathering a good audience.
A: It seems to me that the conversation was excellent. In the end - our little traditional blitz from one question. Audio, text or photo?
And: I ’ll select the text after all.
A: Yeah! That is, you talked about the last ten minutes about what ...
And: Here again, you need to understand, if the method of consumption, then more audio. If the method of transmitting some information, then the text is all the same. Audio is cool, but a little later.
Now, to be on the wave, you need both this and that, in favor of the text after all. I just really like to sit at a laptop and type. It just gives me pleasure.
A: And then we switched to the subjective experience of a gonzo journalist.
And: Yes, exactly.
Our microformat on the topic of content marketing:
What kind of office do you have?
Stamina - a quality that
Kamon cannot do without , why is it so expensive?
Archetypes: Why
Writer's block stories work : outsourcing content is dishonest!
PS In the glphmedia profile - links to all issues of our podcast.