Roskomnadzor plans to fine Facebook for non-compliance

    Today Roskomnadzor drew up an administrative offense report against Facebook. The social network did not provide the department with the necessary information about the localization of the personal data bases of Russian users in Russia, as reported by Vedomosti.

    On December 17, 2018, Roskomnadzor sent a request to Facebook with a request to provide information required by law on the transfer of Russians to a server that is stored in Russia. No reply was received.

    “On February 28, 2019, the Office of Roskomnadzor for the Central Federal District drew up an administrative offense report against Facebook. The protocol was drawn up under article 19.7 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation due to the fact that the company did not provide the necessary information about the localization of personal data bases of Russian users in Russia, ”the website of the department reports .

    The decision to impose a fine will be taken by the justice of the peace, to whom the documents have already been sent. This was reported by Roskomnadzor. The fine under this article of the Code of Administrative Offenses is about 5,000 rubles.

    About a week ago, Roskomnadzor announced the preparation of exactly the same protocol with respect to Twitter. Social networks received letters demanding information on the localization of data from Russian citizens. Letters arrived simultaneously.

    As for the answers, they, according to Roskomnadzor, were received in January 2019 - however, they do not contain correct information on the actual implementation of the law, and there is no mention of the deadlines for the implementation of the norms. The representative of Roskomnadzor said that Twitter promised to complete the transfer of data from Russian users to Russia by the summer of last year. But so far this has not happened. “All this time we had a dialogue and correspondence with Twitter,” said Vadim Ampelonsky.

    “The companies managing the social networks Facebook and Twitter have provided formal answers to our requirements to confirm the localization of the personal data bases of Russian users in Russia. They do not contain any specifics about the actual execution of the law at the moment, nor the timing of the execution of these rules in the future <...> In this regard, today Roskomnadzor starts against both companies' administrative proceedings ", - said the press service of the department.

    The law on the storage of personal data entered into force on September 1, 2015. According to him, companies should store and process data of Russians in Russia. The LinkedIn social network, which refused to comply with these requirements, was added to the register of lawbreakers in November 2016. Access to the network site in Russia is blocked.

    In April 2018, the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov said that the service plans to verify compliance with the law by Facebook. If it turns out that the law is not being implemented, then Roskomnadzor was going to raise the issue of blocking the social network.

    By the way, back in 2017, Facebook, according to rumors, planned to openRepresentative office in Russia, for which she was engaged in the search for a regional representative. The company has more than one headquarters; outside the United States there are more than 30 international offices, but so far there hasn’t been a Russian one. Then, the possibility of opening a local office was due to the fact that Facebook would enter into a dialogue with government agencies, comply with the requirements of the law and transfer servers to Russia.

    For failure to comply with the requirement, a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles is provided. Repeated violation leads to the blocking of violators in the territory of the Russian Federation.

    “The law is binding on everyone. In any case, we will either ensure that the law is enforced or the company ceases to work in the Russian Federation, as, unfortunately, happened with Linkedin. There are no exceptions ... We will seek to ensure that the 242nd law by Facebook is respected. In 2018, everything will be fine ... We are well aware that Facebook has a significant number of users in the Russian Federation, on the other hand, we understand that this is not a unique service, there are other social networks, ”Zharov said in 2018.

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