The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 353 (February 17 - 24, 2019)
We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.
Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Browsers
• Podcast "Web Standards", Issue No. 162: Npm for enterprise, JS download priorities, price of third-party scripts, JS directly in CSS, accessible by TodoMVC, custom checkboxes, text alignment.
• Podcast “devschacht” # 70: How TypeScript is changing our thinking
• Podcast “CSSSR” News 512 - Issue No. 39 (02/18 - 24.02)
• Podcast “Frontend Youth (18+)” # 84 Each of us has seen the stranger
• Vadim Makeev video blog : "13. Live with answers ” , 14. Custom checkboxes correctly
• MinskJS Meetup # 5 - 3 videos
• Development for WebAssembly: real rake and examples
• Convenient BEM
• AMP and Turbo pages: pros, cons and results of implementation
• AMP helps increase organic traffic from search - research
• 30 necessary practices for writing modern and effective HTML5
• Slides by Alexandra Shinkevich with internal MK about testing frontend for developers
• Try GraphQL! GraphQL Interactive Guide
• Why I write CSS in JavaScript
• Drawing in pure CSS . Top 5 CSS properties that I rely on when creating CSS art
• JS-in-CSS - a worklet that will be created directly from CSS (as part of the CSS HOUDINI experiment)
• 21 ways to optimize your CSS and speed up your site
• How @supports works
• Correct use of CSS Grid
• Auto-aligned grid on Flexbox compatible with IE10
• Variables CSS + calc () + rgb () = Ensuring high color contrast
• CSS: FLIP animations
• FunES # 8: Math.pow is not equal **
• Manipulations with the DOM in pure JavaScript
• Introduction to jQuery (2019 version)
• Complete guide to ES10 features
• Priorities for loading JavaScript in Chrome
• Analysis of JavaScript solutions for general algorithmic issues ( part 1)
• 12 ideas that will improve your JavaScript skills
• XMLHttpRequest or Fetch API: what's the best for Ajax in 2019?
• CERN launched the Internet browser of the 90s in honor of the 30th anniversary of the worldwide network
• Yandex began testing public chats with people nearby in the Yandex.Browser mobile
• 31% of Chrome add-ons use libraries with known vulnerabilities
• Microsoft Edge secretly allows Facebook use Flash content
• Firefox will display picture-in-picture mode and a redesigned add-on manager
Digest last week
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin
Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Browsers
• Podcast "Web Standards", Issue No. 162: Npm for enterprise, JS download priorities, price of third-party scripts, JS directly in CSS, accessible by TodoMVC, custom checkboxes, text alignment.
• Podcast “devschacht” # 70: How TypeScript is changing our thinking
• Podcast “CSSSR” News 512 - Issue No. 39 (02/18 - 24.02)
• Podcast “Frontend Youth (18+)” # 84 Each of us has seen the stranger
• Vadim Makeev video blog : "13. Live with answers ” , 14. Custom checkboxes correctly
• MinskJS Meetup # 5 - 3 videos
Web development
• Development for WebAssembly: real rake and examples
• Convenient BEM
• AMP and Turbo pages: pros, cons and results of implementation
• AMP helps increase organic traffic from search - research
• 30 necessary practices for writing modern and effective HTML5
• Slides by Alexandra Shinkevich with internal MK about testing frontend for developers
• Try GraphQL! GraphQL Interactive Guide
- Tools:
• A new look at the study and documentation of source code
• How the size of the code depends on the minifier, collector and language. Unexpected webpack update
• 10 security tips for npm
• ICONSVG - a tool to simplify the process of searching and generating popular icons for your project
• 7 JavaScript sandboxes in 2019
- Accessibility:
• Tips for making interactive elements accessible on mobile devices
• Inclusive components: to-do list
• What does the European standard for accessibility EN 301 549 mean for US organizations?
• Video on how screen reader users use the web
- Spectacular web:
• SVG filtering effects. Part 6. Creating textures using feTurbulence
• Creating animations that will liven up your site
• How to create a fake 3D image effect using WebGL
• Blobs!
• Why I write CSS in JavaScript
• Drawing in pure CSS . Top 5 CSS properties that I rely on when creating CSS art
• JS-in-CSS - a worklet that will be created directly from CSS (as part of the CSS HOUDINI experiment)
• 21 ways to optimize your CSS and speed up your site
• How @supports works
• Correct use of CSS Grid
• Auto-aligned grid on Flexbox compatible with IE10
• Variables CSS + calc () + rgb () = Ensuring high color contrast
• CSS: FLIP animations
• FunES # 8: Math.pow is not equal **
• Manipulations with the DOM in pure JavaScript
• Introduction to jQuery (2019 version)
• Complete guide to ES10 features
• Priorities for loading JavaScript in Chrome
• Analysis of JavaScript solutions for general algorithmic issues ( part 1)
• 12 ideas that will improve your JavaScript skills
• XMLHttpRequest or Fetch API: what's the best for Ajax in 2019?
- Theory:
• JavaScript: A big whole Well why
• How to get started with internationalization in JavaScript
• Public and private class fields
• Try / Catch / Finally . Puzzles with interviews and not only
• Guidance on class inheritance based on prototypes in JavaScript
• It's time to talk about object-oriented JavaScript
• How to avoid blocking the DOM in JavaScript
- VueJS:
• 26 советов по экономии времени при работе со Vue
• Создание современного приложения с использованием Nest.js, MongoDB и Vue.js
• Оптимизация производительности приложений на Vue.js: часть 3 — Ленивая загрузка модулей Vuex
- React:
• Коллекция из 2200 ресурсов для всего, связанного с реакт — от Next.js, Gatsby и JSX до анимации, Apollo GraphQL и подкастов
• Анонс Ionic React Beta
• React Hooks, первые впечатления
• Использование Pre-Commit и Pre-Push Git Hooks в проекте React
• React: связь между компонентами
• Прогрессивный React. Хотите сделать свой сайт на React более производительным? Вот быстрый чеклист
• Создание прогрессивных веб-приложений с помощью React. Часть 2
- Angular:
• Стилизация Angular приложений с помощью Bootstrap
• Реактивное восстановление положения прокрутки с помощью RxJS
- Libs & Plugins:
• Detection of NSFW content on the client side through Tensorflow JS
• Study, design or document the code base by placing breadcrumbs in the source code
• CERN launched the Internet browser of the 90s in honor of the 30th anniversary of the worldwide network
• Yandex began testing public chats with people nearby in the Yandex.Browser mobile
• 31% of Chrome add-ons use libraries with known vulnerabilities
• Microsoft Edge secretly allows Facebook use Flash content
• Firefox will display picture-in-picture mode and a redesigned add-on manager
We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.
Digest last week
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin