Life cycle of an article on Habré: we write a habraparser. Part two
Hi Habr!
In the first part of the Friday analysis, we examined the methodology for collecting some statistics from this wonderful site. Initially, there was no plan to continue, but in the comments there were interesting thoughts that I wanted to check. For example, which articles have more views published on weekdays or weekends?
We will try to answer this and other questions, we will also publish our purely scientific statistical mini-rating. As in the first part, we will use Python, Pandas and Matplotlib to collect statistics.
For those who are interested in what happened, continued under the cut.
This time we will try to collect statistics on article views over time, and also analyze not only the ratings, but also the number of likes and dislikes. To begin with, we need the source data - we get a list of articles.
What we have? Of course, we do not have any "insider" information, we will take the data "from open sources." When a user visits the main page, he can see a list of 50 pages page1 - page50 . We will analyze all this.
It would be possible to manually select tag fragments from a string, as in the previous part, but for a change we will use the ready-made BeautifulSoup library . It provides access to the DOM model of the web page and individual components, i.e. what we need.
As in the previous case, we look carefully at the source code of the page, and we find that the articles are stored in the "article" block, the publication time is stored in the element of the "post__time" class, and the parameters of the articles are stored in the "footer" block (taking this opportunity, I express my respect site for the logical and understandable structure of all data :).
The parsing code for one page looks like this (some missing functions, for example get_as_str to get a python string from a URL, are described in the first part):
As you can see, everything is quite simple. We get a list of articles on the page, for each article we have publication time, number of views, rating, number of likes and dislikes. Enough for analysis.
But that is not all. The time of publication of the article can be stored in the form of a date and time (“February 3, 2019 at 18:27”), or in the form “yesterday at 23:25” or “today at 22:46”. You need to convert such strings to regular datetime:
If everything was done correctly, the output should be something like this log:
First, load all the data in the dataframe and add program-generated columns for views / count, views / comments and different representations of the date and time.
We formed a dataframe, and received all the data in a numerical format convenient for analysis.
Lets get started!
To get started, make sure that the data is loaded, and simply display all that is:
We get the distribution of publication time for all articles for this month: The
daily period is immediately apparent: it is logical that most publications fall on a day or evening, at 5 in the morning there will be few people posting an article. Still for fun, let's see the histogram of the hourly distribution:
In principle, nothing unexpected, although someone at 5 am posting the publication nevertheless :) (well, do not forget about time zones):
Let's see if the number of views depends on the publication time: for this we group all the lines by the “hour” field and calculate the average for each hour. It can be assumed, for example, that the majority of visitors read articles in the evening, which means that articles posted at this time will gain more views. Check it out.
The result ... is a bit surprising. We see a big peak for articles posted at 3 a.m.:
However, it’s funny, let's see what kind of articles these are - we’ll show all for which the hour = 3 field:
We get 6 pieces, and almost all of them really have a large number of views:
2019-02-11 03:05:00 - 39100 views
2019-02-11 03:35:00 / ru / post / 439690 - 12,700 views
2019-02-09 03:59:00 - 4500 views
2019-02-09 03:33:00 - 61100 views
2019-02-05 03:05:00 - 32,600 views
2019-02-03 03:13:00 - 2100 views
I make the assumption that they all belong to the same author, and I turn out to be wrong. In general, it is strange, but the fact is that at 3 a.m. few articles are published, but almost all of them are good.
It is also interesting how many articles are laid out during working hours. It seemed to me that for most authors this is still a hobby and not a job, but apparently here I was wrong.
Now let's see the dependence of the number of views on the day of the week of publication. Group the data by this parameter.
The result is predictable IMHO: articles posted by the end of the week on average gain more views, apparently because readers have more free time:
The “worst” day, however, on Tuesday, articles posted on Tuesday receive the least views.
However, it was not in vain that we saved not only the number of views, but also the number of likes and dislikes. With their help, you can build your own mini-rating.
For example, we’ll list the top 5 articles with a rating of more than 50 and a maximum views / votes :
Result: 2300 views, rating 55 4400 views, rating 63 438774 5000 views, rating 57 5000 views, rating 55 6800 views, rating 72
Suddenly, the whole top is busy with corporate blogs, it always seemed that corporate blogs are a boring advertising mess like “look at our new smartphone”, which is published only because “necessary”. It turned out to be wrong. By the way, comes in first place. You can deduce what articles this company published; I will leave this to readers as homework.
Move on. We will bring out the most controversial articles - those with both the number of likes and the number of dislikes over 30.
There were only 4 of them: 22100 views, 41 likes, 35 dislikes 73,500 views 122 likes 70 dislikes 82,300 views 72 likes 35 dislikes 64,400 views 179 likes 37 dislikes
In conclusion, we display the top 5 most commented articles and (dubious in glory) the top 5 with the most dislikes:
Most commented articles : - 1356 comments - 983 comments - 873 comments - 641 comments - 577 comments
Articles with the largest number of dislikes : - 74 dislays - 70 dislikes post / 440358 - 67 dislikes - 63 dislikes - 46 dislikes
As you can see, statistics and data science are quite an interesting hobby. Even on small datasets, you can get quite interesting data for analysis. Those who wish can continue on their own, something I may have missed.
Of course, the sample is still small, and some results may be controversial. That is, that is, the number of articles analyzed is limited by what is available on the site.
Those who want to try it on their own can download csv under the spoiler.
All successful experiments.
In the first part of the Friday analysis, we examined the methodology for collecting some statistics from this wonderful site. Initially, there was no plan to continue, but in the comments there were interesting thoughts that I wanted to check. For example, which articles have more views published on weekdays or weekends?
We will try to answer this and other questions, we will also publish our purely scientific statistical mini-rating. As in the first part, we will use Python, Pandas and Matplotlib to collect statistics.
For those who are interested in what happened, continued under the cut.
Data collection
This time we will try to collect statistics on article views over time, and also analyze not only the ratings, but also the number of likes and dislikes. To begin with, we need the source data - we get a list of articles.
What we have? Of course, we do not have any "insider" information, we will take the data "from open sources." When a user visits the main page, he can see a list of 50 pages page1 - page50 . We will analyze all this.
It would be possible to manually select tag fragments from a string, as in the previous part, but for a change we will use the ready-made BeautifulSoup library . It provides access to the DOM model of the web page and individual components, i.e. what we need.
As in the previous case, we look carefully at the source code of the page, and we find that the articles are stored in the "article" block, the publication time is stored in the element of the "post__time" class, and the parameters of the articles are stored in the "footer" block (taking this opportunity, I express my respect site for the logical and understandable structure of all data :).
The parsing code for one page looks like this (some missing functions, for example get_as_str to get a python string from a URL, are described in the first part):
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'ru_RU.UTF-8')
def get_page_data(page_link):
data_html = get_as_str(page_link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(data_html, 'html.parser')
values = []
articles = soup.findAll('article', attrs={'class':'post post_preview'})
for a in articles:
t = a.find("span", {"class": "post__time"})
date = str_to_date(t.text)
views, votes, votes_up, votes_down, comments, link = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""
link = a.find("a", {"class": "btn btn_x-large btn_outline_blue post__habracut-btn"})
# Remove #habracut from link
link_url = link['href'].split('#')[0]
footer = a.find("footer", {"class": "post__footer"})
spans = footer.findAll('span')
for sp in spans:
value = Str(str_to_ascii(sp.text)).to_int()
if sp['class'][0] == 'post-stats__views-count':
views = value
if sp['class'][0] == 'voting-wjt__counter':
votes = value
html = Str(sp)
# 'title="Общий рейтинг 12: ↑11 и ↓1">+10 19, 3
votes_up = html.find_between('↑', ' ')
votes_down = html.find_between('↓', '"')
if sp['class'][0] == 'post-stats__comments-count':
comments = value
date_str = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000")
print "{},{},views:{},votes:{},up:{},down:{},comments:{}".format(date_str, link_url, views, votes, votes_up, votes_down, comments)
values.append([date, views, votes, comments])
return values
As you can see, everything is quite simple. We get a list of articles on the page, for each article we have publication time, number of views, rating, number of likes and dislikes. Enough for analysis.
But that is not all. The time of publication of the article can be stored in the form of a date and time (“February 3, 2019 at 18:27”), or in the form “yesterday at 23:25” or “today at 22:46”. You need to convert such strings to regular datetime:
def str_to_date(s):
s_ = s.lower().encode('utf8')
str_date = ""
d = None
if "сегодня в" in s_:
# 'сегодня в 10:13' => 2019-02-18T10:13:00.000
date =
time = datetime.datetime.strptime(s_.replace('сегодня в ', ''), '%H:%M')
d = date.replace(hour=time.hour,minute=time.minute,second=0,microsecond=0)
elif "вчера в" in s_:
# 'вчера в 10:13' => 2019-02-17T10:13:00.000
date = - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
time = datetime.datetime.strptime(s_.replace('вчера в ', ''), '%H:%M')
d = date.replace(hour=time.hour,minute=time.minute,second=0,microsecond=0)
# '14 февраля 2019 в 15:51' => 2019-02-14T10:15:51.000
d = datetime.datetime.strptime(s_, '%d %B %Y в %H:%M')
return d
If everything was done correctly, the output should be something like this log:
Data analysis
First, load all the data in the dataframe and add program-generated columns for views / count, views / comments and different representations of the date and time.
def to_int(s):
# "bookmarks:22" => 22
num = ''.join(i for i in s if i.isdigit())
return int(num)
def to_hour(dt):
return int(dt.strftime("%H"))
def to_dayofweek(dt):
return dt.weekday()
def to_dayofweekstr(dt):
return calendar.day_name[dt.weekday()]
df = pd.read_csv(log_path, header=None, names=['datetime', 'link', 'views', 'votes', 'up', 'down', 'comments'])
dates = pd.to_datetime(df['datetime'], format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
day_names =, na_action=None)
days =, na_action=None)
hour =, na_action=None)
views = df["views"].map(to_int, na_action=None)
votes = df["votes"].map(to_int, na_action=None)
votes_up = df["up"].map(to_int, na_action=None)
votes_down = df["down"].map(to_int, na_action=None)
comments = df["comments"].map(to_int, na_action=None)
df['datetime'] = dates
df['day'] = days
df['dayofweek'] = day_names
df['hour'] = hour
df['views'] = views
df['votes'] = votes
df['up'] = votes_up
df['down'] = votes_down
df['votesperview'] = votes/views
df['commentsperview'] = comments/views
df['votesratio'] = votes_up/votes_down
df['comments'] = comments
We formed a dataframe, and received all the data in a numerical format convenient for analysis.
Lets get started!
Dependence of the number of views on the date and time of publication
To get started, make sure that the data is loaded, and simply display all that is:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (12, 5)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.plot(dates, views, 'bo', markersize=1, label='Views')
We get the distribution of publication time for all articles for this month: The
daily period is immediately apparent: it is logical that most publications fall on a day or evening, at 5 in the morning there will be few people posting an article. Still for fun, let's see the histogram of the hourly distribution:
ax.hist(hour, bins=range(25), color="skyblue", rwidth=0.9, label='Publication time')
In principle, nothing unexpected, although someone at 5 am posting the publication nevertheless :) (well, do not forget about time zones):
Let's see if the number of views depends on the publication time: for this we group all the lines by the “hour” field and calculate the average for each hour. It can be assumed, for example, that the majority of visitors read articles in the evening, which means that articles posted at this time will gain more views. Check it out.
g = df.groupby(['hour'])
grouped = g.median().reset_index()
view_hours = grouped['hour'].values
view_hours_avg = grouped['views'].values
plt.plot(view_hours, view_hours_avg, label='Avg.view/hour')
The result ... is a bit surprising. We see a big peak for articles posted at 3 a.m.:
However, it’s funny, let's see what kind of articles these are - we’ll show all for which the hour = 3 field:
h3 = df[df['hour'] == 3]
print(h3[['datetime', 'link', 'views']])
We get 6 pieces, and almost all of them really have a large number of views:
2019-02-11 03:05:00 - 39100 views
2019-02-11 03:35:00 / ru / post / 439690 - 12,700 views
2019-02-09 03:59:00 - 4500 views
2019-02-09 03:33:00 - 61100 views
2019-02-05 03:05:00 - 32,600 views
2019-02-03 03:13:00 - 2100 views
I make the assumption that they all belong to the same author, and I turn out to be wrong. In general, it is strange, but the fact is that at 3 a.m. few articles are published, but almost all of them are good.
It is also interesting how many articles are laid out during working hours. It seemed to me that for most authors this is still a hobby and not a job, but apparently here I was wrong.
Now let's see the dependence of the number of views on the day of the week of publication. Group the data by this parameter.
g = df.groupby(['day', 'dayofweek'])
grouped = g.median().reset_index()
grouped.sort_values('day', ascending=False)
view_days = grouped['day'].values
view_per_day = grouped['views'].values
days_of_week = grouped['dayofweek'].values
plt.plot(view_days, view_per_day, label='Avg.view/day')
plt.xticks(view_days, days_of_week)
The result is predictable IMHO: articles posted by the end of the week on average gain more views, apparently because readers have more free time:
The “worst” day, however, on Tuesday, articles posted on Tuesday receive the least views.
Stat rating
However, it was not in vain that we saved not only the number of views, but also the number of likes and dislikes. With their help, you can build your own mini-rating.
For example, we’ll list the top 5 articles with a rating of more than 50 and a maximum views / votes :
df_filtered = df[df['votes'] >= 50]
print(df_filtered.sort_values('votesperview', ascending=False)[:5])
Result: 2300 views, rating 55 4400 views, rating 63 438774 5000 views, rating 57 5000 views, rating 55 6800 views, rating 72
Suddenly, the whole top is busy with corporate blogs, it always seemed that corporate blogs are a boring advertising mess like “look at our new smartphone”, which is published only because “necessary”. It turned out to be wrong. By the way, comes in first place. You can deduce what articles this company published; I will leave this to readers as homework.
Move on. We will bring out the most controversial articles - those with both the number of likes and the number of dislikes over 30.
df_votes = df[(df['up'] > 30) & (df['down'] > 30)]
print(df_votes.sort_values('votesratio', ascending=True)[:5])
There were only 4 of them: 22100 views, 41 likes, 35 dislikes 73,500 views 122 likes 70 dislikes 82,300 views 72 likes 35 dislikes 64,400 views 179 likes 37 dislikes
In conclusion, we display the top 5 most commented articles and (dubious in glory) the top 5 with the most dislikes:
print(df.sort_values('comments', ascending=False)[:5])
print(df.sort_values('down', ascending=False)[:5])
Most commented articles : - 1356 comments - 983 comments - 873 comments - 641 comments - 577 comments
Articles with the largest number of dislikes : - 74 dislays - 70 dislikes post / 440358 - 67 dislikes - 63 dislikes - 46 dislikes
As you can see, statistics and data science are quite an interesting hobby. Even on small datasets, you can get quite interesting data for analysis. Those who wish can continue on their own, something I may have missed.
Of course, the sample is still small, and some results may be controversial. That is, that is, the number of articles analyzed is limited by what is available on the site.
Those who want to try it on their own can download csv under the spoiler.
2019-02-19T16: 26: 00.000, https: //,views: 4, votes: 0, up: 0, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T16: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 76, votes: 0, up: 0, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T16: 02: 00.000, https: //,views:138,votes:6,up:6,downmail,commentscript
2019-02-19T15: 56: 00.000, https: //,views[21,votes:7,up:1,down:8,comments:16
2019-02-19T15: 56: 00.000, https: // company / jugru / blog / 440772 /, views: 278, votes: 3, up: 3, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T15: 55: 00.000, https: // 439574 /, views: 119, votes: 1, up: 1, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T15: 44: 00.000, https: // , views: 224, votes: 5, up: 5, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-19T15: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 467, votes: 4, up: 4, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-19T15: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 166, votes: 0, up: 0, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T15: 27: 00.000, https: //,views:282,votes:6,up:6,downmail,commentscript
2019-02-19T14: 56: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440286 /, views: 505, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-19T14: 11: 00.000, https: // , views: 938, votes: 9, up: 9, down: 0, comments: 10
2019-02-19T14: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 361, votes : 9, up: 9, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T13: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 793, votes: 8 , up: 8, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02-19T13: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 824, votes: 3, up: 5, down: 2, comments: 0
2019- 02-19T13: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 2000, votes: 13, up: 13, down: 0, comments: 13
2019-02-19T13: 34: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 16, up: 19, down: 3, comments: 10
2019-02-19T13: 22: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:16,up:17,down:1,comments:8
2019-02-19T13: 14: 00.000, https: // company / qualcomm_russia / blog / 440832 /, views: 1300, votes: 6, up: 7, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-19T13: 06: 00.000, https: // englishdom / blog / 440850 /, views: 1400, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-19T13: 01: 00.000, https: // , views: 2600, votes: 23, up: 4, down: 27, comments: 32
2019-02-19T13: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 331, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 0
2019- 02-19T12: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 21, up: 22, down: 1, comments: 11
2019-02-19T12: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 830, votes: 11, up: 11, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T12: 12: 00.000,,views:160,votes:11,up:11,downcode,comments:07
2019-02-19T12: 11: 00.000, https: //,views:2700,votes:16,up:26,down:10,comments:26
2019-02-19T12: 09: 00.000, https: //,views:1000,votes:15,up:15,downPoint,commentshaps
2019-02-19T12: 08: 00.000, https: //,views: 2500, votes: 33, up: 34, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-19T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 21, up: 24, down: 3, comments: 3
2019-02-19T11: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 626, votes: 11, up: 11, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T11: 50: 00.000, https: //,views:1600,votes:14,up:14,downmail,commentscript
2019-02-19T11: 46: 00.000, https: // post / 440830 /, views: 2500, votes: 26, up: 26, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02-19T11: 38: 00.000, https: // 440778 /, views: 306, votes: 24, up: 24, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T11: 27: 00.000, https: // , views: 3100, votes: 28, up: 33, down: 5, comments: 10
2019-02-19T11: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 1100, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 0
2019- 02-19T11: 18: 00.000, https: //,views: 1100, votes: 13, up: 14, down: 1, comments: 12
2019-02-19T11: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 3900, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-19T11: 01: 00.000,,views►2020,
votes:14, up:14,downcode,comments:2 2019-02-19T11: 01: 00.000, https: //,views:2200,votes:21,up:24,downrouble,comments:11
2019-02-19T11: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:1700,votes:19,up:19,downmail,comments
2019-02-19T10: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 25, up: 25, down: 0, comments: 5
2019- 02-19T10: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 454, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02- 19T10: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 561, votes: 9, up: 9, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-19T10: 34: 00.000,,views:3300,votes:14,up:16,down:2,comments:9
2019-02-19T10: 33: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / oleg-bunin / blog / 440814 /, views: 1900, votes: 24, up: 24, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-19T10: 23: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / top3dshop / blog / 440630 /, views: 527, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T10: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 609, votes: 10, up: 12, down: 2, comments: 2
2019- 02-19T10: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 3000, votes: 26, up: 29, down: 3, comments: 12
2019-02- 19T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300, votes: 6, up: 11, down: 5, comments: 15
2019-02-19T10: 00: 00.000,,views:2400,votes:9,up:11,down:2,comments:4
2019-02-19T09: 39: 00.000, https: //,views:1500,votes:8,up:14,down:6,comments:20
2019-02-19T09: 36: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440786 /, views: 4300, votes: 27, up: 30, down: 3, comments: 5
2019-02-19T09: 26: 00.000, https: // , views: 2200, votes: 8, up: 8, down: 0, comments: 10
2019-02-19T08: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 14200, votes: 108, up: 108, down: 0, comments: 41
2019-02-19T08: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 796, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T07: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 381, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T07: 43: 00.000, https: //,views:901,votes:11,up:12,down:1,comments:2
2019-02-19T07: 11: 00.000, https: // post / 440400 /, views: 1900, votes: 7, up: 8, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-19T05: 27: 00.000, https: //,views : 2600, votes: 13, up: 20, down: 7, comments: 4
2019-02-19T00: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 13 , up: 18, down: 5, comments: 10
2019-02-19T00: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 16000, votes: 35, up: 39, down: 4, comments: 18
2019- 02-18T23: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 5900, votes: 8, up: 16, down: 8, comments: 30
2019-02-18T22: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 900, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-18T22: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 13
2019-02-18T21: 27: 00.000,,views:7100,votes:23,up:25,down:2,comments:23
2019-02-18T20: 53: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 440184 /, views: 2700, votes: 13, up: 17, down: 4, comments: 14
2019-02-18T19: 40: 00.000, https: // 440774 /, views: 19600, votes: 46, up: 50, down: 4, comments: 60
2019-02-18T19: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 4100, votes: 4, up: 17, down: 13, comments: 12
2019-02-18T18: 39: 00.000, https: //,views: 13600, votes: 12, up: 31, down: 19, comments: 29
2019-02-18T18: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 11100, votes: 39, up: 39, down: 0, comments: 10
2019-02-18T18: 21: 00.000, https: //,views:2700,votes:20,up:20,downmail,comments:13
2019-02-18T18: 19: 00.000, https: // post / 439116 /, views: 22000, votes: 62, up: 64, down: 2, comments: 121
2019-02-18T18: 11: 00.000, https: // 440740 /, views: 358, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-18T18: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 66200 , votes: 181, up: 181, down: 0, comments: 119
2019-02-18T17: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 993, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-18T17: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 7500, votes: 8, up: 28, down: 20, comments: 57
2019-02-18T17: 31: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:12,up:13,down:1,comments:4
2019-02-18T17: 25: 00.000, https: //,views:2700,votes:19,up:20,down:1,comments:27
2019-02-18T17: 16: 00.000, https: // company / okko / blog / 439180 /, views: 1400, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-18T16: 49: 00.000, https: // psb / blog / 440680 /, views: 927, votes: 7, up: 9, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-18T16: 18: 00.000, https: // , views: 2500, votes: 12, up: 14, down: 2, comments: 4
2019-02-18T15: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 1100, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-18T14: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 14900, votes: 35, up: 41, down: 6, comments: 8
2019-02-18T14: 13: 00.000, https: //,views:5700,votes:24,up:27,downreg,comments:10
2019-02-18T14: 03: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440718 /, views: 2600, votes: 24, up: 29, down: 5, comments: 18
2019-02-18T13: 58: 00.000, https: // , views: 4200, votes: 21, up: 7, down: 28, comments: 61
2019-02-18T13: 49: 00.000, https: //,views : 3000, votes: 16, up: 19, down: 3, comments: 2
2019-02-18T13: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 739 , votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02-18T13: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 45, up: 46, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-18T13: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 7700, votes: 28, up: 38, down: 10, comments: 9
2019- 02-18T12: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 35, up: 36, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-18T12: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 25, up: 26, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-18T12: 44: 00.000, https: //,views:2600,votes:20,up:22,down:2,comments:18
2019-02-18T12: 23: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / haulmont / blog / 440696 /, views: 2100, votes: 17, up: 20, down: 3, comments: 8
2019-02-18T12: 18: 00.000, https: //,views: 898, votes: 26, up: 27, down: 1, comments: 0
2019- 02-18T12: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 3700, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02- 18T12: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 3400, votes: 28, up: 28, down: 0, comments: 23
2019-02-18T12: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 1400, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-18T11: 45: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:20,up:21,down:1,comments:8
2019-02-18T11: 45: 00.000, https: //,views:4800,votes:25,up:26,down:1,comments:6
2019-02-18T11: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 3800, votes: 22, up: 26, down: 4, comments: 5
2019- 02-18T11: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 20100, votes: 96, up: 100, down: 4, comments: 142
2019-02- 18T11: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 5600, votes: 32, up: 32, down: 0, comments: 7
2019-02-18T10: 45: 00.000, https: //,views: 2900, votes: 40, up: 40, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-18T10: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 8600, votes: 38, up: 38, down: 0, comments: 25
2019-02-18T10: 13: 00.000, https: //,views:7400,votes:18,up:27,down:9,comments:17
2019-02-18T10: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 3500, votes: 14, up: 15, down: 1, comments: 15
2019-02-18T10: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 507, votes: 2, up: 8, down: 6, comments: 1
2019-02-18T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:2200,votes:25,up:27,down:2,commentscript
2019-02-18T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:4300,votes:20,up:22,down:2,comments:7
2019-02-18T09: 38: 00.000, https: // post / 440594 /, views: 8200, votes: 22, up: 25, down: 3, comments: 27
2019-02-18T09: 26: 00.000, https: //,views : 1700, votes: 9, up: 13, down: 4, comments: 4
2019-02-18T09: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 8600 , votes: 28, up: 30, down: 2, comments: 16
2019-02-18T09: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 5600, votes: 24, up: 26, down: 2, comments: 9
2019- 02-18T08: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 2900, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-18T07: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 16000, votes: 74, up: 84, down: 10, comments: 127
2019-02-18T07: 54: 00.000, https: //,views:1500,votes:15,up:16,down:1,commentshaps
2019-02-18T06: 58: 00.000, https: // post / 440670 /, views: 3500, votes: 6, up: 8, down: 2, comments: 12
2019-02-18T06: 53: 00.000, https: //,views : 12600, votes: 33, up: 34, down: 1, comments: 64
2019-02-18T00: 56: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 9 , up: 10, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-18T00: 45: 00.000, https: //,views: 8400, votes: 30, up: 31, down: 1, comments: 10
2019-02-17T23: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 39900, votes: 149, up: 157, down: 8, comments: 287
2019-02-17T23: 17: 00.000, https: //,views:12200,votes:45,up:18,down:63,comments:134
2019-02-17T23: 05: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440638 /, views: 9400, votes: 70, up: 4, down: 74, comments: 24
2019-02-17T22: 53: 00.000, https: // blog / 440636 /, views: 2600, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-17T22: 43: 00.000, https: //,views : 22100, votes: 6, up: 41, down: 35, comments: 72
2019-02-17T22: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200 , votes: 19, up: 21, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-17T21: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 6100, votes: 39, up: 40, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-17T21: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 2
2019-02-17T20: 34: 00.000, https: //,views:9500,votes:20,up:22,down:2,comments:47
2019-02-17T19: 10: 00.000, https: // com / company / wrike / blog / 440326 /, views: 707, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-17T19: 04: 00.000, https: // post / 440614 /, views: 4700, votes: 23, up: 8, down: 31, comments: 46
2019-02-17T18: 53: 00.000, https: //,views : 3800, votes: 8, up: 12, down: 4, comments: 7
2019-02-17T18: 39: 00.000, https: //,views : 3800, votes: 9, up: 12, down: 3, comments: 10
2019-02-17T17: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 25800, votes: 42, up: 42, down: 0, comments: 28
2019-02-17T17: 27: 00.000, https: //,views: 6400, votes: 18, up: 23, down: 5, comments: 8
2019-02-17T17: 06: 00.000, https: //,views:3300,votes:9,up:10,down:1,comments:07
2019-02-17T16: 49: 00.000, https: //,views:2500,votes:12,up:15,down{,comments:1
2019-02-17T15: 37: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 440602 /, views: 4200, votes: 13, up: 14, down: 1, comments: 29
2019-02-17T15: 04: 00.000, https: // 440598 /, views: 11500, votes: 26, up: 30, down: 4, comments: 8
2019-02-17T13: 32: 00.000, https: //,views: 11500 , votes: 48, up: 50, down: 2, comments: 9
2019-02-17T13: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 11700, votes: 27, up: 31, down: 4, comments: 61
2019-02-17T13: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 8300, votes: 22, up: 24, down: 2, comments: 14
2019-02-17T12: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 22, up: 23, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-17T12: 51: 00.000,,views:65300,votes:106,up:111,down►,comments:135
2019-02-17T12: 17: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 440566 /, views: 15000, votes: 46, up: 48, down: 2, comments: 92
2019-02-17T11: 50: 00.000, https: // 440582 /, views: 20400, votes: 4, up: 25, down: 21, comments: 234
2019-02-17T10: 46: 00.000, https: //,views: 9700 , votes: 27, up: 27, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-17T06: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 4400, votes: 46, up: 47, down: 1, comments: 15
2019-02-17T01: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500, votes: 24, up: 24, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-17T00: 53: 00.000, https: //,views:2300,votes:8,up:14,down:6,commentscript
2019-02-17T00: 04: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440564 /, views: 12900, votes: 44, up: 46, down: 2, comments: 53
2019-02-16T23: 18: 00.000, https: // , views: 21300, votes: 12, up: 34, down: 22, comments: 106
2019-02-16T21: 30: 00.000, https: //,views : 5200, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-16T21: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300, votes: 21 , up: 27, down: 6, comments: 18
2019-02-16T18: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 8600, votes: 29, up: 32, down: 3, comments: 9
2019-02-16T17: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 5700, votes: 18, up: 19, down: 1, comments: 21
2019-02-16T17: 39: 00.000, https: //,views:5300,votes:23,up:26,down{,comments:10
2019-02-16T17: 31: 00.000, https: // com / company / iticapital / blog / 440540 /, views: 5200, votes: 21, up: 22, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-16T17: 18: 00.000, https: // company / skillbox / blog / 440536 /, views: 2800, votes: 26, up: 28, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-16T16: 58: 00.000, https: // englishdom / blog / 440534 /, views: 5300, votes: 9, up: 18, down: 9, comments: 48
2019-02-16T16: 36: 00.000, https: // , views: 1800, votes: 21, up: 21, down: 0, comments: 9
2019-02-16T15: 56: 00.000, https: //,views: 6800, votes: 15, up: 20, down: 5, comments: 10
2019-02-16T15: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 10900, votes: 12, up: 17, down: 5, comments: 43
2019-02-16T15: 26: 00.000, https: //,views:2200,votes:12,up:12,downmail,comments:2
2019-02-16T14: 55: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440522 /, views: 2400, votes: 9, up: 9, down: 0, comments: 9
2019-02-16T14: 09: 00.000, https: // , views: 4700, votes: 16, up: 20, down: 4, comments: 4
2019-02-16T12: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 65000, votes : 85, up: 100, down: 15, comments: 256
2019-02-16T12: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 21000, votes: 41, up: 46 , down: 5, comments: 89
2019-02-16T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 4300, votes: 22, up: 25, down: 3, comments: 14
2019-02-16T11: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 3600, votes: 2, up: 16, down: 14, comments: 2
2019-02-16T10: 47: 00.000, https: //,views:13700,votes:24,up:25,down:1,comments:15
2019-02-16T10: 01: 00.000, https: // com / company / audiomania / blog / 440502 /, views: 2900, votes: 13, up: 18, down: 5, comments: 1
2019-02-16T08: 12: 00.000, https: // post / 440154 /, views: 13500, votes: 25, up: 25, down: 0, comments: 9
2019-02-16T00: 42: 00.000, https: //,views : 10700, votes: 14, up: 19, down: 5, comments: 101
2019-02-15T23: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 5000, votes: 52 , up: 55, down: 3, comments: 29
2019-02-15T23: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 10200, votes: 24, up: 24, down: 0, comments: 26
2019-02-15T23: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 21700, votes: 26, up: 28, down: 2, comments: 133
2019-02-15T22: 38: 00.000, https: //,views:3700,votes:11,up:17,down:28,comments:46
2019-02-15T20: 20: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440486 /, views: 5000, votes: 26, up: 28, down: 2, comments: 17
2019-02-15T19: 07: 00.000, https: // blog / 440478 /, views: 6600, votes: 20, up: 26, down: 6, comments: 2
2019-02-15T18: 26: 00.000, https: //,views : 4600, votes: 15, up: 17, down: 2, comments: 4
2019-02-15T18: 19: 00.000, https: //,views: 1000, votes: 15 , up: 15, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-15T18: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 16, up: 20, down: 4, comments: 9
2019-02-15T17: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 8000, votes: 37, up: 37, down: 0, comments: 29
2019-02-15T17: 10: 00.000, https: //,views:8500,votescript,up:28,down:28,comments:169
2019-02-15T17: 09: 00.000, https: // com / company / otus / blog / 440462 /, views: 1300, votes: 3, up: 15, down: 12, comments: 3
2019-02-15T17: 05: 00.000, https: // company / mobileup / blog / 440284 /, views: 8600, votes: 24, up: 26, down: 2, comments: 21
2019-02-15T16: 58: 00.000, https: // mailru / blog / 439518 /, views: 1900, votes: 17, up: 20, down: 3, comments: 1
2019-02-15T16: 34: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 9
2019- 02-15T16: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 3500, votes: 13, up: 18, down: 5, comments: 9
2019-02-15T16: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 14900, votes: 14, up: 33, down: 19, comments: 36
2019-02-15T16: 17: 00.000,,views:2500,votes:11,up:11,downcode,comments:2
2019-02-15T16: 15: 00.000, https: //,views:409,votes:11,up:11,downcode,commentscript
2019-02-15T16: 15: 00.000, https: //,views{9700,votes:27,up:43,down:16,comments:75
2019-02-15T15: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 19, up: 21, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-15T14: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 7100, votes: 19, up: 25, down: 6, comments: 12
2019-02-15T14: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 7100, votes: 25, up: 33, down: 8, comments: 21
2019-02-15T14: 30: 00.000, https: //,views:5600,votes:21,up:24,down{,comments:15
2019-02-15T14: 20: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / edison / blog / 436098 /, views: 4600, votes: 31, up: 32, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-15T13: 57: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440426 /, views: 5900, votes: 16, up: 19, down: 3, comments: 15
2019-02-15T13: 54: 00.000, https: // , views: 4700, votes: 12, up: 24, down: 12, comments: 77
2019-02-15T13: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 4800, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 29
2019-02-15T13: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 6800, votes: 54, up: 54, down: 0, comments: 15
2019-02-15T13: 22: 00.000, https: //,views:1900,votes:28,up:28,downcode,comments:1
2019-02-15T13: 12: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:17,up:20,down{,commentshaps
2019-02-15T13: 06: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438942 /, views: 2800, votes: 29, up: 29, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-15T13: 02: 00.000, https: // blog / 440412 /, views: 830, votes: 9, up: 9, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-15T12: 49: 00.000, https: //,views : 3500, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 9
2019-02-15T12: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 51200, votes: 186, up: 190, down: 4, comments: 243
2019-02-15T12: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 4600, votes: 40, up: 40, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-15T12: 35: 00.000, https: //,views:950,votes:9,up:9,downcode,comments:6
2019-02-15T12: 16: 00.000, https: //,views∗000,votes:49,up:50,down:1,comments:11
2019-02-15T12: 00: 00.000, https: // company / ruvds / blog / 439980 /, views: 9000, votes: 26, up: 26, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-15T12: 00: 00.000, https: // ua-hosting / blog / 440268 /, views: 5900, votes: 32, up: 32, down: 0, comments: 7
2019-02-15T11: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 7700, votes: 13, up: 16, down: 3, comments: 21
2019-02-15T11: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 27, up: 28, down: 1, comments: 70
2019- 02-15T11: 20: 00.000, https: //,views: 11800, votes: 36, up: 38, down: 2, comments: 35
2019-02-15T11: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 8000, votes: 51, up: 53, down: 2, comments: 32
2019-02-15T10: 57: 00.000,,views:6200,votes:22,up:23,down:1,comments:32
2019-02-15T10: 44: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / oleg-bunin / blog / 440332 /, views: 3500, votes: 34, up: 34, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-15T09: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 1900, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 2
2019- 02-15T09: 32: 00.000, https: //,views: 30800, votes: 46, up: 52, down: 6, comments: 81
2019-02-15T07: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 7300, votes: 34, up: 34, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-15T01: 28: 00.000, https: //,views:5300,votes:19,up:21,down:2,comments:7
2019-02-14T23: 44: 00.000, https: // post / 440362 /, views: 9700, votes: 17, up: 18, down: 1, comments: 37
2019-02-14T23: 05: 00.000, https: //,views : 6400, votes: 3, up: 14, down: 17, comments: 26
2019-02-14T22: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 8000, votes: 38 , up: 29, down: 67, comments: 109
2019-02-14T21: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 4500, votes: 15, up: 17, down: 2, comments: 19
2019-02-14T20: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 44900, votes: 59, up: 68, down: 9, comments: 41
2019-02-14T20: 42: 00.000, https: //,views:8800,votes:35,up:40,down<,comments:14
2019-02-14T20: 10: 00.000, https: //,views:3200,votes:21,up:21,downcode,commentscript
2019-02-14T19: 33: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 440336 /, views: 42100, votes: 85, up: 98, down: 13, comments: 135
2019-02-14T18: 46: 00.000, https: // otus / blog / 440334 /, views: 1900, votes: 1, up: 12, down: 11, comments: 6
2019-02-14T18: 08: 00.000, https: // , views: 4200, votes: 12, up: 16, down: 4, comments: 8
2019-02-14T18: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-14T17: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 14, up: 16, down: 2, comments: 1
2019-02-14T17: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 7000, votes: 49, up: 50, down: 1, comments: 16
2019-02-14T16: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 3400, votes: 14, up: 24, down: 38, comments: 23
2019-02-14T16: 38: 00.000, https: //,views:1900,votes:20,up:20,downPoint,commentshaps
2019-02-14T16: 05: 00.000, https: // post / 440308 /, views: 11000, votes: 49, up: 50, down: 1, comments: 30
2019-02-14T15: 51: 00.000, https: // 439242 /, views: 1800, votes: 21, up: 23, down: 2, comments: 13
2019-02-14T15: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 8600, votes: 53, up: 56, down: 3, comments: 14
2019-02-14T15: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 2900, votes: 36, up: 36, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-14T14: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 27, up: 31, down: 4, comments: 4
2019-02-14T14: 45: 00.000, https: //,views:1700,votes{,up:11,down:8,comments:2
2019-02-14T14: 23: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439190 /, views: 3600, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-14T14: 02: 00.000, https: // blog / 440292 /, views: 3500, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 11
2019-02-14T14: 01: 00.000, https: // 440300 /, views: 12200, votes: 45, up: 51, down: 6, comments: 11
2019-02-14T13: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 39700, votes: 69, up: 75, down: 6, comments: 167
2019- 02-14T13: 39: 00.000, https: //,views: 7800, votes: 16, up: 20, down: 4, comments: 14
2019-02-14T13: 17: 00.000, https: //,views: 13200, votes: 21, up: 28, down: 7, comments: 26
2019-02-14T13: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:2600,votes:26,up:26,downmail,comments:6
2019-02-14T12: 32: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 440238 /, views: 4600, votes: 15, up: 16, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-14T12: 28: 00.000, https: // 440280 /, views: 14100, votes: 59, up: 60, down: 1, comments: 71
2019-02-14T11: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 17900 , votes: 34, up: 35, down: 1, comments: 22
2019-02-14T11: 18: 00.000, https: //,views: 59900, votes: 106, up: 127, down: 21, comments: 166
2019-02-14T11: 17: 00.000, https: //,views: 5800, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 28
2019-02-14T11: 09: 00.000, https: //,views:1700,votes:14,up:15,down:1,comments:2
2019-02-14T11: 03: 00.000, https: //,views{100,votes:14,up:14,downcode,comments:6
2019-02-14T11: 01: 00.000, https: // company / itsumma / blog / 440208 /, views: 3500, votes: 35, up: 35, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-14T10: 55: 00.000, https: // redhatrussia / blog / 440188 /, views: 1900, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-14T10: 19: 00.000, https: //,views: 11600, votes: 70, up: 73, down: 3, comments: 29
2019- 02-14T10: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 2900, votes: 25, up: 27, down: 2, comments: 7
2019-02- 14T10: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 35400, votes: 54, up: 75, down: 21, comments: 216
2019-02-14T10: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 8100, votes: 38, up: 38, down: 0, comments: 18
2019-02-14T10: 02: 00.000, https: //,views:7600,votes:43,up:43,downmail,comments:34
2019-02-14T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:2400,votes:15,up:15,down07,commentscript
2019-02-14T09: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 9300, votes: 17, up: 20, down: 3, comments: 5
2019- 02-14T09: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 4600, votes: 28, up: 28, down: 0, comments: 16
2019-02-14T09: 13: 00.000, https: //,views: 3700, votes: 0, up: 13, down: 13, comments: 59
2019-02-14T08: 37: 00.000, https: //,views:9400,votes:47,up:47,downcode,comments:113
2019-02-14T08: 00: 00.000, https: // company / 2gis / blog / 440062 /, views: 5300, votes: 28, up: 29, down: 1, comments: 14
2019-02-14T07: 50: 00.000, https: // 439520 /, views: 2200, votes: 4, up: 8, down: 12, comments: 8
2019-02-14T05: 26: 00.000, https: //,views: 7400 , votes: 18, up: 26, down: 8, comments: 79
2019-02-14T05: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 3600, votes: 24, up: 26, down: 2, comments: 56
2019- 02-14T03: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 39100, votes: 92, up: 93, down: 1, comments: 171
2019-02-14T02: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 3000, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 7
2019-02-13T22: 15: 00.000, https: //,views:15400,votes:32,up:41,down:9,comments:58
2019-02-13T21: 58: 00.000, https: // post / 440234 /, views: 2500, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-13T21: 30: 00.000, https: //,views : 46300, votes: 70, up: 81, down: 11, comments: 376
2019-02-13T21: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 10 , up: 12, down: 2, comments: 5
2019-02-13T19: 43: 00.000, https: //,views: 7000, votes: 19, up: 27, down: 8, comments: 17
2019-02-13T19: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 6500, votes: 36, up: 36, down: 0, comments: 74
2019-02-13T18: 42: 00.000, https: //,views:3800,votes:11,up:13,down:2,comments:16
2019-02-13T18: 41: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440214 /, views: 5000, votes: 15, up: 18, down: 3, comments: 5
2019-02-13T18: 16: 00.000, https: // blog / 440210 /, views: 1200, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 3
2019-02-13T18: 06: 00.000, https: // 440206 /, views: 25400, votes: 62, up: 62, down: 0, comments: 66
2019-02-13T17: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 10400 , votes: 24, up: 29, down: 5, comments: 21
2019-02-13T16: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 26, up: 27, down: 1, comments: 1
2019- 02-13T16: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 4100, votes: 40, up: 41, down: 1, comments: 9
2019-02- 13T16: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 4500, votes: 16, up: 17, down: 1, comments: 9
2019-02-13T16: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 3400, votes: 28, up: 29, down: 1, comments: 15
2019-02-13T16: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 892, votes: 21, up: 22, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-13T16: 02: 00.000,,views:22500,votes:42,up:45,down{,comments:105
2019-02-13T16: 01: 00.000, https: //,views: 6800, votes: 72, up: 72, down: 0, comments: 10
2019- 02-13T15: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 9100, votes: 10, up: 23, down: 13, comments: 19
2019-02-13T15: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-13T15: 24: 00.000,,views:6400,votes:24,up:27,down{,comments:12
2019-02-13T15: 21: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / binarydistrict / blog / 440176 /, views: 3800, votes: 13, up: 16, down: 3, comments: 6
2019-02-13T15: 17: 00.000, https: // com / company / funcorp / blog / 440168 /, views: 1500, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-13T15: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 48700, votes: 133, up: 136, down: 3, comments: 154
2019- 02-13T15: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 3800, votes: 22, up: 24, down: 2, comments: 6
2019-02- 13T14: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 3400, votes: 17, up: 19, down: 2, comments: 4
2019-02-13T14: 35: 00.000,,views:6400,votes:22,up:25,down{,comments:60
2019-02-13T14: 20: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 440138 /, views: 2300, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-13T14: 12: 00.000, https: // selectel / blog / 439834 /, views: 3700, votes: 18, up: 19, down: 1, comments: 9
2019-02-13T14: 08: 00.000, https: // , views: 6600, votes: 30, up: 30, down: 0, comments: 20
2019-02-13T14: 04: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 9, up: 11, down: 2, comments: 4
2019-02-13T14: 01: 00.000, https: //,views: 6700, votes: 7, up: 23, down: 16, comments: 25
2019-02-13T13: 57: 00.000, https: //,views{4400,votes:60,up:61,down:1,comments:78
2019-02-13T13: 17: 00.000, https: // com / company / oleg-bunin / blog / 433480 /, views: 4200, votes: 22, up: 26, down: 4, comments: 13
2019-02-13T13: 16: 00.000, https: // com / company / srg / blog / 439614 /, views: 1300, votes: 11, up: 11, down: 0, comments: 16
2019-02-13T12: 52: 00.000, https: // company / piter / blog / 439990 /, views: 2200, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-13T12: 50: 00.000, https: // 440054 /, views: 7600, votes: 24, up: 32, down: 8, comments: 17
2019-02-13T12: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 17200, votes: 25, up: 40, down: 15, comments: 171
2019-02-13T12: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 23400, votes: 44, up: 46, down: 2, comments: 67
2019-02-13T12: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-13T12: 03: 00.000, https: //,views:6100,votes:32,up:32,downmail,comments:44
2019-02-13T12: 00: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / ua-hosting / blog / 439838 /, views: 7000, votes: 32, up: 33, down: 1, comments: 34
2019-02-13T12: 00: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / ruvds / blog / 439978 /, views: 11000, votes: 29, up: 29, down: 0, comments: 33
2019-02-13T11: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 1300, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-13T11: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 30, up: 32, down: 2, comments: 3
2019-02-13T11: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 12700, votes: 22, up: 26, down: 4, comments: 13
2019-02-13T11: 16: 00.000,,views:18900,votes:48,up:51,down{,comments:49
2019-02-13T10: 40: 00.000, https: //,views:2800,votes:15,up:16,down:1,comments:4
2019-02-13T10: 40: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440108 /, views: 4500, votes: 15, up: 15, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-13T10: 16: 00.000, https: // , views: 9000, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 23
2019-02-13T10: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 1900, votes: 4, up: 11, down: 7, comments: 4
2019-02-13T10: 01: 00.000, https: //,views: 3800, votes: 27, up: 30, down: 3, comments: 13
2019-02-13T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500, votes: 10, up: 12, down: 2, comments: 5
2019-02-13T10: 00: 00.000,,views:4600,votes:10,up:13,down{,commentshaps
2019-02-13T10: 00: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / microsoft / blog / 439670 /, views: 3700, votes: 21, up: 22, down: 1, comments: 11
2019-02-13T09: 58: 00.000, https: // com / company / englishdom / blog / 440076 /, views: 1200, votes: 6, up: 9, down: 3, comments: 5
2019-02-13T08: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 13000, votes: 21, up: 22, down: 1, comments: 48
2019- 02-13T07: 43: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 7, up: 8, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-13T07: 26: 00.000, https: //,views: 15100, votes: 30, up: 34, down: 4, comments: 4
2019-02-13T02: 37: 00.000, https: //,views:24400,votes:48,up:50,down:2,comments:158
2019-02-12T23: 55: 00.000, https: // company / rusonyx / blog / 440084 /, views: 12700, votes: 31, up: 46, down: 15, comments: 420
2019-02-12T22: 20: 00.000, https: // 440074 /, views: 43000, votes: 55, up: 62, down: 7, comments: 246
2019-02-12T21: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 9
2019- 02-12T20: 46: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 24, up: 24, down: 0, comments: 8
2019-02-12T19: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 6300, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 12
2019-02-12T18: 26: 00.000, https: //,views:5400,votes:44,up:44,downcode,comments:21
2019-02-12T18: 03: 00.000, https: // post / 440050 /, views: 4000, votes: 22, up: 23, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-12T17: 50: 00.000, https: //,views : 2300, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-12T17: 46: 00.000, https: //,views: 1700 , votes: 8, up: 11, down: 3, comments: 6
2019-02-12T17: 16: 00.000, https: //,views: 37300, votes: 125, up: 138, down: 13, comments: 97
2019-02-12T16: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 14600, votes: 55, up: 56, down: 1, comments: 72
2019-02-12T16: 36: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:20,up:20,downmail,comments:1
2019-02-12T16: 07: 00.000, https: //,views:6900,votes:7,up:27,down:20,comments:117
2019-02-12T16: 06: 00.000, https: // company / compscicenter / blog / 439742 /, views: 5200, votes: 33, up: 34, down: 1, comments: 9
2019-02-12T15: 57: 00.000, https: // 440024 /, views: 5300, votes: 33, up: 33, down: 0, comments: 18
2019-02-12T15: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 4400, votes: 16, up: 18, down: 2, comments: 41
2019- 02-12T15: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 8, up: 12, down: 4, comments: 21
2019-02-12T15: 26: 00.000, https: //,views: 319, votes: 8, up: 12, down: 4, comments: 0
2019-02-12T15: 23: 00.000,,views:2400,votes:15,up:17,down:2,comments:1
2019-02-12T15: 22: 00.000, https: //,views►500,votes:19,up:22,down{,comments:45
2019-02-12T15: 21: 00.000, https: //,views:1900,votes:19,up:20,down:1,commentshaps
2019-02-12T15: 16: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 22, up: 22, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-12T15: 16: 00.000, https: //,views: 7000, votes: 22, up: 24, down: 2, comments: 3
2019-02-12T14: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 3800, votes: 42, up: 43, down: 1, comments: 30
2019-02-12T14: 34: 00.000, https: //,viewsreg7700,votes:34,up:39,down∗,commentshaps91
2019-02-12T14: 18: 00.000, https: // post / 440000 /, views: 33400, votes: 37, up: 43, down: 6, comments: 46
2019-02-12T14: 14: 00.000, https: // 439920 /, views: 1800, votes: 19, up: 21, down: 2, comments: 15
2019-02-12T14: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 1000 , votes: 15, up: 16, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-12T14: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 8, up: 14, down: 6, comments: 6
2019-02-12T13: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 5000, votes: 37, up: 39, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-12T13: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 10, up: 15, down: 5, comments: 0
2019-02-12T13: 39: 00.000,,views:4800,votes:14,up:16,down:2,comments:30
2019-02-12T13: 30: 00.000, https: //,views:15700,votes:52,up:60,down:8,comments:111
2019-02-12T13: 29: 00.000, https: //,views:3300,votes:6,up:15,down:9,comments:20
2019-02-12T13: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 64400, votes: 142, up: 179, down: 37, comments: 235
2019-02-12T13: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 1900, votes: 9, up: 12, down: 3, comments: 2
2019-02-12T13: 08: 00.000, https: //,views: 1300, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-12T13: 07: 00.000,,views:8000,votes:41,up:43,down:2,comments:15
2019-02-12T13: 03: 00.000, https: //,views:1300,votes:16,up:16,downcode,comments:1
2019-02-12T12: 42: 00.000, https: //,views:1300,votes:34,up:36,down:2,comments
2019-02-12T12: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 2900, votes: 23, up: 27, down: 4, comments: 1
2019- 02-12T12: 28: 00.000, https: //,views: 659, votes: 15, up: 15, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02- 12T12: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 6400, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 41
2019-02-12T12: 10: 00.000,,views:5800,votes:32,up:33,down:1,comments:8
2019-02-12T12: 08: 00.000, https: //,views{90,votes:11,up:11,downcode,comments:2
2019-02-12T12: 03: 00.000, https: //,views:1900,votes:13,up:14,down:1,comments:8
2019-02-12T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 537, votes: 11, up: 11, down: 0, comments: 1
2019- 02-12T11: 20: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 3
2019- 02-12T11: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 18, up: 21, down: 3, comments: 7
2019-02-12T11: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 778, votes: 11, up: 13, down: 2, comments: 7
2019-02-12T11: 08: 00.000, https: //,views:1800,votes:16,up:18,down:2,comments:4
2019-02-12T11: 01: 00.000, https: // company / lanit / blog / 439546 /, views: 8500, votes: 77, up: 77, down: 0, comments: 40
2019-02-12T10: 59: 00.000, https: // 439714 /, views: 20100, votes: 46, up: 55, down: 9, comments: 64
2019-02-12T10: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 4800, votes: 14, up: 15, down: 1, comments: 1
2019- 02-12T10: 39: 00.000, https: //,views: 888, votes: 7, up: 7, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-12T10: 08: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 18, up: 19, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-12T10: 07: 00.000, https: //,views:2300,votes:55,up:55,downcript,comments:11
2019-02-12T10: 05: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / roseltorg / blog / 439932 /, views: 6800, votes: 21, up: 28, down: 7, comments: 21
2019-02-12T09: 04: 00.000, https: // com / company / kolesa / blog / 439488 /, views: 990, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-12T09: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 99100, votes: 353, up: 354, down: 1, comments: 210
2019-02-12T08: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 5500, votes: 11, up: 14, down: 3, comments: 15
2019-02-12T08: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:819,votes:12,up:15,down{,comments:7
2019-02-12T07: 36: 00.000, https: //,views:3900,votes:20,up:21,down:1,comments:22
2019-02-12T07: 21: 00.000, https: // post / 439874 /, views: 1000, votes: 6, up: 6, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-12T07: 01: 00.000, https: //,views : 7600, votes: 18, up: 23, down: 5, comments: 22
2019-02-12T05: 45: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 11 , up: 11, down: 0, comments: 7
2019-02-12T04: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-12T01: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 4700, votes: 10, up: 12, down: 2, comments: 17
2019-02-12T01: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 3700, votes: 22, up: 23, down: 1, comments: 61
2019-02-12T00: 46: 00.000, https: //,views:908,votes:11,up:11,downmail,comments:1
2019-02-12T00: 04: 00.000, https: //,views:11800,votes:25,up:25,downcode,commentshaps
2019-02-11T23: 17: 00.000, https: // post / 439906 /, views: 5300, votes: 28, up: 28, down: 0, comments: 11
2019-02-11T23: 15: 00.000, https: //,views : 6300, votes: 14, up: 20, down: 34, comments: 33
2019-02-11T22: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 18, up: 5, down: 23, comments: 96
2019-02-11T22: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 1700, votes: 14, up: 14, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-11T21: 10: 00.000, https: //,views:5900,votes:18,up:24,down:6,comments:18
2019-02-11T19: 43: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439886 /, views: 2800, votes: 22, up: 22, down: 0, comments: 17
2019-02-11T19: 14: 00.000, https: // blog / 439880 /, views: 2800, votes: 23, up: 23, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-11T19: 03: 00.000, https: //,views : 3700, votes: 4, up: 23, down: 27, comments: 34
2019-02-11T17: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 14700, votes: 52 , up: 57, down: 5, comments: 80
2019-02-11T17: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 4100, votes: 26, up: 30, down: 4, comments: 6
2019-02-11T17: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 15600, votes: 68, up: 71, down: 3, comments: 32
2019-02-11T17: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 926, votes: 14, up: 16, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-11T16: 41: 00.000, https: //,views:4300,votes:22,up:23,down:1,comments:10
2019-02-11T15: 43: 00.000, https: // post / 439852 /, views: 8900, votes: 49, up: 49, down: 0, comments: 40
2019-02-11T15: 42: 00.000, https: //,views : 8400, votes: 22, up: 35, down: 13, comments: 45
2019-02-11T15: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 6500 , votes: 27, up: 30, down: 3, comments: 14
2019-02-11T14: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 855, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 0
2019- 02-11T14: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 3000, votes: 17, up: 20, down: 3, comments: 1
2019-02-11T13: 57: 00.000, https: //,views: 19700, votes: 29, up: 29, down: 0, comments: 136
2019-02-11T13: 05: 00.000, https: //,views:32700,votes:50,up:56,down:6,comments:171
2019-02-11T13: 05: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439000 /, views: 1500, votes: 17, up: 19, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-11T13: 03: 00.000, https: // 439822 /, views: 1800, votes: 13, up: 14, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-11T13: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 7000 , votes: 28, up: 31, down: 3, comments: 16
2019-02-11T12: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 6600, votes: 33, up: 35, down: 2, comments: 16
2019- 02-11T12: 56: 00.000, https: //,views: 19700, votes: 16, up: 26, down: 10, comments: 279
2019-02- 11T12: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 648, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-11T12: 47: 00.000,,views:2600,votescla,up:13,down:18,comments:8
2019-02-11T12: 38: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439806 /, views: 6200, votes: 24, up: 27, down: 3, comments: 12
2019-02-11T12: 32: 00.000, https: // oleg-bunin / blog / 437586 /, views: 2800, votes: 27, up: 28, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-11T12: 31: 00.000, https: // 439564 /, views: 1200, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-11T12: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 5400, votes: 46, up: 46, down: 0, comments: 12
2019-02-11T11: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 1300, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-11T11: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 5500, votes: 26, up: 26, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02-11T11: 27: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:18,up:18,downmail,comments:29
2019-02-11T10: 36: 00.000, https: //,views:40700,votes:58,up:60,down:2,comments:210
2019-02-11T10: 22: 00.000, https: // post / 439724 /, views: 3800, votes: 17, up: 18, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-11T10: 22: 00.000, https: //,views : 3300, votes: 14, up: 15, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-11T10: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 5200, votes: 30, up: 31, down: 1, comments: 76
2019-02-11T10: 04: 00.000, https: //,views: 1400, votes: 11, up: 14, down: 3, comments: 3
2019-02-11T10: 02: 00.000, https: //,views:42900,votes:141,up:150,down:9,comments:225
2019-02-11T09: 24: 00.000, https: //,views:4200,votes:16,up:16,downcode,comments:9
2019-02-11T09: 15: 00.000, https: // post / 438622 /, views: 10600, votes: 66, up: 66, down: 0, comments: 40
2019-02-11T09: 04: 00.000, https: // 439482 /, views: 6100, votes: 25, up: 28, down: 3, comments: 18
2019-02-11T08: 46: 00.000, https: //,views: 2600, votes: 11, up: 13, down: 2, comments: 35
2019- 02-11T07: 28: 00.000, https: //,views: 37600, votes: 37, up: 49, down: 12, comments: 170
2019-02-11T07: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 55900, votes: 120, up: 126, down: 6, comments: 190
2019-02-11T07: 01: 00.000, https: //,views:12200,votes:81,up:81,downmail,comments:15
2019-02-11T04: 26: 00.000, https: // post / 439732 /, views: 2100, votes: 20, up: 21, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-11T04: 19: 00.000, https: //,views : 4400, votes: 8, up: 11, down: 3, comments: 15
2019-02-11T03: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 12700, votes: 31 , up: 33, down: 2, comments: 70
2019-02-11T02: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 11200, votes: 56, up: 57, down: 1, comments: 17
2019-02-11T01: 46: 00.000, https: //,views: 11400, votes: 35, up: 40, down: 5, comments: 66
2019-02-11T00: 48: 00.000, https: //,views:9900,votes:28,up:29,down:1,commentscript
2019-02-10T23: 47: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439772 /, views: 898, votes: 8, up: 9, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-10T22: 38: 00.000, https: // , views: 41300, votes: 86, up: 115, down: 29, comments: 144
2019-02-10T21: 18: 00.000, https: //,views : 15400, votes: 19, up: 21, down: 2, comments: 25
2019-02-10T20: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 7700, votes: 29 , up: 32, down: 3, comments: 28
2019-02-10T20: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 8700, votes: 32, up: 32, down: 0, comments: 28
2019- 02-10T20: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 5600, votes: 20, up: 21, down: 1, comments: 11
2019-02-10T20: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 9900, votes: 18, up: 26, down: 8, comments: 22
2019-02-10T20: 12: 00.000,,views:11100,votes:56,up:56,downmail,comments:27
2019-02-10T20: 05: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439720 /, views: 21300, votes: 80, up: 82, down: 2, comments: 29
2019-02-10T20: 04: 00.000, https: // 439698 /, views: 24500, votes: 74, up: 74, down: 0, comments: 44
2019-02-10T20: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300 , votes: 21, up: 21, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-10T19: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 861, votes: 8, up: 3, down: 11, comments: 0
2019-02-10T19: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-10T19: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 9, up: 13, down: 4, comments: 13
2019-02-10T19: 03: 00.000, https: //,views:3200,votes:20,up:21,down:1,comments:22
2019-02-10T19: 00: 00.000, https: // company / ua-hosting / blog / 439706 /, views: 7600, votes: 25, up: 26, down: 1, comments: 7
2019-02-10T18: 53: 00.000, https: // post / 439736 /, views: 4100, votes: 15, up: 15, down: 0, comments: 11
2019-02-10T16: 13: 00.000, https: //,views : 2000, votes: 6, up: 17, down: 11, comments: 15
2019-02-10T16: 12: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-10T14: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-10T13: 57: 00.000, https: //,views:7200,votes:20,up:21,down:1,comments:26
2019-02-10T12: 49: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439718 /, views: 2200, votes: 9, up: 13, down: 4, comments: 1
2019-02-10T12: 29: 00.000, https: // , views: 9000, votes: 4, up: 16, down: 12, comments: 26
2019-02-10T11: 56: 00.000, https: //,views: 36300, votes : 116, up: 120, down: 4, comments: 302
2019-02-10T11: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 4900, votes: 16, up: 17 , down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-10T11: 23: 00.000, https: //,views: 7700, votes: 29, up: 32, down: 3, comments: 8
2019- 02-10T11: 20: 00.000, https: //,views: 27500, votes: 62, up: 63, down: 1, comments: 31
2019-02-10T11: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 8100, votes: 28, up: 33, down: 5, comments: 17
2019-02-10T11: 01: 00.000, https: //,views:5300,votes:20,up:20,downcode,comments:2
2019-02-10T10: 58: 00.000, https: // post / 439696 /, views: 5000, votes: 6, up: 18, down: 12, comments: 5
2019-02-09T23: 29: 00.000, https: //,views : 5300, votes: 10, up: 13, down: 3, comments: 22
2019-02-09T22: 59: 00.000, https: //,views : 5700, votes: 20, up: 21, down: 1, comments: 11
2019-02-09T22: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 5500, votes: 14, up: 16, down: 2, comments: 20
2019-02-09T21: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800, votes: 18, up: 21, down: 3, comments: 2
2019-02-09T19: 27: 00.000, https: //,views:3800,votes:13,up:19,down:6,comments:11
2019-02-09T19: 19: 00.000, https: // com / company / bitfury / blog / 439654 /, views: 7700, votes: 29, up: 30, down: 1, comments: 33
2019-02-09T17: 54: 00.000, https: // post / 439656 /, views: 9600, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 12
2019-02-09T17: 33: 00.000, https: //,views : 4500, votes: 11, up: 17, down: 6, comments: 7
2019-02-09T17: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 6900, votes: 24 , up: 31, down: 7, comments: 28
2019-02-09T17: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 8500, votes: 27, up: 33, down: 6, comments: 21
2019- 02-09T16: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 6500, votes: 7, up: 23, down: 16, comments: 23
2019-02-09T15: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 14600, votes: 41, up: 43, down: 2, comments: 53
2019-02-09T15: 09: 00.000, https: //,views∗100,votes:32,up:11,down:43,comments:264
2019-02-09T14: 52: 00.000, https: // post / 439628 /, views: 2100, votes: 6, up: 13, down: 7, comments: 13
2019-02-09T14: 37: 00.000, https: //,views : 6700, votes: 17, up: 20, down: 3, comments: 10
2019-02-09T14: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 11800 , votes: 21, up: 28, down: 7, comments: 8
2019-02-09T13: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 10500, votes: 75, up: 77, down: 2, comments: 27
2019-02-09T13: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 8100, votes: 20, up: 22, down: 2, comments: 38
2019-02-09T13: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 7200, votes: 18, up: 21, down: 3, comments: 11
2019-02-09T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:36000,votes:65,up:68,down{,comments:198
2019-02-09T10: 30: 00.000, https: // post / 438046 /, views: 2600, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 23
2019-02-09T09: 18: 00.000, https: // 439562 /, views: 5600, votes: 23, up: 27, down: 4, comments: 4
2019-02-09T04: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 5900 , votes: 6, up: 27, down: 21, comments: 15
2019-02-09T03: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 4500, votes: 30, up: 35, down: 5, comments: 34
2019-02-09T03: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 61100, votes: 66, up: 68, down: 2, comments: 983
2019-02-09T01: 58: 00.000, https: //,views:32500,votes:161,up:164,down{,comments{70
2019-02-09T01: 20: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438916 /, views: 21100, votes: 66, up: 67, down: 1, comments: 137
2019-02-09T01: 18: 00.000, https: // , views: 32000, votes: 67, up: 71, down: 4, comments: 20
2019-02-08T23: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 18400, votes : 21, up: 24, down: 3, comments: 60
2019-02-08T23: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 5600, votes: 25, up: 31 , down: 6, comments: 23
2019-02-08T23: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 1900, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-08T21: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 806, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-08T20: 20: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-08T20: 05: 00.000,,views:12800,votes:74,up:77,down{,comments:72
2019-02-08T18: 51: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439578 /, views: 1800, votes: 17, up: 19, down: 2, comments: 6
2019-02-08T18: 43: 00.000, https: // 439576 /, views: 26400, votes: 69, up: 70, down: 1, comments: 50
2019-02-08T18: 01: 00.000, https: // , views: 5500, votes: 9, up: 17, down: 8, comments: 6
2019-02-08T17: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 27600, votes: 42, up: 43, down: 1, comments: 117
2019- 02-08T17: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 3200, votes: 6, up: 26, down: 20, comments: 20
2019-02-08T17: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 13, up: 15, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-08T17: 16: 00.000,,views:904,votes:18,up:18,downcode,comments:1
2019-02-08T16: 56: 00.000, https: //,views:4600,votes:17,up:17,downmail,comments:24
2019-02-08T16: 55: 00.000, https: // com / company / mcad / blog / 439556 /, views: 1400, votes: 16, up: 18, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-08T16: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 13400, votes: 22, up: 30, down: 8, comments: 46
2019- 02-08T16: 23: 00.000, https: //,views: 3200, votes: 19, up: 22, down: 3, comments: 9
2019-02-08T16: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800, votes: 15, up: 17, down: 2, comments: 6
2019-02-08T16: 02: 00.000, https: //,views:7500,votes:30,up:34,downpapers,comments:56
2019-02-08T15: 37: 00.000, https: // company / innopolis_university / blog / 439534 /, views: 1200, votes: 12, up: 14, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-08T15: 31: 00.000, https: // 439532 /, views: 5300, votes: 11, up: 25, down: 14, comments: 1
2019-02-08T15: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 4
2019- 02-08T15: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800, votes: 9, up: 13, down: 4, comments: 2
2019-02- 08T14: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 5700, votes: 12, up: 14, down: 2, comments: 16
2019-02-08T14: 35: 00.000,,views:4100,votes:10,up:13,down{,comments:6
2019-02-08T13: 47: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / skyeng / blog / 439504 /, views: 3400, votes: 11, up: 14, down: 3, comments: 10
2019-02-08T13: 37: 00.000, https: // com / company / epam_systems / blog / 439320 /, views: 2200, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-08T13: 32: 00.000, https: //,views: 9900, votes: 14, up: 32, down: 18, comments: 7
2019- 02-08T13: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 9, up: 11, down: 2, comments: 5
2019-02-08T12: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 10600, votes: 52, up: 53, down: 1, comments: 39
2019-02-08T12: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 15200, votes: 48, up: 50, down: 2, comments: 61
2019-02-08T12: 41: 00.000, https: //,views:4000,votes:12,up:15,down{,commentscript
2019-02-08T12: 23: 00.000, https: // company / pvs-studio / blog / 439502 /, views: 12200, votes: 84, up: 87, down: 3, comments: 60
2019-02-08T12: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 22800, votes: 30, up: 35, down: 5, comments: 151
2019-02-08T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 9100, votes: 18, up: 21, down: 3, comments: 21
2019-02-08T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 3400, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-08T11: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-08T11: 55: 00.000, https: //,views:3300,votes:15,up:22,down:7,commentshaps
2019-02-08T11: 30: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439224 /, views: 5200, votes: 31, up: 31, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-08T11: 28: 00.000, https: //,views: 4900, votes: 15, up: 20, down: 5, comments: 4
2019- 02-08T11: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 14600, votes: 31, up: 33, down: 2, comments: 31
2019-02- 08T11: 04: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 17, up: 18, down: 1, comments: 24
2019-02-08T10: 43: 00.000,,views:8300,votes:32,up:34,down:2,comments:19
2019-02-08T10: 41: 00.000, https: //,views:7400,votes:34,up:36,down:2,comments:67
2019-02-08T10: 26: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439472 /, views: 3100, votes: 8, up: 12, down: 4, comments: 4
2019-02-08T10: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 47, up: 50, down: 3, comments: 7
2019- 02-08T10: 23: 00.000, https: //,views: 3900, votes: 14, up: 14, down: 0, comments: 43
2019-02-08T10: 01: 00.000, https: //,views: 6700, votes: 34, up: 36, down: 2, comments: 11
2019-02-08T09: 43: 00.000,,views:8400,votes:34,up:35,down:1,comments:11
2019-02-08T09: 31: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / yamoney / blog / 439186 /, views: 17900, votes: 41, up: 49, down: 8, comments: 63
2019-02-08T09: 24: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439462 /, views: 24900, votes: 196, up: 197, down: 1, comments: 209
2019-02-08T09: 13: 00.000, https: // , views: 3900, votes: 0, up: 9, down: 9, comments: 8
2019-02-08T09: 08: 00.000, https: //,views: 22900, votes: 66, up: 78, down: 12, comments: 143
2019-02-08T08: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 8900, votes: 22, up: 28, down: 6, comments: 18
2019-02-08T08: 18: 00.000, https: //,views:8400,votes:52,up:56,downpapers,comments:52
2019-02-08T07: 14: 00.000, https: //,views:2200,votes:13,up:15,down:2,comments:10
2019-02-08T05: 18: 00.000, https: // post / 436738 /, views: 1700, votes: 14, up: 14, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-08T01: 55: 00.000, https: //,views : 18100, votes: 47, up: 47, down: 0, comments: 78
2019-02-08T01: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 3200, votes: 9 , up: 10, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-08T00: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 84200, votes: 113, up: 120, down: 7, comments: 210
2019-02-08T00: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 3200, votes: 5, up: 11, down: 6, comments: 4
2019-02-08T00: 28: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:20,up:21,down:1,commentshaps
2019-02-07T23: 41: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439440 /, views: 1700, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-07T23: 13: 00.000, https: // , views: 7700, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 21
2019-02-07T22: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 9100, votes : 25, up: 26, down: 1, comments: 21
2019-02-07T22: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 28300, votes: 29, up: 34 , down: 5, comments: 144
2019-02-07T21: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 0
2019- 02-07T21: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 6200, votes: 4, up: 11, down: 7, comments: 27
2019-02-07T21: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 4900, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 7
2019-02-07T20: 42: 00.000,,views:6800,votes:11,up:26,down:15,comments:24
2019-02-07T20: 03: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439420 /, views: 722, votes: 14, up: 18, down: 4, comments: 3
2019-02-07T20: 02: 00.000, https: // 439410 /, views: 20200, votes: 31, up: 42, down: 11, comments: 61
2019-02-07T19: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600 , votes: 7, up: 10, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02-07T19: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-07T19: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 3, up: 7, down: 4, comments: 3
2019-02-07T18: 44: 00.000, https: //,views:1300,votes:13,up:13,downmail,commentscript
2019-02-07T18: 17: 00.000, https: // com / company / hsespb / blog / 439362 /, views: 4800, votes: 20, up: 21, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-07T18: 13: 00.000, https: // post / 439332 /, views: 1200, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-07T18: 01: 00.000, https: // 439368 /, views: 4300, votes: 40, up: 42, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-07T17: 53: 00.000, https: // , views: 3300, votes: 4, up: 10, down: 6, comments: 0
2019-02-07T17: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 28, up: 33, down: 5, comments: 2
2019- 02-07T17: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-07T16: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 2900, votes: 15, up: 16, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-07T16: 26: 00.000, https: //,views{100,votes:7,up:14,down:7,comments:2
2019-02-07T16: 18: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439378 /, views: 4400, votes: 14, up: 18, down: 4, comments: 125
2019-02-07T16: 10: 00.000, https: // 439198 /, views: 9100, votes: 46, up: 46, down: 0, comments: 12
2019-02-07T15: 54: 00.000, https: // , views: 811, votes: 13, up: 15, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-07T15: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 19800, votes: 52, up: 72, down: 20, comments: 135
2019-02-07T15: 12: 00.000, https: //,views: 7000, votes: 28, up: 38, down: 10, comments: 32
2019-02-07T15: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 4000, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-07T15: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 17900, votes: 35, up: 36, down: 1, comments: 48
2019-02-07T14: 47: 00.000,,views:1400,votes:10,up:10,downcode,comments:07
2019-02-07T14: 45: 00.000, https: //,views:10100,votes:31,up:31,downmail,comments:32
2019-02-07T14: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 14800, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 24
2019-02-07T14: 20: 00.000, https: //,views: 6100, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-07T14: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 12, up: 14, down: 2, comments: 6
2019-02-07T14: 10: 00.000, https: //,views:2400,votes:14,up:14,downcript,commentscript
2019-02-07T14: 05: 00.000, https: // com / company / it-grad / blog / 439340 /, views: 1300, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-07T14: 00: 00.000, https: // com / company / ruvds / blog / 438984 /, views: 7000, votes: 25, up: 27, down: 2, comments: 4
2019-02-07T13: 54: 00.000, https: // post / 439354 /, views: 10700, votes: 52, up: 53, down: 1, comments: 12
2019-02-07T13: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 4800, votes: 26, up: 27, down: 1, comments: 9
2019- 02-07T13: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 14500, votes: 23, up: 26, down: 3, comments: 23
2019-02-07T13: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 4300, votes: 30, up: 30, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-07T13: 33: 00.000,,views:63900,votes:285,up:292,down:7,comments:300
2019-02-07T13: 32: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439350 /, views: 2600, votes: 6, up: 10, down: 4, comments: 28
2019-02-07T13: 21: 00.000, https: // 439344 /, views: 2000, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-07T13: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 10100 , votes: 37, up: 39, down: 2, comments: 9
2019-02-07T13: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 6200, votes: 8, up: 11, down: 3, comments: 15
2019-02-07T13: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 7, up: 11, down: 4, comments: 16
2019-02-07T12: 58: 00.000, https: //,views:6200,votes:15,up:17,down:2,comments:14
2019-02-07T12: 53: 00.000, https: // com / company / mailru / blog / 439302 /, views: 3600, votes: 38, up: 39, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-07T12: 44: 00.000, https: // company / mailru / blog / 438562 /, views: 5000, votes: 55, up: 56, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-07T12: 43: 00.000, https: // 439328 /, views: 52800, votes: 179, up: 194, down: 15, comments: 250
2019-02-07T12: 34: 00.000, https: //,views: 6600 , votes: 27, up: 28, down: 1, comments: 22
2019-02-07T12: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 14, up: 14, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-07T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800, votes: 15, up: 19, down: 4, comments: 34
2019-02-07T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:2500,votes:20,up:20,down07,commentshaps
2019-02-07T11: 59: 00.000, https: //,views:8900,votes:13,up:15,down:2,comments:39
2019-02-07T11: 58: 00.000, https: // post / 439324 /, views: 667, votes: 9, up: 9, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-07T11: 44: 00.000, https: //,views : 11800, votes: 25, up: 29, down: 4, comments: 63
2019-02-07T11: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 21900, votes: 46 , up: 47, down: 1, comments: 42
2019-02-07T11: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 9200, votes: 11, up: 14, down: 3, comments: 16
2019- 02-07T11: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 6800, votes: 21, up: 21, down: 0, comments: 16
2019-02-07T11: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 2600, votes: 3, up: 9, down: 6, comments: 7
2019-02-07T11: 05: 00.000, https: //,views:896,votes:6,up:6,downmail,commentscript
2019-02-07T10: 57: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439310 /, views: 3200, votes: 8, up: 14, down: 6, comments: 10
2019-02-07T10: 44: 00.000, https: // moikrug / blog / 439152 /, views: 48100, votes: 66, up: 68, down: 2, comments: 68
2019-02-07T10: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 559, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 2
2019- 02-07T10: 12: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 14
2019-02- 07T10: 12: 00.000, https: //,views: 46000, votes: 111, up: 116, down: 5, comments: 196
2019-02-07T10: 01: 00.000, https: //,views: 12500, votes: 11, up: 13, down: 2, comments: 62
2019-02-07T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 4400, votes: 14, up: 14, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02-07T09: 21: 00.000,,views:749,votes:6,up:11,down►,comments:1
2019-02-07T09: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 1700, votes: 7, up: 10, down: 3, comments: 16
2019-02-07T08: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 11, up: 11, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-07T08: 13: 00.000, https: //,views: 13200, votes: 25, up: 25, down: 0, comments: 15
2019-02-07T08: 00: 00.000,,views:2300,votes:11,up:11,downcript,comments:10
2019-02-07T07: 23: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439282 /, views: 2800, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-07T07: 06: 00.000, https: // 439108 /, views: 6700, votes: 23, up: 23, down: 0, comments: 37
2019-02-07T06: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300 , votes: 33, up: 37, down: 4, comments: 18
2019-02-07T02: 39: 00.000, https: //,views: 11700, votes: 19, up: 22, down: 3, comments: 179
2019-02-07T02: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 2500, votes: 15, up: 15, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02-07T01: 15: 00.000, https: //,views:3200,votes:14,up:15,down:1,comments:17
2019-02-06T23: 39: 00.000, https: // com / company / audiomania / blog / 439280 /, views: 4100, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-06T23: 24: 00.000, https: // company / gearbest / blog / 437646 /, views: 6300, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 40
2019-02-06T21: 56: 00.000, https: // 439270 /, views: 4100, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-06T21: 43: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600 , votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-06T21: 24: 00.000, https: //,views: 12600, votes: 16, up: 21, down: 5, comments: 23
2019-02-06T20: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 32800, votes: 44, up: 50, down: 6, comments: 145
2019-02-06T20: 33: 00.000, https: //,views:5300,votes:12,up:21,down:9,comments:24
2019-02-06T20: 26: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439252 /, views: 14400, votes: 42, up: 50, down: 8, comments: 73
2019-02-06T20: 17: 00.000, https: // , views: 11400, votes: 30, up: 30, down: 0, comments: 9
2019-02-06T20: 06: 00.000, https: //,views : 15900, votes: 32, up: 36, down: 4, comments: 66
2019-02-06T19: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 10500, votes: 11 , up: 14, down: 3, comments: 49
2019-02-06T19: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 3900, votes: 26, up: 28, down: 2, comments: 3
2019- 02-06T19: 17: 00.000, https: //,views: 2200, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-06T18: 45: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-06T17: 56: 00.000, https: //,viewspapers100,votes:18,up:18,downcode,comments{
2019-02-06T17: 23: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 436020 /, views: 721, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-06T17: 03: 00.000, https: // 439216 /, views: 5000, votes: 31, up: 32, down: 1, comments: 31
2019-02-06T17: 03: 00.000, https: // , views: 1900, votes: 39, up: 39, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-06T16: 19: 00.000, https: //,views: 4800, votes: 0, up: 24, down: 24, comments: 102
2019-02-06T16: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 4600, votes: 29, up: 30, down: 1, comments: 6
2019-02-06T16: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 33, up: 33, down: 0, comments: 21
2019-02-06T15: 42: 00.000, https: //,views:9200,votes:26,up:32,down:6,comments:25
2019-02-06T15: 39: 00.000, https: // company / iticapital / blog / 439196 /, views: 8200, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 27
2019-02-06T15: 18: 00.000, https: // 439194 /, views: 2000, votes: 11, up: 16, down: 5, comments: 12
2019-02-06T14: 13: 00.000, https: // , views: 18100, votes: 126, up: 134, down: 8, comments: 129
2019-02-06T14: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 3700, votes: 38, up: 39, down: 1, comments: 0
2019- 02-06T13: 43: 00.000, https: //,views: 12800, votes: 52, up: 52, down: 0, comments: 51
2019-02-06T13: 34: 00.000, https: //,views: 18000, votes: 47, up: 52, down: 5, comments: 143
2019-02-06T13: 29: 00.000,,views:3200,votes:16,up:17,down:1,comments:10
2019-02-06T13: 28: 00.000, https: //,views:5300,votes:17,up:17,downcode,comments:19
2019-02-06T13: 20: 00.000, https: // com / company / mailru / blog / 438560 /, views: 10900, votes: 74, up: 75, down: 1, comments: 3
2019-02-06T13: 18: 00.000, https: //,views: 64700, votes: 202, up: 209, down: 7, comments: 221
2019-02-06T12: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 4900, votes: 10, up: 12, down: 2, comments: 5
2019-02-06T12: 52: 00.000, https: //,views►000,votes:20,up:20,downcode,comments:8
2019-02-06T12: 40: 00.000, https: //,views:6200,votes:23,up:25,down:2,comments:25
2019-02-06T12: 37: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 360329 /, views: 3200, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-06T12: 15: 00.000, https: // 438954 /, views: 1200, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-06T12: 03: 00.000, https: // 430670 /, views: 3600, votes: 41, up: 42, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-06T12: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 6000, votes: 19, up: 24, down: 5, comments: 22
2019- 02-06T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 5200, votes: 33, up: 33, down: 0, comments: 3
2019- 02-06T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 13500, votes: 42, up: 43, down: 1, comments: 17
2019-02- 06T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 3900, votes: 17, up: 19, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-06T11: 59: 00.000,,views:2000,votes:22,up:22,downcode,comments:8
2019-02-06T11: 39: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 438834 /, views: 3200, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-06T11: 37: 00.000, https: // hh / blog / 439138 /, views: 3600, votes: 26, up: 26, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-06T11: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 19200, votes: 20, up: 25, down: 5, comments: 64
2019-02-06T11: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 34, up: 34, down: 0, comments: 8
2019-02-06T11: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 8000, votes: 36, up: 36, down: 0, comments: 12
2019-02-06T11: 13: 00.000,,views:2000,votes:14,up:14,downcode,comments:1
2019-02-06T11: 10: 00.000, https: //,views:12700,votes:28,up:28,downcript,comments:33
2019-02-06T11: 08: 00.000, https: // com / company / softline / blog / 439130 /, views: 3000, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 14
2019-02-06T10: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 3500, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 48
2019- 02-06T10: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 8, up: 10, down: 2, comments: 9
2019-02-06T10: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 7200, votes: 25, up: 26, down: 1, comments: 6
2019-02-06T10: 37: 00.000, https: //,views:3200,votes:23,up:23,downmail,comments:2
2019-02-06T10: 30: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439124 /, views: 8300, votes: 46, up: 46, down: 0, comments: 28
2019-02-06T10: 18: 00.000, https: // 439126 /, views: 756, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-06T10: 13: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500 , votes: 12, up: 15, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02-06T10: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 11500, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 37
2019- 02-06T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800, votes: 6, up: 12, down: 6, comments: 21
2019-02- 06T09: 39: 00.000, https: //,views: 4000, votes: 11, up: 14, down: 3, comments: 5
2019-02-06T09: 10: 00.000,,views{000,votes:12,up:15,downhaps,comments:1
2019-02-06T08: 50: 00.000, https: //,views:1300,votes:10,up:10,downmail,commentscript
2019-02-06T08: 34: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439106 /, views: 9000, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 121
2019-02-06T07: 20: 00.000, https: // , views: 2100, votes: 15, up: 15, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-06T07: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 8900, votes: 39, up: 41, down: 2, comments: 19
2019- 02-06T01: 57: 00.000, https: //,views: 14100, votes: 46, up: 49, down: 3, comments: 157
2019-02-06T01: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 3000, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02-06T00: 49: 00.000, https: //,views:3400,votes:14,up:20,down:6,commentshaps
2019-02-06T00: 25: 00.000, https: // post / 439094 /, views: 204000, votes: 68, up: 82, down: 14, comments: 211
2019-02-06T00: 10: 00.000, https: //,views : 8600, votes: 25, up: 26, down: 1, comments: 14
2019-02-05T23: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 8 , up: 12, down: 4, comments: 7
2019-02-05T22: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 81100, votes: 170, up: 179, down: 9, comments: 535
2019-02-05T22: 17: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 5, up: 11, down: 6, comments: 3
2019-02-05T22: 15: 00.000, https: //,views:5400,votes:18,up:19,down:1,comments:9
2019-02-05T21: 35: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439066 /, views: 4500, votes: 47, up: 47, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-05T21: 22: 00.000, https: // , views: 29700, votes: 35, up: 45, down: 10, comments: 73
2019-02-05T21: 08: 00.000, https: //,views : 1600, votes: 13, up: 13, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-05T20: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 11 , up: 11, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-05T20: 28: 00.000, https: //,views: 3900, votes: 7, up: 13, down: 6, comments: 4
2019-02-05T20: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 3900, votes: 16, up: 26, down: 10, comments: 11
2019-02-05T19: 53: 00.000, https: //,views:3200,votes//,up:14,down:9,comments:21
2019-02-05T19: 11: 00.000, https: // com / company / ua-hosting / blog / 439050 /, views: 5800, votes: 20, up: 22, down: 2, comments: 19
2019-02-05T19: 01: 00.000, https: // com / company / badoo / blog / 438474 /, views: 4900, votes: 47, up: 47, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-05T19: 00: 00.000, https: // post / 439038 /, views: 5300, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 3
2019-02-05T18: 51: 00.000, https: //,views : 73500, votes: 52, up: 122, down: 70, comments: 873
2019-02-05T18: 17: 00.000, https: //,views: 8000, votes: 21, up: 23, down: 2, comments: 17
2019- 02-05T18: 12: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300, votes: 12, up: 16, down: 4, comments: 28
2019-02-05T18: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 48800, votes: 101, up: 105, down: 4, comments: 186
2019-02-05T17: 48: 00.000,,views:68700,votes:210,up:214,downpapers,comments:183
2019-02-05T17: 36: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / group-ib / blog / 439034 /, views: 932, votes: 6, up: 12, down: 6, comments: 0
2019-02-05T17: 32: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439032 /, views: 3300, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-05T17: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 17600, votes: 32, up: 34, down: 2, comments: 15
2019- 02-05T17: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 11100, votes: 22, up: 23, down: 1, comments: 6
2019-02-05T16: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 12
2019-02-05T16: 54: 00.000,,views:2700,votes:10,up:10,downpg,comments:4
2019-02-05T16: 44: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439018 /, views: 1700, votes: 16, up: 17, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-05T16: 10: 00.000, https: // mailru / blog / 438804 /, views: 595, votes: 26, up: 26, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-05T16: 08: 00.000, https: //,views: 3700, votes: 16, up: 17, down: 1, comments: 2
2019- 02-05T15: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 699, votes: 21, up: 24, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02- 05T15: 39: 00.000, https: //,views: 17100, votes: 21, up: 32, down: 11, comments: 88
2019-02-05T15: 33: 00.000,,views:966,votes:17,up:17,downcode,comments:07
2019-02-05T15: 30: 00.000, https: //,views:6800,votes:52,up:56,downpapers,comments:13
2019-02-05T15: 04: 00.000, https: // com / company / exante / blog / 438346 /, views: 4200, votes: 26, up: 28, down: 2, comments: 12
2019-02-05T14: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 309, votes: 13, up: 13, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-05T14: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 29, up: 29, down: 0, comments: 11
2019-02-05T14: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 26900, votes: 58, up: 58, down: 0, comments: 120
2019-02-05T13: 56: 00.000, https: //,views:16900,votes:74,up:75,down:1,comments:64
2019-02-05T13: 39: 00.000, https: // post / 438952 /, views: 3300, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 24
2019-02-05T13: 33: 00.000, https: // 437650 /, views: 7700, votes: 20, up: 8, down: 28, comments: 14
2019-02-05T13: 32: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800 , votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-05T13: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 4400, votes: 36, up: 37, down: 1, comments: 12
2019- 02-05T13: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 6000, votes: 17, up: 18, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02- 05T13: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 5000, votes: 22, up: 22, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-05T12: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 3400, votes: 23, up: 23, down: 0, comments: 8
2019-02-05T12: 57: 00.000, https: //,views:1600,votes:13,up:14,down:1,commentshaps
2019-02-05T12: 53: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438972 /, views: 2200, votes: 14, up: 16, down: 2, comments: 1
2019-02-05T12: 46: 00.000, https: //,views: 11900, votes: 16, up: 19, down: 3, comments: 70
2019- 02-05T12: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 29400, votes: 28, up: 33, down: 5, comments: 39
2019-02-05T12: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 7700, votes: 3, up: 27, down: 24, comments: 11
2019-02-05T12: 37: 00.000,,views:9800,votes:14,up:21,down:7,comments:20
2019-02-05T12: 28: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 438946 /, views: 2800, votes: 19, up: 21, down: 2, comments: 25
2019-02-05T12: 00: 00.000, https: // ruvds / blog / 438796 /, views: 33500, votes: 38, up: 47, down: 9, comments: 21
2019-02-05T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 3600, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 8
2019- 02-05T11: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 4500, votes: 18, up: 19, down: 1, comments: 31
2019-02-05T11: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 5000, votes: 57, up: 59, down: 2, comments: 1
2019-02-05T11: 05: 00.000,,views:26900,votes:86,up:88,down:2,comments:78
2019-02-05T10: 41: 00.000, https: //,views:12100,votes:41,up:43,down:2,comments:41
2019-02-05T10: 40: 00.000, https: //,views:1700,votes:15,up:16,down:1,comments:10
2019-02-05T10: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 2600, votes: 10, up: 13, down: 3, comments: 2
2019-02-05T10: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 2200, votes: 29, up: 30, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-05T10: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 727, votes: 7, up: 7, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-05T10: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-05T10: 07: 00.000, https: //,views:3300,votes:2,up:11,down:9,comments:102
2019-02-05T10: 00: 00.000, https: // company / mailru / blog / 438280 /, views: 3500, votes: 28, up: 29, down: 1, comments: 13
2019-02-05T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 11, up: 11, down: 0, comments: 0
2019- 02-05T09: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 23900, votes: 26, up: 35, down: 9, comments: 63
2019-02-05T09: 18: 00.000, https: //,views: 12200, votes: 43, up: 44, down: 1, comments: 53
2019-02-05T09: 14: 00.000, https: //,views:4700,votes:10,up:20,down:10,comments:17
2019-02-05T09: 08: 00.000, https: // post / 437638 /, views: 1700, votes: 6, up: 17, down: 11, comments: 5
2019-02-05T09: 01: 00.000, https: // 438876 /, views: 7200, votes: 37, up: 41, down: 4, comments: 19
2019-02-05T08: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 35200 , votes: 34, up: 40, down: 6, comments: 39
2019-02-05T08: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 4000, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 43
2019-02-05T08: 17: 00.000, https: //,views: 3800, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-05T08: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 17600, votes: 18, up: 24, down: 6, comments: 95
2019-02-05T08: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:9,up:15,down:6,comments:7
2019-02-05T07: 28: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 438614 /, views: 16800, votes: 45, up: 45, down: 0, comments: 18
2019-02-05T07: 11: 00.000, https: // edison / blog / 438718 /, views: 13100, votes: 37, up: 38, down: 1, comments: 37
2019-02-05T07: 09: 00.000, https: // , views: 7700, votes: 28, up: 30, down: 2, comments: 38
2019-02-05T03: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 32600, votes: 168, up: 168, down: 0, comments: 252
2019-02-05T02: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 4000, votes: 10, up: 14, down: 4, comments: 13
2019-02-05T00: 07: 00.000, https: //,views:1300,votes:7,up:8,down:1,comments:18
2019-02-04T23: 52: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438900 /, views: 1600, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 11
2019-02-04T23: 49: 00.000, https: // hosting / blog / 438908 /, views: 6300, votes: 13, up: 16, down: 3, comments: 11
2019-02-04T23: 01: 00.000, https: // , views: 6000, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 13
2019-02-04T22: 43: 00.000, https: //,views: 15600, votes : 37, up: 47, down: 10, comments: 66
2019-02-04T21: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 1300, votes: 7, up: 10, down: 3, comments: 4
2019- 02-04T20: 23: 00.000, https: //,views: 714, votes: 6, up: 9, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02- 04T20: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 5500, votes: 17, up: 21, down: 4, comments: 7
2019-02-04T19: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 12300, votes: 29, up: 30, down: 1, comments: 40
2019-02-04T19: 28: 00.000, https: //,views:2900,votes:11,up:11,downmail,comments:13
2019-02-04T19: 24: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438880 /, views: 5100, votes: 9, up: 18, down: 9, comments: 76
2019-02-04T19: 12: 00.000, https: // , views: 2200, votes: 8, up: 9, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-04T18: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 10900, votes: 25, up: 31, down: 6, comments: 26
2019-02-04T17: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 1900, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-04T17: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 4700, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 6
2019-02-04T16: 39: 00.000, https: //,views:28000,votes:44,up:73,down:29,comments:641
2019-02-04T15: 52: 00.000, https: // post / 433820 /, views: 5500, votes: 27, up: 30, down: 3, comments: 29
2019-02-04T15: 49: 00.000, https: // 438778 /, views: 6000, votes: 37, up: 38, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-04T15: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 769 , votes: 11, up: 13, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-04T15: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 11500, votes: 28, up: 28, down: 0, comments: 59
2019-02-04T15: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 5600, votes: 16, up: 20, down: 4, comments: 2
2019-02-04T14: 57: 00.000, https: //,views:7400,votes:30,up:37,down:7,comments:7
2019-02-04T14: 52: 00.000, https: //,views:14500,votes:39,up:42,down{,comments:12
2019-02-04T14: 38: 00.000, https: // company / psb / blog / 438752 /, views: 4700, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 14
2019-02-04T14: 13: 00.000, https: // hh / blog / 438812 /, views: 10500, votes: 26, up: 27, down: 1, comments: 24
2019-02-04T14: 11: 00.000, https: // , views: 4400, votes: 26, up: 26, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-04T13: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 3500, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 16
2019- 02-04T13: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 5400, votes: 17, up: 20, down: 3, comments: 4
2019-02- 04T13: 28: 00.000, https: //,views: 2000, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-04T13: 22: 00.000,,views:2700,votes:21,up:21,downcode,comments:2
2019-02-04T13: 21: 00.000,,views=100,votes:8,up:14,down:6,commentshaps
2019-02-04T13: 20: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / rdtex / blog / 438498 /, views: 5200, votes: 8, up: 19, down: 11, comments: 8
2019-02-04T13: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 47700, votes: 53, up: 56, down: 3, comments: 183
2019-02-04T13: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 19400, votes: 45, up: 49, down: 4, comments: 19
2019-02-04T12: 32: 00.000, https: //,views: 13100, votes: 44, up: 47, down: 3, comments: 20
2019-02-04T12: 29: 00.000,,views:5300,votes:10,up:13,down{,comments:6
2019-02-04T12: 28: 00.000, https: //,views:1600,votes:8,up:10,down:2,commentscript
2019-02-04T12: 09: 00.000, https: // com / company / moikrug / blog / 438298 /, views: 7100, votes: 18, up: 22, down: 4, comments: 12
2019-02-04T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 3
2019- 02-04T11: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 12, up: 14, down: 2, comments: 18
2019-02-04T11: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 10700, votes: 16, up: 20, down: 4, comments: 41
2019-02-04T11: 39: 00.000, https: //,views:14100,votes:26,up:27,down:1,comments:26
2019-02-04T11: 26: 00.000, https: // post / 438060 /, views: 5500, votes: 33, up: 33, down: 0, comments: 20
2019-02-04T11: 25: 00.000, https: //,views : 12700, votes: 42, up: 45, down: 3, comments: 49
2019-02-04T11: 24: 00.000, https: //,views: 9500, votes: 38 , up: 38, down: 0, comments: 12
2019-02-04T11: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 744, votes: 5, up: 7, down: 2, comments: 3
2019-02-04T11: 08: 00.000, https: //,views: 13300, votes: 60, up: 62, down: 2, comments: 17
2019-02-04T11: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 15, up: 5, down: 20, comments: 81
2019-02-04T11: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:9600,votes:26,up:26,downcode,comments:23
2019-02-04T10: 51: 00.000, https: //,views:17200,votes:22,up:25,down{,comments:40
2019-02-04T10: 35: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 322900 /, views: 7400, votes: 27, up: 28, down: 1, comments: 22
2019-02-04T10: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 3
2019-02-04T10: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 841, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-04T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 4500, votes: 19, up: 21, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-04T09: 55: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:13,up:14,down:1,commentshaps
2019-02-04T09: 38: 00.000, https: // company / selectel / blog / 437808 /, views: 3300, votes: 25, up: 25, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-04T09: 18: 00.000, https: // 438526 /, views: 5200, votes: 17, up: 18, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-04T09: 15: 00.000, https: // , views: 14100, votes: 76, up: 82, down: 6, comments: 13
2019-02-04T09: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 2600, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 0
2019- 02-04T08: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02- 04T08: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-04T08: 06: 00.000,,views:10500,votes:30,up:37,down:7,comments:31
2019-02-04T08: 00: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / realtimeboard / blog / 437500 /, views: 2400, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-04T07: 07: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438682 /, views: 6800, votes: 40, up: 40, down: 0, comments: 44
2019-02-04T05: 32: 00.000, https: // , views: 5700, votes: 36, up: 37, down: 1, comments: 18
2019-02-04T02: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 6300, votes: 16, up: 24, down: 8, comments: 52
2019-02-04T01: 57: 00.000, https: //,views: 4600, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 3
2019-02-04T00: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 10700, votes: 37, up: 38, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-04T00: 18: 00.000, https: //,views:2900,votes:6,up:10,downpapers,comments:8
2019-02-04T00: 04: 00.000, https: // post / 438638 /, views: 3800, votes: 33, up: 33, down: 0, comments: 12
2019-02-03T23: 57: 00.000, https: //,views : 1600, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-03T23: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 9700, votes: 68 , up: 68, down: 0, comments: 31
2019-02-03T23: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 28400, votes: 51, up: 57, down: 6, comments: 342
2019-02-03T22: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 46400, votes: 206, up: 208, down: 2, comments: 397
2019-02-03T22: 34: 00.000, https: //,views:7900,votes:37,up:9,down:46,comments:103
2019-02-03T22: 16: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438690 /, views: 8900, votes: 29, up: 30, down: 1, comments: 43
2019-02-03T21: 54: 00.000, https: // , views: 9600, votes: 22, up: 25, down: 3, comments: 49
2019-02-03T21: 30: 00.000, https: //,views : 1400, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-03T21: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 12800, votes: 36 , up: 39, down: 3, comments: 23
2019-02-03T20: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 876, votes: 13, up: 17, down: 4, comments: 6
2019- 02-03T20: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 46200, votes: 33, up: 44, down: 11, comments: 283
2019-02-03T19: 56: 00.000, https: //,views: 20300, votes: 44, up: 45, down: 1, comments: 70
2019-02-03T19: 45: 00.000, https: //,views:4900,votescript,up:19,down:19,comments:11
2019-02-03T19: 38: 00.000, https: // post / 438632 /, views: 3100, votes: 7, up: 13, down: 6, comments: 10
2019-02-03T19: 32: 00.000, https: //,views : 3000, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02-03T19: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 9200, votes: 16 , up: 19, down: 3, comments: 13
2019-02-03T18: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 9400, votes: 30, up: 31, down: 1, comments: 21
2019-02-03T18: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 5400, votes: 9, up: 12, down: 3, comments: 33
2019-02-03T18: 51: 00.000, https: //,views:82300,votes:37,up:72,down:35,comments:1356
2019-02-03T18: 27: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438652 /, views: 4300, votes: 20, up: 21, down: 1, comments: 17
2019-02-03T17: 46: 00.000, https: // , views: 3800, votes: 15, up: 18, down: 3, comments: 13
2019-02-03T17: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 2200, votes : 13, up: 5, down: 18, comments: 30
2019-02-03T17: 01: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500, votes: 12, up: 14 , down: 2, comments: 8
2019-02-03T15: 26: 00.000, https: //,views: 11000, votes: 14, up: 18, down: 4, comments: 45
2019-02-03T14: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 6300, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-03T13: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 8600, votes: 9, up: 12, down: 3, comments: 1
2019-02-03T13: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 5900, votes: 5, up: 16, down: 11, comments: 35
2019-02-03T13: 29: 00.000, https: //,views:967,votes:6,up:9,down{,comments:2
2019-02-03T13: 28: 00.000, https: // com / company / everydaytools / blog / 438626 /, views: 4800, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-03T13: 17: 00.000, https: // post / 438624 /, views: 6400, votes: 15, up: 18, down: 3, comments: 22
2019-02-03T12: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 7100, votes: 10, up: 20, down: 10, comments: 49
2019-02-03T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 36900, votes: 38, up: 44, down: 6, comments: 69
2019-02-03T11: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:14600,votes:43,up:48,down//,comments:27
2019-02-03T10: 58: 00.000, https: //,views:1200,votes:4,up:6,down:2,commentscript
2019-02-03T10: 55: 00.000, https: // post / 438472 /, views: 5400, votes: 30, up: 30, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-03T03: 13: 00.000, https: //,views : 2100, votes: 1, up: 12, down: 13, comments: 5
2019-02-03T01: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 9700, votes: 48 , up: 50, down: 2, comments: 18
2019-02-03T01: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-03T00: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 2000, votes: 7, up: 7, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-02T23: 44: 00.000, https: //,views:28100,votes:35,up:38,down{,comments:169
2019-02-02T23: 17: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438596 /, views: 4300, votes: 8, up: 18, down: 10, comments: 14
2019-02-02T22: 06: 00.000, https: // blog / 438592 /, views: 7800, votes: 15, up: 23, down: 8, comments: 41
2019-02-02T22: 06: 00.000, https: //,views : 19400, votes: 39, up: 46, down: 7, comments: 19
2019-02-02T21: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 30500, votes: 34 , up: 46, down: 12, comments: 120
2019-02-02T20: 18: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 18, up: 21, down: 3, comments: 7
2019-02-02T19: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 5700, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 14
2019-02-02T19: 28: 00.000, https: //,views:7300,votes:21,up:27,down:6,comments:15
2019-02-02T19: 19: 00.000, https: // com / company / audiomania / blog / 438578 /, views: 9100, votes: 20, up: 23, down: 3, comments: 15
2019-02-02T19: 14: 00.000, https: // post / 438580 /, views: 3100, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-02T19: 00: 00.000, https: //,views : 3500, votes: 21, up: 21, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-02T18: 04: 00.000, https: //,views: 7500 , votes: 22, up: 25, down: 3, comments: 3
2019-02-02T17: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 10, up: 19, down: 9, comments: 51
2019-02-02T15: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 6100, votes: 27, up: 31, down: 4, comments: 35
2019-02-02T14: 31: 00.000, https: //,views:11600,votes:14,up:19,down►,commentshaps
2019-02-02T13: 35: 00.000, https: //,views:6700,votes:30,up:33,down{,comments:12
2019-02-02T13: 19: 00.000, https: // post / 438202 /, views: 7100, votes: 13, up: 16, down: 3, comments: 84
2019-02-02T13: 07: 00.000, https: // blog / 438536 /, views: 2700, votes: 16, up: 17, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-02T13: 01: 00.000, https: // blog / 438538 /, views: 2100, votes: 38, up: 39, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-02T11: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 28600, votes: 59, up: 60, down: 1, comments: 72
2019-02-02T10: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 5000, votes: 20, up: 21, down: 1, comments: 6
2019-02-02T10: 06: 00.000, https: //,views:9900,votes:37,up:38,down:1,comments:6
2019-02-02T02: 46: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438530 /, views: 2900, votes: 3, up: 22, down: 19, comments: 4
2019-02-02T00: 33: 00.000, https: // , views: 10000, votes: 50, up: 51, down: 1, comments: 50
2019-02-01T21: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 7300, votes : 30, up: 33, down: 3, comments: 7
2019-02-01T20: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500, votes: 7, up: 8 , down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-01T20: 24: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300, votes: 10, up: 21, down: 11, comments: 15
2019-02-01T20: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 226000, votes: 424, up: 438, down: 14, comments: 577
2019-02-01T19: 25: 00.000, https: //,views:9900,votes:27,up:33,down:6,comments:37
2019-02-01T18: 58: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438508 /, views: 39900, votes: 67, up: 70, down: 3, comments: 68
2019-02-01T18: 53: 00.000, https: // , views: 10300, votes: 48, up: 50, down: 2, comments: 37
2019-02-01T18: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 7300, votes : 5, up: 11, down: 6, comments: 36
2019-02-01T18: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 6500, votes: 36, up: 39 , down: 3, comments: 28
2019-02-01T18: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 8
2019- 02-01T18: 20: 00.000, https: //,views: 4500, votes: 16, up: 18, down: 2, comments: 15
2019-02-01T18: 13: 00.000, https: //,views: 6300, votes: 24, up: 24, down: 0, comments: 22
2019-02-01T17: 51: 00.000, https: //,views:25800,votes:75,up:79,downpapers,comments:156
2019-02-01T17: 36: 00.000, https: // post / 438476 /, views: 4200, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 27
2019-02-01T17: 18: 00.000, https: //,views : 14900, votes: 73, up: 75, down: 2, comments: 43
2019-02-01T17: 12: 00.000, https: //,views: 4100, votes: 16 , up: 16, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-01T16: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 5100, votes: 33, up: 34, down: 1, comments: 17
2019-02-01T16: 27: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 15, up: 21, down: 6, comments: 0
2019-02-01T16: 24: 00.000, https: //,views:1900,votes:8,up:13,down<,comments:1
2019-02-01T16: 21: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438478 /, views: 3300, votes: 14, up: 15, down: 1, comments: 10
2019-02-01T16: 10: 00.000, https: // blog / 438392 /, views: 4400, votes: 63, up: 64, down: 1, comments: 12
2019-02-01T15: 31: 00.000, https: //,views : 2300, votes: 23, up: 26, down: 3, comments: 21
2019-02-01T15: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 23 , up: 27, down: 4, comments: 14
2019-02-01T14: 57: 00.000, https: //,views: 9900, votes: 22, up: 27, down: 5, comments: 28
2019-02-01T14: 45: 00.000, https: //,views: 763, votes: 9, up: 11, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-01T14: 45: 00.000, https: //,views: 3700, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 11
2019-02-01T14: 27: 00.000, https: //,views:976,votes:7,up:8,down:1,comments:1
2019-02-01T14: 21: 00.000, https: // company / skillbox / blog / 438462 /, views: 3000, votes: 9, up: 12, down: 3, comments: 1
2019-02-01T14: 10: 00.000, https: // 438460 /, views: 3000, votes: 8, up: 13, down: 5, comments: 2
2019-02-01T14: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 707 , votes: 9, up: 11, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-01T14: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 695, votes: 6, up: 6, down: 0, comments: 2
2019- 02-01T14: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 6900, votes: 52, up: 53, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02- 01T13: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 8, up: 8, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-01T13: 26: 00.000,,views:46200,votes:87,up:87,downcode,comments:63
2019-02-01T12: 58: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 438450 /, views: 995, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-01T12: 40: 00.000, https: // 438444 /, views: 6900, votes: 15, up: 16, down: 1, comments: 29
2019-02-01T12: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 827 , votes: 2, up: 4, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-01T12: 13: 00.000, https: //,views: 1700, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 0
2019- 02-01T12: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 5, up: 9, down: 4, comments: 20
2019-02- 01T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02- 01T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 13500, votes: 25, up: 27, down: 2, comments: 7
2019-02-01T11: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 8, up: 11, down: 3, comments: 10
2019-02-01T11: 42: 00.000, https: //,views:17400,votes:33,up:33,downmail,comments:121
2019-02-01T10: 43: 00.000, https: //,views: 7400, votes: 12, up: 15, down: 3, comments: 17
2019- 02-01T10: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 4400, votes: 12, up: 22, down: 10, comments: 6
2019-02-01T10: 23: 00.000, https: //,views: 6300, votes: 46, up: 46, down: 0, comments: 7
2019-02-01T10: 11: 00.000, https: //,views:2400,votes:32,up:34,down:2,commentshaps
2019-02-01T10: 11: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 438428 /, views: 49900, votes: 52, up: 58, down: 6, comments: 526
2019-02-01T10: 00: 00.000, https: // 438350 /, views: 31000, votes: 33, up: 44, down: 11, comments: 53
2019-02-01T10: 00: 00.000, https: // , views: 1400, votes: 5, up: 8, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02-01T09: 28: 00.000, https: //,views: 5700, votes: 30, up: 30, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-19T16: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 76, votes: 0, up: 0, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T16: 02: 00.000, https: //,views:138,votes:6,up:6,downmail,commentscript
2019-02-19T15: 56: 00.000, https: //,views[21,votes:7,up:1,down:8,comments:16
2019-02-19T15: 56: 00.000, https: // company / jugru / blog / 440772 /, views: 278, votes: 3, up: 3, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T15: 55: 00.000, https: // 439574 /, views: 119, votes: 1, up: 1, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T15: 44: 00.000, https: // , views: 224, votes: 5, up: 5, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-19T15: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 467, votes: 4, up: 4, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-19T15: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 166, votes: 0, up: 0, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T15: 27: 00.000, https: //,views:282,votes:6,up:6,downmail,commentscript
2019-02-19T14: 56: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440286 /, views: 505, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-19T14: 11: 00.000, https: // , views: 938, votes: 9, up: 9, down: 0, comments: 10
2019-02-19T14: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 361, votes : 9, up: 9, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T13: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 793, votes: 8 , up: 8, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02-19T13: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 824, votes: 3, up: 5, down: 2, comments: 0
2019- 02-19T13: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 2000, votes: 13, up: 13, down: 0, comments: 13
2019-02-19T13: 34: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 16, up: 19, down: 3, comments: 10
2019-02-19T13: 22: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:16,up:17,down:1,comments:8
2019-02-19T13: 14: 00.000, https: // company / qualcomm_russia / blog / 440832 /, views: 1300, votes: 6, up: 7, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-19T13: 06: 00.000, https: // englishdom / blog / 440850 /, views: 1400, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-19T13: 01: 00.000, https: // , views: 2600, votes: 23, up: 4, down: 27, comments: 32
2019-02-19T13: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 331, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 0
2019- 02-19T12: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 21, up: 22, down: 1, comments: 11
2019-02-19T12: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 830, votes: 11, up: 11, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T12: 12: 00.000,,views:160,votes:11,up:11,downcode,comments:07
2019-02-19T12: 11: 00.000, https: //,views:2700,votes:16,up:26,down:10,comments:26
2019-02-19T12: 09: 00.000, https: //,views:1000,votes:15,up:15,downPoint,commentshaps
2019-02-19T12: 08: 00.000, https: //,views: 2500, votes: 33, up: 34, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-19T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 21, up: 24, down: 3, comments: 3
2019-02-19T11: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 626, votes: 11, up: 11, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T11: 50: 00.000, https: //,views:1600,votes:14,up:14,downmail,commentscript
2019-02-19T11: 46: 00.000, https: // post / 440830 /, views: 2500, votes: 26, up: 26, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02-19T11: 38: 00.000, https: // 440778 /, views: 306, votes: 24, up: 24, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T11: 27: 00.000, https: // , views: 3100, votes: 28, up: 33, down: 5, comments: 10
2019-02-19T11: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 1100, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 0
2019- 02-19T11: 18: 00.000, https: //,views: 1100, votes: 13, up: 14, down: 1, comments: 12
2019-02-19T11: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 3900, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-19T11: 01: 00.000,,views►2020,
votes:14, up:14,downcode,comments:2 2019-02-19T11: 01: 00.000, https: //,views:2200,votes:21,up:24,downrouble,comments:11
2019-02-19T11: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:1700,votes:19,up:19,downmail,comments
2019-02-19T10: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 25, up: 25, down: 0, comments: 5
2019- 02-19T10: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 454, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02- 19T10: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 561, votes: 9, up: 9, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-19T10: 34: 00.000,,views:3300,votes:14,up:16,down:2,comments:9
2019-02-19T10: 33: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / oleg-bunin / blog / 440814 /, views: 1900, votes: 24, up: 24, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-19T10: 23: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / top3dshop / blog / 440630 /, views: 527, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T10: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 609, votes: 10, up: 12, down: 2, comments: 2
2019- 02-19T10: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 3000, votes: 26, up: 29, down: 3, comments: 12
2019-02- 19T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300, votes: 6, up: 11, down: 5, comments: 15
2019-02-19T10: 00: 00.000,,views:2400,votes:9,up:11,down:2,comments:4
2019-02-19T09: 39: 00.000, https: //,views:1500,votes:8,up:14,down:6,comments:20
2019-02-19T09: 36: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440786 /, views: 4300, votes: 27, up: 30, down: 3, comments: 5
2019-02-19T09: 26: 00.000, https: // , views: 2200, votes: 8, up: 8, down: 0, comments: 10
2019-02-19T08: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 14200, votes: 108, up: 108, down: 0, comments: 41
2019-02-19T08: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 796, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T07: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 381, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-19T07: 43: 00.000, https: //,views:901,votes:11,up:12,down:1,comments:2
2019-02-19T07: 11: 00.000, https: // post / 440400 /, views: 1900, votes: 7, up: 8, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-19T05: 27: 00.000, https: //,views : 2600, votes: 13, up: 20, down: 7, comments: 4
2019-02-19T00: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 13 , up: 18, down: 5, comments: 10
2019-02-19T00: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 16000, votes: 35, up: 39, down: 4, comments: 18
2019- 02-18T23: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 5900, votes: 8, up: 16, down: 8, comments: 30
2019-02-18T22: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 900, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-18T22: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 13
2019-02-18T21: 27: 00.000,,views:7100,votes:23,up:25,down:2,comments:23
2019-02-18T20: 53: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 440184 /, views: 2700, votes: 13, up: 17, down: 4, comments: 14
2019-02-18T19: 40: 00.000, https: // 440774 /, views: 19600, votes: 46, up: 50, down: 4, comments: 60
2019-02-18T19: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 4100, votes: 4, up: 17, down: 13, comments: 12
2019-02-18T18: 39: 00.000, https: //,views: 13600, votes: 12, up: 31, down: 19, comments: 29
2019-02-18T18: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 11100, votes: 39, up: 39, down: 0, comments: 10
2019-02-18T18: 21: 00.000, https: //,views:2700,votes:20,up:20,downmail,comments:13
2019-02-18T18: 19: 00.000, https: // post / 439116 /, views: 22000, votes: 62, up: 64, down: 2, comments: 121
2019-02-18T18: 11: 00.000, https: // 440740 /, views: 358, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-18T18: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 66200 , votes: 181, up: 181, down: 0, comments: 119
2019-02-18T17: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 993, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-18T17: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 7500, votes: 8, up: 28, down: 20, comments: 57
2019-02-18T17: 31: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:12,up:13,down:1,comments:4
2019-02-18T17: 25: 00.000, https: //,views:2700,votes:19,up:20,down:1,comments:27
2019-02-18T17: 16: 00.000, https: // company / okko / blog / 439180 /, views: 1400, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-18T16: 49: 00.000, https: // psb / blog / 440680 /, views: 927, votes: 7, up: 9, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-18T16: 18: 00.000, https: // , views: 2500, votes: 12, up: 14, down: 2, comments: 4
2019-02-18T15: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 1100, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-18T14: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 14900, votes: 35, up: 41, down: 6, comments: 8
2019-02-18T14: 13: 00.000, https: //,views:5700,votes:24,up:27,downreg,comments:10
2019-02-18T14: 03: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440718 /, views: 2600, votes: 24, up: 29, down: 5, comments: 18
2019-02-18T13: 58: 00.000, https: // , views: 4200, votes: 21, up: 7, down: 28, comments: 61
2019-02-18T13: 49: 00.000, https: //,views : 3000, votes: 16, up: 19, down: 3, comments: 2
2019-02-18T13: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 739 , votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02-18T13: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 45, up: 46, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-18T13: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 7700, votes: 28, up: 38, down: 10, comments: 9
2019- 02-18T12: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 35, up: 36, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-18T12: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 25, up: 26, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-18T12: 44: 00.000, https: //,views:2600,votes:20,up:22,down:2,comments:18
2019-02-18T12: 23: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / haulmont / blog / 440696 /, views: 2100, votes: 17, up: 20, down: 3, comments: 8
2019-02-18T12: 18: 00.000, https: //,views: 898, votes: 26, up: 27, down: 1, comments: 0
2019- 02-18T12: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 3700, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02- 18T12: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 3400, votes: 28, up: 28, down: 0, comments: 23
2019-02-18T12: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 1400, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-18T11: 45: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:20,up:21,down:1,comments:8
2019-02-18T11: 45: 00.000, https: //,views:4800,votes:25,up:26,down:1,comments:6
2019-02-18T11: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 3800, votes: 22, up: 26, down: 4, comments: 5
2019- 02-18T11: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 20100, votes: 96, up: 100, down: 4, comments: 142
2019-02- 18T11: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 5600, votes: 32, up: 32, down: 0, comments: 7
2019-02-18T10: 45: 00.000, https: //,views: 2900, votes: 40, up: 40, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-18T10: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 8600, votes: 38, up: 38, down: 0, comments: 25
2019-02-18T10: 13: 00.000, https: //,views:7400,votes:18,up:27,down:9,comments:17
2019-02-18T10: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 3500, votes: 14, up: 15, down: 1, comments: 15
2019-02-18T10: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 507, votes: 2, up: 8, down: 6, comments: 1
2019-02-18T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:2200,votes:25,up:27,down:2,commentscript
2019-02-18T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:4300,votes:20,up:22,down:2,comments:7
2019-02-18T09: 38: 00.000, https: // post / 440594 /, views: 8200, votes: 22, up: 25, down: 3, comments: 27
2019-02-18T09: 26: 00.000, https: //,views : 1700, votes: 9, up: 13, down: 4, comments: 4
2019-02-18T09: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 8600 , votes: 28, up: 30, down: 2, comments: 16
2019-02-18T09: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 5600, votes: 24, up: 26, down: 2, comments: 9
2019- 02-18T08: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 2900, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-18T07: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 16000, votes: 74, up: 84, down: 10, comments: 127
2019-02-18T07: 54: 00.000, https: //,views:1500,votes:15,up:16,down:1,commentshaps
2019-02-18T06: 58: 00.000, https: // post / 440670 /, views: 3500, votes: 6, up: 8, down: 2, comments: 12
2019-02-18T06: 53: 00.000, https: //,views : 12600, votes: 33, up: 34, down: 1, comments: 64
2019-02-18T00: 56: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 9 , up: 10, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-18T00: 45: 00.000, https: //,views: 8400, votes: 30, up: 31, down: 1, comments: 10
2019-02-17T23: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 39900, votes: 149, up: 157, down: 8, comments: 287
2019-02-17T23: 17: 00.000, https: //,views:12200,votes:45,up:18,down:63,comments:134
2019-02-17T23: 05: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440638 /, views: 9400, votes: 70, up: 4, down: 74, comments: 24
2019-02-17T22: 53: 00.000, https: // blog / 440636 /, views: 2600, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-17T22: 43: 00.000, https: //,views : 22100, votes: 6, up: 41, down: 35, comments: 72
2019-02-17T22: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200 , votes: 19, up: 21, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-17T21: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 6100, votes: 39, up: 40, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-17T21: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 2
2019-02-17T20: 34: 00.000, https: //,views:9500,votes:20,up:22,down:2,comments:47
2019-02-17T19: 10: 00.000, https: // com / company / wrike / blog / 440326 /, views: 707, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-17T19: 04: 00.000, https: // post / 440614 /, views: 4700, votes: 23, up: 8, down: 31, comments: 46
2019-02-17T18: 53: 00.000, https: //,views : 3800, votes: 8, up: 12, down: 4, comments: 7
2019-02-17T18: 39: 00.000, https: //,views : 3800, votes: 9, up: 12, down: 3, comments: 10
2019-02-17T17: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 25800, votes: 42, up: 42, down: 0, comments: 28
2019-02-17T17: 27: 00.000, https: //,views: 6400, votes: 18, up: 23, down: 5, comments: 8
2019-02-17T17: 06: 00.000, https: //,views:3300,votes:9,up:10,down:1,comments:07
2019-02-17T16: 49: 00.000, https: //,views:2500,votes:12,up:15,down{,comments:1
2019-02-17T15: 37: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 440602 /, views: 4200, votes: 13, up: 14, down: 1, comments: 29
2019-02-17T15: 04: 00.000, https: // 440598 /, views: 11500, votes: 26, up: 30, down: 4, comments: 8
2019-02-17T13: 32: 00.000, https: //,views: 11500 , votes: 48, up: 50, down: 2, comments: 9
2019-02-17T13: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 11700, votes: 27, up: 31, down: 4, comments: 61
2019-02-17T13: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 8300, votes: 22, up: 24, down: 2, comments: 14
2019-02-17T12: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 22, up: 23, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-17T12: 51: 00.000,,views:65300,votes:106,up:111,down►,comments:135
2019-02-17T12: 17: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 440566 /, views: 15000, votes: 46, up: 48, down: 2, comments: 92
2019-02-17T11: 50: 00.000, https: // 440582 /, views: 20400, votes: 4, up: 25, down: 21, comments: 234
2019-02-17T10: 46: 00.000, https: //,views: 9700 , votes: 27, up: 27, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-17T06: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 4400, votes: 46, up: 47, down: 1, comments: 15
2019-02-17T01: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500, votes: 24, up: 24, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-17T00: 53: 00.000, https: //,views:2300,votes:8,up:14,down:6,commentscript
2019-02-17T00: 04: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440564 /, views: 12900, votes: 44, up: 46, down: 2, comments: 53
2019-02-16T23: 18: 00.000, https: // , views: 21300, votes: 12, up: 34, down: 22, comments: 106
2019-02-16T21: 30: 00.000, https: //,views : 5200, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-16T21: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300, votes: 21 , up: 27, down: 6, comments: 18
2019-02-16T18: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 8600, votes: 29, up: 32, down: 3, comments: 9
2019-02-16T17: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 5700, votes: 18, up: 19, down: 1, comments: 21
2019-02-16T17: 39: 00.000, https: //,views:5300,votes:23,up:26,down{,comments:10
2019-02-16T17: 31: 00.000, https: // com / company / iticapital / blog / 440540 /, views: 5200, votes: 21, up: 22, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-16T17: 18: 00.000, https: // company / skillbox / blog / 440536 /, views: 2800, votes: 26, up: 28, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-16T16: 58: 00.000, https: // englishdom / blog / 440534 /, views: 5300, votes: 9, up: 18, down: 9, comments: 48
2019-02-16T16: 36: 00.000, https: // , views: 1800, votes: 21, up: 21, down: 0, comments: 9
2019-02-16T15: 56: 00.000, https: //,views: 6800, votes: 15, up: 20, down: 5, comments: 10
2019-02-16T15: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 10900, votes: 12, up: 17, down: 5, comments: 43
2019-02-16T15: 26: 00.000, https: //,views:2200,votes:12,up:12,downmail,comments:2
2019-02-16T14: 55: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440522 /, views: 2400, votes: 9, up: 9, down: 0, comments: 9
2019-02-16T14: 09: 00.000, https: // , views: 4700, votes: 16, up: 20, down: 4, comments: 4
2019-02-16T12: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 65000, votes : 85, up: 100, down: 15, comments: 256
2019-02-16T12: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 21000, votes: 41, up: 46 , down: 5, comments: 89
2019-02-16T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 4300, votes: 22, up: 25, down: 3, comments: 14
2019-02-16T11: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 3600, votes: 2, up: 16, down: 14, comments: 2
2019-02-16T10: 47: 00.000, https: //,views:13700,votes:24,up:25,down:1,comments:15
2019-02-16T10: 01: 00.000, https: // com / company / audiomania / blog / 440502 /, views: 2900, votes: 13, up: 18, down: 5, comments: 1
2019-02-16T08: 12: 00.000, https: // post / 440154 /, views: 13500, votes: 25, up: 25, down: 0, comments: 9
2019-02-16T00: 42: 00.000, https: //,views : 10700, votes: 14, up: 19, down: 5, comments: 101
2019-02-15T23: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 5000, votes: 52 , up: 55, down: 3, comments: 29
2019-02-15T23: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 10200, votes: 24, up: 24, down: 0, comments: 26
2019-02-15T23: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 21700, votes: 26, up: 28, down: 2, comments: 133
2019-02-15T22: 38: 00.000, https: //,views:3700,votes:11,up:17,down:28,comments:46
2019-02-15T20: 20: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440486 /, views: 5000, votes: 26, up: 28, down: 2, comments: 17
2019-02-15T19: 07: 00.000, https: // blog / 440478 /, views: 6600, votes: 20, up: 26, down: 6, comments: 2
2019-02-15T18: 26: 00.000, https: //,views : 4600, votes: 15, up: 17, down: 2, comments: 4
2019-02-15T18: 19: 00.000, https: //,views: 1000, votes: 15 , up: 15, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-15T18: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 16, up: 20, down: 4, comments: 9
2019-02-15T17: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 8000, votes: 37, up: 37, down: 0, comments: 29
2019-02-15T17: 10: 00.000, https: //,views:8500,votescript,up:28,down:28,comments:169
2019-02-15T17: 09: 00.000, https: // com / company / otus / blog / 440462 /, views: 1300, votes: 3, up: 15, down: 12, comments: 3
2019-02-15T17: 05: 00.000, https: // company / mobileup / blog / 440284 /, views: 8600, votes: 24, up: 26, down: 2, comments: 21
2019-02-15T16: 58: 00.000, https: // mailru / blog / 439518 /, views: 1900, votes: 17, up: 20, down: 3, comments: 1
2019-02-15T16: 34: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 9
2019- 02-15T16: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 3500, votes: 13, up: 18, down: 5, comments: 9
2019-02-15T16: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 14900, votes: 14, up: 33, down: 19, comments: 36
2019-02-15T16: 17: 00.000,,views:2500,votes:11,up:11,downcode,comments:2
2019-02-15T16: 15: 00.000, https: //,views:409,votes:11,up:11,downcode,commentscript
2019-02-15T16: 15: 00.000, https: //,views{9700,votes:27,up:43,down:16,comments:75
2019-02-15T15: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 19, up: 21, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-15T14: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 7100, votes: 19, up: 25, down: 6, comments: 12
2019-02-15T14: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 7100, votes: 25, up: 33, down: 8, comments: 21
2019-02-15T14: 30: 00.000, https: //,views:5600,votes:21,up:24,down{,comments:15
2019-02-15T14: 20: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / edison / blog / 436098 /, views: 4600, votes: 31, up: 32, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-15T13: 57: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440426 /, views: 5900, votes: 16, up: 19, down: 3, comments: 15
2019-02-15T13: 54: 00.000, https: // , views: 4700, votes: 12, up: 24, down: 12, comments: 77
2019-02-15T13: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 4800, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 29
2019-02-15T13: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 6800, votes: 54, up: 54, down: 0, comments: 15
2019-02-15T13: 22: 00.000, https: //,views:1900,votes:28,up:28,downcode,comments:1
2019-02-15T13: 12: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:17,up:20,down{,commentshaps
2019-02-15T13: 06: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438942 /, views: 2800, votes: 29, up: 29, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-15T13: 02: 00.000, https: // blog / 440412 /, views: 830, votes: 9, up: 9, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-15T12: 49: 00.000, https: //,views : 3500, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 9
2019-02-15T12: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 51200, votes: 186, up: 190, down: 4, comments: 243
2019-02-15T12: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 4600, votes: 40, up: 40, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-15T12: 35: 00.000, https: //,views:950,votes:9,up:9,downcode,comments:6
2019-02-15T12: 16: 00.000, https: //,views∗000,votes:49,up:50,down:1,comments:11
2019-02-15T12: 00: 00.000, https: // company / ruvds / blog / 439980 /, views: 9000, votes: 26, up: 26, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-15T12: 00: 00.000, https: // ua-hosting / blog / 440268 /, views: 5900, votes: 32, up: 32, down: 0, comments: 7
2019-02-15T11: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 7700, votes: 13, up: 16, down: 3, comments: 21
2019-02-15T11: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 27, up: 28, down: 1, comments: 70
2019- 02-15T11: 20: 00.000, https: //,views: 11800, votes: 36, up: 38, down: 2, comments: 35
2019-02-15T11: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 8000, votes: 51, up: 53, down: 2, comments: 32
2019-02-15T10: 57: 00.000,,views:6200,votes:22,up:23,down:1,comments:32
2019-02-15T10: 44: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / oleg-bunin / blog / 440332 /, views: 3500, votes: 34, up: 34, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-15T09: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 1900, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 2
2019- 02-15T09: 32: 00.000, https: //,views: 30800, votes: 46, up: 52, down: 6, comments: 81
2019-02-15T07: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 7300, votes: 34, up: 34, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-15T01: 28: 00.000, https: //,views:5300,votes:19,up:21,down:2,comments:7
2019-02-14T23: 44: 00.000, https: // post / 440362 /, views: 9700, votes: 17, up: 18, down: 1, comments: 37
2019-02-14T23: 05: 00.000, https: //,views : 6400, votes: 3, up: 14, down: 17, comments: 26
2019-02-14T22: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 8000, votes: 38 , up: 29, down: 67, comments: 109
2019-02-14T21: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 4500, votes: 15, up: 17, down: 2, comments: 19
2019-02-14T20: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 44900, votes: 59, up: 68, down: 9, comments: 41
2019-02-14T20: 42: 00.000, https: //,views:8800,votes:35,up:40,down<,comments:14
2019-02-14T20: 10: 00.000, https: //,views:3200,votes:21,up:21,downcode,commentscript
2019-02-14T19: 33: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 440336 /, views: 42100, votes: 85, up: 98, down: 13, comments: 135
2019-02-14T18: 46: 00.000, https: // otus / blog / 440334 /, views: 1900, votes: 1, up: 12, down: 11, comments: 6
2019-02-14T18: 08: 00.000, https: // , views: 4200, votes: 12, up: 16, down: 4, comments: 8
2019-02-14T18: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-14T17: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 14, up: 16, down: 2, comments: 1
2019-02-14T17: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 7000, votes: 49, up: 50, down: 1, comments: 16
2019-02-14T16: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 3400, votes: 14, up: 24, down: 38, comments: 23
2019-02-14T16: 38: 00.000, https: //,views:1900,votes:20,up:20,downPoint,commentshaps
2019-02-14T16: 05: 00.000, https: // post / 440308 /, views: 11000, votes: 49, up: 50, down: 1, comments: 30
2019-02-14T15: 51: 00.000, https: // 439242 /, views: 1800, votes: 21, up: 23, down: 2, comments: 13
2019-02-14T15: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 8600, votes: 53, up: 56, down: 3, comments: 14
2019-02-14T15: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 2900, votes: 36, up: 36, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-14T14: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 27, up: 31, down: 4, comments: 4
2019-02-14T14: 45: 00.000, https: //,views:1700,votes{,up:11,down:8,comments:2
2019-02-14T14: 23: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439190 /, views: 3600, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-14T14: 02: 00.000, https: // blog / 440292 /, views: 3500, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 11
2019-02-14T14: 01: 00.000, https: // 440300 /, views: 12200, votes: 45, up: 51, down: 6, comments: 11
2019-02-14T13: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 39700, votes: 69, up: 75, down: 6, comments: 167
2019- 02-14T13: 39: 00.000, https: //,views: 7800, votes: 16, up: 20, down: 4, comments: 14
2019-02-14T13: 17: 00.000, https: //,views: 13200, votes: 21, up: 28, down: 7, comments: 26
2019-02-14T13: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:2600,votes:26,up:26,downmail,comments:6
2019-02-14T12: 32: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 440238 /, views: 4600, votes: 15, up: 16, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-14T12: 28: 00.000, https: // 440280 /, views: 14100, votes: 59, up: 60, down: 1, comments: 71
2019-02-14T11: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 17900 , votes: 34, up: 35, down: 1, comments: 22
2019-02-14T11: 18: 00.000, https: //,views: 59900, votes: 106, up: 127, down: 21, comments: 166
2019-02-14T11: 17: 00.000, https: //,views: 5800, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 28
2019-02-14T11: 09: 00.000, https: //,views:1700,votes:14,up:15,down:1,comments:2
2019-02-14T11: 03: 00.000, https: //,views{100,votes:14,up:14,downcode,comments:6
2019-02-14T11: 01: 00.000, https: // company / itsumma / blog / 440208 /, views: 3500, votes: 35, up: 35, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-14T10: 55: 00.000, https: // redhatrussia / blog / 440188 /, views: 1900, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-14T10: 19: 00.000, https: //,views: 11600, votes: 70, up: 73, down: 3, comments: 29
2019- 02-14T10: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 2900, votes: 25, up: 27, down: 2, comments: 7
2019-02- 14T10: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 35400, votes: 54, up: 75, down: 21, comments: 216
2019-02-14T10: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 8100, votes: 38, up: 38, down: 0, comments: 18
2019-02-14T10: 02: 00.000, https: //,views:7600,votes:43,up:43,downmail,comments:34
2019-02-14T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:2400,votes:15,up:15,down07,commentscript
2019-02-14T09: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 9300, votes: 17, up: 20, down: 3, comments: 5
2019- 02-14T09: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 4600, votes: 28, up: 28, down: 0, comments: 16
2019-02-14T09: 13: 00.000, https: //,views: 3700, votes: 0, up: 13, down: 13, comments: 59
2019-02-14T08: 37: 00.000, https: //,views:9400,votes:47,up:47,downcode,comments:113
2019-02-14T08: 00: 00.000, https: // company / 2gis / blog / 440062 /, views: 5300, votes: 28, up: 29, down: 1, comments: 14
2019-02-14T07: 50: 00.000, https: // 439520 /, views: 2200, votes: 4, up: 8, down: 12, comments: 8
2019-02-14T05: 26: 00.000, https: //,views: 7400 , votes: 18, up: 26, down: 8, comments: 79
2019-02-14T05: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 3600, votes: 24, up: 26, down: 2, comments: 56
2019- 02-14T03: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 39100, votes: 92, up: 93, down: 1, comments: 171
2019-02-14T02: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 3000, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 7
2019-02-13T22: 15: 00.000, https: //,views:15400,votes:32,up:41,down:9,comments:58
2019-02-13T21: 58: 00.000, https: // post / 440234 /, views: 2500, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-13T21: 30: 00.000, https: //,views : 46300, votes: 70, up: 81, down: 11, comments: 376
2019-02-13T21: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 10 , up: 12, down: 2, comments: 5
2019-02-13T19: 43: 00.000, https: //,views: 7000, votes: 19, up: 27, down: 8, comments: 17
2019-02-13T19: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 6500, votes: 36, up: 36, down: 0, comments: 74
2019-02-13T18: 42: 00.000, https: //,views:3800,votes:11,up:13,down:2,comments:16
2019-02-13T18: 41: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440214 /, views: 5000, votes: 15, up: 18, down: 3, comments: 5
2019-02-13T18: 16: 00.000, https: // blog / 440210 /, views: 1200, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 3
2019-02-13T18: 06: 00.000, https: // 440206 /, views: 25400, votes: 62, up: 62, down: 0, comments: 66
2019-02-13T17: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 10400 , votes: 24, up: 29, down: 5, comments: 21
2019-02-13T16: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 26, up: 27, down: 1, comments: 1
2019- 02-13T16: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 4100, votes: 40, up: 41, down: 1, comments: 9
2019-02- 13T16: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 4500, votes: 16, up: 17, down: 1, comments: 9
2019-02-13T16: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 3400, votes: 28, up: 29, down: 1, comments: 15
2019-02-13T16: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 892, votes: 21, up: 22, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-13T16: 02: 00.000,,views:22500,votes:42,up:45,down{,comments:105
2019-02-13T16: 01: 00.000, https: //,views: 6800, votes: 72, up: 72, down: 0, comments: 10
2019- 02-13T15: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 9100, votes: 10, up: 23, down: 13, comments: 19
2019-02-13T15: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-13T15: 24: 00.000,,views:6400,votes:24,up:27,down{,comments:12
2019-02-13T15: 21: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / binarydistrict / blog / 440176 /, views: 3800, votes: 13, up: 16, down: 3, comments: 6
2019-02-13T15: 17: 00.000, https: // com / company / funcorp / blog / 440168 /, views: 1500, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-13T15: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 48700, votes: 133, up: 136, down: 3, comments: 154
2019- 02-13T15: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 3800, votes: 22, up: 24, down: 2, comments: 6
2019-02- 13T14: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 3400, votes: 17, up: 19, down: 2, comments: 4
2019-02-13T14: 35: 00.000,,views:6400,votes:22,up:25,down{,comments:60
2019-02-13T14: 20: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 440138 /, views: 2300, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-13T14: 12: 00.000, https: // selectel / blog / 439834 /, views: 3700, votes: 18, up: 19, down: 1, comments: 9
2019-02-13T14: 08: 00.000, https: // , views: 6600, votes: 30, up: 30, down: 0, comments: 20
2019-02-13T14: 04: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 9, up: 11, down: 2, comments: 4
2019-02-13T14: 01: 00.000, https: //,views: 6700, votes: 7, up: 23, down: 16, comments: 25
2019-02-13T13: 57: 00.000, https: //,views{4400,votes:60,up:61,down:1,comments:78
2019-02-13T13: 17: 00.000, https: // com / company / oleg-bunin / blog / 433480 /, views: 4200, votes: 22, up: 26, down: 4, comments: 13
2019-02-13T13: 16: 00.000, https: // com / company / srg / blog / 439614 /, views: 1300, votes: 11, up: 11, down: 0, comments: 16
2019-02-13T12: 52: 00.000, https: // company / piter / blog / 439990 /, views: 2200, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-13T12: 50: 00.000, https: // 440054 /, views: 7600, votes: 24, up: 32, down: 8, comments: 17
2019-02-13T12: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 17200, votes: 25, up: 40, down: 15, comments: 171
2019-02-13T12: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 23400, votes: 44, up: 46, down: 2, comments: 67
2019-02-13T12: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-13T12: 03: 00.000, https: //,views:6100,votes:32,up:32,downmail,comments:44
2019-02-13T12: 00: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / ua-hosting / blog / 439838 /, views: 7000, votes: 32, up: 33, down: 1, comments: 34
2019-02-13T12: 00: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / ruvds / blog / 439978 /, views: 11000, votes: 29, up: 29, down: 0, comments: 33
2019-02-13T11: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 1300, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-13T11: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 30, up: 32, down: 2, comments: 3
2019-02-13T11: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 12700, votes: 22, up: 26, down: 4, comments: 13
2019-02-13T11: 16: 00.000,,views:18900,votes:48,up:51,down{,comments:49
2019-02-13T10: 40: 00.000, https: //,views:2800,votes:15,up:16,down:1,comments:4
2019-02-13T10: 40: 00.000, https: // com / post / 440108 /, views: 4500, votes: 15, up: 15, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-13T10: 16: 00.000, https: // , views: 9000, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 23
2019-02-13T10: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 1900, votes: 4, up: 11, down: 7, comments: 4
2019-02-13T10: 01: 00.000, https: //,views: 3800, votes: 27, up: 30, down: 3, comments: 13
2019-02-13T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500, votes: 10, up: 12, down: 2, comments: 5
2019-02-13T10: 00: 00.000,,views:4600,votes:10,up:13,down{,commentshaps
2019-02-13T10: 00: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / microsoft / blog / 439670 /, views: 3700, votes: 21, up: 22, down: 1, comments: 11
2019-02-13T09: 58: 00.000, https: // com / company / englishdom / blog / 440076 /, views: 1200, votes: 6, up: 9, down: 3, comments: 5
2019-02-13T08: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 13000, votes: 21, up: 22, down: 1, comments: 48
2019- 02-13T07: 43: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 7, up: 8, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-13T07: 26: 00.000, https: //,views: 15100, votes: 30, up: 34, down: 4, comments: 4
2019-02-13T02: 37: 00.000, https: //,views:24400,votes:48,up:50,down:2,comments:158
2019-02-12T23: 55: 00.000, https: // company / rusonyx / blog / 440084 /, views: 12700, votes: 31, up: 46, down: 15, comments: 420
2019-02-12T22: 20: 00.000, https: // 440074 /, views: 43000, votes: 55, up: 62, down: 7, comments: 246
2019-02-12T21: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 9
2019- 02-12T20: 46: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 24, up: 24, down: 0, comments: 8
2019-02-12T19: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 6300, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 12
2019-02-12T18: 26: 00.000, https: //,views:5400,votes:44,up:44,downcode,comments:21
2019-02-12T18: 03: 00.000, https: // post / 440050 /, views: 4000, votes: 22, up: 23, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-12T17: 50: 00.000, https: //,views : 2300, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-12T17: 46: 00.000, https: //,views: 1700 , votes: 8, up: 11, down: 3, comments: 6
2019-02-12T17: 16: 00.000, https: //,views: 37300, votes: 125, up: 138, down: 13, comments: 97
2019-02-12T16: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 14600, votes: 55, up: 56, down: 1, comments: 72
2019-02-12T16: 36: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:20,up:20,downmail,comments:1
2019-02-12T16: 07: 00.000, https: //,views:6900,votes:7,up:27,down:20,comments:117
2019-02-12T16: 06: 00.000, https: // company / compscicenter / blog / 439742 /, views: 5200, votes: 33, up: 34, down: 1, comments: 9
2019-02-12T15: 57: 00.000, https: // 440024 /, views: 5300, votes: 33, up: 33, down: 0, comments: 18
2019-02-12T15: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 4400, votes: 16, up: 18, down: 2, comments: 41
2019- 02-12T15: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 8, up: 12, down: 4, comments: 21
2019-02-12T15: 26: 00.000, https: //,views: 319, votes: 8, up: 12, down: 4, comments: 0
2019-02-12T15: 23: 00.000,,views:2400,votes:15,up:17,down:2,comments:1
2019-02-12T15: 22: 00.000, https: //,views►500,votes:19,up:22,down{,comments:45
2019-02-12T15: 21: 00.000, https: //,views:1900,votes:19,up:20,down:1,commentshaps
2019-02-12T15: 16: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 22, up: 22, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-12T15: 16: 00.000, https: //,views: 7000, votes: 22, up: 24, down: 2, comments: 3
2019-02-12T14: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 3800, votes: 42, up: 43, down: 1, comments: 30
2019-02-12T14: 34: 00.000, https: //,viewsreg7700,votes:34,up:39,down∗,commentshaps91
2019-02-12T14: 18: 00.000, https: // post / 440000 /, views: 33400, votes: 37, up: 43, down: 6, comments: 46
2019-02-12T14: 14: 00.000, https: // 439920 /, views: 1800, votes: 19, up: 21, down: 2, comments: 15
2019-02-12T14: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 1000 , votes: 15, up: 16, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-12T14: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 8, up: 14, down: 6, comments: 6
2019-02-12T13: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 5000, votes: 37, up: 39, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-12T13: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 10, up: 15, down: 5, comments: 0
2019-02-12T13: 39: 00.000,,views:4800,votes:14,up:16,down:2,comments:30
2019-02-12T13: 30: 00.000, https: //,views:15700,votes:52,up:60,down:8,comments:111
2019-02-12T13: 29: 00.000, https: //,views:3300,votes:6,up:15,down:9,comments:20
2019-02-12T13: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 64400, votes: 142, up: 179, down: 37, comments: 235
2019-02-12T13: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 1900, votes: 9, up: 12, down: 3, comments: 2
2019-02-12T13: 08: 00.000, https: //,views: 1300, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-12T13: 07: 00.000,,views:8000,votes:41,up:43,down:2,comments:15
2019-02-12T13: 03: 00.000, https: //,views:1300,votes:16,up:16,downcode,comments:1
2019-02-12T12: 42: 00.000, https: //,views:1300,votes:34,up:36,down:2,comments
2019-02-12T12: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 2900, votes: 23, up: 27, down: 4, comments: 1
2019- 02-12T12: 28: 00.000, https: //,views: 659, votes: 15, up: 15, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02- 12T12: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 6400, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 41
2019-02-12T12: 10: 00.000,,views:5800,votes:32,up:33,down:1,comments:8
2019-02-12T12: 08: 00.000, https: //,views{90,votes:11,up:11,downcode,comments:2
2019-02-12T12: 03: 00.000, https: //,views:1900,votes:13,up:14,down:1,comments:8
2019-02-12T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 537, votes: 11, up: 11, down: 0, comments: 1
2019- 02-12T11: 20: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 3
2019- 02-12T11: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 18, up: 21, down: 3, comments: 7
2019-02-12T11: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 778, votes: 11, up: 13, down: 2, comments: 7
2019-02-12T11: 08: 00.000, https: //,views:1800,votes:16,up:18,down:2,comments:4
2019-02-12T11: 01: 00.000, https: // company / lanit / blog / 439546 /, views: 8500, votes: 77, up: 77, down: 0, comments: 40
2019-02-12T10: 59: 00.000, https: // 439714 /, views: 20100, votes: 46, up: 55, down: 9, comments: 64
2019-02-12T10: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 4800, votes: 14, up: 15, down: 1, comments: 1
2019- 02-12T10: 39: 00.000, https: //,views: 888, votes: 7, up: 7, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-12T10: 08: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 18, up: 19, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-12T10: 07: 00.000, https: //,views:2300,votes:55,up:55,downcript,comments:11
2019-02-12T10: 05: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / roseltorg / blog / 439932 /, views: 6800, votes: 21, up: 28, down: 7, comments: 21
2019-02-12T09: 04: 00.000, https: // com / company / kolesa / blog / 439488 /, views: 990, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-12T09: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 99100, votes: 353, up: 354, down: 1, comments: 210
2019-02-12T08: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 5500, votes: 11, up: 14, down: 3, comments: 15
2019-02-12T08: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:819,votes:12,up:15,down{,comments:7
2019-02-12T07: 36: 00.000, https: //,views:3900,votes:20,up:21,down:1,comments:22
2019-02-12T07: 21: 00.000, https: // post / 439874 /, views: 1000, votes: 6, up: 6, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-12T07: 01: 00.000, https: //,views : 7600, votes: 18, up: 23, down: 5, comments: 22
2019-02-12T05: 45: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 11 , up: 11, down: 0, comments: 7
2019-02-12T04: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-12T01: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 4700, votes: 10, up: 12, down: 2, comments: 17
2019-02-12T01: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 3700, votes: 22, up: 23, down: 1, comments: 61
2019-02-12T00: 46: 00.000, https: //,views:908,votes:11,up:11,downmail,comments:1
2019-02-12T00: 04: 00.000, https: //,views:11800,votes:25,up:25,downcode,commentshaps
2019-02-11T23: 17: 00.000, https: // post / 439906 /, views: 5300, votes: 28, up: 28, down: 0, comments: 11
2019-02-11T23: 15: 00.000, https: //,views : 6300, votes: 14, up: 20, down: 34, comments: 33
2019-02-11T22: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 18, up: 5, down: 23, comments: 96
2019-02-11T22: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 1700, votes: 14, up: 14, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-11T21: 10: 00.000, https: //,views:5900,votes:18,up:24,down:6,comments:18
2019-02-11T19: 43: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439886 /, views: 2800, votes: 22, up: 22, down: 0, comments: 17
2019-02-11T19: 14: 00.000, https: // blog / 439880 /, views: 2800, votes: 23, up: 23, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-11T19: 03: 00.000, https: //,views : 3700, votes: 4, up: 23, down: 27, comments: 34
2019-02-11T17: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 14700, votes: 52 , up: 57, down: 5, comments: 80
2019-02-11T17: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 4100, votes: 26, up: 30, down: 4, comments: 6
2019-02-11T17: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 15600, votes: 68, up: 71, down: 3, comments: 32
2019-02-11T17: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 926, votes: 14, up: 16, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-11T16: 41: 00.000, https: //,views:4300,votes:22,up:23,down:1,comments:10
2019-02-11T15: 43: 00.000, https: // post / 439852 /, views: 8900, votes: 49, up: 49, down: 0, comments: 40
2019-02-11T15: 42: 00.000, https: //,views : 8400, votes: 22, up: 35, down: 13, comments: 45
2019-02-11T15: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 6500 , votes: 27, up: 30, down: 3, comments: 14
2019-02-11T14: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 855, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 0
2019- 02-11T14: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 3000, votes: 17, up: 20, down: 3, comments: 1
2019-02-11T13: 57: 00.000, https: //,views: 19700, votes: 29, up: 29, down: 0, comments: 136
2019-02-11T13: 05: 00.000, https: //,views:32700,votes:50,up:56,down:6,comments:171
2019-02-11T13: 05: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439000 /, views: 1500, votes: 17, up: 19, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-11T13: 03: 00.000, https: // 439822 /, views: 1800, votes: 13, up: 14, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-11T13: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 7000 , votes: 28, up: 31, down: 3, comments: 16
2019-02-11T12: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 6600, votes: 33, up: 35, down: 2, comments: 16
2019- 02-11T12: 56: 00.000, https: //,views: 19700, votes: 16, up: 26, down: 10, comments: 279
2019-02- 11T12: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 648, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-11T12: 47: 00.000,,views:2600,votescla,up:13,down:18,comments:8
2019-02-11T12: 38: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439806 /, views: 6200, votes: 24, up: 27, down: 3, comments: 12
2019-02-11T12: 32: 00.000, https: // oleg-bunin / blog / 437586 /, views: 2800, votes: 27, up: 28, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-11T12: 31: 00.000, https: // 439564 /, views: 1200, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-11T12: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 5400, votes: 46, up: 46, down: 0, comments: 12
2019-02-11T11: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 1300, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-11T11: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 5500, votes: 26, up: 26, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02-11T11: 27: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:18,up:18,downmail,comments:29
2019-02-11T10: 36: 00.000, https: //,views:40700,votes:58,up:60,down:2,comments:210
2019-02-11T10: 22: 00.000, https: // post / 439724 /, views: 3800, votes: 17, up: 18, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-11T10: 22: 00.000, https: //,views : 3300, votes: 14, up: 15, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-11T10: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 5200, votes: 30, up: 31, down: 1, comments: 76
2019-02-11T10: 04: 00.000, https: //,views: 1400, votes: 11, up: 14, down: 3, comments: 3
2019-02-11T10: 02: 00.000, https: //,views:42900,votes:141,up:150,down:9,comments:225
2019-02-11T09: 24: 00.000, https: //,views:4200,votes:16,up:16,downcode,comments:9
2019-02-11T09: 15: 00.000, https: // post / 438622 /, views: 10600, votes: 66, up: 66, down: 0, comments: 40
2019-02-11T09: 04: 00.000, https: // 439482 /, views: 6100, votes: 25, up: 28, down: 3, comments: 18
2019-02-11T08: 46: 00.000, https: //,views: 2600, votes: 11, up: 13, down: 2, comments: 35
2019- 02-11T07: 28: 00.000, https: //,views: 37600, votes: 37, up: 49, down: 12, comments: 170
2019-02-11T07: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 55900, votes: 120, up: 126, down: 6, comments: 190
2019-02-11T07: 01: 00.000, https: //,views:12200,votes:81,up:81,downmail,comments:15
2019-02-11T04: 26: 00.000, https: // post / 439732 /, views: 2100, votes: 20, up: 21, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-11T04: 19: 00.000, https: //,views : 4400, votes: 8, up: 11, down: 3, comments: 15
2019-02-11T03: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 12700, votes: 31 , up: 33, down: 2, comments: 70
2019-02-11T02: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 11200, votes: 56, up: 57, down: 1, comments: 17
2019-02-11T01: 46: 00.000, https: //,views: 11400, votes: 35, up: 40, down: 5, comments: 66
2019-02-11T00: 48: 00.000, https: //,views:9900,votes:28,up:29,down:1,commentscript
2019-02-10T23: 47: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439772 /, views: 898, votes: 8, up: 9, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-10T22: 38: 00.000, https: // , views: 41300, votes: 86, up: 115, down: 29, comments: 144
2019-02-10T21: 18: 00.000, https: //,views : 15400, votes: 19, up: 21, down: 2, comments: 25
2019-02-10T20: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 7700, votes: 29 , up: 32, down: 3, comments: 28
2019-02-10T20: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 8700, votes: 32, up: 32, down: 0, comments: 28
2019- 02-10T20: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 5600, votes: 20, up: 21, down: 1, comments: 11
2019-02-10T20: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 9900, votes: 18, up: 26, down: 8, comments: 22
2019-02-10T20: 12: 00.000,,views:11100,votes:56,up:56,downmail,comments:27
2019-02-10T20: 05: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439720 /, views: 21300, votes: 80, up: 82, down: 2, comments: 29
2019-02-10T20: 04: 00.000, https: // 439698 /, views: 24500, votes: 74, up: 74, down: 0, comments: 44
2019-02-10T20: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300 , votes: 21, up: 21, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-10T19: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 861, votes: 8, up: 3, down: 11, comments: 0
2019-02-10T19: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-10T19: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 9, up: 13, down: 4, comments: 13
2019-02-10T19: 03: 00.000, https: //,views:3200,votes:20,up:21,down:1,comments:22
2019-02-10T19: 00: 00.000, https: // company / ua-hosting / blog / 439706 /, views: 7600, votes: 25, up: 26, down: 1, comments: 7
2019-02-10T18: 53: 00.000, https: // post / 439736 /, views: 4100, votes: 15, up: 15, down: 0, comments: 11
2019-02-10T16: 13: 00.000, https: //,views : 2000, votes: 6, up: 17, down: 11, comments: 15
2019-02-10T16: 12: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-10T14: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-10T13: 57: 00.000, https: //,views:7200,votes:20,up:21,down:1,comments:26
2019-02-10T12: 49: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439718 /, views: 2200, votes: 9, up: 13, down: 4, comments: 1
2019-02-10T12: 29: 00.000, https: // , views: 9000, votes: 4, up: 16, down: 12, comments: 26
2019-02-10T11: 56: 00.000, https: //,views: 36300, votes : 116, up: 120, down: 4, comments: 302
2019-02-10T11: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 4900, votes: 16, up: 17 , down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-10T11: 23: 00.000, https: //,views: 7700, votes: 29, up: 32, down: 3, comments: 8
2019- 02-10T11: 20: 00.000, https: //,views: 27500, votes: 62, up: 63, down: 1, comments: 31
2019-02-10T11: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 8100, votes: 28, up: 33, down: 5, comments: 17
2019-02-10T11: 01: 00.000, https: //,views:5300,votes:20,up:20,downcode,comments:2
2019-02-10T10: 58: 00.000, https: // post / 439696 /, views: 5000, votes: 6, up: 18, down: 12, comments: 5
2019-02-09T23: 29: 00.000, https: //,views : 5300, votes: 10, up: 13, down: 3, comments: 22
2019-02-09T22: 59: 00.000, https: //,views : 5700, votes: 20, up: 21, down: 1, comments: 11
2019-02-09T22: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 5500, votes: 14, up: 16, down: 2, comments: 20
2019-02-09T21: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800, votes: 18, up: 21, down: 3, comments: 2
2019-02-09T19: 27: 00.000, https: //,views:3800,votes:13,up:19,down:6,comments:11
2019-02-09T19: 19: 00.000, https: // com / company / bitfury / blog / 439654 /, views: 7700, votes: 29, up: 30, down: 1, comments: 33
2019-02-09T17: 54: 00.000, https: // post / 439656 /, views: 9600, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 12
2019-02-09T17: 33: 00.000, https: //,views : 4500, votes: 11, up: 17, down: 6, comments: 7
2019-02-09T17: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 6900, votes: 24 , up: 31, down: 7, comments: 28
2019-02-09T17: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 8500, votes: 27, up: 33, down: 6, comments: 21
2019- 02-09T16: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 6500, votes: 7, up: 23, down: 16, comments: 23
2019-02-09T15: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 14600, votes: 41, up: 43, down: 2, comments: 53
2019-02-09T15: 09: 00.000, https: //,views∗100,votes:32,up:11,down:43,comments:264
2019-02-09T14: 52: 00.000, https: // post / 439628 /, views: 2100, votes: 6, up: 13, down: 7, comments: 13
2019-02-09T14: 37: 00.000, https: //,views : 6700, votes: 17, up: 20, down: 3, comments: 10
2019-02-09T14: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 11800 , votes: 21, up: 28, down: 7, comments: 8
2019-02-09T13: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 10500, votes: 75, up: 77, down: 2, comments: 27
2019-02-09T13: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 8100, votes: 20, up: 22, down: 2, comments: 38
2019-02-09T13: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 7200, votes: 18, up: 21, down: 3, comments: 11
2019-02-09T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:36000,votes:65,up:68,down{,comments:198
2019-02-09T10: 30: 00.000, https: // post / 438046 /, views: 2600, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 23
2019-02-09T09: 18: 00.000, https: // 439562 /, views: 5600, votes: 23, up: 27, down: 4, comments: 4
2019-02-09T04: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 5900 , votes: 6, up: 27, down: 21, comments: 15
2019-02-09T03: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 4500, votes: 30, up: 35, down: 5, comments: 34
2019-02-09T03: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 61100, votes: 66, up: 68, down: 2, comments: 983
2019-02-09T01: 58: 00.000, https: //,views:32500,votes:161,up:164,down{,comments{70
2019-02-09T01: 20: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438916 /, views: 21100, votes: 66, up: 67, down: 1, comments: 137
2019-02-09T01: 18: 00.000, https: // , views: 32000, votes: 67, up: 71, down: 4, comments: 20
2019-02-08T23: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 18400, votes : 21, up: 24, down: 3, comments: 60
2019-02-08T23: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 5600, votes: 25, up: 31 , down: 6, comments: 23
2019-02-08T23: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 1900, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-08T21: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 806, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-08T20: 20: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-08T20: 05: 00.000,,views:12800,votes:74,up:77,down{,comments:72
2019-02-08T18: 51: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439578 /, views: 1800, votes: 17, up: 19, down: 2, comments: 6
2019-02-08T18: 43: 00.000, https: // 439576 /, views: 26400, votes: 69, up: 70, down: 1, comments: 50
2019-02-08T18: 01: 00.000, https: // , views: 5500, votes: 9, up: 17, down: 8, comments: 6
2019-02-08T17: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 27600, votes: 42, up: 43, down: 1, comments: 117
2019- 02-08T17: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 3200, votes: 6, up: 26, down: 20, comments: 20
2019-02-08T17: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 1200, votes: 13, up: 15, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-08T17: 16: 00.000,,views:904,votes:18,up:18,downcode,comments:1
2019-02-08T16: 56: 00.000, https: //,views:4600,votes:17,up:17,downmail,comments:24
2019-02-08T16: 55: 00.000, https: // com / company / mcad / blog / 439556 /, views: 1400, votes: 16, up: 18, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-08T16: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 13400, votes: 22, up: 30, down: 8, comments: 46
2019- 02-08T16: 23: 00.000, https: //,views: 3200, votes: 19, up: 22, down: 3, comments: 9
2019-02-08T16: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800, votes: 15, up: 17, down: 2, comments: 6
2019-02-08T16: 02: 00.000, https: //,views:7500,votes:30,up:34,downpapers,comments:56
2019-02-08T15: 37: 00.000, https: // company / innopolis_university / blog / 439534 /, views: 1200, votes: 12, up: 14, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-08T15: 31: 00.000, https: // 439532 /, views: 5300, votes: 11, up: 25, down: 14, comments: 1
2019-02-08T15: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 4
2019- 02-08T15: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800, votes: 9, up: 13, down: 4, comments: 2
2019-02- 08T14: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 5700, votes: 12, up: 14, down: 2, comments: 16
2019-02-08T14: 35: 00.000,,views:4100,votes:10,up:13,down{,comments:6
2019-02-08T13: 47: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / skyeng / blog / 439504 /, views: 3400, votes: 11, up: 14, down: 3, comments: 10
2019-02-08T13: 37: 00.000, https: // com / company / epam_systems / blog / 439320 /, views: 2200, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-08T13: 32: 00.000, https: //,views: 9900, votes: 14, up: 32, down: 18, comments: 7
2019- 02-08T13: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 9, up: 11, down: 2, comments: 5
2019-02-08T12: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 10600, votes: 52, up: 53, down: 1, comments: 39
2019-02-08T12: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 15200, votes: 48, up: 50, down: 2, comments: 61
2019-02-08T12: 41: 00.000, https: //,views:4000,votes:12,up:15,down{,commentscript
2019-02-08T12: 23: 00.000, https: // company / pvs-studio / blog / 439502 /, views: 12200, votes: 84, up: 87, down: 3, comments: 60
2019-02-08T12: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 22800, votes: 30, up: 35, down: 5, comments: 151
2019-02-08T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 9100, votes: 18, up: 21, down: 3, comments: 21
2019-02-08T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 3400, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-08T11: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-08T11: 55: 00.000, https: //,views:3300,votes:15,up:22,down:7,commentshaps
2019-02-08T11: 30: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439224 /, views: 5200, votes: 31, up: 31, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-08T11: 28: 00.000, https: //,views: 4900, votes: 15, up: 20, down: 5, comments: 4
2019- 02-08T11: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 14600, votes: 31, up: 33, down: 2, comments: 31
2019-02- 08T11: 04: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 17, up: 18, down: 1, comments: 24
2019-02-08T10: 43: 00.000,,views:8300,votes:32,up:34,down:2,comments:19
2019-02-08T10: 41: 00.000, https: //,views:7400,votes:34,up:36,down:2,comments:67
2019-02-08T10: 26: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439472 /, views: 3100, votes: 8, up: 12, down: 4, comments: 4
2019-02-08T10: 25: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 47, up: 50, down: 3, comments: 7
2019- 02-08T10: 23: 00.000, https: //,views: 3900, votes: 14, up: 14, down: 0, comments: 43
2019-02-08T10: 01: 00.000, https: //,views: 6700, votes: 34, up: 36, down: 2, comments: 11
2019-02-08T09: 43: 00.000,,views:8400,votes:34,up:35,down:1,comments:11
2019-02-08T09: 31: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / yamoney / blog / 439186 /, views: 17900, votes: 41, up: 49, down: 8, comments: 63
2019-02-08T09: 24: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439462 /, views: 24900, votes: 196, up: 197, down: 1, comments: 209
2019-02-08T09: 13: 00.000, https: // , views: 3900, votes: 0, up: 9, down: 9, comments: 8
2019-02-08T09: 08: 00.000, https: //,views: 22900, votes: 66, up: 78, down: 12, comments: 143
2019-02-08T08: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 8900, votes: 22, up: 28, down: 6, comments: 18
2019-02-08T08: 18: 00.000, https: //,views:8400,votes:52,up:56,downpapers,comments:52
2019-02-08T07: 14: 00.000, https: //,views:2200,votes:13,up:15,down:2,comments:10
2019-02-08T05: 18: 00.000, https: // post / 436738 /, views: 1700, votes: 14, up: 14, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-08T01: 55: 00.000, https: //,views : 18100, votes: 47, up: 47, down: 0, comments: 78
2019-02-08T01: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 3200, votes: 9 , up: 10, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-08T00: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 84200, votes: 113, up: 120, down: 7, comments: 210
2019-02-08T00: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 3200, votes: 5, up: 11, down: 6, comments: 4
2019-02-08T00: 28: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:20,up:21,down:1,commentshaps
2019-02-07T23: 41: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439440 /, views: 1700, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-07T23: 13: 00.000, https: // , views: 7700, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 21
2019-02-07T22: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 9100, votes : 25, up: 26, down: 1, comments: 21
2019-02-07T22: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 28300, votes: 29, up: 34 , down: 5, comments: 144
2019-02-07T21: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 0
2019- 02-07T21: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 6200, votes: 4, up: 11, down: 7, comments: 27
2019-02-07T21: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 4900, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 7
2019-02-07T20: 42: 00.000,,views:6800,votes:11,up:26,down:15,comments:24
2019-02-07T20: 03: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439420 /, views: 722, votes: 14, up: 18, down: 4, comments: 3
2019-02-07T20: 02: 00.000, https: // 439410 /, views: 20200, votes: 31, up: 42, down: 11, comments: 61
2019-02-07T19: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600 , votes: 7, up: 10, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02-07T19: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-07T19: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 3, up: 7, down: 4, comments: 3
2019-02-07T18: 44: 00.000, https: //,views:1300,votes:13,up:13,downmail,commentscript
2019-02-07T18: 17: 00.000, https: // com / company / hsespb / blog / 439362 /, views: 4800, votes: 20, up: 21, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-07T18: 13: 00.000, https: // post / 439332 /, views: 1200, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-07T18: 01: 00.000, https: // 439368 /, views: 4300, votes: 40, up: 42, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-07T17: 53: 00.000, https: // , views: 3300, votes: 4, up: 10, down: 6, comments: 0
2019-02-07T17: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 28, up: 33, down: 5, comments: 2
2019- 02-07T17: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-07T16: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 2900, votes: 15, up: 16, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-07T16: 26: 00.000, https: //,views{100,votes:7,up:14,down:7,comments:2
2019-02-07T16: 18: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439378 /, views: 4400, votes: 14, up: 18, down: 4, comments: 125
2019-02-07T16: 10: 00.000, https: // 439198 /, views: 9100, votes: 46, up: 46, down: 0, comments: 12
2019-02-07T15: 54: 00.000, https: // , views: 811, votes: 13, up: 15, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-07T15: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 19800, votes: 52, up: 72, down: 20, comments: 135
2019-02-07T15: 12: 00.000, https: //,views: 7000, votes: 28, up: 38, down: 10, comments: 32
2019-02-07T15: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 4000, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-07T15: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 17900, votes: 35, up: 36, down: 1, comments: 48
2019-02-07T14: 47: 00.000,,views:1400,votes:10,up:10,downcode,comments:07
2019-02-07T14: 45: 00.000, https: //,views:10100,votes:31,up:31,downmail,comments:32
2019-02-07T14: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 14800, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 24
2019-02-07T14: 20: 00.000, https: //,views: 6100, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-07T14: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 12, up: 14, down: 2, comments: 6
2019-02-07T14: 10: 00.000, https: //,views:2400,votes:14,up:14,downcript,commentscript
2019-02-07T14: 05: 00.000, https: // com / company / it-grad / blog / 439340 /, views: 1300, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-07T14: 00: 00.000, https: // com / company / ruvds / blog / 438984 /, views: 7000, votes: 25, up: 27, down: 2, comments: 4
2019-02-07T13: 54: 00.000, https: // post / 439354 /, views: 10700, votes: 52, up: 53, down: 1, comments: 12
2019-02-07T13: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 4800, votes: 26, up: 27, down: 1, comments: 9
2019- 02-07T13: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 14500, votes: 23, up: 26, down: 3, comments: 23
2019-02-07T13: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 4300, votes: 30, up: 30, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-07T13: 33: 00.000,,views:63900,votes:285,up:292,down:7,comments:300
2019-02-07T13: 32: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439350 /, views: 2600, votes: 6, up: 10, down: 4, comments: 28
2019-02-07T13: 21: 00.000, https: // 439344 /, views: 2000, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-07T13: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 10100 , votes: 37, up: 39, down: 2, comments: 9
2019-02-07T13: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 6200, votes: 8, up: 11, down: 3, comments: 15
2019-02-07T13: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 7, up: 11, down: 4, comments: 16
2019-02-07T12: 58: 00.000, https: //,views:6200,votes:15,up:17,down:2,comments:14
2019-02-07T12: 53: 00.000, https: // com / company / mailru / blog / 439302 /, views: 3600, votes: 38, up: 39, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-07T12: 44: 00.000, https: // company / mailru / blog / 438562 /, views: 5000, votes: 55, up: 56, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-07T12: 43: 00.000, https: // 439328 /, views: 52800, votes: 179, up: 194, down: 15, comments: 250
2019-02-07T12: 34: 00.000, https: //,views: 6600 , votes: 27, up: 28, down: 1, comments: 22
2019-02-07T12: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 14, up: 14, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-07T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800, votes: 15, up: 19, down: 4, comments: 34
2019-02-07T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:2500,votes:20,up:20,down07,commentshaps
2019-02-07T11: 59: 00.000, https: //,views:8900,votes:13,up:15,down:2,comments:39
2019-02-07T11: 58: 00.000, https: // post / 439324 /, views: 667, votes: 9, up: 9, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-07T11: 44: 00.000, https: //,views : 11800, votes: 25, up: 29, down: 4, comments: 63
2019-02-07T11: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 21900, votes: 46 , up: 47, down: 1, comments: 42
2019-02-07T11: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 9200, votes: 11, up: 14, down: 3, comments: 16
2019- 02-07T11: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 6800, votes: 21, up: 21, down: 0, comments: 16
2019-02-07T11: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 2600, votes: 3, up: 9, down: 6, comments: 7
2019-02-07T11: 05: 00.000, https: //,views:896,votes:6,up:6,downmail,commentscript
2019-02-07T10: 57: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439310 /, views: 3200, votes: 8, up: 14, down: 6, comments: 10
2019-02-07T10: 44: 00.000, https: // moikrug / blog / 439152 /, views: 48100, votes: 66, up: 68, down: 2, comments: 68
2019-02-07T10: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 559, votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 2
2019- 02-07T10: 12: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 14
2019-02- 07T10: 12: 00.000, https: //,views: 46000, votes: 111, up: 116, down: 5, comments: 196
2019-02-07T10: 01: 00.000, https: //,views: 12500, votes: 11, up: 13, down: 2, comments: 62
2019-02-07T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 4400, votes: 14, up: 14, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02-07T09: 21: 00.000,,views:749,votes:6,up:11,down►,comments:1
2019-02-07T09: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 1700, votes: 7, up: 10, down: 3, comments: 16
2019-02-07T08: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 11, up: 11, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-07T08: 13: 00.000, https: //,views: 13200, votes: 25, up: 25, down: 0, comments: 15
2019-02-07T08: 00: 00.000,,views:2300,votes:11,up:11,downcript,comments:10
2019-02-07T07: 23: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439282 /, views: 2800, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-07T07: 06: 00.000, https: // 439108 /, views: 6700, votes: 23, up: 23, down: 0, comments: 37
2019-02-07T06: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300 , votes: 33, up: 37, down: 4, comments: 18
2019-02-07T02: 39: 00.000, https: //,views: 11700, votes: 19, up: 22, down: 3, comments: 179
2019-02-07T02: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 2500, votes: 15, up: 15, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02-07T01: 15: 00.000, https: //,views:3200,votes:14,up:15,down:1,comments:17
2019-02-06T23: 39: 00.000, https: // com / company / audiomania / blog / 439280 /, views: 4100, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-06T23: 24: 00.000, https: // company / gearbest / blog / 437646 /, views: 6300, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 40
2019-02-06T21: 56: 00.000, https: // 439270 /, views: 4100, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-06T21: 43: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600 , votes: 12, up: 12, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-06T21: 24: 00.000, https: //,views: 12600, votes: 16, up: 21, down: 5, comments: 23
2019-02-06T20: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 32800, votes: 44, up: 50, down: 6, comments: 145
2019-02-06T20: 33: 00.000, https: //,views:5300,votes:12,up:21,down:9,comments:24
2019-02-06T20: 26: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439252 /, views: 14400, votes: 42, up: 50, down: 8, comments: 73
2019-02-06T20: 17: 00.000, https: // , views: 11400, votes: 30, up: 30, down: 0, comments: 9
2019-02-06T20: 06: 00.000, https: //,views : 15900, votes: 32, up: 36, down: 4, comments: 66
2019-02-06T19: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 10500, votes: 11 , up: 14, down: 3, comments: 49
2019-02-06T19: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 3900, votes: 26, up: 28, down: 2, comments: 3
2019- 02-06T19: 17: 00.000, https: //,views: 2200, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-06T18: 45: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-06T17: 56: 00.000, https: //,viewspapers100,votes:18,up:18,downcode,comments{
2019-02-06T17: 23: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 436020 /, views: 721, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-06T17: 03: 00.000, https: // 439216 /, views: 5000, votes: 31, up: 32, down: 1, comments: 31
2019-02-06T17: 03: 00.000, https: // , views: 1900, votes: 39, up: 39, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-06T16: 19: 00.000, https: //,views: 4800, votes: 0, up: 24, down: 24, comments: 102
2019-02-06T16: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 4600, votes: 29, up: 30, down: 1, comments: 6
2019-02-06T16: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 33, up: 33, down: 0, comments: 21
2019-02-06T15: 42: 00.000, https: //,views:9200,votes:26,up:32,down:6,comments:25
2019-02-06T15: 39: 00.000, https: // company / iticapital / blog / 439196 /, views: 8200, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 27
2019-02-06T15: 18: 00.000, https: // 439194 /, views: 2000, votes: 11, up: 16, down: 5, comments: 12
2019-02-06T14: 13: 00.000, https: // , views: 18100, votes: 126, up: 134, down: 8, comments: 129
2019-02-06T14: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 3700, votes: 38, up: 39, down: 1, comments: 0
2019- 02-06T13: 43: 00.000, https: //,views: 12800, votes: 52, up: 52, down: 0, comments: 51
2019-02-06T13: 34: 00.000, https: //,views: 18000, votes: 47, up: 52, down: 5, comments: 143
2019-02-06T13: 29: 00.000,,views:3200,votes:16,up:17,down:1,comments:10
2019-02-06T13: 28: 00.000, https: //,views:5300,votes:17,up:17,downcode,comments:19
2019-02-06T13: 20: 00.000, https: // com / company / mailru / blog / 438560 /, views: 10900, votes: 74, up: 75, down: 1, comments: 3
2019-02-06T13: 18: 00.000, https: //,views: 64700, votes: 202, up: 209, down: 7, comments: 221
2019-02-06T12: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 4900, votes: 10, up: 12, down: 2, comments: 5
2019-02-06T12: 52: 00.000, https: //,views►000,votes:20,up:20,downcode,comments:8
2019-02-06T12: 40: 00.000, https: //,views:6200,votes:23,up:25,down:2,comments:25
2019-02-06T12: 37: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 360329 /, views: 3200, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-06T12: 15: 00.000, https: // 438954 /, views: 1200, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-06T12: 03: 00.000, https: // 430670 /, views: 3600, votes: 41, up: 42, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-06T12: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 6000, votes: 19, up: 24, down: 5, comments: 22
2019- 02-06T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 5200, votes: 33, up: 33, down: 0, comments: 3
2019- 02-06T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 13500, votes: 42, up: 43, down: 1, comments: 17
2019-02- 06T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 3900, votes: 17, up: 19, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-06T11: 59: 00.000,,views:2000,votes:22,up:22,downcode,comments:8
2019-02-06T11: 39: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 438834 /, views: 3200, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-06T11: 37: 00.000, https: // hh / blog / 439138 /, views: 3600, votes: 26, up: 26, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-06T11: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 19200, votes: 20, up: 25, down: 5, comments: 64
2019-02-06T11: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 34, up: 34, down: 0, comments: 8
2019-02-06T11: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 8000, votes: 36, up: 36, down: 0, comments: 12
2019-02-06T11: 13: 00.000,,views:2000,votes:14,up:14,downcode,comments:1
2019-02-06T11: 10: 00.000, https: //,views:12700,votes:28,up:28,downcript,comments:33
2019-02-06T11: 08: 00.000, https: // com / company / softline / blog / 439130 /, views: 3000, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 14
2019-02-06T10: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 3500, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 48
2019- 02-06T10: 55: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 8, up: 10, down: 2, comments: 9
2019-02-06T10: 49: 00.000, https: //,views: 7200, votes: 25, up: 26, down: 1, comments: 6
2019-02-06T10: 37: 00.000, https: //,views:3200,votes:23,up:23,downmail,comments:2
2019-02-06T10: 30: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439124 /, views: 8300, votes: 46, up: 46, down: 0, comments: 28
2019-02-06T10: 18: 00.000, https: // 439126 /, views: 756, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-06T10: 13: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500 , votes: 12, up: 15, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02-06T10: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 11500, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 37
2019- 02-06T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800, votes: 6, up: 12, down: 6, comments: 21
2019-02- 06T09: 39: 00.000, https: //,views: 4000, votes: 11, up: 14, down: 3, comments: 5
2019-02-06T09: 10: 00.000,,views{000,votes:12,up:15,downhaps,comments:1
2019-02-06T08: 50: 00.000, https: //,views:1300,votes:10,up:10,downmail,commentscript
2019-02-06T08: 34: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439106 /, views: 9000, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 121
2019-02-06T07: 20: 00.000, https: // , views: 2100, votes: 15, up: 15, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-06T07: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 8900, votes: 39, up: 41, down: 2, comments: 19
2019- 02-06T01: 57: 00.000, https: //,views: 14100, votes: 46, up: 49, down: 3, comments: 157
2019-02-06T01: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 3000, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 6
2019-02-06T00: 49: 00.000, https: //,views:3400,votes:14,up:20,down:6,commentshaps
2019-02-06T00: 25: 00.000, https: // post / 439094 /, views: 204000, votes: 68, up: 82, down: 14, comments: 211
2019-02-06T00: 10: 00.000, https: //,views : 8600, votes: 25, up: 26, down: 1, comments: 14
2019-02-05T23: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 8 , up: 12, down: 4, comments: 7
2019-02-05T22: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 81100, votes: 170, up: 179, down: 9, comments: 535
2019-02-05T22: 17: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 5, up: 11, down: 6, comments: 3
2019-02-05T22: 15: 00.000, https: //,views:5400,votes:18,up:19,down:1,comments:9
2019-02-05T21: 35: 00.000, https: // com / post / 439066 /, views: 4500, votes: 47, up: 47, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-05T21: 22: 00.000, https: // , views: 29700, votes: 35, up: 45, down: 10, comments: 73
2019-02-05T21: 08: 00.000, https: //,views : 1600, votes: 13, up: 13, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-05T20: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 2100, votes: 11 , up: 11, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-05T20: 28: 00.000, https: //,views: 3900, votes: 7, up: 13, down: 6, comments: 4
2019-02-05T20: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 3900, votes: 16, up: 26, down: 10, comments: 11
2019-02-05T19: 53: 00.000, https: //,views:3200,votes//,up:14,down:9,comments:21
2019-02-05T19: 11: 00.000, https: // com / company / ua-hosting / blog / 439050 /, views: 5800, votes: 20, up: 22, down: 2, comments: 19
2019-02-05T19: 01: 00.000, https: // com / company / badoo / blog / 438474 /, views: 4900, votes: 47, up: 47, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-05T19: 00: 00.000, https: // post / 439038 /, views: 5300, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 3
2019-02-05T18: 51: 00.000, https: //,views : 73500, votes: 52, up: 122, down: 70, comments: 873
2019-02-05T18: 17: 00.000, https: //,views: 8000, votes: 21, up: 23, down: 2, comments: 17
2019- 02-05T18: 12: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300, votes: 12, up: 16, down: 4, comments: 28
2019-02-05T18: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 48800, votes: 101, up: 105, down: 4, comments: 186
2019-02-05T17: 48: 00.000,,views:68700,votes:210,up:214,downpapers,comments:183
2019-02-05T17: 36: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / group-ib / blog / 439034 /, views: 932, votes: 6, up: 12, down: 6, comments: 0
2019-02-05T17: 32: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439032 /, views: 3300, votes: 9, up: 10, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-05T17: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 17600, votes: 32, up: 34, down: 2, comments: 15
2019- 02-05T17: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 11100, votes: 22, up: 23, down: 1, comments: 6
2019-02-05T16: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 12
2019-02-05T16: 54: 00.000,,views:2700,votes:10,up:10,downpg,comments:4
2019-02-05T16: 44: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 439018 /, views: 1700, votes: 16, up: 17, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-05T16: 10: 00.000, https: // mailru / blog / 438804 /, views: 595, votes: 26, up: 26, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-05T16: 08: 00.000, https: //,views: 3700, votes: 16, up: 17, down: 1, comments: 2
2019- 02-05T15: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 699, votes: 21, up: 24, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02- 05T15: 39: 00.000, https: //,views: 17100, votes: 21, up: 32, down: 11, comments: 88
2019-02-05T15: 33: 00.000,,views:966,votes:17,up:17,downcode,comments:07
2019-02-05T15: 30: 00.000, https: //,views:6800,votes:52,up:56,downpapers,comments:13
2019-02-05T15: 04: 00.000, https: // com / company / exante / blog / 438346 /, views: 4200, votes: 26, up: 28, down: 2, comments: 12
2019-02-05T14: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 309, votes: 13, up: 13, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-05T14: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 29, up: 29, down: 0, comments: 11
2019-02-05T14: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 26900, votes: 58, up: 58, down: 0, comments: 120
2019-02-05T13: 56: 00.000, https: //,views:16900,votes:74,up:75,down:1,comments:64
2019-02-05T13: 39: 00.000, https: // post / 438952 /, views: 3300, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 24
2019-02-05T13: 33: 00.000, https: // 437650 /, views: 7700, votes: 20, up: 8, down: 28, comments: 14
2019-02-05T13: 32: 00.000, https: //,views: 2800 , votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-05T13: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 4400, votes: 36, up: 37, down: 1, comments: 12
2019- 02-05T13: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 6000, votes: 17, up: 18, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02- 05T13: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 5000, votes: 22, up: 22, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-05T12: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 3400, votes: 23, up: 23, down: 0, comments: 8
2019-02-05T12: 57: 00.000, https: //,views:1600,votes:13,up:14,down:1,commentshaps
2019-02-05T12: 53: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438972 /, views: 2200, votes: 14, up: 16, down: 2, comments: 1
2019-02-05T12: 46: 00.000, https: //,views: 11900, votes: 16, up: 19, down: 3, comments: 70
2019- 02-05T12: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 29400, votes: 28, up: 33, down: 5, comments: 39
2019-02-05T12: 44: 00.000, https: //,views: 7700, votes: 3, up: 27, down: 24, comments: 11
2019-02-05T12: 37: 00.000,,views:9800,votes:14,up:21,down:7,comments:20
2019-02-05T12: 28: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 438946 /, views: 2800, votes: 19, up: 21, down: 2, comments: 25
2019-02-05T12: 00: 00.000, https: // ruvds / blog / 438796 /, views: 33500, votes: 38, up: 47, down: 9, comments: 21
2019-02-05T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 3600, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 8
2019- 02-05T11: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 4500, votes: 18, up: 19, down: 1, comments: 31
2019-02-05T11: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 5000, votes: 57, up: 59, down: 2, comments: 1
2019-02-05T11: 05: 00.000,,views:26900,votes:86,up:88,down:2,comments:78
2019-02-05T10: 41: 00.000, https: //,views:12100,votes:41,up:43,down:2,comments:41
2019-02-05T10: 40: 00.000, https: //,views:1700,votes:15,up:16,down:1,comments:10
2019-02-05T10: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 2600, votes: 10, up: 13, down: 3, comments: 2
2019-02-05T10: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 2200, votes: 29, up: 30, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-05T10: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 727, votes: 7, up: 7, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-05T10: 10: 00.000, https: //,views: 4200, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-05T10: 07: 00.000, https: //,views:3300,votes:2,up:11,down:9,comments:102
2019-02-05T10: 00: 00.000, https: // company / mailru / blog / 438280 /, views: 3500, votes: 28, up: 29, down: 1, comments: 13
2019-02-05T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 11, up: 11, down: 0, comments: 0
2019- 02-05T09: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 23900, votes: 26, up: 35, down: 9, comments: 63
2019-02-05T09: 18: 00.000, https: //,views: 12200, votes: 43, up: 44, down: 1, comments: 53
2019-02-05T09: 14: 00.000, https: //,views:4700,votes:10,up:20,down:10,comments:17
2019-02-05T09: 08: 00.000, https: // post / 437638 /, views: 1700, votes: 6, up: 17, down: 11, comments: 5
2019-02-05T09: 01: 00.000, https: // 438876 /, views: 7200, votes: 37, up: 41, down: 4, comments: 19
2019-02-05T08: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 35200 , votes: 34, up: 40, down: 6, comments: 39
2019-02-05T08: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 4000, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 43
2019-02-05T08: 17: 00.000, https: //,views: 3800, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-05T08: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 17600, votes: 18, up: 24, down: 6, comments: 95
2019-02-05T08: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:9,up:15,down:6,comments:7
2019-02-05T07: 28: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 438614 /, views: 16800, votes: 45, up: 45, down: 0, comments: 18
2019-02-05T07: 11: 00.000, https: // edison / blog / 438718 /, views: 13100, votes: 37, up: 38, down: 1, comments: 37
2019-02-05T07: 09: 00.000, https: // , views: 7700, votes: 28, up: 30, down: 2, comments: 38
2019-02-05T03: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 32600, votes: 168, up: 168, down: 0, comments: 252
2019-02-05T02: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 4000, votes: 10, up: 14, down: 4, comments: 13
2019-02-05T00: 07: 00.000, https: //,views:1300,votes:7,up:8,down:1,comments:18
2019-02-04T23: 52: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438900 /, views: 1600, votes: 11, up: 12, down: 1, comments: 11
2019-02-04T23: 49: 00.000, https: // hosting / blog / 438908 /, views: 6300, votes: 13, up: 16, down: 3, comments: 11
2019-02-04T23: 01: 00.000, https: // , views: 6000, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 13
2019-02-04T22: 43: 00.000, https: //,views: 15600, votes : 37, up: 47, down: 10, comments: 66
2019-02-04T21: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 1300, votes: 7, up: 10, down: 3, comments: 4
2019- 02-04T20: 23: 00.000, https: //,views: 714, votes: 6, up: 9, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02- 04T20: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 5500, votes: 17, up: 21, down: 4, comments: 7
2019-02-04T19: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 12300, votes: 29, up: 30, down: 1, comments: 40
2019-02-04T19: 28: 00.000, https: //,views:2900,votes:11,up:11,downmail,comments:13
2019-02-04T19: 24: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438880 /, views: 5100, votes: 9, up: 18, down: 9, comments: 76
2019-02-04T19: 12: 00.000, https: // , views: 2200, votes: 8, up: 9, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-04T18: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 10900, votes: 25, up: 31, down: 6, comments: 26
2019-02-04T17: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 1900, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-04T17: 21: 00.000, https: //,views: 4700, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 6
2019-02-04T16: 39: 00.000, https: //,views:28000,votes:44,up:73,down:29,comments:641
2019-02-04T15: 52: 00.000, https: // post / 433820 /, views: 5500, votes: 27, up: 30, down: 3, comments: 29
2019-02-04T15: 49: 00.000, https: // 438778 /, views: 6000, votes: 37, up: 38, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-04T15: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 769 , votes: 11, up: 13, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-04T15: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 11500, votes: 28, up: 28, down: 0, comments: 59
2019-02-04T15: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 5600, votes: 16, up: 20, down: 4, comments: 2
2019-02-04T14: 57: 00.000, https: //,views:7400,votes:30,up:37,down:7,comments:7
2019-02-04T14: 52: 00.000, https: //,views:14500,votes:39,up:42,down{,comments:12
2019-02-04T14: 38: 00.000, https: // company / psb / blog / 438752 /, views: 4700, votes: 19, up: 20, down: 1, comments: 14
2019-02-04T14: 13: 00.000, https: // hh / blog / 438812 /, views: 10500, votes: 26, up: 27, down: 1, comments: 24
2019-02-04T14: 11: 00.000, https: // , views: 4400, votes: 26, up: 26, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-04T13: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 3500, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 16
2019- 02-04T13: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 5400, votes: 17, up: 20, down: 3, comments: 4
2019-02- 04T13: 28: 00.000, https: //,views: 2000, votes: 16, up: 16, down: 0, comments: 1
2019-02-04T13: 22: 00.000,,views:2700,votes:21,up:21,downcode,comments:2
2019-02-04T13: 21: 00.000,,views=100,votes:8,up:14,down:6,commentshaps
2019-02-04T13: 20: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / rdtex / blog / 438498 /, views: 5200, votes: 8, up: 19, down: 11, comments: 8
2019-02-04T13: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 47700, votes: 53, up: 56, down: 3, comments: 183
2019-02-04T13: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 19400, votes: 45, up: 49, down: 4, comments: 19
2019-02-04T12: 32: 00.000, https: //,views: 13100, votes: 44, up: 47, down: 3, comments: 20
2019-02-04T12: 29: 00.000,,views:5300,votes:10,up:13,down{,comments:6
2019-02-04T12: 28: 00.000, https: //,views:1600,votes:8,up:10,down:2,commentscript
2019-02-04T12: 09: 00.000, https: // com / company / moikrug / blog / 438298 /, views: 7100, votes: 18, up: 22, down: 4, comments: 12
2019-02-04T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 1800, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 3
2019- 02-04T11: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 12, up: 14, down: 2, comments: 18
2019-02-04T11: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 10700, votes: 16, up: 20, down: 4, comments: 41
2019-02-04T11: 39: 00.000, https: //,views:14100,votes:26,up:27,down:1,comments:26
2019-02-04T11: 26: 00.000, https: // post / 438060 /, views: 5500, votes: 33, up: 33, down: 0, comments: 20
2019-02-04T11: 25: 00.000, https: //,views : 12700, votes: 42, up: 45, down: 3, comments: 49
2019-02-04T11: 24: 00.000, https: //,views: 9500, votes: 38 , up: 38, down: 0, comments: 12
2019-02-04T11: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 744, votes: 5, up: 7, down: 2, comments: 3
2019-02-04T11: 08: 00.000, https: //,views: 13300, votes: 60, up: 62, down: 2, comments: 17
2019-02-04T11: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 15, up: 5, down: 20, comments: 81
2019-02-04T11: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:9600,votes:26,up:26,downcode,comments:23
2019-02-04T10: 51: 00.000, https: //,views:17200,votes:22,up:25,down{,comments:40
2019-02-04T10: 35: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 322900 /, views: 7400, votes: 27, up: 28, down: 1, comments: 22
2019-02-04T10: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 3
2019-02-04T10: 03: 00.000, https: //,views: 841, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-04T10: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 4500, votes: 19, up: 21, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-04T09: 55: 00.000, https: //,views:2000,votes:13,up:14,down:1,commentshaps
2019-02-04T09: 38: 00.000, https: // company / selectel / blog / 437808 /, views: 3300, votes: 25, up: 25, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-04T09: 18: 00.000, https: // 438526 /, views: 5200, votes: 17, up: 18, down: 1, comments: 1
2019-02-04T09: 15: 00.000, https: // , views: 14100, votes: 76, up: 82, down: 6, comments: 13
2019-02-04T09: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 2600, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 0
2019- 02-04T08: 47: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02- 04T08: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 2
2019-02-04T08: 06: 00.000,,views:10500,votes:30,up:37,down:7,comments:31
2019-02-04T08: 00: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / company / realtimeboard / blog / 437500 /, views: 2400, votes: 18, up: 20, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-04T07: 07: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438682 /, views: 6800, votes: 40, up: 40, down: 0, comments: 44
2019-02-04T05: 32: 00.000, https: // , views: 5700, votes: 36, up: 37, down: 1, comments: 18
2019-02-04T02: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 6300, votes: 16, up: 24, down: 8, comments: 52
2019-02-04T01: 57: 00.000, https: //,views: 4600, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 3
2019-02-04T00: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 10700, votes: 37, up: 38, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02-04T00: 18: 00.000, https: //,views:2900,votes:6,up:10,downpapers,comments:8
2019-02-04T00: 04: 00.000, https: // post / 438638 /, views: 3800, votes: 33, up: 33, down: 0, comments: 12
2019-02-03T23: 57: 00.000, https: //,views : 1600, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-03T23: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 9700, votes: 68 , up: 68, down: 0, comments: 31
2019-02-03T23: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 28400, votes: 51, up: 57, down: 6, comments: 342
2019-02-03T22: 54: 00.000, https: //,views: 46400, votes: 206, up: 208, down: 2, comments: 397
2019-02-03T22: 34: 00.000, https: //,views:7900,votes:37,up:9,down:46,comments:103
2019-02-03T22: 16: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438690 /, views: 8900, votes: 29, up: 30, down: 1, comments: 43
2019-02-03T21: 54: 00.000, https: // , views: 9600, votes: 22, up: 25, down: 3, comments: 49
2019-02-03T21: 30: 00.000, https: //,views : 1400, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-03T21: 29: 00.000, https: //,views: 12800, votes: 36 , up: 39, down: 3, comments: 23
2019-02-03T20: 33: 00.000, https: //,views: 876, votes: 13, up: 17, down: 4, comments: 6
2019- 02-03T20: 14: 00.000, https: //,views: 46200, votes: 33, up: 44, down: 11, comments: 283
2019-02-03T19: 56: 00.000, https: //,views: 20300, votes: 44, up: 45, down: 1, comments: 70
2019-02-03T19: 45: 00.000, https: //,views:4900,votescript,up:19,down:19,comments:11
2019-02-03T19: 38: 00.000, https: // post / 438632 /, views: 3100, votes: 7, up: 13, down: 6, comments: 10
2019-02-03T19: 32: 00.000, https: //,views : 3000, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02-03T19: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 9200, votes: 16 , up: 19, down: 3, comments: 13
2019-02-03T18: 59: 00.000, https: //,views: 9400, votes: 30, up: 31, down: 1, comments: 21
2019-02-03T18: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 5400, votes: 9, up: 12, down: 3, comments: 33
2019-02-03T18: 51: 00.000, https: //,views:82300,votes:37,up:72,down:35,comments:1356
2019-02-03T18: 27: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438652 /, views: 4300, votes: 20, up: 21, down: 1, comments: 17
2019-02-03T17: 46: 00.000, https: // , views: 3800, votes: 15, up: 18, down: 3, comments: 13
2019-02-03T17: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 2200, votes : 13, up: 5, down: 18, comments: 30
2019-02-03T17: 01: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500, votes: 12, up: 14 , down: 2, comments: 8
2019-02-03T15: 26: 00.000, https: //,views: 11000, votes: 14, up: 18, down: 4, comments: 45
2019-02-03T14: 40: 00.000, https: //,views: 6300, votes: 19, up: 19, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-03T13: 36: 00.000, https: //,views: 8600, votes: 9, up: 12, down: 3, comments: 1
2019-02-03T13: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 5900, votes: 5, up: 16, down: 11, comments: 35
2019-02-03T13: 29: 00.000, https: //,views:967,votes:6,up:9,down{,comments:2
2019-02-03T13: 28: 00.000, https: // com / company / everydaytools / blog / 438626 /, views: 4800, votes: 20, up: 20, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-03T13: 17: 00.000, https: // post / 438624 /, views: 6400, votes: 15, up: 18, down: 3, comments: 22
2019-02-03T12: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 7100, votes: 10, up: 20, down: 10, comments: 49
2019-02-03T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 36900, votes: 38, up: 44, down: 6, comments: 69
2019-02-03T11: 00: 00.000, https: //,views:14600,votes:43,up:48,down//,comments:27
2019-02-03T10: 58: 00.000, https: //,views:1200,votes:4,up:6,down:2,commentscript
2019-02-03T10: 55: 00.000, https: // post / 438472 /, views: 5400, votes: 30, up: 30, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-03T03: 13: 00.000, https: //,views : 2100, votes: 1, up: 12, down: 13, comments: 5
2019-02-03T01: 42: 00.000, https: //,views: 9700, votes: 48 , up: 50, down: 2, comments: 18
2019-02-03T01: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-03T00: 15: 00.000, https: //,views: 2000, votes: 7, up: 7, down: 0, comments: 4
2019-02-02T23: 44: 00.000, https: //,views:28100,votes:35,up:38,down{,comments:169
2019-02-02T23: 17: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438596 /, views: 4300, votes: 8, up: 18, down: 10, comments: 14
2019-02-02T22: 06: 00.000, https: // blog / 438592 /, views: 7800, votes: 15, up: 23, down: 8, comments: 41
2019-02-02T22: 06: 00.000, https: //,views : 19400, votes: 39, up: 46, down: 7, comments: 19
2019-02-02T21: 22: 00.000, https: //,views: 30500, votes: 34 , up: 46, down: 12, comments: 120
2019-02-02T20: 18: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 18, up: 21, down: 3, comments: 7
2019-02-02T19: 30: 00.000, https: //,views: 5700, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 14
2019-02-02T19: 28: 00.000, https: //,views:7300,votes:21,up:27,down:6,comments:15
2019-02-02T19: 19: 00.000, https: // com / company / audiomania / blog / 438578 /, views: 9100, votes: 20, up: 23, down: 3, comments: 15
2019-02-02T19: 14: 00.000, https: // post / 438580 /, views: 3100, votes: 18, up: 18, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-02T19: 00: 00.000, https: //,views : 3500, votes: 21, up: 21, down: 0, comments: 5
2019-02-02T18: 04: 00.000, https: //,views: 7500 , votes: 22, up: 25, down: 3, comments: 3
2019-02-02T17: 07: 00.000, https: //,views: 2700, votes: 10, up: 19, down: 9, comments: 51
2019-02-02T15: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 6100, votes: 27, up: 31, down: 4, comments: 35
2019-02-02T14: 31: 00.000, https: //,views:11600,votes:14,up:19,down►,commentshaps
2019-02-02T13: 35: 00.000, https: //,views:6700,votes:30,up:33,down{,comments:12
2019-02-02T13: 19: 00.000, https: // post / 438202 /, views: 7100, votes: 13, up: 16, down: 3, comments: 84
2019-02-02T13: 07: 00.000, https: // blog / 438536 /, views: 2700, votes: 16, up: 17, down: 1, comments: 0
2019-02-02T13: 01: 00.000, https: // blog / 438538 /, views: 2100, votes: 38, up: 39, down: 1, comments: 5
2019-02-02T11: 38: 00.000, https: //,views: 28600, votes: 59, up: 60, down: 1, comments: 72
2019-02-02T10: 50: 00.000, https: //,views: 5000, votes: 20, up: 21, down: 1, comments: 6
2019-02-02T10: 06: 00.000, https: //,views:9900,votes:37,up:38,down:1,comments:6
2019-02-02T02: 46: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438530 /, views: 2900, votes: 3, up: 22, down: 19, comments: 4
2019-02-02T00: 33: 00.000, https: // , views: 10000, votes: 50, up: 51, down: 1, comments: 50
2019-02-01T21: 58: 00.000, https: //,views: 7300, votes : 30, up: 33, down: 3, comments: 7
2019-02-01T20: 35: 00.000, https: //,views: 1500, votes: 7, up: 8 , down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02-01T20: 24: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300, votes: 10, up: 21, down: 11, comments: 15
2019-02-01T20: 09: 00.000, https: //,views: 226000, votes: 424, up: 438, down: 14, comments: 577
2019-02-01T19: 25: 00.000, https: //,views:9900,votes:27,up:33,down:6,comments:37
2019-02-01T18: 58: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438508 /, views: 39900, votes: 67, up: 70, down: 3, comments: 68
2019-02-01T18: 53: 00.000, https: // , views: 10300, votes: 48, up: 50, down: 2, comments: 37
2019-02-01T18: 53: 00.000, https: //,views: 7300, votes : 5, up: 11, down: 6, comments: 36
2019-02-01T18: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 6500, votes: 36, up: 39 , down: 3, comments: 28
2019-02-01T18: 31: 00.000, https: //,views: 2400, votes: 12, up: 13, down: 1, comments: 8
2019- 02-01T18: 20: 00.000, https: //,views: 4500, votes: 16, up: 18, down: 2, comments: 15
2019-02-01T18: 13: 00.000, https: //,views: 6300, votes: 24, up: 24, down: 0, comments: 22
2019-02-01T17: 51: 00.000, https: //,views:25800,votes:75,up:79,downpapers,comments:156
2019-02-01T17: 36: 00.000, https: // post / 438476 /, views: 4200, votes: 14, up: 17, down: 3, comments: 27
2019-02-01T17: 18: 00.000, https: //,views : 14900, votes: 73, up: 75, down: 2, comments: 43
2019-02-01T17: 12: 00.000, https: //,views: 4100, votes: 16 , up: 16, down: 0, comments: 3
2019-02-01T16: 52: 00.000, https: //,views: 5100, votes: 33, up: 34, down: 1, comments: 17
2019-02-01T16: 27: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 15, up: 21, down: 6, comments: 0
2019-02-01T16: 24: 00.000, https: //,views:1900,votes:8,up:13,down<,comments:1
2019-02-01T16: 21: 00.000, https: // com / post / 438478 /, views: 3300, votes: 14, up: 15, down: 1, comments: 10
2019-02-01T16: 10: 00.000, https: // blog / 438392 /, views: 4400, votes: 63, up: 64, down: 1, comments: 12
2019-02-01T15: 31: 00.000, https: //,views : 2300, votes: 23, up: 26, down: 3, comments: 21
2019-02-01T15: 11: 00.000, https: //,views: 3100, votes: 23 , up: 27, down: 4, comments: 14
2019-02-01T14: 57: 00.000, https: //,views: 9900, votes: 22, up: 27, down: 5, comments: 28
2019-02-01T14: 45: 00.000, https: //,views: 763, votes: 9, up: 11, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-01T14: 45: 00.000, https: //,views: 3700, votes: 17, up: 17, down: 0, comments: 11
2019-02-01T14: 27: 00.000, https: //,views:976,votes:7,up:8,down:1,comments:1
2019-02-01T14: 21: 00.000, https: // company / skillbox / blog / 438462 /, views: 3000, votes: 9, up: 12, down: 3, comments: 1
2019-02-01T14: 10: 00.000, https: // 438460 /, views: 3000, votes: 8, up: 13, down: 5, comments: 2
2019-02-01T14: 06: 00.000, https: //,views: 707 , votes: 9, up: 11, down: 2, comments: 0
2019-02-01T14: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 695, votes: 6, up: 6, down: 0, comments: 2
2019- 02-01T14: 02: 00.000, https: //,views: 6900, votes: 52, up: 53, down: 1, comments: 4
2019-02- 01T13: 51: 00.000, https: //,views: 1600, votes: 8, up: 8, down: 0, comments: 0
2019-02-01T13: 26: 00.000,,views:46200,votes:87,up:87,downcode,comments:63
2019-02-01T12: 58: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 438450 /, views: 995, votes: 10, up: 11, down: 1, comments: 2
2019-02-01T12: 40: 00.000, https: // 438444 /, views: 6900, votes: 15, up: 16, down: 1, comments: 29
2019-02-01T12: 37: 00.000, https: //,views: 827 , votes: 2, up: 4, down: 2, comments: 2
2019-02-01T12: 13: 00.000, https: //,views: 1700, votes: 10, up: 10, down: 0, comments: 0
2019- 02-01T12: 05: 00.000, https: //,views: 2300, votes: 5, up: 9, down: 4, comments: 20
2019-02- 01T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 5300, votes: 23, up: 24, down: 1, comments: 8
2019-02- 01T12: 00: 00.000, https: //,views: 13500, votes: 25, up: 27, down: 2, comments: 7
2019-02-01T11: 48: 00.000, https: //,views: 3300, votes: 8, up: 11, down: 3, comments: 10
2019-02-01T11: 42: 00.000, https: //,views:17400,votes:33,up:33,downmail,comments:121
2019-02-01T10: 43: 00.000, https: //,views: 7400, votes: 12, up: 15, down: 3, comments: 17
2019- 02-01T10: 41: 00.000, https: //,views: 4400, votes: 12, up: 22, down: 10, comments: 6
2019-02-01T10: 23: 00.000, https: //,views: 6300, votes: 46, up: 46, down: 0, comments: 7
2019-02-01T10: 11: 00.000, https: //,views:2400,votes:32,up:34,down:2,commentshaps
2019-02-01T10: 11: 00.000, https: // habr. com / ru / post / 438428 /, views: 49900, votes: 52, up: 58, down: 6, comments: 526
2019-02-01T10: 00: 00.000, https: // 438350 /, views: 31000, votes: 33, up: 44, down: 11, comments: 53
2019-02-01T10: 00: 00.000, https: // , views: 1400, votes: 5, up: 8, down: 3, comments: 0
2019-02-01T09: 28: 00.000, https: //,views: 5700, votes: 30, up: 30, down: 0, comments: 2
All successful experiments.