PADS Professional - Quick Start

  • Tutorial

Good day, dear reader!

Mentor Graphics and Nanosoft have developed a quick start guide as a series of lessons that will introduce beginners to the basic functionality of PADS Professional CAD software.

For more information, welcome under cat.

Short review

The purpose of this guide is to provide the user with a summary of how to work in the PADS Professional environment. After completing a series of short exercises, you can learn how to create a simple PCB using PADS Professional.

Although the PADS Professional software supports various PCB creation algorithms, this guide focuses on a simplified design process and covers the following topics:

  1. opening a new project in DxDesigner
  2. placement and connection of components
  3. project packaging and topology file creation
  4. PCB layout
  5. PCB trace
  6. creating files for production

Before proceeding with the instructions, make sure you have downloaded, installed and activated the trial version of the PADS Professional software VX.2.4 or later.

Request a trial version

Installation and Licensing

After placing a request for PADS Professional software, you should have received an email with the following links:

  • Online installer software PADS Professional
  • 14-day license file

  1. To start installing the software, double-click the online installer icon.
  2. Click “Next” (Next) .
  3. Read and accept the terms of the license agreement if you agree with them.
  4. Click Next to accept the recommended installation location.
  5. When the installation is complete, click Done .
  6. Download the license file with the name “ PADSPro.dat” at the link provided to you by e-mail, and save this file to the address: C: \ PADS_Professional_QuickStart \ .
  7. Close all windows and proceed to Lesson 1 .

Note: Before completing the installation, it is necessary to ensure connection to the Internet. Installation time depends on internet connection speed.

LESSON 1: Opening and Filling a New Project in DxDesigner

LESSON 2: locating and connecting components

LESSON 3: direct annotation, creating a topology file, changing the shape of a printed circuit board

LESSON 4: Physical PCB Layout

LESSON 5: PCB Tracing

LESSON 6: Creating Production Files and Boarding Dimensions

A text version of this manual is available here.

If you have any questions about working or getting a free version of PADS Professional, please contact us:

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