25 years to Aeron: feelings and impressions from the updated version of Aeron Remastered
"Aeron" is a chair not only with the price tag, but also with history. Released in 1994, the “ dotcom ” throne survived most of its soap kingdoms, instead of receiving a registration in the collection of the New York Museum of Modern Art MoMA, instead of a granite slab , and became America’s best-selling office chair.

“ Better than Aeron ” was a review of the chair Herman Miller Mirra 2, released in 2014 - updated “Mirra” then was the year, “Aeron” - 20. In short, the update “Aerona” in 2016, 22 years old, was an unremarkable event . Now Aeron-2 is 2 years old, and Mirra-2 is 5 years . However, there is no talk of a rematch: the price tag of Herman Miller Aeron Remastered is 20% higher at home still not cheap Mirra 2 hints at different market niches of models - however, getting to know “Mirra”, which, judging by everything, at the very zenith of its market career, is useful for context.
Unlike modern art as a whole, the genre of unpacking from Herman Miller Aeron 2 does not fall: “Aeron” comes to its owner in the already assembled form in a box the size of a washing machine or simply, for compactness, wrapped in polyethylene. In the box is Herman Miller Aeron Remastered and a booklet with adjustment instructions in five languages.

But first it was necessary to determine the size of the ordered "Aeron".
At first it seemed that finding the size of “Aeron” without “fitting” would not work: but in the end, it turned out that everything necessary for selection is online - simply scattered in different languages and in different measurement systems on the sites of Herman Miller and its distributors. Now, when they are collected in one place and unified - it should be enough to select the size remotely.
In terms of the dimensions of the seats, the difference between the sizes of Aeron A, B and C is:

Size A is for people up to 175 cm tall and weighing up to 73 kg, B and C are for people up to 201 cm tall and weighing up to 145 (B) and from 73 to 159 kg.
More precisely, you can choose your size on this plate:

What does this mean in practice: B - for tall, C - for tall and thick. With my meter ninety and eighty kilograms my Aeron, definitely, B.

By the way, it is important not to be greedy: “Aeron” of size C is not the biggest: the height of the seat lift with it with the size B is the same - and this is a key parameter in terms of growth. With the same "size" there are differences in the dimensions of the seat:
In general, this is not the case when more is better: with a height of 190 cm and any weight that allows you to climb into a B-size seat, it is better not to be greedy - and take a medium-sized Aeron.
If there are too many sides, it isnot necessary to buy a size C with no options. The hardest thing, I think, will be long-legged above 190 cm, wondering if they shouldn’t take C for a longer seat. In this case, it can help, after all, fitting live.
Sit in the seat as deeply as possible:

- you need to measure the distance from the edge of the seat to the leg: the seat should not rest against the calf, ideally there should be a distance of 3-4 fingers between them. More - the seat is short (or you need to sit deeper), less - the seat is already long.
The pride of Herman Miller and the most difficult for users, some of whom manage to buy a chair for such money - and not use all its capabilities (or not to use them correctly). Although, if you look only once - it will not be so difficult. I figured it out.
Seat height. Under the right hand - standard, but instead of a pedal - a small neat lever, so elegant that I didn’t immediately believe that it was height adjustment - it looks like Herman Miller put a servo instead of pneumatics:

Six-position adjustment with a step of 2.3 cm:

The correct height is at which the knee is bent at a right angle with the legs on the floor. To achieve the right fit, it took me a mirror.
By the way, if the landing with the legs on the legs of the chair is considered wrong - then why is it so comfortable? If in HM they didn’t want them to be used as a support for the legs, the legs should not be made almost horizontal.
As a result, it was with their help that I came to the empirical rule for determining the desired height adjustment without a mirror or protractor: the seat should be raised to the maximum height and lowered step by step to a level at which the legs would be inconvenient to put on the legs of the chair.
In my case, it looked like this: at the maximum with a height of 190 cm, the feet ask for the legs of the chair, and not for the floor. This is a landing for taller riders - or for cold winter floors.
One step lower in height, keeping your feet on the floor / legs on your legs is about equally comfortable. In the third step (47.5 cm), the legs are still, seemingly at a right angle, but it’s already uncomfortable to rake the feet beneath you - this is the desired fit.
The angle of the backrest. Most of all the handle under the left hand resembles the steering column switch. The ring inside, which regulates the angle of the backrest relative to the seat, has four positions: in the first position, the back implies a strict posture, like Minerva McGonagall, but three clicks “on itself” later Aeron turns into a half-chaise for thoughtful spits in the ceiling.

Forward tilt. The outer part of the “steering column switch” on the left is a two-position adjustment of the “stoop” of the chair. In the “on itself” position, the “Aeron” seat is parallel to the floor, but if you switch to the tilt forward mode, the seat will move a little forward. Since the backrest is adjustable relative to the seat, the angle between the seat and back will not change - just the whole sleg design will roll forward for better support when the rider slouched over the computer.
By the way, due to the fact that in the “stoop mode” the front edge of the seat becomes slightly lowered down, the height of the seat has to be raised a division higher - on the penultimate step up to the stop.
By elastic swinging.The tilt tension is the strength of the backrest’s resistance to tilt, which is regulated by the handle on the right, in front of the height lever.

If you turn it forward, clockwise - the backrest will become more springy, if backwards it is easier. The maximum deviation of the backrest from the vertical, in fact, is no more than 30 °, but, with unaccustomed behavior, leaning back with the elasticity handle unscrewed all the way “onto itself” - for the first time, you can hardly be afraid. But with a tightened handle, you can swing your back, trying to lean back at least 5 °.

In principle, the adjustment of elasticity is so effective that it makes, in my opinion, unnecessary step-by-step adjustment of the backrest angle. By the way, in the basic configuration it is not Aeron.

When ordering in the US online store Herman Miller for the "steering column switch" you need to pay.

However, the Russian distributor orders only “Aerons” with two handles - apparently, for the same reasons that dealers do not carry cars in Russia in completely “empty” trim levels.
In addition, the "stoop mode" is a pretty good thing - ideally, it is needed and the elasticity adjustment instead of the backrest angle switch.
Lumbar support PostureFit SL Support consists of two pads to support the lower back and sacrum bone. Independent adjustment allows you to more accurately follow the contour of the back.
In the basic configuration, the Aeron comes simply with a mesh back:

However, “poor” cannot be called this bundle: PostureFit is by no means a “carrier element” - the “grid” of “Aeron” and without it holds its back perfectly, tightly supporting the back without feeling of bursting is rather a chain mail than a string bag. The mesh material is lightweight, resilient and, judging by the guarantee of 12 years - will not stretch.
But the PostureFit option is ambiguous: I have seen user reviews that PostureFit doesn’t support anything, but it’s pointless not putting pressure on the right place.

Perhaps in some cases - these are the consequences of the wrong choice of chair size - on the other hand, the range of adjustment in height really could be more swinging - all the more so since the Aeron is designed for riders taller than me.
However, I love these things, and I use PostureFit, and my lumbar support for Mirra 2 has always been unscrewed too. But, on the aggregate of impressions, a test drive of this option is desirable before purchase.
Armrests. "In the base" armrests "Aerona" fixed.

For a surcharge, height adjustment is added, and for a surcharge, more - more on departure and turn - in principle, Mirra has all the same, but against the background of elegant Aeron, its drop-shaped armrests look awkward. The armrests of the Aerona are more graceful, but at the same time, due to the flat surface, it is more comfortable and more compact - but, thanks to the new plastic, is twice as soft as the completely soft armrests of the Mirra.

Soft thick plastic is a standard material for armrests, and it is so steep that it makes sense to pay extra for optional leather only if a completely-not-so-leather chair for $ 2,000 in the head does not fit (provided that the chair for $ 2,000 does fit in the head) well, and I never liked leather upholstery, and with such plastic - another, in my opinion, and not necessary.

On the armrest correctly adjusted in height, the forearm should rest with the shoulders lowered. It will take longer to search for this correct position on Aeron than on Mirra, since the height of the armrests is not fixed. Perhaps this is done for the sake of a perfectly accurate fit to your figure, and not factory divisions - but this is the case when the freedom to choose it rather aggravates it.
And the alignment of the armrests in height between them and the perfectionist nightmare at all - it is more convenient to align them with a click on Mirra 2. Perhaps they should be firmly fixed transverse bar. On the other hand, surely this was also done for greater anatomicality - for those who still have one shoulder above the other since school.
Adjusting the armrests on the flight allows them not to interfere with a close fit to the table and / or low table top.
And the adjustment for the spread is needed to provide support in different computer scenarios: the collapsible armrests when working with the keyboard, and the support is left to provide support when working with the mouse.
Having dealt with the settings, we bring Aeron into combat mode: the general tilt forward, the armrests are reduced to the keyboard, the back is set vertically and tightly tightened so as not to swing, the lumbar support requires a straight posture - “confident PC user” at the post.
Seat "Aerona" - the same tightly stretched mesh that is used on the back. When comparing with the net from which the Mirra seat is made, it is noticeable that more advanced material was used in Aeron: the threads from it are clearly stronger - therefore the seat turned out more tightly and more transparently due to the larger mesh size than in "Mirra".

In addition to the obvious advantages in hot weather, it also greatly simplifies the care of the chair: from time to time, Aeron, like Mirra ”, can be simply rinsed under a strong water jet even from the shower, even from a hose - for about an hour somewhere dry, and you can sit back in a refreshed chair.
Theoretically, the universal concept of "Mirra 2" - one seat, a sea of settings - was closer to me. But in practice, the Aeron's approach turned out to be more effective: landing in Aeron of size B, the seat of which is exactly five centimeters (27 ”vs. 29”) than in “Mirra” turned out to be noticeably more assembled.
At the same time, “Aeron” was never an ascetic - for me there is a kilogram of space in it for at least thirty. Mirra 2 is for real giants - with the height adjustment range increased to 56.5 cm, I can sit in it with my legs dangling. It is really scary to lean back in it. But after “Aeron”, “Mirra” as a working tool is no longer possible - it was created to sit down in Turkish in it (that's why the width came in handy), leaning back to the limit - and spinning wildly in it at home or in the office queues with friends or colleagues. I warn you - this is not for the faint of heart, although Mirra 2 has demonstrated to the engineering of Herman Miller from the best side, always staying firmly on its five.
On Aeron, you don’t want to do anything of the kind - and this is rather a plus for Aeron: you need to work out the working chair for that kind of money, and not work it out. And Aeron adjusts (as much as it is possible for a sitting place) to the working mode by the landing itself: a bit more compact than Mirra, otherwise it is designed - you immediately sit in it somehow much more correctly.

By the way, the endurance of “Mirra”, demonstrated to her for more than four years, sets a serious tone regarding the fundamental nature of such a purchase: the Herman Miller warranty up to 12 years extends to the armchairs sold in Russia ( from 6 months to 12 years - depending on specific elements , and not counting the wear during operation, of course).

During the same time, I already have the third laptop, and the first one in a couple of years literally collapsed, the second one was also demobilized not without scars. At this rate, some Herman Miller will also be my inheritance (or even my inheritance will).

PS Sell Herman Miller Mirra 2 . Used 4 years, not killed, not killed.

“ Better than Aeron ” was a review of the chair Herman Miller Mirra 2, released in 2014 - updated “Mirra” then was the year, “Aeron” - 20. In short, the update “Aerona” in 2016, 22 years old, was an unremarkable event . Now Aeron-2 is 2 years old, and Mirra-2 is 5 years . However, there is no talk of a rematch: the price tag of Herman Miller Aeron Remastered is 20% higher at home still not cheap Mirra 2 hints at different market niches of models - however, getting to know “Mirra”, which, judging by everything, at the very zenith of its market career, is useful for context.
Unlike modern art as a whole, the genre of unpacking from Herman Miller Aeron 2 does not fall: “Aeron” comes to its owner in the already assembled form in a box the size of a washing machine or simply, for compactness, wrapped in polyethylene. In the box is Herman Miller Aeron Remastered and a booklet with adjustment instructions in five languages.

But first it was necessary to determine the size of the ordered "Aeron".
How to choose the size of "Aerona"
At first it seemed that finding the size of “Aeron” without “fitting” would not work: but in the end, it turned out that everything necessary for selection is online - simply scattered in different languages and in different measurement systems on the sites of Herman Miller and its distributors. Now, when they are collected in one place and unified - it should be enough to select the size remotely.
In terms of the dimensions of the seats, the difference between the sizes of Aeron A, B and C is:
- landing height: the seat of "Aeron" A rises to 48.3 cm, in B and C - to 52.1 cm;
- the size of the seat itself: the width and depth of the cushion A is 65.4 x 40.6 cm, B is 68.6 x 42.5 cm, C is 71.8 x 47 cm.
- height of the back: the total height of the Aeron A is 97.8 cm, B is 104.1 cm, C is up to 109.2 cm;

Size A is for people up to 175 cm tall and weighing up to 73 kg, B and C are for people up to 201 cm tall and weighing up to 145 (B) and from 73 to 159 kg.
More precisely, you can choose your size on this plate:

What does this mean in practice: B - for tall, C - for tall and thick. With my meter ninety and eighty kilograms my Aeron, definitely, B.

For comparison, Mirra 2 comes in standard size:
- Mirra 2 seat height as in Aeron B / C - up to 52.1 cm,
- Mirra 2 seat is the widest and shallowest: 73.7 x 41.3 cm - almost two centimeters wider than the Aeron C, and between A and B in depth;
+ 2 options: increase in height of rise to 56,5 cm and increase in depth of a seat to 45.7 cm.

By the way, it is important not to be greedy: “Aeron” of size C is not the biggest: the height of the seat lift with it with the size B is the same - and this is a key parameter in terms of growth. With the same "size" there are differences in the dimensions of the seat:
- in size C, of course, the largest seat, designed to fit the largest seats - this is already important with excess and very excess weight;
- and 5 cm above the back, which does not affect anything at all.
In general, this is not the case when more is better: with a height of 190 cm and any weight that allows you to climb into a B-size seat, it is better not to be greedy - and take a medium-sized Aeron.
If there are too many sides, it is
How to choose the correct depth of the seat
Sit in the seat as deeply as possible:

- you need to measure the distance from the edge of the seat to the leg: the seat should not rest against the calf, ideally there should be a distance of 3-4 fingers between them. More - the seat is short (or you need to sit deeper), less - the seat is already long.
The pride of Herman Miller and the most difficult for users, some of whom manage to buy a chair for such money - and not use all its capabilities (or not to use them correctly). Although, if you look only once - it will not be so difficult. I figured it out.
Seat height. Under the right hand - standard, but instead of a pedal - a small neat lever, so elegant that I didn’t immediately believe that it was height adjustment - it looks like Herman Miller put a servo instead of pneumatics:

Six-position adjustment with a step of 2.3 cm:
- 52.1 cm;
- 49.8 cm;
- 47.5 cm;
- 45.2 cm;
- 42.9 cm;
- 40.6 cm

The correct height is at which the knee is bent at a right angle with the legs on the floor. To achieve the right fit, it took me a mirror.
By the way, if the landing with the legs on the legs of the chair is considered wrong - then why is it so comfortable? If in HM they didn’t want them to be used as a support for the legs, the legs should not be made almost horizontal.
As a result, it was with their help that I came to the empirical rule for determining the desired height adjustment without a mirror or protractor: the seat should be raised to the maximum height and lowered step by step to a level at which the legs would be inconvenient to put on the legs of the chair.
In my case, it looked like this: at the maximum with a height of 190 cm, the feet ask for the legs of the chair, and not for the floor. This is a landing for taller riders - or for cold winter floors.
One step lower in height, keeping your feet on the floor / legs on your legs is about equally comfortable. In the third step (47.5 cm), the legs are still, seemingly at a right angle, but it’s already uncomfortable to rake the feet beneath you - this is the desired fit.
The angle of the backrest. Most of all the handle under the left hand resembles the steering column switch. The ring inside, which regulates the angle of the backrest relative to the seat, has four positions: in the first position, the back implies a strict posture, like Minerva McGonagall, but three clicks “on itself” later Aeron turns into a half-chaise for thoughtful spits in the ceiling.

Forward tilt. The outer part of the “steering column switch” on the left is a two-position adjustment of the “stoop” of the chair. In the “on itself” position, the “Aeron” seat is parallel to the floor, but if you switch to the tilt forward mode, the seat will move a little forward. Since the backrest is adjustable relative to the seat, the angle between the seat and back will not change - just the whole sleg design will roll forward for better support when the rider slouched over the computer.
By the way, due to the fact that in the “stoop mode” the front edge of the seat becomes slightly lowered down, the height of the seat has to be raised a division higher - on the penultimate step up to the stop.
By elastic swinging.The tilt tension is the strength of the backrest’s resistance to tilt, which is regulated by the handle on the right, in front of the height lever.

If you turn it forward, clockwise - the backrest will become more springy, if backwards it is easier. The maximum deviation of the backrest from the vertical, in fact, is no more than 30 °, but, with unaccustomed behavior, leaning back with the elasticity handle unscrewed all the way “onto itself” - for the first time, you can hardly be afraid. But with a tightened handle, you can swing your back, trying to lean back at least 5 °.

In principle, the adjustment of elasticity is so effective that it makes, in my opinion, unnecessary step-by-step adjustment of the backrest angle. By the way, in the basic configuration it is not Aeron.

When ordering in the US online store Herman Miller for the "steering column switch" you need to pay.

However, the Russian distributor orders only “Aerons” with two handles - apparently, for the same reasons that dealers do not carry cars in Russia in completely “empty” trim levels.
In addition, the "stoop mode" is a pretty good thing - ideally, it is needed and the elasticity adjustment instead of the backrest angle switch.
Lumbar support PostureFit SL Support consists of two pads to support the lower back and sacrum bone. Independent adjustment allows you to more accurately follow the contour of the back.
In the basic configuration, the Aeron comes simply with a mesh back:

However, “poor” cannot be called this bundle: PostureFit is by no means a “carrier element” - the “grid” of “Aeron” and without it holds its back perfectly, tightly supporting the back without feeling of bursting is rather a chain mail than a string bag. The mesh material is lightweight, resilient and, judging by the guarantee of 12 years - will not stretch.
But the PostureFit option is ambiguous: I have seen user reviews that PostureFit doesn’t support anything, but it’s pointless not putting pressure on the right place.

Perhaps in some cases - these are the consequences of the wrong choice of chair size - on the other hand, the range of adjustment in height really could be more swinging - all the more so since the Aeron is designed for riders taller than me.
However, I love these things, and I use PostureFit, and my lumbar support for Mirra 2 has always been unscrewed too. But, on the aggregate of impressions, a test drive of this option is desirable before purchase.
Armrests. "In the base" armrests "Aerona" fixed.

For a surcharge, height adjustment is added, and for a surcharge, more - more on departure and turn - in principle, Mirra has all the same, but against the background of elegant Aeron, its drop-shaped armrests look awkward. The armrests of the Aerona are more graceful, but at the same time, due to the flat surface, it is more comfortable and more compact - but, thanks to the new plastic, is twice as soft as the completely soft armrests of the Mirra.

Soft thick plastic is a standard material for armrests, and it is so steep that it makes sense to pay extra for optional leather only if a completely-not-so-leather chair for $ 2,000 in the head does not fit (provided that the chair for $ 2,000 does fit in the head) well, and I never liked leather upholstery, and with such plastic - another, in my opinion, and not necessary.

What else would I take besides leather armrests:
- polished aluminum. Aeron, in my opinion, lacks the brightness of the Mirra colors. He has only 2 colors: dark gray graphite and a very cool looking white "mineral". But with the "mineral" only aluminum base is possible - from polished or brushed aluminum. The adoration of brilliant pieces of iron is a purely American bluff, on this side of the ocean, rather ridiculous, in my opinion, looking. And with leather armrests - to-to-combo style. Of course, I know that in Russia there is a special demand for this kitsch - we have a lot of intersections in taste with Americans, but still there is pure graphite - either a chic “mineral” with a less catchy brushed aluminum “below the belt”. (And how cool it will be if it appears completely white under the "mineral" Aeron);
- head restraints . I have not tested them and have nothing against, just for more than four years of operation of the Mirra 2 and a couple of months of acquaintance with the Aeron 2, I have never felt that I do not have enough support for the back of my head. Objectively, head restraints are needed in motion - they protect the neck from excessive overloads during acceleration, both freely (if you push the pedal to the floor on Tesla without head restraints, you can also fold your head at the start) and involuntarily - when someone is behind will drive in. At home, this is not so easy to achieve. And the stiff neck doesn’t need a headrest, but a warm-up.
On the armrest correctly adjusted in height, the forearm should rest with the shoulders lowered. It will take longer to search for this correct position on Aeron than on Mirra, since the height of the armrests is not fixed. Perhaps this is done for the sake of a perfectly accurate fit to your figure, and not factory divisions - but this is the case when the freedom to choose it rather aggravates it.
And the alignment of the armrests in height between them and the perfectionist nightmare at all - it is more convenient to align them with a click on Mirra 2. Perhaps they should be firmly fixed transverse bar. On the other hand, surely this was also done for greater anatomicality - for those who still have one shoulder above the other since school.
Adjusting the armrests on the flight allows them not to interfere with a close fit to the table and / or low table top.
And the adjustment for the spread is needed to provide support in different computer scenarios: the collapsible armrests when working with the keyboard, and the support is left to provide support when working with the mouse.
What is worth taking:
- wheels for parquet . By default, on Aeron, as well as Mirra, there are hard plastic wheels for carpet. Like wheels, they romp remarkably - but on wooden floors, parquet floors, tiles, they rumble not at all on the price tag. Rubber wheels must have;
- clothes hanger for 3999₽ ? Well, why not. As a gift to some office user "Aerona" - the most it.
On practice
Having dealt with the settings, we bring Aeron into combat mode: the general tilt forward, the armrests are reduced to the keyboard, the back is set vertically and tightly tightened so as not to swing, the lumbar support requires a straight posture - “confident PC user” at the post.
Seat "Aerona" - the same tightly stretched mesh that is used on the back. When comparing with the net from which the Mirra seat is made, it is noticeable that more advanced material was used in Aeron: the threads from it are clearly stronger - therefore the seat turned out more tightly and more transparently due to the larger mesh size than in "Mirra".

In addition to the obvious advantages in hot weather, it also greatly simplifies the care of the chair: from time to time, Aeron, like Mirra ”, can be simply rinsed under a strong water jet even from the shower, even from a hose - for about an hour somewhere dry, and you can sit back in a refreshed chair.
Theoretically, the universal concept of "Mirra 2" - one seat, a sea of settings - was closer to me. But in practice, the Aeron's approach turned out to be more effective: landing in Aeron of size B, the seat of which is exactly five centimeters (27 ”vs. 29”) than in “Mirra” turned out to be noticeably more assembled.
At the same time, “Aeron” was never an ascetic - for me there is a kilogram of space in it for at least thirty. Mirra 2 is for real giants - with the height adjustment range increased to 56.5 cm, I can sit in it with my legs dangling. It is really scary to lean back in it. But after “Aeron”, “Mirra” as a working tool is no longer possible - it was created to sit down in Turkish in it (that's why the width came in handy), leaning back to the limit - and spinning wildly in it at home or in the office queues with friends or colleagues. I warn you - this is not for the faint of heart, although Mirra 2 has demonstrated to the engineering of Herman Miller from the best side, always staying firmly on its five.
On Aeron, you don’t want to do anything of the kind - and this is rather a plus for Aeron: you need to work out the working chair for that kind of money, and not work it out. And Aeron adjusts (as much as it is possible for a sitting place) to the working mode by the landing itself: a bit more compact than Mirra, otherwise it is designed - you immediately sit in it somehow much more correctly.

By the way, the endurance of “Mirra”, demonstrated to her for more than four years, sets a serious tone regarding the fundamental nature of such a purchase: the Herman Miller warranty up to 12 years extends to the armchairs sold in Russia ( from 6 months to 12 years - depending on specific elements , and not counting the wear during operation, of course).

During the same time, I already have the third laptop, and the first one in a couple of years literally collapsed, the second one was also demobilized not without scars. At this rate, some Herman Miller will also be my inheritance (or even my inheritance will).

PS Sell Herman Miller Mirra 2 . Used 4 years, not killed, not killed.