CLRium # 4: .NET Community Meeting

    GC API, C # 8.0, Global Tools, Span, Memory, System.IO.Pipeline, what to expect in the future

    Arguing with colleagues about technology development issues, we somehow came to the conclusion that at the moment when you emerge from code and other tasks and you cast a glance either towards Habr, or towards the endless thematic tapes of the Telegram, a strange feeling arises that I missed something. And this feeling is familiar to everyone: we have a profession that does not allow us to relax. And even if you subscribe to feeds, RSS feeds and other sources, another problem will arise: feeling tired of the flow of information (often garbage). How to keep up with progress, without losing precious time?

    The theme of the fourth series of CLRium will be as usual - the most recent developments from the world of .NET: we will tell you in more detail about what you can already touch and briefly about what is just planned. Attending this event is a great way to refresh your understanding of the development vector of our beautiful platform and find out what you usually don’t have time for and decide for yourself to try something in the near future.

    • October 19 in St. Petersburg + online, in the office of Epam Systems
    • October 26 in Moscow

    New reports

      Garbage Collector API.

    Yes, he is now replacing, gentlemen. Are Java developers walking importantly listing garbage collectors? Now we can! The report is intended to show and tell about the new API, its capabilities and new approaches that we need to remember for the future (which, as usual, comes suddenly). And also, in general terms - what awaits us in the future;

      Global Tools and Command Line Interface API

    One of the most powerful, unambiguously necessary and not clear questions: Global Tools and Command Line Interface API. In short, the API with the build subsystem. Let us consider in more detail, examine the ready-made examples (it is already being fully integrated into the products) and decide: where it is needed, and when you just have to remember its existence;

    Roundtable regarding C # 8.0 and development vectors

    Sometimes it's hard to just sit and listen to someone else's point of view. Sometimes you want to take, but stand in the middle of the report and start a close discussion with the speaker. It was to discuss the set of new opportunities that we decided to hold a round table, where the speakers and listeners will enter into discussions and disputes on an equal footing, having organized some kind of collective consciousness. And what is there to discuss ?? And there is something to discuss:

    • Why is the implementation of methods introduced in interfaces? Who to tear his hands and whether to do it?
    • Pattern matching in switch
    • Restrictions on Generic Parameters
    • and other controversial issues

    While all, not all announcements at once :)


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