The speed of light is not invariant


The history of determining the speed of Light goes back to the times of Galileo Galilei. Before Galileo, the speed of Light was considered infinite. Galileo first tried with his assistant to determine the speed of Light. The experience was that Galileo and the helper were with lanterns on two hills, the distance between which was known. One of them opened the flap on the lantern, and the second had to do the same when he saw the light of the first lantern. Knowing the distance and time (the delay before the assistant opens the lamp) Galileo counted on calculating the speed of light. However, nothing happened.

Olaf Roemer, investigating the motion of the satellite Io in orbit around Jupiter, noted the delay in the arrival of Light from the satellite at different positions of the Earth in orbit. On this basis, he determined the speed of Light to be 220000km / s.

English astronomer J. Bradley "clarified" this figure to 308000 km / s. Later, the speed of light was measured by French astrophysicists François Argo and Leon Foucault, receiving 298,000 km / sec at the “exit”. An even more accurate measurement method was proposed by the interferometer creator, the famous American physicist Albert Michelson.

The experiments of Michelson lasted from 1924 to 1927 and consisted of 5 series of observations. A mount of light, a mirror and a rotating octahedral prism were installed on Mount Wilson in the vicinity of Los Angeles, and a reflecting mirror was mounted on Mount San Antonio after 35 km. Initially, the light through a lens and a slit hit a rotating prism using a high-speed rotor (at a speed of 528 rev / sec.). Participants in the experiments could adjust the rotational speed in such a way that the image of the light source was clearly visible in the eyepiece. Michelson determined the magnitude of the speed of light - 299796 km / sec.

Finally, at the speed of light, scientists decided in the second half of the 20th century, when masers and lasers, characterized by the highest frequency stability of radiation, were created. By the beginning of the 70s, the measurement error decreased to 1 km / s. As a result, on the recommendation of the XV General Conference on Measures and Weights, held in 1975, it was decided that from now on the speed of light in vacuum is 299,792.458 km / s.

But the most interesting thing is that the speed of Light does not depend on the direction of propagation in the Earth’s ISO. And this proves many experiences. German scientists have once again proved the invariance of the speed of Light [1]. The invariance of the speed of light in a laboratory resting on the surface of the Earth has been firmly established experimentally.

All experiments conducted earlier did not differ in principle from each other. The invariance of the speed of Light was confirmed by indirect signs. In the interferometers, they tried to confirm the change in the speed of Light by turning it 90 degrees in order to see the change in the interference pattern. Other experiments were based on an attempt to establish a change in the frequency of radiation during the rotation of a radiating device. Direct measurements of the speed of light were based on the course of the beam back and forth, which may have contributed to the measurement error.

Let's try to show the difference in the speed of Light in the directions in the laboratory of the stationary relative to the earth's surface directly measuring the speed of Light in the course of the experiment. This task will be solved with the help of a specially created installation. We will entrust the processing of all data to the computer by creating a special program.

The SRT does not object to the fact that in the case of a body approaching the Luminous flux, then the speeds of Light and the body add up. If the body is removed, then the speed of the body is subtracted from the speed of Light.

Fig.1. Scheme of the device for measuring the speed of the luminous flux in one direction

To determine the unilateral speed of the luminous flux, you need a device (Fig.1) consisting of:

1. Laser.
2. The pipe. You can seal and pump out the air.
3. Translucent mirror.
4. Two watches of the same design. Weight and dimensions do not matter in principle, but they are capable of counting time with an accuracy of 10 to minus 10 degrees sec.
5 and 7. Sensors on the clock.
6. Light source for synchronous switching of the clock.
8. Sensor off the clock.
9. Just a mirror.
10. The device can be located on a turntable, or be stationary.
Dimensions in the aisles reasonable. For swivel-15m long. For stationary up to 1km.

Figure 1 (a) shows the process of synchronous start of the clock. The light front from the light source, having passed equal distances to the sensors of switching on the clock at the same time will turn them on. The clock has two boards: the main, constantly counting time and auxiliary to which the counting of time can be transferred from the main one. The auxiliary display is turned off by the clock off sensor 8. After synchronization, we distribute the clock (we deliver) to special places and connect it so that the reflected rays from the mirrors turn them off.

Clock synchronization can be carried out, as indicated here [2].

Figure 1 (b) shows the operation of this device.

The laser emits a short-term pulse of light. The light reflected from the translucent mirror stops the first hours. Reflected from an opaque mirror, it stops the second clock. The difference of the clock is the time of passage of the beam between the mirrors. The distance between them will be known. Calculate the speed of light in this direction. The device rotates on the platform or, if stationary, due to the rotation of the Earth. In the case when it is oriented in the direction of the Earth’s movement in space, the second mirror, due to the movement of the Earth, will approach the beam, in this case the speed of the LIGHT will be maximum, in the case of distance from the beam, the minimum. The difference between the maximum and minimum speeds of light, divided in half, will be the speed of the Earth.

The direction from the maximum to the minimum speed will be the direction of the earth's motion. A computer is connected to this device, a special program is created. Actually, this is where the story ends with the invariance of the speed of Light.

And the most interesting. This device can be used as a speedometer to determine the speed and direction of the Earth in space. It remains only to make the device and check what I stated.

Discovering the world, you can not stop there. We need to constantly look for answers to seemingly simple truths. This is what distinguishes the real researcher from the followers. There are no authorities in science whose conclusions are beyond doubt.

Conclusion. This work does not rely on the false conclusions of modern science. It allows you to look at the World from a different angle, bringing it closer to an understanding of the new physics.


  1. Physicists have confirmed the invariance of the speed of light
  2. Physicists have achieved a record synchronization from the atomic clock
  3. For preparation of this work were used materials from the site

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