SETI: if aliens visit Earth, they will take control of everything

    The co-founder of SETI believes that aliens on Earth will have an advantage thanks to advanced technologies. The

    truth is somewhere nearby, it is true. But we may not like what we learn, if we still get to this truth. Jill Tarter, the former leader and co-founder of SETI (now the lead scientist of the project) believes that if aliens visit Earth, they will control us through the use of their advanced technologies. Their technology will allow them to set their own rules.

    Tarter claims that the appearance of aliens on our “doorstep” will already mean that in the technological plan they are much more advanced than earthlings. Nevertheless, they will not necessarily be aggressive - if civilization has learned to overcome great distances in the Universe, this civilization has probably learned to be peaceful.

    This may mean that the aliens will be relatively friendly and will cooperate with the Earth (here it’s worth remembering the Strugatsky ’s “ Picnic on the Sidelines ”, where it was said that the alien mind will not pay attention to earthlings at all, as we do not pay attention to ants to picnic location).

    Attempts are now continuing at SETI to discover the signals of alien civilizations. There is still no success.

    Nathalie Cabrol, a leading scientist at Seti Institute in California, believes that an alien mind can and is trying to contact Earth, but we are not yet able to detect signals. At the same time, astronaut John Grunsfeld, who now holds the post of head of NASA's scientific programs (associate administrator for Nasa's Science Mission Directorate), suggests that the aliens already know about the existence of humanity, and are watching us. He claims that a technologically advanced alien civilization is capable of detecting a planetary civilization based on an analysis of the changes that this civilization has made on and around the planet. “We have changed our atmosphere so much that any observer with a powerful telescope located 20 light years from us can detect us,” says Gransfeld.

    John Gransfeld (photo: Wikipedia)

    According to Karbol, we can detect alien organisms (the simplest life) outside the Earth during our lifetime. She also believes that we can find a copy of the Earth in another galaxy, for example.

    Ellen Stofan, NASA Science Advisor, agrees with the scientist. According to her, within 20-30 years we will be able to find evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. “We know where to look, we know how to look, and in most cases we have the technology we need,” says Ellen. She adds that this is not about green men, but about microbes.

    Supporters of the early detection of extraterrestrial life have opposition. Thus, a group of astrobiologists from the Australian National University believes that if life arises on other planets, then its existence is very fleeting. When microbial life occurs, scientists say, conditions unfavorable for life arise very quickly - for example, the planet is cooling or overheating. As a result, life dies. However, this group of scientists believes that the universe has many planets suitable for life.

    And in order to exist for a long time, experts say, life forms must learn to manage greenhouse gases in order to keep the planet’s temperature regime stable. Thus, life forms themselves are responsible for their survival. And it's not about intelligent life. For example, on Earth, early life forms began to affect the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, and eventually began to produce enough oxygen for life forms to occur.

    But this situation is far from always being repeated on other planets.

    Who is right is still unclear, we will find out only with time.

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