Overview of the Lifetrak C410 - “Unstable” Heart Rate Monitor for Continuous Use

    From the moment the first serial heart rate monitor appeared in 1977 until today, the sensors have been on the finger and in the ear, and - I apologize - under the booty , which we wrote about in the “ neurological selection ”. We tried to analyze the typology of modern gadgets for heart rate monitoring in the " family tree ", and there were a watch with a belt, chest heart rate monitors, optics, and headphones. We also dedicated a separate post on Geektimes to optical heart rate monitors .

    And despite such an attentive attitude towards this area, there remains one option for heart rate monitors, which we still cannot attribute to any niche: Lifetrak. This is not a sport, nor fitness, nor medicine, but a bit of everything, and today is a short story about the Lifetrak C410 under a cat .

    Salutron, which owns the Lifetrak brand, did not even try to enter the wearable electronics market for a long time, as it was busy with state contracts, some of which, to NASA, are still serving. They own developments for monitoring the sleep of astronauts, assessing their physical condition, including a wearable encephalograph , measuring pressure in zero gravity, and several others.

    In addition, the company was burdened with obligations to developers of professional sports equipment for gyms, where Salutron pulse sensors were integrated, as well as periodic medical developments.

    After the merger with the Linea research corporation, research began in the field of infrared spectroscopy and its application in neurology and cardiology, and one of the company's latest contracts in medicine was an agreement with the leading manufacturer of medical equipment - A&D Medical .

    Currently, Salutron is introducing Bioprobe technology, and three sensors are being investigated as part of the study:

    • Opti4 - Continuous Heart Rate Monitoring for Medical Sensors
    • S-Pulse - Pulse and ECG for sports equipment
    • Bioprobe 1 - an optical heart rate monitor that will form the basis of wearable products


    The Lifetrak brand has grown in a separate direction in Salutron, and for several years now it has been gradually upgrading its line of watches with a heart rate monitor. The beginning was laid by the C200 model , which worked autonomously, without synchronization with a smartphone. She then got the opportunity to analyze sleep, then the 300th model began to synchronize with the phone. The youngest Lifetrak R450 is a round model with a “quadratic” like Pebble, notification and synchronization with IOS devices.

    Thus, the last rectangular watch in the line was the Lifetrak C410 model .

    Lifetrak C410

    Watch has all the features of an activity tracker:
    • Step counting
    • Distance traveled
    • Calories burned
    • Sleep analysis
    • WorkAut Mode

    They work together with the proprietary Lifetrak application:

    With the help of which you can calibrate the device by specifying gender, age, weight in one of two “metrics”:

    Working with the application is very simple, and daily statistics are displayed by an information grid with current measurements, each of which provides the possibility of immersion in detailed statistics for a long period .

    In this case, there is no need to synchronize the device daily, since the entire Lifetrak line stores 7-day statistics in the device’s memory. By the way, it is also available on watches. Calorie consumption three days ago: The

    watch is perfectly controlled by hand, and the flexibility of settings does not become less. You can also set calendar settings and goals, and to switch to the parameter calibration mode, you need to hold the top button a little longer.

    The device is synchronized with the smartphone “on demand” and data is transferred by pressing and holding the lower side button C410. In this case, the longer you did not do this procedure, the longer it may take. But everything is within reason.

    The watch has two options for displaying time on a monochrome display: with date and without. Switching between statistics is carried out by the bottom button.


    rate This button also acts as a heart rate monitor while holding it. When measuring your heart rate, it is important that your hands do not touch each other. Measurements are also stored in the application, and the dynamics of changes are easily monitored on the smartphone's display. It’s important to say that Lifetrak is “episodic” heart rate measurements, and he never performed, and now it is unlikely to become a permanent heart rate monitor.

    How measurement takes place

    In order to measure, it is necessary, without touching each other, to hold down the central button, while the previous indicator will be shown to you in the process of starting the function. As soon as the pulse is displayed on the screen, do not reset immediately - the measurement continues. Within 30 - 40 seconds, the clock shows heart rate, something like a "mini-ECG."

    The company is famous for its accuracy, which is confirmed by repeated joint projects at the state level and partnerships with leading manufacturers of sports and medical equipment. In this regard, the question always arises of to whom the Lifetrak gadgets are addressed.

    On the one hand, marketing a company rushes into the sport, and this has its own logic.

    Firstly, extensive experience in this area and the accumulated base of commercial projects, secondly, successful modern cases, when the rights to 410 were partially bought by the New Balance brand , thirdly, the “basic equipment” of the activity tracker is associated with a fitness / healthy lifestyle of life.

    On the other hand, here Salutron meets serious competition of chest heart rate monitors with constant monitoring and optics, which is why they are launching a new optical tracker through Kickstarter in order to “compete” in equal conditions.

    Lifetrak, on the other hand, still stands apart, occupying the niche of “fitness watches”, or advanced activity trackers that are addressed to a wide range of users:

    • Those who work in the office and want to see how active or inactive his life is.
    • Those who need additional control of the heart
    • The gadget is in demand among the adult generation because of its simple interface, all the necessary functions: date-time-pulse, while many do not even synchronize their Lifetrak

    Among the chips, it is necessary to add the universality of the size, which is achieved due to the fact that the strap is speckled with holes, which at the same time provide "blowing". Here, for example, on a children's hand: The

    straps are removable and double-sided, and in the basic version of the delivery Lifetrak C410 can be black-blue or completely black. All models are waterproof, however, under the water, you cannot switch the device buttons .

    The watch does not require recharging and runs on the same battery for about a year, which compares favorably with most activity trackers with built-in batteries. Distinguishes them and the price. They cost 6,000 rubles, which is similar to the cost of most tracker models without heart rate monitors and is half, and in some cases, three times less than sports options for chest sensors or optical.

    To date, of the Lifetrak fitness tracker-watches, this model is the most advanced and functional, apart from the “synthetic” R450, which was conceived as a smart watch with a heart rate monitor.

    Lifetrak C410 in the catalog
    The 410 also has a female version .


    • Easy sync
    • Long battery life
    • Water resistant
    • Interchangeable straps
    • Heart rate monitor and ECG monitor
    • Low cost


    • Although understandable, but English
    • Inconsistent pulse

    For all Lifetrak models, as well as for all products from the Medgadgets catalog, we offer a 7% discount on the Geek code . The oldest model, the standalone Lifetrak C200 tracker, will enter our Black Friday this year.

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