Search Executive Woman: Barbie Doll as CEO

The University of Washington recently published the results of a study that studies the impact of search services on people's opinions about who men or women occupy more leadership positions. In particular, the study says that about 27% of US company executives are women. At the same time, the results of a survey conducted by the university show that most people underestimate the figure, considering that the number of women leaders in the US is not more than 11%.
Gender problem (obvious or imaginary) is a sore subject for most European countries and the USA. Google Search solves this problem in its own way. If you type “CEO” in the search box, in the image search section, it turns out that an important female leader in the United States is the Barbie doll.

As for Bing and Yahoo, Barbie is no longer here.

Before her, the search shows a number of male leaders, then Barbie comes, and only then do photos of real female leaders begin to come across.
PS Do not take the post too seriously, remember - today is Friday.