Curiosity rover discovered traces of nitrates on Mars

Original author: Jamie Condliffe

Scientists analyzed the results of the analysis of soil samples collected by the Curiosity rover and came to the conclusion that its waters contained a large amount of nitrogen in an accessible form for life.

Previously, researchers searched for organic carbon on Mars, but instead they found traces of nitrates and other nitrogen compounds. These substances were found in soil samples found as a result of the deviation of the rover from its original route to Mount Sharp.

These samples were analyzed by the SAM system , which heats the test samples to 1000 degrees Celsius, which leads to the release of gases, which are analyzed by mass spectrometry and gas chromatography.

Scientists did not believe at firstthe results that were obtained using this system and attributed them to traces of earth pollution. However, during the following drilling and sampling sessions, these results were repeated, which forced scientists to analyze the measurement results.

Scientists believe that the cause of the occurrence of nitrogen compounds on Mars can be lightning discharges, which broke the nitrogen molecules and forced it to combine with oxygen and other substances.

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