Apple Spring Forward Text Broadcast

    Exactly at 20.00 on Geektimes we will begin the text broadcast of today's Apple event. Live streaming is only available on Apple’s site with OS X or iOS devices.

    Nobody knows exactly what to expect from the event, but there are not many options:
    1. First of all, we are waiting for the announcement of the Apple Watch
    2. Perhaps an upgraded version of the Macbook Air
    3. Software News: Apple Watch apps, OS X or iOS update is also possible

    Stock up on popcorn and start updating the post at exactly 8 p.m. Moscow time.

    It is written on the Russian site of Apple that the watch will be available in 2015.

    21:35 Thank you for being with us these one and a half hours at Geektimes!

    21:34 Tim Cook summarizes the event and thanks all the Apple employees who painstakingly worked on all the new products of the company.

    Update: Gold Apple Watch Edition, indeed , from $ 10,000.

    21: 32 Here are those 9 countries in which this will happen: Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

    21:31 And deliveries will begin on April 24th.

    21:30 Pre-order Watch from April 10, Russia was not in the primary list.

    21:30 And this is the Apple Watch Edition with a case of 18 carat gold.

    21:29 Prices for the steel model start at $ 600.

    21:27 Apple says that this material also surpasses other samples in the market. Stainless steel is 80% stronger due to cold stamping.

    21:27 Steel clip for the "average" watch model.

    21:26 This is what the Apple Watch looks like with a stainless steel case.

    21:25 Apple Watch Sport - from $ 350 for a smaller version.

    21:24 Aluminum in Apple Watch Sport is 60% stronger than standard alloys, but just as light.

    21:24 Movie about anodized aluminum.

    21:23 In total there are 3 versions of watches: sports Apple Watch Sport with an anodized aluminum case, just Apple Watch (steel) and gold Apple Watch Edition.

    21:22 And everything is controlled from the application on the iPhone. It can already be downloaded for iOS 8.2, which will appear today.

    21:22 Recharging is simple: you just need to connect magnetic charging to the back of the watch.

    21:22 At any load, the battery in the Watch holds, as Tim Cook says, 18 hours.

    21:21 A bunch only with the iPhone, as we understand it - with other devices you can’t connect the Watch.

    21:20 Tim shows how with the help of a "smart home" he can control a garage door from a clock.

    21:18 Already, it is clear that for Apple Watch will soon be all the major applications for iOS.

    21:17 The SPG application allows you to open a hotel room.

    21:16 From the clock you can show a plane ticket - the phone remains in your pocket.

    21:15 Or call a car from Uber.

    21:14 Without removing the phone from your pocket, you can put a like on Instagram.

    21:12 Tim Lynch appeared on the scene, he showed several other uses of the Apple Watch.
    As already mentioned, the device periodically reminds the user to stretch. You can pay for hours on Apple Pay without using your phone.

    21:10 Clock can do a lot more. For example, notifications from the iPhone are displayed on the screen.

    21:09 WatchKit is now called that way.

    21:08 Apple Pay works in Apple Watch. Siri support is also implemented.
    With the help of voice, you can open the application, get directions, call and so on.

    21:07 Christie will participate in the charity marathon Virgin Money London Marathon, wearing Apple Watch.
    Her progress can be monitored on

    21:05 American model Christy Turlington says that the watch helps not to forget about maternal health problems. In the short time she used the watch, she noticed how they became part of her life.

    21:05 Christie on stage.

    21:04 Show the video with his mother, model and marathoner Christy Turlington Burns.

    21:00 Workout application records activities.

    21:00 Every Monday, the watch offers exercise options based on last week’s activity.

    21:00 Clock stimulates movement and less sitting.

    20:59 It goes without saying that from the clock you can see who is calling.

    20:59 And with the help of Digital Touch you can send to another person even the rhythm of your own heartbeat.

    20:59 They killed Snapchat by adding a direct connection (“digital touch”) between different Watch with the ability to send pictures drawn directly “on the clock”.

    20:58 On hours it will be possible to talk in a spy style. Tim Cook says he dreamed about this since he was 5 years old.

    20:57 You can display various useful information on the screen: the track being played, the weather, or the next event on the calendar.

    20:57 "Glances" (glance - a quick look) to return to the frequently used features of Apple Watch.

    20:56 The watch display is fully customizable.

    20:55 Version in a case of 18 carat gold.

    20:55 Sports version in anodized aluminum in two colors: black or silver.

    20:55 As expected - the watch is in three versions: anodized aluminum, steel, 16 carat gold.

    20:54 And now the addition to the Apple family is the Apple Watch. A watch with a stainless steel case can have a traditional color and black (“space black”, closer to graphite).

    20:53 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina and Force Touch display is available today.

    20:53 The Macbook Air and Macbook Pro lineups are being updated.

    20:53 In the configuration for $ 1,599 there is a 12-inch Retina screen, a 1.2 GHz Intel Core M processor, integrated Intel HD Graphics 5300, 8 GB of RAM and a 512 GB solid state. The supply of new items will begin on April 10.

    20:53 $ 1300 - the version is simpler, $ 1600 - more interesting.

    20:51 And this is the new MacBook that Tim Cook is holding.

    20:49 Efficient design has significantly reduced the size of the motherboard and eliminated the need for a fan.

    20:49 In the new MacBook, a new battery with a new design. Only with the help of innovations was it possible to fit so much capacity.

    20:47 And the video.

    20:47 New MacBook - the most energy-efficient laptop in the world.

    20:45 With USB Type C in one port fit five at once: power transfer, USB, DisplayPort, HDMI and VGA.

    20:43 The new battery uses space as efficiently as possible. Due to this, in the old model it would be possible to fit 35% more capacity. MacBook can work up to 9 hours when surfing the web and up to 10 when watching a movie on iTunes.

    20:42 The Intel Core M processor consumes only 5 watts.

    20:41 The fee decreased by two-thirds.

    20:41 This is how the new MacBook looks without fans.

    20:41 New Macbook without a single spindle, even got rid of the internal cooler.

    20:39 The screen is also updated. Now Retina-screen consumes 30% less energy.

    20.39 New action in OS X - “force click” with a new sensor.

    20.38 New trackpad - thin and tracking the force of pressing. You can click anywhere on the surface.

    20:37 Each key area is 17% higher.

    20:36 Under each of the keys there is an LED backlight.

    20:36 He has a new keyboard. The new key mechanism is 40% thinner, and pressing it more accurately.

    20.36 The keys are on a new basis that Apple came up with "anew."

    20:36 This is not just a new MacBook. This is the future of laptops. It weighs just 2 pounds, 910 grams. Retina display.

    20:36 Available in silver

    20:35 New keyboard, edge to edge. They say that they put a lot of effort into it.

    20:34 The new Macbook is 24% thinner than the 11-inch MacBook Air.

    20:34 The lightest and thinnest Macbook!

    20:33 Introducing the new MacBook

    20:31 This is the new Macbook!

    20:30 Poppies are stronger than ever. They have been ahead of the PC for 10 years. Their sales were growing, although the entire industry was falling. Poppies are everywhere: from workrooms to bedrooms.

    20:30 Mac! Come on!

    20:29 ResearchKit - in Open Source as early as next month, and the five applications that are listed below are available from today.

    20:28 Now Apple is a medical and analytical company.

    20:26 Mike O'Reilly: “It's amazing that the same device with which you check mail can cure your diseases.”

    20:24 The user decides whether to participate or not. The user selects the data to be exchanged. It is worth remembering that understanding the disease is a step towards curing it.

    20:24 Movie about doctors and medical researchers.

    20:24 The first ResearchKit applications are aimed at researching Parkinson's disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma and breast cancer.

    20:23 Jeff Williams explains how ResearchKit and HealthKit can work together.

    20:22 Entire groups of diseases can now be diagnosed and prevented using the iPhone.

    20:21 All this is available in the mPower app, created by the University of Rochester and Sage Biometrics using ResearchKit.

    20:20 Patients with Parkinson's syndrome can record their symptoms simply by saying “aaaa”. Now it’s easy for them to carry out the tasks of scientists.

    20:21 It is safe to say that now the iPhone is a medical device.

    20:18 Data is difficult to collect. Therefore, Apple created ResearchKit .

    20:18 But all these achievements are associated with difficulties. We need to look for volunteers for research, and they themselves are often subjective in assessing their condition.

    20:18 Jeff Williams about Apple HealthKit from the scene. Talks about medical research.

    20:17 Over 900 great apps have been created with HealthKit.

    20:17 One of the most important areas of influence of the iPhone is health.

    20:16 HomeKit is changing the way people control household appliances at home.

    20:16 Every major car manufacturer now works in conjunction with Apple CarPlay.

    20:14 No longer need to suffer with banknotes. Apple Pay is also accepted by vending machines, including 40 thousand Coca-Cola machines.

    20:14 Apple Pay works with 2500 banks and 10 of your fingers. The system is accepted in 700,000 stores.

    20:14 Now a little news about Apple Pay. 700,000 places in the US are already accepting payment using Apple Pay.

    20:13 iPhone is growing twice as fast as the smartphone market

    20:13 Tim Cook says: “The iPhone has not only created a category, it is a smartphone by which others are measured.”

    20:13 Tim Cook says the iPhone is the world's number 1 phone.

    20:13 700 million iPhone sold, and Apple TV has more than 25 million users.

    20:12 Apple TV is now for $ 69.

    20:11 The exclusive trailer for Game of Thrones has just ended.

    20:08 HBO Now will be exclusively available to all Apple TV users from the beginning of April for $ 14.99 per month. When subscribing, the first month is free.

    20:07 HBO will exclusively showcase its latest TV shows and movies on Apple TV.
    HBO CEO Richard Plepler on stage.

    20:06 The introductory part of the presentation is about the Apple TV. And HBO ...

    20:05 Apple now has 21 stores in China and plans to move on.

    20:05 A total of 453 stores in 16 countries. Over the past quarter, they were visited by 120 million people.

    20:05 In China, will open a galaxy of Apple stores, which Tim Cook, judging by the tone, has very high expectations.

    20:03 Tim Cook on the stage!
    The first word is about the latest Apple store, which opened in Guangzhou.

    20:02 Watch the commercial "Apple Stores in China."

    19:54 The video stream on the Apple website has begun .
    We remind you that its viewing is available only from Apple devices or through the TV set-top box Apple TV.

    19:52 Listeners take their places, preparing for the presentation to take their attention.

    19:53 Re / Code writes that the battle for the best seats in the hall and Wi-Fi connection has already begun.

    19:49 People take their places in the hall, 10 minutes left.

    19:44 And just a few minutes ago, the entrance line looked like that.


    19:36 What is “online competition” you can understand by watching the Android Wear ad released today.

    19:25 Meanwhile, in the official broadcast on the Apple website, a photo of the chairs of an empty hall appeared with ironic comments: "In full expectation."

    19:21 While there is still half an hour before the event, you can follow the English-language broadcasts on Re / Code , ArsTechnica , TechCrunch and TheVerge .

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