Research: restaurant food harms a figure no less than fast food

Modern restaurants introduce new automation technologies , use design , and pay attention to reducing noise and creating the right light .
Manipulating visitors is not so difficult - we have already examined the tricks that establishments use to make guests pay more. Among other things, it is believed that in restaurants food is more healthy for a figure than in fast food establishments. But is it really so?
New data
Not so long ago, a study by scientists from the Illinois Institute was presented in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition . According to their data, fast food in some respects can be even a little healthier than eating in full-service restaurants. So how dangerous is eating out?
According to the results of a new study, restaurant food can cause excess weight as well as fast food. This once again confirms that people who want to lose weight should not visit catering places often. Oddly enough, this study found that fast food might not be as bad as eating in full-service restaurants.
Researchers examined the medical records of more than 18,000 American adults participating in the National Health and Nutrition Verification Program. This number included patients observed between 2003 and 2010.
Scientists have come to the conclusion that eating in full-service or fast-food restaurants, we get up to 200 extra calories per day. This can happen because visitors to full-service restaurants, succumbing to the entreaties of the waiters, can eat more food. While visitors to fast food restaurants are unlikely to drive up to the window of the car cafe a second or third time for an additional portion.
Restaurant food is rich in vitamins and minerals, unlike fast food or homemade food. However, it also contains more cholesterol and sodium than fast foods.
“People who eat in full-service restaurants consume significantly more cholesterol than those who eat at home. These extra 58 milligrams of cholesterol per day make up 20 percent of the maximum recommended daily intake of 300 calories, ” said Ruopeng An of the University of Illinois.
Americans eat an average of 3,100 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day, while the recommended rate for a healthy diet is between 1,500 and 2,300 mg per day. It turned out that eating in fast food restaurants, we exceed the daily norm by 300 mg, and in full-service restaurants - by 412 mg.
The university’s press release stated that “Exceeding the sodium standard causes even greater concern, as excessive sodium intake by the Americans poses a serious threat to public health, in particular, causes hypertension and heart disease.”
The study also found that African Americans consume more fats, including saturated fats, sugar and salt, than other races. Among all population groups, middle-income people consume the most fats, including saturated fats, sodium, and calories. And obese patients eat foods with a higher level of fat (saturated and total), cholesterol, sodium and calories, compared with patients who are overweight or healthy.
Researchers argue that the best way to stay on the right level of these substances is to eat at home, and also wisely approach the choice of food.