Amator Pollution Monitoring Network

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    (The picture of the monitoring station was taken from the site of PJSC "Ukrainalit" as producer support. The author of the article is not related to the manufacturer. The map was found on the forum.)

    Relatively recently, it was possible to obtain monitoring data on environmental pollution (Ukraine). How they were mined is another story, but the problem is different.

    Despite the rather extensive system of monitoring stations, in my opinion, it has insufficient coverage. Somewhere it’s better, for example, big cities or industrial centers, but somewhere it’s not at all. But in any case, the existing system is enough only for a general assessment of pollution, and pollution assessment at or near observation points.

    Therefore, there is a proposal to fill in the white spots with an open network of amateur stations for observing the environment.

    And how exactly it is planned to do - read on.


    Firstly, the observation stations themselves are needed. It can be either ready-made or self-assembled solutions. And here it would be nice to have a list of standard (proven) solutions and methods for their deployment, so that you can talk about the quality and comparability of the data received. Therefore, for those who are ready to help with this issue of mercy, forgive our hut.

    Another important requirement is the ability to transfer data online.

    It is clear that all kinds of chromatographs, etc. colliders with accuracy up to the nth nine after the decimal point cannot be built, but I would like to receive a minimal set of data on dust (soot) in the atmosphere, CO2, radiation, maybe weather data. Moreover, on Habré / Giktayms this topic is not deprived of attention.

    Related articles.
    I also remember other similar articles, but, unfortunately, they could not be found. If you suddenly know such, then write in the comments.

    Secondly, of course, you cannot do without those who will buy, manufacture and install these stations, i.e. without amateurs / amateurs themselves.

    Well, the final element that we plan to take on. It provides a platform for the collection, visualization and dissemination of data. This includes the development of an appropriate API.

    As a result ...

    And as a result, it is planned to get something similar to this or this , but for the ecological situation.

    On this I invite everyone to proceed to the discussion of the issue in the comments.

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