Trust your support

    Professional deformation is a terrible thing. Having worked for several years in the support team, I cannot but evaluate the work of my colleagues from other companies. “Please clear the cache. You will also find a FAQ on the link, which contains many answers to your questions ”- no, friends, we won’t help anyone. A good support agent should answer questions as if the fate of the entire Universe depends on his answer. I’ll tell you a few stories that happened to me in real life, and try to show how the real Support Lord should behave in these situations.

    History One: Speed
    After updating the operating system on the phone, some games stopped working. Since one of them was really good, I tried to launch it in every possible way. And, of course, the first thing I wrote to support. There was no answer, so I tried the only available method: uninstall the game and reinstall it. After 14 hours, an answer came from support: “We are working on a solution to this problem. If you do not delete the game, then the progress will be saved in the new version. " Very timely.

    If there is no time machine in your pantry, you must immediately answer the user's question, discarding all distractions. For some reason, did not answer on time? Sorry, clarify whether this problem is still relevant. Even if the issue has already been resolved, explain the reasons for the occurrence of such a situation, tell us how to avoid this in the future.

    The second story: knowledge
    In one of the online stores of printing materials, a specialist from the support service recommended me excellent ink. True, they were not suitable for my printer. But the man tried!

    There can be nothing worse than a support agent whose knowledge does not exceed the level of knowledge of the user. How are you going to save the world? All support staff should be, if not brilliant, then damn smart! It is impossible to help someone if you do not know your own product.

    Third story: visualization
    - How to change the nickname in the game? He reminds me of the former, because of this I stopped enjoying the game.
    - You can change the nickname in the settings. Click on the desired tab, then on “General Information”, then select “Personal Information” ...

    Blah blah blah. The problem is that for a specialist, some things become obvious. He pressed the button so many times that it’s hard for him to imagine how to get confused in this situation. And for the player, the word “tab” itself is already a challenge worthy of the Google search bar.

    Attach screenshots to your answer, if possible - send a video instruction. Explain everything as simple as possible, avoid complex terms. Arm yourself with the phrase "This is a feature of the game (product)." I have long understood that in particularly advanced cases, this explanation works flawlessly. By following these simple rules, the support agent will be able to quickly convey his thoughts to the user.

    Story Four: Adventure Time
    It is unlikely that I can now count how many times my friends called me and asked what Firebug is. For them, this is the magical mystery of installing a browser with the name "Mazila" that is unpleasant for the ear and the quest to catch the fire bug. To ask the user for help in solving his own problem is normal, but you need to do this correctly.

    Write down in all details the actions that a person should perform, be sure to attach screenshots and a video tutorial. The user will be happy to help: “Wow! They are dealing with my problem, and I can participate in this! Here are 10 screenshots, here is a photo of my little daughter, and this is me and my mother, and this is Firebug. ”

    Fifth story: participation
    Even if the support agent was able to help, it’s a shame to see “The question is closed” even before you could thank the specialist for participating.

    Be with the user to the end. Seeking help is a stress for everyone, it is a fear of seeming stupid, a fear of meeting an employee of the Housing Office on the other side of the screen, and not a well-educated support agent. When a person is given a good comprehensive answer, he is sincerely glad. Give him the opportunity to express gratitude, wishes or share his joy.

    Over time, a good support service agent develops his own unique style of answers, his own special charm and his own chips that players will like. But never forget: people trust you. Do not let them down.

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