Roskomnadzor with satisfaction summed up the results of 2014

    The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) worked very fruitfully in the outgoing 2014. At the meeting on December 22, the head of the department, Alexander Zharov, spoke about the successes .

    Alexander Zharov

    Successes in Brief:

    • 45,700 blocked resources (64% for propaganda and distribution of illicit drugs);
    • removal of information from sites owned by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Alibaba;
    • 317 bloggers were entered into the register, another 187 “awaiting entry”;
    • the volume of systematic monitoring activities was increased (more than 15,000 events were carried out for 11 months of 2014 versus 14,500 events for the whole of 2013): monitoring became the main method for detecting violations;
    • new judicial practice to protect the rights of citizens in the illegal processing of personal data on the Internet and the practice of restricting access to sites at the stage of the trial.

    Alexander Zharov emphasized the growing need of society for the safe circulation of data on the Internet: compared with last year, the number of complaints about violations of the rights of personal data subjects has doubled.

    As you know, after the entry into force of Federal Law No. 398-FZ, the powers of Roskomnadzor were significantly expanded. Alexander Zharov with colleagues received the right to block sites out of court.

    An expanded meeting of Roskomnadzor

    The decision to add resources to the blacklist is made by the Federal Drug Control Service, Rospotrebnadzor or Roskomnadzor. By law, an Internet resource is subject to blocking if prohibited information is not deleted within three days from the date of notification.

    “More people watching the Internet” got more work after the adoption of Law No. 97-FZ. It provides for the creation of a registry of sites and pages of sites on the network that host publicly available information and access to which during the day is more than 3,000 Internet users. The law introduces the concept of a “blogger” as a person publishing information on such a popular site. A blogger is responsible for his words and is required to reveal his identity.

    Bloggers are forbidden to swear obscenely (the law was adopted on time, before the devaluation and the economic crisis in Russia), to disseminate materials promoting pornography, a cult of violence and cruelty.

    Now Roskomnadzor maintains the Register of organizers of information distribution on the Internet and the Register of bloggers.

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