TechMedia Ad Evolution
In March, RUVDS and TechMedia held a workshop on Geektimes. Despite the fact that the seminar was about Geektimes, we couldn’t pass some speeches and wanted to introduce them to the Habr audience.
We bring to your attention a transcript of a video presentation by Evgenia Solodka about the evolution of advertising on Habrahabr and Geektimes.
Hello. My name is Zhenya, I have been working in Habr for the past 9 months, doing everything related to display advertising. Despite the fact that I have been working for only 9 months, now I will tell you how the (on a long time ago) advertisement on Geektimes looked like. The only thing is that it will not be shown in the form of banners of the advertisers who then placed it - because the NDA and all that, and still not always manage to find such ancient pictures.
If we open Geektimes and find the oldest post in the most popular stream (and the most popular stream is gadgets), we will find out that it was written on December 13, 2006.
This is what I am for. When we talk about the Giktayms, we often say that this is Habr's younger brother, that he is not so big, that he appeared not so long ago, that there is not such a huge audience. But in fact, he appeared a very long time ago. It is approximately the first half a year since the Habr was created, then this post was written.
Here's what Habr looked like in 2006.
Who will find the ad? Does anyone see ads? No, actually she was not at all. But a little more about the gyktime. In this screenshot, I highlighted some tags that are already quite popular on hubtime. For example: statistics, investments, power (now it is the regulation of the IT sector), names (now these are persons in IT). Social networks, mobile devices (this is a subhub in gadgets), advertising, music, the future, that is, all these topics interested the audience of Habr already in 2006. And this is not a new audience that came in 2014 and started writing on a new site.
Here is the very first post of the gadget stream, which was the smallest one in the Habr tape in 2006. There are popular blogs below and there are strange things too. The blogosphere, podcasting - that's all the gyktime now. But there is no advertising (:)). So, in 2006 there was no advertising (as well as a separate Geektimes).
Later, in 2007, we got a banner standard for the advertising industry, size 240x400, which you see on the slide as “404 not found”, because, unfortunately, the web archive does not host banners if they were hung through third-party tweeters.
In 2008 we see the same 240x400, and we also got a banner on top, the so-called leaderboard. Which of these two formats do you think gave the highest CTR?
I just often find opinions that hauling gives a higher CTR, but in fact it is not. In fact, 240x400 performs better. and this despite the fact that you hang the banner in a hat - it would seem higher and more visible. But there are studies that prove that a person perceives any graphic information clockwise, moving from the left corner to the right and down. The so-called banner blindness, which we are talking about now, which is believed to have developed in the last 3 years, has always been there, users do not see anything useful from above, their eyes slip and fall on this banner on the right, and it clings to it more.
Then in 2009 we had the same picture, but it’s still Habr, and here we see MacOS themes, startups.
In 2010, we realized that the constriction did not work well, it was finally removed, but 240x400 remained here. Pay attention, again, to the topics: scientifically popular is one of the largest flows on the gytime, it now occupies the top.
2011, again we have 240x400, the Habr’s design has changed a bit and we see the first post in the tape to post in the iron hub, this is again the theme of the clock.
2012, a small button appeared on top, it stood on a par with the site menu and became more native. It housed a small advertising space, which nevertheless worked out better than the hauling, which was previously in the top.
And in 2012, I wanted to show you that they started writing about virtual reality, imagine this was more than 5 years ago. When I remember about virtual reality glasses, how they began to talk about them and show them at various events in large numbers, I think that this was recently, but it turns out that more than 5 years have passed.
And 2014: the Dragon for MSI is again a topic about the gytime, but it was still on Habré, there are no banners at all. They went down. Why, because it wasn’t actually clicked on them then and not so we had a lot of content to fill the whole page with banners. At that moment the hiktimes separated from Habr. Many, many years (okay, eight) passed before he was allocated to a separate platform, and the audience was not born just out of nowhere, it migrated from Habr. That’s why many users can say “this is not Habratext” or this is not “Habratema” because they are used to the same presentation style.
Our favorite post, "What is wrong with the separation of Habr and Hiktimes." Please note that there is no advertising at all and this is 2014, October.
But if we look 3 months ahead, we now have this format in the corner from the bottom left, super native, which was very well integrated into the design. It was flat and gray. This icon was completely gray, light gray with a dark outline and only when you mouse over it did it become colored.
What is good in this format: the fact that it looks like native buttons is true. When we talk about the audience of hicktime and Habré, we need to remember that it is very sensitive both to the content that you write and to the grammar that you use. Probably, if you divide Habr and hiktimes, due to the fact that Habr is more technical and more about good, and hiktimes are more about entertainment, on Habr your design skills may be neglected if you really wrote a useful article. I like to say that nerds are sitting on hiktimes, but nerds are not in such a bad way. These are people who will meticulously delve into everything, and it will give them pleasure. (speaker's note: Oh, if I knew then that they could read the transcript of this speech. No, I would still call them bores, I’d just try to tell everything better and more clearly in advance.) And this applies not only to content, but also to advertising, therefore, when we place this format, the small button, but it is gray, is not very noticeable, but you should understand that this is one and a half million people at that time who go to this site every day and they know its design thoroughly. And when they see such a new button, the first thing that happens is the wow effect. This is better for the brand than some banner hanging from above, about which they think: “Lord, what a dumb designer did it, I would have done better”, and nothing but a negative attitude towards the brand and the advertising itself does not occur. a small button, but it is gray, not very noticeable, but you must understand that it is one and a half million people at that moment who go to this site every day and they know its design thoroughly. And when they see such a new button, the first thing that happens is the wow effect. This is better for the brand than some banner hanging from above, about which they think: “Lord, what a dumb designer did it, I would have done better”, and nothing but a negative attitude towards the brand and the advertising itself does not occur. a small button, but it is gray, not very noticeable, but you must understand that it is one and a half million people at that moment who go to this site every day and they know its design thoroughly. And when they see such a new button, the first thing that happens is the wow effect. This is better for the brand than some banner hanging from above, about which they think: “Lord, what a dumb designer did it, I would have done better”, and nothing but a negative attitude towards the brand and the advertising itself does not occur.
In 2014, we described our audience. 73% of men, 27% of women. Pay attention, there are more women on gytime than on Habré. It seems that if you think about geeks, you rarely think about women, but in reality there aren't, there are a lot of them and we have them. Please note that there is still a button. And then such a standard of our banner placements was born, we got a banner in ATF for all lovers of brand placements who say: “I want only the first screen so that everyone sees me for sure” and don’t think at that moment that their banner will quickly go through, because it’s a tape, users read it, they leave the first screen faster than what’s under the scroll, the so-called BTF. A constriction appeared in the content stream and a banner appeared on the second screen, which arrived later. By the way, users see it longer if your marketer suddenly asks you,
Then we had such wonderful stubs, because we all remember that both Habr and Gictimes are a territory of nerds and IT people, as I already said, and they really like AdBlock and really don’t like banners, so I had to somehow figure out a way to communicate with them. And here is what I wanted to say, and spoke. We communicate not only in content with our users, we communicate in banners. When we communicate with them in banners, we need to remember that the tone of communication on the site should be approximately the same for any format, it does not matter if you post or you place a banner.
Of course, it’s great when a creative agency draws a bunch of banners 300x250, 300x600 (and so on) for you, you put them in AdWords on all sites, and everything seems to be perfect for you. And then you look at the statistics, see the gyptimes there and think: why are the gyptimes so badly clicked on. Well, because your banner, despite the fact that it is so beautiful, does not fit into the general tone of communication of this site. But such a message, even despite the fact that it only consists of two lines of text and one button, can give you a higher CTR than a banner, which is not made specifically for this site but to a huge audience, so that you can use it all over the Internet.
In 2016, again, we had two banners left in the sidebar: on top and in the ribbon, and one appeared in the footer.
This is a picture to attract attention. One of the most popular publications on the gyptimes is about space, and this is the Curiosity rover that NASA launched in 2016, it seems (author's note: no, they launched it in 2011, in 2016 it was 4 years on Mars.). This is also an example of what kind of graphic content you can place in banners by publishing them on the timelines to arouse users' interest, a positive attitude towards the brand and a desire to see what it is.
This picture is about Mercedes, there was such a cool article on the gyms about the fact that a second before the accident, the smart system in Mercedes makes a certain sound at a certain frequency in a very short period of time so that the driver can respond faster. And this is also an example of what content can go well and looking at this picture you may not immediately consider the information that Mercedes is a very cool car, but you can add it somehow in a very short slogan and place it on the banner and it’s better for an audience reading similar articles.
And so we quickly arrived in 2018. Now we have 4 banner places. As the feed of posts grew and the amount of content grew within one page of the site, the number of ad slots increased, and the formats increased. Now we allow you to place 300 * 600 on top, the hauling we have remained standard for the site. Below you can also place two banners. One in the sidebar, one in the footer. What does this give us? This gives us the opportunity to communicate with the user at almost any stage of his reading of the site. Even if he went in and flipped quickly ATF (first screen) and he was not interested in reading the top tapes, he had already seen it, he wanted to see something lower, or he went right away in the comments in the publications, which very often happened, he still will see some banner.
Comment from colleagues from Habr in the hall:
On the mobile version, we have several formats. Others, mostly small constrictions. Despite the fact that the mobile is considered the fastest growing trend in advertising, in programming and in display, in rich media, it is very difficult to make advertising in the mobile version so that it does not annoy users. As far as you know, if you place a large format in a mobile phone, you get a very large percentage of fraud. We choose not to give fraud to our advertisers, so that there is no such thing that users click, get angry at us, at advertisers, then advertisers do not have a conversion and everything is bad. We don’t do this, but we have small banners in the mobile version.
Yes, the mobile version has completely different formats, there is a completely different layout. This is not adaptive, this is another site you can say.
What we came up with in order to engage our users in communication with banners. What do you think, according to research, how many advertising messages per day does one person see? Or glances over them. How many advertising messages per day are focused on a person’s attention? According to the 2006 research, it was 5000 per day, while according to the 1986 research, as far as I remember, it was 500. Then it was, of course, all kinds of newspaper clippings, or signs on the street, something else. Probably, now this figure is approaching 50,000, apparently. And this is the banner blindness that we are talking about, and how to deal with it? Well, firstly, what I’ve been talking about, choose the tone of voice (tone of voice - literally “tone of voice”, the term in marketing, refers to the tonality and character of brand-driven communication) of your creative to the tone of the site,
Secondly, the following can be done. Here you have 50,000 banners on the Internet, which every day trying to appear to the user. What can be done about this? You can make it so that at the moment when he came to the giktayms to read something cool that he really likes, on his lunch break, no other brand showed him an advertisement. Well, or not really any other. But one of the approaches is to show a message that is complex, so to speak. When you show two banners and “A” is written on one of them, “B” is written on the second and the user sees one of them, no matter which one, and when he sees something similar, his eye involuntarily clings to this banner or for this picture, because that's how we are arranged. We first perceive the information unconsciously, because if we see something again, the probability that we will catch our attention on this is increasing. We kind of stop looking at something familiar. This can occur within one page. Firstly, it allows you to increase the likelihood of contact with the user, and secondly, it allows you to tell a little more. Since we support the Acceptable Ads standard ... Who knows what Acceptable Ads is? There is such an initiative that was launched, it seems, 3 years ago, after AdBlock appeared and when everyone had already started massively cutting ads, the so-called pain of advertisers (and sites, in fact) appeared because their ads would soon cease to be seen . If you do not show ads, you will soon stop buying. There are studies that prove that if Coca-Cola stops spending money on marketing, then after 3 years everyone will buy Pepsi, all of a sudden. So here. Acceptable Ads is an initiative that seeks to reach agreement among publishers, advertisers and users. The banner should be simple, it should not cause negative reflexes for the user (for example, when you go to the site and there the video suddenly opens and some loud music starts). Maybe you watch a video online, I see a 1xBet ad every time. Every time I think that I will die when it begins (very loud and sudden). So Acceptable Ads was invented in order to prevent such advertising, to make the advertisement pleasant, to watch it, to be useful and to integrate into the site normally, and not as it happens, go to a well-known reputable site, climb 400 pixels to the left screen ,, and rides something with sound. Given that we support this Acceptable Ads standard, we do not post animated banners. Therefore, it is obvious that the client has very little room for creativity. You have 300 pixels by 600 pixels, and you need to somehow fit everything in there.
For example, you can make 2 banners that will be displayed at the same time, and they will tell “A” and “B” about your product.
They can also be in the sidebar, or for example one banner can be placed, but placed so that it catches the eye of users more often. How to do it.
You choose dynamic allocation. There is such a thing as a programmer, it’s (author’s note: not only, but including the following. A very simplified description) when an advertisement is placed at an open auction and you seem to be not setting anything really apart from the price for the target action, and the system then over time she learns who is better to show your banner. This is almost the same, only depending on where the user is at the moment of scrolling the page, your banner will appear at the top, in the middle or at the bottom.
This is another cool picture about what kind of content they love on the gytime. This is a 2017 post reviewing the history of synthesizers. And just about we look with our banners when we try to figure out what is best to do.
The option to take all the attention from other advertisers and tell only about yourself, for such very confident companies - this is Roadblock. I don’t know who came up with Roadblock, but it seems to me that he was a brilliant person, because he has several undeniable advantages. Firstly, advertisers who are placed on the Roadblock format they eliminate immediately any competitor. That is, there is no other advertisement on the page at all. Imagine, you go to the store, go back to carbonated drinks, and there only Coca-Cola stands. That's all, you have no choice, you will not take Pepsi because there is only Coca-Cola there. Well, or, conditionally, go to the newspaper stall and there only Esquire lies. You will read Esquire, probably. Firstly, you eliminate competitors, and secondly, this format can be used to tell users, if they are your target audience, about how you care about them. That is, you place 4 banners, make them beautiful, write on them some advantages of your company or your product, or just talk about how amazing it is, new, and so on. But we don’t overdo it, because we remember that if we don’t tell that it is amazing but with flaws, they will find it, dig it out and then they will even give you a hat. You can place all four of these banners, the user will not see another advertisement and will understand that you took care of him as an advertiser, so that he sees something good, something useful, well-made, and not some other rubbish. make them beautiful, write on them some advantages of your company or your product, or just talk about how amazing it is, new, and so on. But we don’t overdo it, because we remember that if we don’t tell that it is amazing but with flaws, they will find it, dig it out and then they will even give you a hat. You can place all four of these banners, the user will not see another advertisement and will understand that you took care of him as an advertiser, so that he sees something good, something useful, well-made, and not some other rubbish. make them beautiful, write on them some advantages of your company or your product, or just talk about how amazing it is, new, and so on. But we don’t overdo it, because we remember that if we don’t tell that it is amazing but with flaws, they will find it, dig it out and then they will even give you a hat. You can place all four of these banners, the user will not see another advertisement and will understand that you took care of him as an advertiser, so that he sees something good, something useful, well-made, and not some other rubbish. they dig out and then they give you a hat. You can place all four of these banners, the user will not see another advertisement and will understand that you took care of him as an advertiser, so that he sees something good, something useful, well-made, and not some other rubbish. they dig out and then they give you a hat. You can place all four of these banners, the user will not see another advertisement and will understand that you took care of him as an advertiser, so that he sees something good, something useful, well-made, and not some other rubbish.
No, you can’t, of course, just cover the entire page with red banners blinking with green and write “Buy, sale”. No. Well, we don’t post this, because all banners from advertisers are agreed with us. Yes, we can invent all this, make it ourselves, make several sets, put it into rotation, test which audience responds better and give a detailed report.
This is an example of how we made Roadblock creative, here the content is deleted so that everything fits on one page. It was Roadblock for freelancing (our service for freelancers, everything is obvious). You can evaluate for yourself how much you would like to see such creative on the page, but in my opinion it is better than some kind of remarketing from Google, which endlessly offers you products from the online store, even if you have not visited there for half a year or everything bought it. You can tell it this way, but you can tell it differently. How differently - this is a question for each specific advertiser.
We also have the last format, which I already spoke about when I showed that we had AdBlock stubs. We realized that these stubs can be used not only to encourage the user to disable AdBlock and give us money from advertising to maintain all this stuff in the form of a website, content, etc., but also to tell them something else. You can even tell them a joke. We did, in the picture you can see the first test creative that we had there, and it still hangs there. “AdBlock stole this banner, but the banners are not teeth - they will grow.” In the first three days, when we placed this stub instead of our standard text, we got 1200 clicks from Habr and about 400 from timestamps, but so that you understand, before that people also clicked on the stub about “Disconnect AdBlock, we need it to develop our services, ”they clicked on it about 35 times a day. A button leads to our article on why we advertise.
(Further about examples with texts on a slide).
Yes, here we motivate users to disable AdBlock. Here we motivate users to participate in the moderation of creatives and write to us if they see something bad, poor-quality, unpleasant, offensive, and so on. Below we advertised a conference about product management, and above we advertised freelancing. It was a long March weekend, during the holidays.
This format also gives you a very tight framework, but a lot of room for communication with users, because you can write almost anything. This is part of the site, it is all customizable inside. This is not considered advertising because it is an unobtrusive message. Not in banner places, but under banner places. This is their wrong side, as it were. If nothing works because everything was cut out with filters, then this appears. In the case of an appeal about banners, this is really part of the content of our site, we just wrote about it differently. In the case of freelance, this is essentially our partnership project, but we, again, wrote about it differently. We have a link to it in the header, AdBlock does not cut it. We probably have one of the highest percentages of users with AdBlock, because these are the people who wrote it, including, probably so to speak. On Habré it is larger, on the hiktimes a little smaller, but in different periods from 25% to 35%.
Another one of my favorite post on the Gictimes is about a man who assembled a flamethrower to exterminate termites, a flamethrower that uses an anti-termite mixture burning up to 3000 degrees Celsius to exterminate parasites. I wish you the same roughly explosive banners, so that the audience responds well to them.
- I’m just wondering where there are more spelling and grammatical errors, on the clock or on the Habré? Has anyone analyzed this, maybe launched a neuron, or something else?
I honestly did not analyze, but maybe my colleagues from the editorial office or Anton can answer this question.
- Yes, where are there simply more errors, grammatical?
I put that more errors on Habré.
We have a moderator service, which is designed to comb posts, including to see that they are not terribly designed and with errors. Therefore, even if this occurs, the moderators quickly fix it. It feels more at hiktims if you answer your question.
- And I have a question for Zhenya. What do you think, the role of display advertising. Banners, for the user it is now more communication, PR?
Yes, of course. Let me show you one more thing that I wanted to voice.
- And do I understand correctly that before it was a performance, and before the banners were aggressive? Or is it we who live in such a world, in our Habra world.
Look, I don’t know which of you represents agencies or brands, but who ever even advertised for yourself or for a client? A little bit about the history of banners. Banners generally appeared like any advertisement in order to lead the user to your product. Then there was a division into performance advertising and branding advertising, but if you look at benchmarks, this is for example the statistics that Google gives.
I have chosen Russia here, these are all formats and all verticals. Then something seems to me to be broken because he thinks that the CTR of the standard banner with a picture and this banner with a picture was 0.45. The mystery lies in the fact that in the verticals not everything works for them.
But if we look at all countries, it turns out that the average CTR for display advertising is 0.05%. CTR 0.05%! And any bursts are much higher than the historical average that you can see in the studies, they are most likely dictated by fraud, bots, doorways, some kind of nets with invalid traffic. We just have to admit that people don’t really like to click on banners, and this is generally an image format in terms of the fact that it is a picture. It is not very good to do this not with a picture, but with an element of the site, in order to lure the user there by clicking unintentionally. They work mainly on brand recognition. Mainly on building communication. I love Coca-Cola, I can talk about her endlessly. Not Coca-Cola itself, but their marketing. When you see Coca-Cola's big graffiti on the house, you think cool graffiti, you remember about the summer or about some hangouts, and you become somehow more pleasant in your soul. Banners are the same. They are designed to make a person feel something. Something that is close to him, something that will cause him some emotions and at the same time build there some kind of neural connection associative with your brand.
There are performance banners, but they look like this. Here is a performance banner. The man went down, looked at the beds, saw the beds. Everything, there is nothing aesthetic in this. This has a specific purpose. Remind the person that he was looking, bring him there. In my opinion, this looks acceptable if you were really looking for something. The entire advertising retargeting stack is based on the fact that if the user was looking, he should be reminded of this. But this is not display advertising in its standard sense. And such banners have a clickthrough rate of 0.9%, 1.3%. This is not the norm. I answered your question?
- My question was also related to explaining to the audience how they can use this information for their advertising purposes, because we mainly have representatives of brands here, these are companies, editors, people who are responsible for the content in companies. How could they use it in practice? Because it seems to me that for them it’s a bit of a parallel universe, for those who are blogging.
Yes it is possible. First of all, we can help you ourselves. Because we know our audience, we have vast experience in placing this advertisement, we imagine what we can tell them, we can conduct a brainstorm with the marketing representatives of your company. But the idea is that banners should help you remind people of something and build a positive impression of your brand. Therefore, when you want to place banners, if you really want them to work, first of all think that you want to tell them which association you want to build and what kind of communication tone you usually choose on this site, whether it's a blog or some kind of megapost or comment that you write from the brand. Surely there is something that you can broadcast in the form of a picture, that it will also be cool, but at the same time keep in touch with the image,
- Do I understand correctly that in this case banners can be subordinated to content? Suppose I’m Shilova’s clinic, I wrote a post about vitreous bodies in the eye. And I will make a banner with vitreous bodies in the eye.
Well, for example, full-face, profile, incision of the vitreous, or from drawing something to draw. The question is that the banners worked a little bit not to place more text “click here”, but to submit it more creatively. I have one good friend who has been working in online advertising for a very long time, about 20 years old, and he believes, and there are many studies that confirm this, that very soon we will all come to the conclusion that banners will again be placed for a week in a static site, redeemed directly, because firstly they’ll cut out everything that is now advertising with some codes, secondly, users will just get very tired of this remarketing, that they will catch up with them and want anonymity. Again, all marketers will have to figure out how to convey meaning to the user. Imagine that you post a picture in the newspaper, and you need people to come to you after that. A banner is about the same. Therefore, you need to study more visual art in order to understand how this should work well.
-A practical question related to events. If you place invitations to events on your banners, how much this will work or it is better not to do this with this audience and do it with the help of the body of marketing, calls, direct and indirect.
Thanks for the question. We have cases when we post banners about events. We have about three categories of banners that work out very well. On average, higher than on our site and beat benchmarks that I previously showed several times. The very first of these is HR banners, when we place vacancies and narrow the audience to specifically some specialization. In second place are these events. They do not give a very high CTR, but higher than the benchmark, somewhere around 0.15 can give, but again, I repeat, this can not replace telemarketing, because if we imagine a sales funnel then telemarketing is here, and the banners here. People can see the banners and this can make them go see the site of your conference or something else. I believe that our users are times, due to the fact that they are nerds and I will not tire of repeating this, nerds in a good way, like Elon Mask, no one knew about him for a very long time, then he sold PayPal and now he launches rockets into space. They can see the banner and basically don’t click on it, but go to Google to see what it is.
- Yes, I understand that.
Posting banners is worth it, you just need to be very careful about what you write on them. As we wrote, for example, that there is such a conference, here, which almost everyone wants to attend. We didn’t just write it like that. A partner with a conference came to us, and it turned out that 60% of the employees wanted to go there, although we do not have all product managers. And we wrote like this. It’s true, it somehow attracts the attention of users, because they think “What means almost everything, maybe I want it too” and it works in this case, they click. It’s not a fact that they will immediately buy a ticket from you all, we cannot give these guarantees. But the events are worth it, yes, they come well to our audience, especially the gytime, because the gytime is in principle a very interested audience. Don’t feed them bread, let me learn something new, ask someone something, get to the bottom of someone. To say what you did here like this, but I would have done better. I answered your question?
- Yes, thank you very much, a very good example. And the second small question is related to the fact that it’s not a secret for anyone that many advanced IT specialists turn off banners, as it happens on Habré and gytime, do you have any numbers and can you track whether community members are sitting with banners turned on or not ?
Yes, we can track how many there are, I’ve even talked about it already, but we don’t monitor who doesn’t violate anonymity in this plan. We monitor them, but we don’t fight them aggressively. We allowed users with positive karma, on the New Year we made a newsletter for them with a gift, and allowed users with positive karma to disable ads at all. Go to your profile, check the box "I do not want to watch ads." There are 1,600 people on the gytimes, on Habré 3800, something like that. 8 million comes on Habr. person per month. How many of them are positive karma of all? Moreover, we still have a huge mass of unregistered users, they can’t even afford it at all.
- In AdBlock there is a function that you can ask to show ads on a particular site. Can you tell me some numbers on your sites, does anyone use this at all or not?
That is, when the user clicks the white sheet? No, we don’t have such numbers because we don’t follow our users so much as to climb into their extensions and there is something to read, no. We have approximately 15% of users who watch our ads precisely because they agreed in principle to this white list, which AdBlock itself provides them.
- A short question. Is such an advertisement used that gives some kind of buns to users of hiktimes or Habr that they are users of hiktimes or Habr, that is, special promo codes or something else? That is what encourages people to apply better to advertising, roughly speaking.
Yes it is clear. We had such banners before, in 2012, 2014, 2015 we definitely had such banners. It was a GetTaxi promo code, a Uber promo code, something else. They were, yes, but we ourselves do not offer this format to advertisers, usually. By the way, a good idea, maybe we should offer.
Yes, the idea is good, in posts it has long been used to track the audience that comes from the sites.
We bring to your attention a transcript of a video presentation by Evgenia Solodka about the evolution of advertising on Habrahabr and Geektimes.
Hello. My name is Zhenya, I have been working in Habr for the past 9 months, doing everything related to display advertising. Despite the fact that I have been working for only 9 months, now I will tell you how the (on a long time ago) advertisement on Geektimes looked like. The only thing is that it will not be shown in the form of banners of the advertisers who then placed it - because the NDA and all that, and still not always manage to find such ancient pictures.
If we open Geektimes and find the oldest post in the most popular stream (and the most popular stream is gadgets), we will find out that it was written on December 13, 2006.
This is what I am for. When we talk about the Giktayms, we often say that this is Habr's younger brother, that he is not so big, that he appeared not so long ago, that there is not such a huge audience. But in fact, he appeared a very long time ago. It is approximately the first half a year since the Habr was created, then this post was written.
Here's what Habr looked like in 2006.
Who will find the ad? Does anyone see ads? No, actually she was not at all. But a little more about the gyktime. In this screenshot, I highlighted some tags that are already quite popular on hubtime. For example: statistics, investments, power (now it is the regulation of the IT sector), names (now these are persons in IT). Social networks, mobile devices (this is a subhub in gadgets), advertising, music, the future, that is, all these topics interested the audience of Habr already in 2006. And this is not a new audience that came in 2014 and started writing on a new site.
Here is the very first post of the gadget stream, which was the smallest one in the Habr tape in 2006. There are popular blogs below and there are strange things too. The blogosphere, podcasting - that's all the gyktime now. But there is no advertising (:)). So, in 2006 there was no advertising (as well as a separate Geektimes).
Later, in 2007, we got a banner standard for the advertising industry, size 240x400, which you see on the slide as “404 not found”, because, unfortunately, the web archive does not host banners if they were hung through third-party tweeters.
In 2008 we see the same 240x400, and we also got a banner on top, the so-called leaderboard. Which of these two formats do you think gave the highest CTR?
I just often find opinions that hauling gives a higher CTR, but in fact it is not. In fact, 240x400 performs better. and this despite the fact that you hang the banner in a hat - it would seem higher and more visible. But there are studies that prove that a person perceives any graphic information clockwise, moving from the left corner to the right and down. The so-called banner blindness, which we are talking about now, which is believed to have developed in the last 3 years, has always been there, users do not see anything useful from above, their eyes slip and fall on this banner on the right, and it clings to it more.
Then in 2009 we had the same picture, but it’s still Habr, and here we see MacOS themes, startups.
In 2010, we realized that the constriction did not work well, it was finally removed, but 240x400 remained here. Pay attention, again, to the topics: scientifically popular is one of the largest flows on the gytime, it now occupies the top.
2011, again we have 240x400, the Habr’s design has changed a bit and we see the first post in the tape to post in the iron hub, this is again the theme of the clock.
2012, a small button appeared on top, it stood on a par with the site menu and became more native. It housed a small advertising space, which nevertheless worked out better than the hauling, which was previously in the top.
And in 2012, I wanted to show you that they started writing about virtual reality, imagine this was more than 5 years ago. When I remember about virtual reality glasses, how they began to talk about them and show them at various events in large numbers, I think that this was recently, but it turns out that more than 5 years have passed.
And 2014: the Dragon for MSI is again a topic about the gytime, but it was still on Habré, there are no banners at all. They went down. Why, because it wasn’t actually clicked on them then and not so we had a lot of content to fill the whole page with banners. At that moment the hiktimes separated from Habr. Many, many years (okay, eight) passed before he was allocated to a separate platform, and the audience was not born just out of nowhere, it migrated from Habr. That’s why many users can say “this is not Habratext” or this is not “Habratema” because they are used to the same presentation style.
Our favorite post, "What is wrong with the separation of Habr and Hiktimes." Please note that there is no advertising at all and this is 2014, October.
But if we look 3 months ahead, we now have this format in the corner from the bottom left, super native, which was very well integrated into the design. It was flat and gray. This icon was completely gray, light gray with a dark outline and only when you mouse over it did it become colored.
What is good in this format: the fact that it looks like native buttons is true. When we talk about the audience of hicktime and Habré, we need to remember that it is very sensitive both to the content that you write and to the grammar that you use. Probably, if you divide Habr and hiktimes, due to the fact that Habr is more technical and more about good, and hiktimes are more about entertainment, on Habr your design skills may be neglected if you really wrote a useful article. I like to say that nerds are sitting on hiktimes, but nerds are not in such a bad way. These are people who will meticulously delve into everything, and it will give them pleasure. (speaker's note: Oh, if I knew then that they could read the transcript of this speech. No, I would still call them bores, I’d just try to tell everything better and more clearly in advance.) And this applies not only to content, but also to advertising, therefore, when we place this format, the small button, but it is gray, is not very noticeable, but you should understand that this is one and a half million people at that time who go to this site every day and they know its design thoroughly. And when they see such a new button, the first thing that happens is the wow effect. This is better for the brand than some banner hanging from above, about which they think: “Lord, what a dumb designer did it, I would have done better”, and nothing but a negative attitude towards the brand and the advertising itself does not occur. a small button, but it is gray, not very noticeable, but you must understand that it is one and a half million people at that moment who go to this site every day and they know its design thoroughly. And when they see such a new button, the first thing that happens is the wow effect. This is better for the brand than some banner hanging from above, about which they think: “Lord, what a dumb designer did it, I would have done better”, and nothing but a negative attitude towards the brand and the advertising itself does not occur. a small button, but it is gray, not very noticeable, but you must understand that it is one and a half million people at that moment who go to this site every day and they know its design thoroughly. And when they see such a new button, the first thing that happens is the wow effect. This is better for the brand than some banner hanging from above, about which they think: “Lord, what a dumb designer did it, I would have done better”, and nothing but a negative attitude towards the brand and the advertising itself does not occur.
In 2014, we described our audience. 73% of men, 27% of women. Pay attention, there are more women on gytime than on Habré. It seems that if you think about geeks, you rarely think about women, but in reality there aren't, there are a lot of them and we have them. Please note that there is still a button. And then such a standard of our banner placements was born, we got a banner in ATF for all lovers of brand placements who say: “I want only the first screen so that everyone sees me for sure” and don’t think at that moment that their banner will quickly go through, because it’s a tape, users read it, they leave the first screen faster than what’s under the scroll, the so-called BTF. A constriction appeared in the content stream and a banner appeared on the second screen, which arrived later. By the way, users see it longer if your marketer suddenly asks you,
Then we had such wonderful stubs, because we all remember that both Habr and Gictimes are a territory of nerds and IT people, as I already said, and they really like AdBlock and really don’t like banners, so I had to somehow figure out a way to communicate with them. And here is what I wanted to say, and spoke. We communicate not only in content with our users, we communicate in banners. When we communicate with them in banners, we need to remember that the tone of communication on the site should be approximately the same for any format, it does not matter if you post or you place a banner.
Of course, it’s great when a creative agency draws a bunch of banners 300x250, 300x600 (and so on) for you, you put them in AdWords on all sites, and everything seems to be perfect for you. And then you look at the statistics, see the gyptimes there and think: why are the gyptimes so badly clicked on. Well, because your banner, despite the fact that it is so beautiful, does not fit into the general tone of communication of this site. But such a message, even despite the fact that it only consists of two lines of text and one button, can give you a higher CTR than a banner, which is not made specifically for this site but to a huge audience, so that you can use it all over the Internet.
In 2016, again, we had two banners left in the sidebar: on top and in the ribbon, and one appeared in the footer.
This is a picture to attract attention. One of the most popular publications on the gyptimes is about space, and this is the Curiosity rover that NASA launched in 2016, it seems (author's note: no, they launched it in 2011, in 2016 it was 4 years on Mars.). This is also an example of what kind of graphic content you can place in banners by publishing them on the timelines to arouse users' interest, a positive attitude towards the brand and a desire to see what it is.
This picture is about Mercedes, there was such a cool article on the gyms about the fact that a second before the accident, the smart system in Mercedes makes a certain sound at a certain frequency in a very short period of time so that the driver can respond faster. And this is also an example of what content can go well and looking at this picture you may not immediately consider the information that Mercedes is a very cool car, but you can add it somehow in a very short slogan and place it on the banner and it’s better for an audience reading similar articles.
And so we quickly arrived in 2018. Now we have 4 banner places. As the feed of posts grew and the amount of content grew within one page of the site, the number of ad slots increased, and the formats increased. Now we allow you to place 300 * 600 on top, the hauling we have remained standard for the site. Below you can also place two banners. One in the sidebar, one in the footer. What does this give us? This gives us the opportunity to communicate with the user at almost any stage of his reading of the site. Even if he went in and flipped quickly ATF (first screen) and he was not interested in reading the top tapes, he had already seen it, he wanted to see something lower, or he went right away in the comments in the publications, which very often happened, he still will see some banner.
Comment from colleagues from Habr in the hall:
On the mobile version, we have several formats. Others, mostly small constrictions. Despite the fact that the mobile is considered the fastest growing trend in advertising, in programming and in display, in rich media, it is very difficult to make advertising in the mobile version so that it does not annoy users. As far as you know, if you place a large format in a mobile phone, you get a very large percentage of fraud. We choose not to give fraud to our advertisers, so that there is no such thing that users click, get angry at us, at advertisers, then advertisers do not have a conversion and everything is bad. We don’t do this, but we have small banners in the mobile version.
Yes, the mobile version has completely different formats, there is a completely different layout. This is not adaptive, this is another site you can say.
What we came up with in order to engage our users in communication with banners. What do you think, according to research, how many advertising messages per day does one person see? Or glances over them. How many advertising messages per day are focused on a person’s attention? According to the 2006 research, it was 5000 per day, while according to the 1986 research, as far as I remember, it was 500. Then it was, of course, all kinds of newspaper clippings, or signs on the street, something else. Probably, now this figure is approaching 50,000, apparently. And this is the banner blindness that we are talking about, and how to deal with it? Well, firstly, what I’ve been talking about, choose the tone of voice (tone of voice - literally “tone of voice”, the term in marketing, refers to the tonality and character of brand-driven communication) of your creative to the tone of the site,
Secondly, the following can be done. Here you have 50,000 banners on the Internet, which every day trying to appear to the user. What can be done about this? You can make it so that at the moment when he came to the giktayms to read something cool that he really likes, on his lunch break, no other brand showed him an advertisement. Well, or not really any other. But one of the approaches is to show a message that is complex, so to speak. When you show two banners and “A” is written on one of them, “B” is written on the second and the user sees one of them, no matter which one, and when he sees something similar, his eye involuntarily clings to this banner or for this picture, because that's how we are arranged. We first perceive the information unconsciously, because if we see something again, the probability that we will catch our attention on this is increasing. We kind of stop looking at something familiar. This can occur within one page. Firstly, it allows you to increase the likelihood of contact with the user, and secondly, it allows you to tell a little more. Since we support the Acceptable Ads standard ... Who knows what Acceptable Ads is? There is such an initiative that was launched, it seems, 3 years ago, after AdBlock appeared and when everyone had already started massively cutting ads, the so-called pain of advertisers (and sites, in fact) appeared because their ads would soon cease to be seen . If you do not show ads, you will soon stop buying. There are studies that prove that if Coca-Cola stops spending money on marketing, then after 3 years everyone will buy Pepsi, all of a sudden. So here. Acceptable Ads is an initiative that seeks to reach agreement among publishers, advertisers and users. The banner should be simple, it should not cause negative reflexes for the user (for example, when you go to the site and there the video suddenly opens and some loud music starts). Maybe you watch a video online, I see a 1xBet ad every time. Every time I think that I will die when it begins (very loud and sudden). So Acceptable Ads was invented in order to prevent such advertising, to make the advertisement pleasant, to watch it, to be useful and to integrate into the site normally, and not as it happens, go to a well-known reputable site, climb 400 pixels to the left screen ,, and rides something with sound. Given that we support this Acceptable Ads standard, we do not post animated banners. Therefore, it is obvious that the client has very little room for creativity. You have 300 pixels by 600 pixels, and you need to somehow fit everything in there.
For example, you can make 2 banners that will be displayed at the same time, and they will tell “A” and “B” about your product.
They can also be in the sidebar, or for example one banner can be placed, but placed so that it catches the eye of users more often. How to do it.
You choose dynamic allocation. There is such a thing as a programmer, it’s (author’s note: not only, but including the following. A very simplified description) when an advertisement is placed at an open auction and you seem to be not setting anything really apart from the price for the target action, and the system then over time she learns who is better to show your banner. This is almost the same, only depending on where the user is at the moment of scrolling the page, your banner will appear at the top, in the middle or at the bottom.
This is another cool picture about what kind of content they love on the gytime. This is a 2017 post reviewing the history of synthesizers. And just about we look with our banners when we try to figure out what is best to do.
The option to take all the attention from other advertisers and tell only about yourself, for such very confident companies - this is Roadblock. I don’t know who came up with Roadblock, but it seems to me that he was a brilliant person, because he has several undeniable advantages. Firstly, advertisers who are placed on the Roadblock format they eliminate immediately any competitor. That is, there is no other advertisement on the page at all. Imagine, you go to the store, go back to carbonated drinks, and there only Coca-Cola stands. That's all, you have no choice, you will not take Pepsi because there is only Coca-Cola there. Well, or, conditionally, go to the newspaper stall and there only Esquire lies. You will read Esquire, probably. Firstly, you eliminate competitors, and secondly, this format can be used to tell users, if they are your target audience, about how you care about them. That is, you place 4 banners, make them beautiful, write on them some advantages of your company or your product, or just talk about how amazing it is, new, and so on. But we don’t overdo it, because we remember that if we don’t tell that it is amazing but with flaws, they will find it, dig it out and then they will even give you a hat. You can place all four of these banners, the user will not see another advertisement and will understand that you took care of him as an advertiser, so that he sees something good, something useful, well-made, and not some other rubbish. make them beautiful, write on them some advantages of your company or your product, or just talk about how amazing it is, new, and so on. But we don’t overdo it, because we remember that if we don’t tell that it is amazing but with flaws, they will find it, dig it out and then they will even give you a hat. You can place all four of these banners, the user will not see another advertisement and will understand that you took care of him as an advertiser, so that he sees something good, something useful, well-made, and not some other rubbish. make them beautiful, write on them some advantages of your company or your product, or just talk about how amazing it is, new, and so on. But we don’t overdo it, because we remember that if we don’t tell that it is amazing but with flaws, they will find it, dig it out and then they will even give you a hat. You can place all four of these banners, the user will not see another advertisement and will understand that you took care of him as an advertiser, so that he sees something good, something useful, well-made, and not some other rubbish. they dig out and then they give you a hat. You can place all four of these banners, the user will not see another advertisement and will understand that you took care of him as an advertiser, so that he sees something good, something useful, well-made, and not some other rubbish. they dig out and then they give you a hat. You can place all four of these banners, the user will not see another advertisement and will understand that you took care of him as an advertiser, so that he sees something good, something useful, well-made, and not some other rubbish.
No, you can’t, of course, just cover the entire page with red banners blinking with green and write “Buy, sale”. No. Well, we don’t post this, because all banners from advertisers are agreed with us. Yes, we can invent all this, make it ourselves, make several sets, put it into rotation, test which audience responds better and give a detailed report.
This is an example of how we made Roadblock creative, here the content is deleted so that everything fits on one page. It was Roadblock for freelancing (our service for freelancers, everything is obvious). You can evaluate for yourself how much you would like to see such creative on the page, but in my opinion it is better than some kind of remarketing from Google, which endlessly offers you products from the online store, even if you have not visited there for half a year or everything bought it. You can tell it this way, but you can tell it differently. How differently - this is a question for each specific advertiser.
We also have the last format, which I already spoke about when I showed that we had AdBlock stubs. We realized that these stubs can be used not only to encourage the user to disable AdBlock and give us money from advertising to maintain all this stuff in the form of a website, content, etc., but also to tell them something else. You can even tell them a joke. We did, in the picture you can see the first test creative that we had there, and it still hangs there. “AdBlock stole this banner, but the banners are not teeth - they will grow.” In the first three days, when we placed this stub instead of our standard text, we got 1200 clicks from Habr and about 400 from timestamps, but so that you understand, before that people also clicked on the stub about “Disconnect AdBlock, we need it to develop our services, ”they clicked on it about 35 times a day. A button leads to our article on why we advertise.
(Further about examples with texts on a slide).
Yes, here we motivate users to disable AdBlock. Here we motivate users to participate in the moderation of creatives and write to us if they see something bad, poor-quality, unpleasant, offensive, and so on. Below we advertised a conference about product management, and above we advertised freelancing. It was a long March weekend, during the holidays.
This format also gives you a very tight framework, but a lot of room for communication with users, because you can write almost anything. This is part of the site, it is all customizable inside. This is not considered advertising because it is an unobtrusive message. Not in banner places, but under banner places. This is their wrong side, as it were. If nothing works because everything was cut out with filters, then this appears. In the case of an appeal about banners, this is really part of the content of our site, we just wrote about it differently. In the case of freelance, this is essentially our partnership project, but we, again, wrote about it differently. We have a link to it in the header, AdBlock does not cut it. We probably have one of the highest percentages of users with AdBlock, because these are the people who wrote it, including, probably so to speak. On Habré it is larger, on the hiktimes a little smaller, but in different periods from 25% to 35%.
Another one of my favorite post on the Gictimes is about a man who assembled a flamethrower to exterminate termites, a flamethrower that uses an anti-termite mixture burning up to 3000 degrees Celsius to exterminate parasites. I wish you the same roughly explosive banners, so that the audience responds well to them.
Answers on questions
- I’m just wondering where there are more spelling and grammatical errors, on the clock or on the Habré? Has anyone analyzed this, maybe launched a neuron, or something else?
I honestly did not analyze, but maybe my colleagues from the editorial office or Anton can answer this question.
- Yes, where are there simply more errors, grammatical?
I put that more errors on Habré.
We have a moderator service, which is designed to comb posts, including to see that they are not terribly designed and with errors. Therefore, even if this occurs, the moderators quickly fix it. It feels more at hiktims if you answer your question.
- And I have a question for Zhenya. What do you think, the role of display advertising. Banners, for the user it is now more communication, PR?
Yes, of course. Let me show you one more thing that I wanted to voice.
- And do I understand correctly that before it was a performance, and before the banners were aggressive? Or is it we who live in such a world, in our Habra world.
Look, I don’t know which of you represents agencies or brands, but who ever even advertised for yourself or for a client? A little bit about the history of banners. Banners generally appeared like any advertisement in order to lead the user to your product. Then there was a division into performance advertising and branding advertising, but if you look at benchmarks, this is for example the statistics that Google gives.
I have chosen Russia here, these are all formats and all verticals. Then something seems to me to be broken because he thinks that the CTR of the standard banner with a picture and this banner with a picture was 0.45. The mystery lies in the fact that in the verticals not everything works for them.
But if we look at all countries, it turns out that the average CTR for display advertising is 0.05%. CTR 0.05%! And any bursts are much higher than the historical average that you can see in the studies, they are most likely dictated by fraud, bots, doorways, some kind of nets with invalid traffic. We just have to admit that people don’t really like to click on banners, and this is generally an image format in terms of the fact that it is a picture. It is not very good to do this not with a picture, but with an element of the site, in order to lure the user there by clicking unintentionally. They work mainly on brand recognition. Mainly on building communication. I love Coca-Cola, I can talk about her endlessly. Not Coca-Cola itself, but their marketing. When you see Coca-Cola's big graffiti on the house, you think cool graffiti, you remember about the summer or about some hangouts, and you become somehow more pleasant in your soul. Banners are the same. They are designed to make a person feel something. Something that is close to him, something that will cause him some emotions and at the same time build there some kind of neural connection associative with your brand.
There are performance banners, but they look like this. Here is a performance banner. The man went down, looked at the beds, saw the beds. Everything, there is nothing aesthetic in this. This has a specific purpose. Remind the person that he was looking, bring him there. In my opinion, this looks acceptable if you were really looking for something. The entire advertising retargeting stack is based on the fact that if the user was looking, he should be reminded of this. But this is not display advertising in its standard sense. And such banners have a clickthrough rate of 0.9%, 1.3%. This is not the norm. I answered your question?
- My question was also related to explaining to the audience how they can use this information for their advertising purposes, because we mainly have representatives of brands here, these are companies, editors, people who are responsible for the content in companies. How could they use it in practice? Because it seems to me that for them it’s a bit of a parallel universe, for those who are blogging.
Yes it is possible. First of all, we can help you ourselves. Because we know our audience, we have vast experience in placing this advertisement, we imagine what we can tell them, we can conduct a brainstorm with the marketing representatives of your company. But the idea is that banners should help you remind people of something and build a positive impression of your brand. Therefore, when you want to place banners, if you really want them to work, first of all think that you want to tell them which association you want to build and what kind of communication tone you usually choose on this site, whether it's a blog or some kind of megapost or comment that you write from the brand. Surely there is something that you can broadcast in the form of a picture, that it will also be cool, but at the same time keep in touch with the image,
- Do I understand correctly that in this case banners can be subordinated to content? Suppose I’m Shilova’s clinic, I wrote a post about vitreous bodies in the eye. And I will make a banner with vitreous bodies in the eye.
Well, for example, full-face, profile, incision of the vitreous, or from drawing something to draw. The question is that the banners worked a little bit not to place more text “click here”, but to submit it more creatively. I have one good friend who has been working in online advertising for a very long time, about 20 years old, and he believes, and there are many studies that confirm this, that very soon we will all come to the conclusion that banners will again be placed for a week in a static site, redeemed directly, because firstly they’ll cut out everything that is now advertising with some codes, secondly, users will just get very tired of this remarketing, that they will catch up with them and want anonymity. Again, all marketers will have to figure out how to convey meaning to the user. Imagine that you post a picture in the newspaper, and you need people to come to you after that. A banner is about the same. Therefore, you need to study more visual art in order to understand how this should work well.
-A practical question related to events. If you place invitations to events on your banners, how much this will work or it is better not to do this with this audience and do it with the help of the body of marketing, calls, direct and indirect.
Thanks for the question. We have cases when we post banners about events. We have about three categories of banners that work out very well. On average, higher than on our site and beat benchmarks that I previously showed several times. The very first of these is HR banners, when we place vacancies and narrow the audience to specifically some specialization. In second place are these events. They do not give a very high CTR, but higher than the benchmark, somewhere around 0.15 can give, but again, I repeat, this can not replace telemarketing, because if we imagine a sales funnel then telemarketing is here, and the banners here. People can see the banners and this can make them go see the site of your conference or something else. I believe that our users are times, due to the fact that they are nerds and I will not tire of repeating this, nerds in a good way, like Elon Mask, no one knew about him for a very long time, then he sold PayPal and now he launches rockets into space. They can see the banner and basically don’t click on it, but go to Google to see what it is.
- Yes, I understand that.
Posting banners is worth it, you just need to be very careful about what you write on them. As we wrote, for example, that there is such a conference, here, which almost everyone wants to attend. We didn’t just write it like that. A partner with a conference came to us, and it turned out that 60% of the employees wanted to go there, although we do not have all product managers. And we wrote like this. It’s true, it somehow attracts the attention of users, because they think “What means almost everything, maybe I want it too” and it works in this case, they click. It’s not a fact that they will immediately buy a ticket from you all, we cannot give these guarantees. But the events are worth it, yes, they come well to our audience, especially the gytime, because the gytime is in principle a very interested audience. Don’t feed them bread, let me learn something new, ask someone something, get to the bottom of someone. To say what you did here like this, but I would have done better. I answered your question?
- Yes, thank you very much, a very good example. And the second small question is related to the fact that it’s not a secret for anyone that many advanced IT specialists turn off banners, as it happens on Habré and gytime, do you have any numbers and can you track whether community members are sitting with banners turned on or not ?
Yes, we can track how many there are, I’ve even talked about it already, but we don’t monitor who doesn’t violate anonymity in this plan. We monitor them, but we don’t fight them aggressively. We allowed users with positive karma, on the New Year we made a newsletter for them with a gift, and allowed users with positive karma to disable ads at all. Go to your profile, check the box "I do not want to watch ads." There are 1,600 people on the gytimes, on Habré 3800, something like that. 8 million comes on Habr. person per month. How many of them are positive karma of all? Moreover, we still have a huge mass of unregistered users, they can’t even afford it at all.
- In AdBlock there is a function that you can ask to show ads on a particular site. Can you tell me some numbers on your sites, does anyone use this at all or not?
That is, when the user clicks the white sheet? No, we don’t have such numbers because we don’t follow our users so much as to climb into their extensions and there is something to read, no. We have approximately 15% of users who watch our ads precisely because they agreed in principle to this white list, which AdBlock itself provides them.
- A short question. Is such an advertisement used that gives some kind of buns to users of hiktimes or Habr that they are users of hiktimes or Habr, that is, special promo codes or something else? That is what encourages people to apply better to advertising, roughly speaking.
Yes it is clear. We had such banners before, in 2012, 2014, 2015 we definitely had such banners. It was a GetTaxi promo code, a Uber promo code, something else. They were, yes, but we ourselves do not offer this format to advertisers, usually. By the way, a good idea, maybe we should offer.
Yes, the idea is good, in posts it has long been used to track the audience that comes from the sites.