Intel Summer School 0x7E2 - there is a reason to learn

    Photo by The Village
    Spring is late this year, but the traditional Intel summer school, as always, will be on schedule. From July 3 to August 24 in the newly refurbished Intel office - look how handsome he is - we conduct a youth internship for students and graduate students. Participants selected by the competition will work on tasks in real projects together with Intel specialists, learn to program in an adult way, grow on themselves and increase self-esteem.

    We invite you to visit us!

    In addition to solving development problems, young specialists will attend a series of special lectures, trainings and seminars from leading scientists of various scientific schools and directions, teachers of Russian universities and leading Intel employees. The best students who have successfully completed an internship as part of this program will receive an advantageous opportunity to work at Intel during their studies as interns and after graduation as permanent employees.

    During the internship, a monetary reward is paid, nonresident interns are given a grant for travel from the place of study to the Lower and vice versa, as well as accommodation in a student hostel. Students are invited to participate ( starting from the 2nd yearat the time of application), undergraduates and graduate students and graduates (not earlier than 2015) of Russian universities, not older than 27 years , having citizenship of the Russian Federation.

    To take part in the selection competition, it is necessary to register on the Intel Academic Program website by April 29 , fill out a questionnaire and provide descriptions of ideas and plans for solving the problems chosen by applicants (in free form). The list of selected participants will be prepared before June 1 .

    A list of tasks proposed for solving by Summer School students, with descriptions and professional requirements, is given on the same site . In this list, for example:

    • Research and development of deep learning algorithms for the task of detecting objects;
    • Integration of the AV1 codec into a cross-platform free product for converting HandBrake video file formats;
    • Development of a module for visualizing a 3D model of the environment of an autonomous car using Web technologies;
    • Production of an application for visualizing image processing results using functions from the Intel IPP library;
    • etc.

    The tasks are really very interesting, and they are waiting for your solution. It's time to get down to business! Recall that it is better to think over some aspects of the decision in advance and state them in the registration application - this will be a plus for you.

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