Auto tests, balancing, terminal and not only - what we will talk about this Thursday
Hello, Habr! We remind you that there are only three days left to register for QIWI SERVER PARTY 2.0, which we will hold on Thursday, March 15.
The same address - Moscow, Ul. Leninsky Sloboda, 26с11 Loft # 3, we start at 17.00 (speakers speak from 18 to 21).
Free registration is available here , and under the cut we will tell you a little more about what reports are waiting for you on Thursday.
- A story about working in the console - how to make sure that there is more time for everything else
- Why you should not use balancing without knowing how it is organized
- Round Robin Algorithm and its behavior in a natural environment
- Weight balancing and its use and much more
- What threatens a high level of boredom at work and why testers should be appreciated
- Tests as a specification
- Kotlin
chips - Spek framework
- Kotlin + Spek on the example of a real project
- Antipattern Build monkey
- What problems does centralization of assemblies entail ?
- Why it makes sense to do what works the least
- On the transition from a regular team to a cross
- functional one - The relationship between the horizontal development of developers and the speed of raking tasks
Come, we will be happy.
PS Some videos from the mitaps we post here ,
See you on Thursday!
The same address - Moscow, Ul. Leninsky Sloboda, 26с11 Loft # 3, we start at 17.00 (speakers speak from 18 to 21).
Free registration is available here , and under the cut we will tell you a little more about what reports are waiting for you on Thursday.
Pavel, lead programmer - “Optimization of skills in the terminal”
- A story about working in the console - how to make sure that there is more time for everything else
Aleksey, lead programmer - “Fault tolerant and loaded balancing”
- Why you should not use balancing without knowing how it is organized
- Round Robin Algorithm and its behavior in a natural environment
- Weight balancing and its use and much more
Egor, senior programmer - “Auto tests on Kotlin”
- What threatens a high level of boredom at work and why testers should be appreciated
- Tests as a specification
- Kotlin
chips - Spek framework
- Kotlin + Spek on the example of a real project
Dmitry, DevOps - “Teamcity DSL”
- Antipattern Build monkey
- What problems does centralization of assemblies entail ?
Konstantin, senior programmer - backend applications
- Why it makes sense to do what works the least
- On the transition from a regular team to a cross
- functional one - The relationship between the horizontal development of developers and the speed of raking tasks
Come, we will be happy.
PS Some videos from the mitaps we post here ,
See you on Thursday!