YouTrack 2018.1 release: dependent task fields, personalized localization and much more

    Hello! We have released a new version of the project management system - YouTrack 2018.1 - and we are in a hurry to share innovations with you.

    What's new in YouTrack 2018.1?

    • Dependent task fields
    • personal localization;
    • date-based swirlains
    • custom widgets;
    • event Ribbon;
    • Markdown support
    • export in Excel format;
    • Terms of use;
    • Workflow API updates
    • Improving import functionality
    • Mandatory verification of email addresses.

    Experimental Functionality:

    • new task page;
    • checklists at Markdown.

    Dependent task fields

    Starting with YouTrack 2018.1, you can customize the display of task fields depending on the value of the task field. These conditions can be set for individual projects. For example, in your project there is a field - the type of task (with values ​​of bug, support request, task) and version. Using this functionality, you can hide the “version” field for a task of the type “support request”.

    Personal localization

    Previously, you could only use the localized version of YouTrack at the server level. In addition, localization included the translation of the interface, as well as search queries, commands, and so on. It was not very convenient for many users, so now you can choose the interface language for yourself in your profile.

    To ensure uniformity, the language of search queries, commands, and custom fields is set globally. For example, if the server language is English, and your local language is Russian, then you can use the search and commands in English.

    Date Based Swimlans

    Now on the Agile board swimlays can be organized by the “date” field. This functionality will help you keep track of the tasks you need to complete today, tomorrow, this week, and so on. If it is turned on, every midnight the board will be updated and the cards will fall into the corresponding swimlane. For example, the tasks that needed to be done today will go to swimane yesterday.

    Custom widgets

    In addition to standard widgets, now you can add your own widgets, as well as use widgets created by other users on the dashboard. This functionality allows you to use content from external sources and display them in widgets right in your dashboard. Now each user can create and add a widget to the JetBrains plugin repository . After the widget passes the test, it will be added to the repository. Here you can learn how to write your own widget. Join the YouTrack Community in Slack to share experiences.

    event Ribbon

    In the release of YouTrack 2017.2, we announced the event feed as experimental functionality. The event feed replaces the tab-based interface used to view and edit tasks. This functionality is now enabled by default on the Agile board, as well as in a new experimental mode for viewing and editing tasks, which I will discuss later.

    Markdown Support

    Markdown support is now available by default in YouTrack for all users. You can switch between Markdown and YouTrack Wiki, if the second is more familiar to you.

    Excel Export

    We added the ability to export the task list in Excel format. Unlike CSV, Excel export saves data types for values ​​in custom fields.

    Terms of use

    In connection with the requirements for the protection of personal data for companies operating in EU member states, we have added functionality that allows you to add, save and edit the user agreement that users must accept to enter YouTrack.

    Improvements and Updates

    Workflow API Updates

    In the new version of YouTrack, we have expanded the functionality of the workflow API:

    • Partial support for the ES6 / JS2015 standard has been added.
    • new methods have been added that allow you to determine when changes were applied without notification, respond to deletion of comments, and check whether Markdown is used to format the task description or comment.

    Import Improvements

    We have improved the functionality of importing projects from other trackers. We also supplemented the documentation for working with importing scripts using Python.

    Mandatory email verification

    YouTrack administrators can now enable functionality that will require user email confirmation to log in to YouTrack. This functionality increases the security of your server, especially in cases when you allow self-registration or create new accounts using Mailbox integration.

    Experimental functionality

    In each release, we add experimental functionality so that you are the first to try and evaluate our new products in the early stages of development. Do not forget about the feedback, we really appreciate it! Recall that to use the experimental functionality, the administrator must enable it on the Feature Configuration page through Global Settings.

    New task page

    We are pleased to present you an updated task viewing page. The new page supports Markdown, checklists, sorting comments in reverse chronological order, improved @mentions, improved usability of fields, a dark graphic theme, the ability to download all attachments to a zip archive. Comments, task history, time tracking and VCS changes were combined into an event stream with the ability to quickly turn on and off different events.

    Если данная функциональность включена на глобальном уровне, просто поставьте галочку в графе “Use experimental version of full page issue view by default” в своем профиле, чтобы пользоваться новой страницей по умолчанию.

    Чеклисты в Markdown

    В разметке markdown можно создавать чеклисты. Чтобы полноценно ими пользоваться, мы советуем переключиться на новую версию страницы задачи. В старой версии они поддерживаются не полностью.

    Мы также внесли ряд других улучшений — посмотрите полный список выполненных задач, вошедший в релиз.

    Будем рады, если вы попробуете YouTrack 2018.1 и поделитесь впечатлениями. Можно скачать бесплатную версию для 10 пользователей или зарегистрироваться в облаке, чтобы воспользоваться пробной версией на 30 дней.

    If you are already using the YouTrack cloud, your instance will be transferred to the new calendar version .

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