Forbes: Mark Zuckerberg became the main loser among billionaires in 2018. He lost almost $ 19 billion

    Image: JD Lasica , CC BY 2.0

    The outgoing year was not easy for many investors and managers of large companies - the stability of the markets was undermined by numerous events from Brexit to the US-Chinese trade war. Not surprisingly, all this is not the best way affected the dynamics of the state of the richest people in the world.

    The publication Forbes has published lists of the most successful and unlucky billionaires in 2018. The main loser was voted Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. In recent months, the social network has been at the epicenter of a number of scandals. All this adversely affected the capitalization of Facebook and the public image of the company. As a result, its founder lost $ 18.7 billion over the year.

    Who else lost money

    Despite the losses, Zuckerberg’s fortune is estimated at $ 52.5 billion. The second largest loss was Zara founder Amancio Ortega - he lost $ 16.2 billion, and ends the year with a fortune of $ 59.6 billion.

    The top three losers of the year also entered The main shareholder of the German manufacturer of bearings Schaeffler Georg Scheffler. He lost more than half of his fortune - $ 14 billion, he left $ 12.4 billion.

    Also, 2018 was marked by large losses for the head of telecommunication company Tencent Ma Huaten - he lost $ 10.1 billion (the state $ 35.1 billion).

    For whom 2018 was successful

    In addition to the list of losers of the year, Forbes journalists identified those who earned the most. The list of the most successful businessmen was headed by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. Over the year, his fortune grew by $ 27.9 billion, to $ 126.2 billion.

    Fortunately, Uniqlo founder Tadashi Yanai did well - his fortune increased by $ 7 billion, to $ 27.1 billion. There is also a representative of Russia in the list - the main owner and Lukoil Vagit Alekperov in 2018 increased the amount of wealth by $ 4.6 billion, to $ 19.5 billion.

    The state also managed to increase several representatives of the IT world:

    • Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer - + $ 3.4 billion, up to $ 40.7 billion.
    • The creator of the Indian telecom operator Jio Mukesh Ambani - + $ 3 billion, up to $ 44.4 billion.
    • Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates - + $ 2.9 billion, up to $ 93.9 billion
    • Tesla Head Ilon Musk - + $ 2.8 billion, up to $ 22.5 billion

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