What salaries for IT specialists are offered by My Circle employers, data for May-October 2017

    Traditionally, at the end of each year, we at My Circle look at what salaries are offered by employers who place their vacancies with us for IT professionals. Of course, this is not an objective analysis of salaries in the entire IT industry - for this we still have not enough data. But, at a minimum, this can be useful information for users of our service: both employers and job seekers.

    In this report, we will show salaries indicated in vacancies, both in Russia as a whole, and in Moscow and the regions in particular, as we did this last time. But this time, let's compare these salaries with the median salaries from our new salary calculator .




    A small methodological explanation. We use data for all vacancies in which salaries are indicated, only for the last six months, and more precisely from May to October inclusive. Typically, in vacancies indicate salary in the form of a range of "from and to." When calculating, we took all salaries “from”, calculated the median value and called it the “lower limit of salaries”, and all salaries “before”, also calculated the median value and called it the “upper limit of salaries”.

    The first thing we want to pay attention to is that the median salaries from the salary calculator in almost all specializations correspond to the lower boundaries of salaries in vacancies. That is, for at least half of our job seekers (whose current salaries are below the median), the vacancies of our employers look quite attractive in terms of salaries. The same vacancies are also attractive for part of the second half of job seekers (whose current salaries are higher than the median).

    For marketing and management alone, the median salaries from the calculator were higher than the upper salary limits in vacancies. In our opinion, this means that employers should pay attention to the fact that at My Circle there are many specialists from these fields of activity, for whom vacancies that require more qualifications and experience are suitable than in those vacancies that are currently placed.

    Further, if we compare Moscow and regional salaries , we see about the same picture as last year. For the main technical specializations - backend, frontend, mobile, desktop (software), administration - we see a gap of 30-50%. Testers have a smaller gap of 15-20%. Surprisingly, there is practically no gap in upper salaries in vacancies for managers, marketers, and designers. However, there is still a gap in lower salaries, approximately 15-20%.

    As for the comparison of current salaries with last year's for the same period, we see that in Russia as a whole, salaries in almost all specializations increased by 10-25% both at the lower and upper boundaries. But in terms of management, testing and design, the upper boundaries remained at the same level, although the lower ones also tightened.

    At the beginning of next year, we will make the first detailed salary report according to our salary calculator. We can consider each of the areas of activity for narrower specializations, as well as look at the salaries of developers in individual programming languages. We invite everyone to participate in the upcoming analytics by entering their current salary in our salary calculator (if you have not done so yet)

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