Turn on GPU acceleration in Photoshop for Wine

I hasten to share my joy: here is the time when you can completely abandon win in favor of linux. The last obstacle was Photoshop - the only software without which some developers, for example, front-end developers, layout designers ( and other slingers ), had to be tough. Photoshop has long since been launched under wine, but one problem remained: I didn’t want to turn on hardware support for the GPU. And without it, and the brakes are wild on serious layouts, and the absence of many buns (filters, transformations and other magic). After long unsuccessful experiments, finally managed to get Photoshop to see the GPU and work with it "to its fullest."

My GPU is straightforward - built into the Core i7-3370 Intel HD 4000 processor. OS: Debian 9.6 Stretch (stable). The tested version of Photoshop 19.0.2 32bit.

First, let's see what version of mesa is installed. (on my Debian stable, it was naturally old - a branch of the 13th version, although the 17th version is already relevant).

glxinfo | grep mesa -i

(will bring various letters to the console from which it is possible to isolate the version of the month)

If the version is antediluvian, then it would be necessary to bring your graphic economy to the actual form. To do this, we add a third-party repository, which includes the latest stable versions of free video drivers for AMD Radeon, Intel and Nvidia (Nouveau) chips. The repository also contains the Intel ANV Vulkan-drivers and Radeon RADV. Packages in this repository are taken from Debian Unstable (Sid) and rebuilt under Debian 9 so as not to break anything in the system. ( source )

wget http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/Sunderland93:/mesa-updates-debian/Debian_9.0/all/mesa-updates-debian_1.0-3_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i mesa-updates-debian_1.0-3_all.deb
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

Next, set the wine (devel branch) and winetricks.

Then, with winetricks, we complete the wine with the following good:


  • allfonts
  • corefonts
  • all fonts after 2010


  • gdiplus
  • vcrun2012
  • vcrun2013
  • vcrun2015
  • atmlib
  • msxml3
  • msxml6
  • d3dx9
  • d3dx10
  • d3dx11_42
  • d3dx11_43
  • dxvk
  • vulkanrt

Install Photoshop (I repeat, it was tested on CC v19.0.2 32bit). After launch, a CEPHtmlEngine error will appear, which can be removed in the Photoshop settings item (“Edit> Preferences> Plugins”, remove the checkboxes with “Enable generators”, “Enable Remote Connections”). In the same place, in the settings, go to the “Performance” item and see that the bird opposite the “Use Graphic Processor” is inactive, and nothing can be done about it. Exit Photoshop, run winecfg. Go to the “Libraries” tab, search for “dxgi” in the “New override for library” field, add it to the list (Add), select it from the list, edit it (Edit) and select builtin (wine) in the options. Apply-save-exit, launch Photoshop, and the GPU acceleration in the settings should be active.

PS If someone will experiment with other video cards or linux distributions, please share the results in the comments.

PPS There is a suspicion that such a config (with the substitution of the dxgi library) will help solve many problems with OpenGL applications under Wine.

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