Digest ITMO University: talk about the projects of the university, the successes and achievements of our graduates

    In this compilation there are fresh materials about our research and the work of ITMO University graduates: about the development of Kotlin, the future of light guide photonics and the creation of AI systems.

    Boris Baldinger / Flickr / CC BY

    Development Kotlin, the profession of a programmer and GTD life hacking

    This is an interview with ITMO University graduate Andrey Breslav, who is engaged in the development of Kotlin in the company JetBrains. Andrei will tell you what is needed to create a new PL and how to convince the IT community to start using it. He will do it, of course, on the example of Kotlin, which last year was named the official programming language for Android.

    In addition, the interview will deal with life hacking for personal growth - alternative time management and ways to avoid professional burnout.

    Why are there no idlers at student competitions?

    Vladislav Nesterov - undergraduate student at ITMO University and medalist of the WorldSkills 2018 intercollegiate championship - opens the door to the “inner kitchen” of the Olympiad and shares information on how competitions take place: from internal selection to the subtleties that need to be taken into account when solving problems. From the article you will also learn how to cope with emotions in a difficult situation and how the WorldSkills venue looks like a boxing ring.

    The Lentach editor is about a witness from Fryazino and Postironia

    This article is a collection of abstracts from a speech by Taras Sychev, a memolog and editor of Lentach at ITMO University. Taras answers the main question: “Is it possible to consider memology as a science?” And cites the history of the emergence of “Preved, Medved”, “ya ​​krevedko”, “bazooka hands” and others. The main topics of the speech: when the memes appeared, why they become popular and what is postironia and metarony.

    Groman123 / Flickr / CC BY-SA

    How modern fiber optic devices are created

    An article about what experts in the field of light guide photonics are doing today. Stanislav Aksarin, head of the Laboratory of Assembly and Alignment of Light-Guide Photonics of the ITMO University, shares his experience and talks about the projects he has been able to work on: fiber-optic sensors and gyros.

    Our platform for interactive analysis of metagenomic data

    This is an example of a case study of successful cooperation between Russian universities, the results of which was the development of the Knomix-Biota service for studying the genetic data of the human intestinal microbiome. Why it is needed and how the new system will transform the work of doctors and food industry employees - about this in the article.

    How we became the leader in Computer Science in Russia

    We are talking about the results of the ranking of the world's leading universities, according to the Times Higher Education publication. The article also discusses how ITMO University managed to take first place in Computer Science and Engineering and Technology among the participants in the rating from the Russian Federation.

    Why robotics refer to drone as an old "penny"

    We describe how the competition was held DJI Drone Race 2018, in which students of ITMO University took second and third place. An article about the difficulties in preparing for the presentation, the troubles associated with the breakdown of drones, and solutions to problems.

    In the photo: SMARR robot

    AI systems at ITMO University and partnership with MTS

    MTS created an ecosystem for the development of technology projects based on AI systems, big data and the cloud. We discuss projects: from chat bots to workflow automation. We are also talking about the joint development of ITMO University and MTS - a speech recognition system, noise generation and analysis and a service for personalizing medical care.

    How ITMO students created a robot at the junction of VR and AR technologies

    SMARR robot is based on virtual and augmented reality technology. It is controlled by the Oculus Rift and is able to independently determine its position in space. We are talking about the difficulties that have arisen in the process of creating a robot (from adjusting the drivers to combining the video stream of the camera and the augmented reality layer), and how SMARR can help workers on oil rigs and travel agencies.

    Why Mitsubishi Electric works with universities

    ITMO University and Mitsubishi Electric launched the project "Perspectives of Life Support Systems Development". His goal is to acquaint students with high-tech equipment and talk about trends in energy saving and renewable energy.

    In this interview with Alexandra Bazhanova, a representative of Mitsubishi Electric and a graduate of the ITMO University, we will focus on the tasks that such seminars and conferences solve - what benefits they bring to students. We will also talk about how the renewable energy market is developing in Russia and how a student can get a job at Mitsubishi Electric.

    What does the digital production and factory of the future look like?

    This is an article about the division “Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies”, which appeared due to the joint work of the ITMO University and the enterprise “Diakont”, which develops equipment for high-tech industries.

    The material will be of interest to those who are planning to get a master's degree in a new direction or would like to work in the Diakont group of companies. Here are features of joint educational programs and plans for their development, and employees of the company talk about the corporate structure, goals and prospects for undergraduates.

    How to increase the effectiveness of the management team of developers

    A detailed report on InnoJam is a design thinking session where ITMO University students thought out ways to simplify the work of the IT team of a real enterprise. Read about the projects presented by the session participants in this article. Students developed their solutions using SAP products for ITSK, a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft.

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