Not on TK

I beg you, remove the customers rather from the screens of perfectionists and pregnant women with your wonderful idea. Fasting contains pain. In general, consult your therapist.
I am an analyst and am already used to it: everything always happens not according to TK. This is the norm, and for a long time I have not been surprised - I began to think that it was so. And then he suddenly got carried away by machine learning, went to courses, and there he had to do a programming task, and then check out three strangers of the same kind. I looked at how the developers complete the training tasks, and a puzzle immediately formed in my head, how did it all work out somehow.
Immediately I want to answer several important questions.
Or maybe these are not real programmers, but just beginning armless ghouls?
Not! In these courses there is a stage of acquaintance, and there everyone usually writes that they have been in development for a long time and decided to upgrade their qualifications. And the courses themselves are pretty furious, with a lot of matan and a ruler. Not for juniors at all.
But how can you check other people's tasks if you yourself are not rummaging?
The task is brilliant! They give you a code, and in it there are places where you need to add your own code, and there are places where you need to answer questions with text, draw conclusions and generalize. When you check out fellow students, you sometimes understand how the same function could be implemented differently. Buzz!
The checklist contains about 40 questions, in the spirit: “In the assignment, they asked to display 12 signs, not 13. Check if there are really 12 signs.”
The thing is that removing the 13th sign was not so easy. I had to pretty much taste the docks in order to learn just like that, oops, and remove the 13th sign in the associative array, without breaking the foolish cycles.
Well, you checked the tasks of the developers, with some experience, and what struck you there so much?
And it struck me guys, the total presence of the 13th sign. Just nobody began to bother!
I would divide 40 test questions into groups:
* You need to use some method that is written about. Usually, everyone copes.
* It is necessary to realize some kind of task. Usually, they also cope.
* In this task you need to consider important details. There are simple details, such as captions for graphs. Everyone is slaughtered for this. Although in every checklist for verification there is an item “Do the schedules have signatures?”. I am sitting, checking assignments - no one has signatures!
Then there are little things that are not told how they are made. Well, for example: “Derive the coefficient alpha." In order to get it out, you need to taste the docks a bit or guess. Almost everyone scored.
And there are still little things to be bothered with: “Derive the minimum alpha coefficient for each column.” But there is no such method, you need to do it manually - no one began to bother.
Well these are trifles! The main thing, after all, is to understand the principle during training! What are you attached to?
First, look, for example, alpha is simply necessary to understand the principles. Secondly, there are still questions of the “conclusion” type, and if you carelessly relate to trifles, then the heat begins in the conclusions. For example, a person has a “hairpin” on the chart in the ceiling, and in his conclusions he writes how everything fits nicely into a theoretical normal distribution.
Well, drive! Have you yourself had any bugs?
There were. Nothing came together either. It was visible, and I redid. I was tormented with the 13th sign, tormented with alpha.
You just need to cut the code until the correct answer to the question of the task is found. And, unlike real life with unfinished questions, they don’t let them go any further.
And then I was impressed by the second important point. In order to taste how everything works, I had to google a lot. And, of course, other people's projects came across. Many even in Github. And some - hanging on the domain of some office that offers its development services. Although dumping tasks, of course, is prohibited. But who reads the rules? Well, my sad discovery is that so many authors of these projects dropped out of school a year, two or more ago.
What can I say! There was even a guy who got confused and threw out the 13th sign from the list, and even brought out one alpha. But, at the end, this superman got tired, so he scored on the charts in general, and wrote in the conclusions: “Well, everything is the same here.”
Thanks to this experience, I had an understanding how everything happens not according to TK
They made a few points, did not bother further, and then they got tired, time was running out, and in general they decided not to make a piece.
Well, it’s not that I didn’t understand this before, and it’s not that I myself am sinless in this regard, but here everything is straightforward. I sit, do assignments with alpha and immediately understand that I will not see them at the check.
Yes, I know these handshakes, I'm not like that!
Of course, sometimes developed high-definition developers. There is a difficulty with them: as they look at the TK, in which there are muddy places, they immediately say: “There’s some kind of nonsense, I don’t work with that!” They haven’t been working for a year, two haven’t been working, they are starting to starve and still get involved in some kind of hell. Well, or they think: “Well, nafig! And I’ll become a better instructor in parachuting or rock climbing. ”
And there is still such an option. Everything in TK is very clear, the developer scored and let’s boob up: “Oh, you got confused! Oh, and I thought differently. ” And the customers also love: “Oh, and we thought that was a matter of course.”
Instead of the conclusion: “And how to live with it?”
Yes, just as they used to live:
- a mandatory checklist for each task;
- few points for each stage;
- mandatory discussion of each item by voice;
- short sprints.
Of course, the customer wants a complete mincemeat, and he must be shown a ready-made system. It is necessary to resist and painfully form a checklist of low-points for a short stage. And yes, I like to speak in voice each item with both the customer and the developer. And I also like to write directly in the statement of work that will not be implemented.
But sometimes, for some reason I ’ll forget about one of these bright principles and suffer ...
PS: zharikovpro complements, about checklists based on the layout :
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How do you sin?
- 14.2% I do not read TK at all 42
- 33.6% Read TK diagonally 99
- 17% I read TK and immediately forget 50
- 12.5% I read TK, but do not try to understand it 37
- 29.2% I read TK, but do not agree! I know better what the customer needs! 86
- 35% Before putting the work in, I do not check if everything has been done according to TK 103
- 23.1% Little things for wimps, lower them 68
- 8.8% I will write my option in the comments 26