EGAIS is not so scary as they are scared: how will the unique DataMobile EGAIS module help retail stores
Remember how the market plunged into a “state of shock” when in 2016 wholesalers and retailers were obliged to connect to EGAIS ? The first coped with the task perfectly, but with the shops everything turned out to be more complicated. Now the situation has changed, but some retail outlets still have not connected to the Unified System, at the risk of giving up to 150-200 thousand rubles. hard earned to pay a fine.
The snag for many is not the desire to circumvent the law or save money. Some sellers and managers are frightened by the need to learn something new, to fundamentally change the routine of actions when accepting, inventorying, selling, writing off alcohol products. Some merchants have no idea how to automate this process, especially if they are familiar with specialized software only by hearsay. In practice, this is not difficult, especially since there are already adapted software tools. We will talk about the most popular of them.

What do we know about EGAIS
Since January 2016, unless deaf, the deaf owner of retail outlets selling alcohol products has not heard of EGAIS . The unified state automated information system controls the turnover of all alcohol-containing products - from acceptance to disposal. Of course, only in those outlets that connected to the " Unified System " and fulfilled all the requirements.
In theory, everything is simple: I purchased equipment, connected, you work according to the law. But from theory to implementation it is not one step: you need to find money for equipment, train employees, take the time to rebuild the goods flow system. Not everyone is ready for such changes: the habit, as you know, is second nature. Refuse and try to get around the procedure? The size of the fines for this is quite impressive even for retail stores with a large turnover, not to mention the small market participants.

Acceptance of alcoholic beverages: “three happy days”
Exactly how much time do the owners of outlets have to spend blissfully the entire volume of incoming alcoholic beverages. During these three days, the wholesaler is responsible for the alcoholic beverages delivered to you, and after that - the merchant. Is it a lot or a little to scan and check the origin of the excise stamp of each unit for legality? (Imagine a delivery of several thousand units of products per day) It is enough if there is a desire, trained and motivated employees, and most importantly - the right software.
Everything is clear with the software: I bought DataMobile EGAIS and work. But the influence of the human factor on the workflow is unpredictable. If you, through the fault of sluggish employees, did not meet the three-day deadline for scanning all products received from the wholesaler, it will still automatically arrive at the store’s balance. What will happen next?
We will simulate a situation. Another buyer purchases a bottle of alcohol from you, but the excise stamp does not pass the check at EGAIS , which will be signaled by the cash register software, where each sold mark is scanned during the sale. And this bottle is just from the batch that they did not manage to scan in three days or worse, the brand will be illegal. It will not work to deceive the system, if only because there are now many applications on smartphones where an ordinary buyer can check the legality of the sale by reading the QR code from the check issued to him, there is also the Complain function to the Federal Service RosAlcoholRegulation.
You feel guilty without guilt, because you will have to answer for illegal alcohol to the regulatory authorities, and not the supplier or manufacturer.
Alcohol inventory
Down and Out trouble started. Correctly accepting the goods is not all. EGAIS makes sure that the amount of balances in the warehouse and in the hall matches the data in the system. The slightest discrepancy in fact means that the goods at one time were incorrectly capitalized or written off. Do not underestimate such shortcomings, even if we are talking about minimal differences. If it seems to you that the discrepancy in several bottles is trifling, then the EGAIS thinks differently: in the future, a fine awaits you - from 150 thousand rubles. for a legal entity. Why not play it safe and use modern tools ?
What can the DataMobile EGAIS module
Specialized software, in our case the DataMobile EGAIS module is easy to install on any mobile device: smartphone, tablet or data collection terminal . With it, you will solve the problem of acceptance, accounting and inventory of alcohol products. TTN comes to the device in the form of a task that is understandable to the user.

A mobile device (TSD) with such a filling can:
• take alcohol on a balance sheet, record it — all in accordance with the requirements of Law 182-FZ ;
• control the movement of goods in a warehouse or trading floor;
• write off products, immediately form an act of write-off and make changes to the system;
• form EGAIS TTN upon shipment of goods ;
• check the validity of excise stamps on the FS RAR server ;
• perform a blot inventory.

When accepting alcoholic beverages in large quantities, it is possible to scan each excise stamp with reconciliation of the task from the TTN, but without checking it in FS RAR (checking each brand on RAR servers can take from 3 seconds to an hour - how lucky). The data of all brands will go to the merchandise accounting system of the trading company, then in the background the brands will be checked on the servers of the RAR FS , as a result of which, the merchandiser will decide to accept fully or partially this TTN. This is a unique feature of DataMobile EGAIS .
It often happens that the supplier delivers his goods on several invoices, but physically the goods are in the same machine, it will be difficult for the receiver to understand which goods belong to which invoice. For this, a mechanism has been implemented for combining all TTNs from one supplier, into one receiving consignment note to the TSD and after checking on assignment and unloading from the TSD back to the accounting system, the goods are automatically distributed according to the source documents.

DataMobile EGAIS with an open data exchange system is integrated into almost any goods accounting system. The software is easy to install, provides uninterrupted data transfer online. Acceptance, verification of the authenticity of excise stamps and other mandatory procedures under the control of such software relieve the owners of alcohol stores of errors and heavy fines.