ITMO University team reached the final of the World Robot Olympiad

    Schoolchildren from St. Petersburg, under the guidance of a coach from ITMO University, will take part in the world stage of the competition for programming intelligent robotic systems ( WRO-2017 ). All who are interested in this news are invited to cat. Photo by ITMO University

    World Robot Olympiad

    The World Robot Olympiad has been held since 2004. The competition is attended by teams of schoolchildren from the age of 10 years, who assemble in accordance with the rules of the Olympiad robots based on LEGO Mindstorm. Participants can compete in one of three categories:

    • Main category (you need to assemble a small robot and program it to perform a specific task)
    • Creative category
    • Soccer robots

    Participants in the main and creative categories are also divided by age groups into younger, middle and senior. The tasks in the main and creative categories are usually united by a common theme - in 2017, it became the theme of sustainable development of the planet as a whole and Costa Rica (which will host the Olympics this year) in particular.

    The differences between the main and creative categories are that the participants in the main category receive a very specific task (for example, this year the team robot from the senior group should “build three wind generators” from the given elements), while in the creative category the teams themselves come up with a task within the framework of a common topic.

    By the way, one of the major differences of this year's Olympiad is the fact that in the older group, participants can use any programming language of their choice.

    Forester Project

    The school team of robotics at ITMO University competes with other participants in the creative competition in the older age group. The project, which was presented by the team, is the Forester robot forest pathologist. The robot moves around the area (and walks and walks), uses sensors to determine where the tree is, uses neural networks to determine the type and condition of the tree (healthy / needs to be felled), and, due to the camera and additional algorithms, records how far it has moved from beginning of the route.

    The team has been working on the creation of the robot since February 2017.

    The project "robot forest pathologist"


    The project team has three schoolchildren from St. Petersburg - Gleb Zagarsky, Daniil Nechaev and Maxim Mikhailov. The team is coached by Igor Lositsky, an employee of the Department of Control Systems and Informatics of ITMO University and a coach of school teams of ITMO University.

    As Igor Lositsky emphasizes, the coach in this project only helps with advice and guides the team - all the work on creating a robot and programming algorithms is carried out by students themselves.

Competitive selection

    In order to get to the Olympics, it is not enough just to make a good project. It is necessary to pass competitive selection within the country (to show high results at the All-Russian Robotics Olympiad). Its final stage was held in Innopolis on June 23-25. According to its results, leaders were identified for participation in the further selection (the team of ITMO University became the winner in the senior creative category).

    The best teams participating in the all-Russian stage then took part in the remote selection for the international stage - for this it was necessary to provide a description of the project and a video of its defense in Russian and English (tell about the work of the robot and demonstrate its functions). Materials evaluated a team of expert trainers - as a result, the ITMO University project was among the four recommended for participation from Russia in the creative category at the international stage of WRO-2017.

    What was a year ago

    In the past year (the final was held in New Delhi), Russia ranked third in the unofficial team standings (first two places went to Malaysia and Taiwan). In the creative category among the older age group, the school team of robotics of the ITMO University (also led by Igor Lositsky) then won silver. And before the end of this year, a little more than a month remains - from November 10-12.

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