Oh, once again: what to do with the client in CRM after he bought
Let's talk a little about psychology in its academic sense. What is a habit? This is a manifestation of the psyche. If we turn to the works of Karl Jaspers, we can trace the mechanism of the formation of automatic reactions: first, an impression is created (psychological experience), then a conscious need remains (to repeat the impression or to avoid it). This process involves associative links and the mechanism of mood formation.
Consider an example. You choose a middle class smartphone from hundreds of similar ones. In the salon A leisurely showed you all the models, talked about the difference, politely served. In salon B, you began to aggressively impose a more expensive and modern model and you had to justify yourself that you were not for yourself, elderly parents, etc. Other things being equal, where do you buy? And where will you come to buy a new phone for yourself?
So, this mechanism of formation of habits and affection is well used by all global brands. At the same time, it is also supported by values, bonuses and additional activities. However, nothing prevents each company from managing customer loyalty and building successful after-sales communication.
In general, in terms of sales and after-sales relationships, all companies can be divided into two groups.
The first transaction was carried out, the client was entered into the database, and subsequent contacts were already outlined. Before you begin the interaction, you need to understand the motives of the buyer, which cause him to return:
In all three cases, the CRM system assumes a number of key responsibilities:
Thus, the CRM-system accumulates in itself the maximum amount of information necessary to build effective relationships. It is important to correctly collect, store, process and interpret existing data.
In the case of building long-term relationships, special attention should be paid to employees who work with the client (account managers, key account managers), as well as all parts of the organization who participate in the interaction (for example, service engineers, support, salespeople, salon personnel and so on.).
On the one hand, managers should be responsible for filling the CRM-system and be able to use the data within their competencies, on the other hand, the CRM-system is designed to facilitate the work and exercise some control (for example, call recording). At this stage, it is important to train the staff to use the program, and as imperceptibly as possible for the client. Let's look at several methods of organizing additional sales and the role of the CRM-system and employees in them.
Of course, there is still a lot of methods, independent and derived from the above. However, one should always remember that decisions should be made on the basis of previous accumulated experience, and strategies should be based on analytics. Probably, then you will gain loyal customers, who are definitely not able to lure one-time shares of competitors. Take care of customer experiences, and their needs will shape themselves.
The price list for RegionSoft CRM and a handy calculator for calculating the cost of licenses are available without registration.
Description of the new release RegionSoft CRM 7.0
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Consider an example. You choose a middle class smartphone from hundreds of similar ones. In the salon A leisurely showed you all the models, talked about the difference, politely served. In salon B, you began to aggressively impose a more expensive and modern model and you had to justify yourself that you were not for yourself, elderly parents, etc. Other things being equal, where do you buy? And where will you come to buy a new phone for yourself?
So, this mechanism of formation of habits and affection is well used by all global brands. At the same time, it is also supported by values, bonuses and additional activities. However, nothing prevents each company from managing customer loyalty and building successful after-sales communication.
In general, in terms of sales and after-sales relationships, all companies can be divided into two groups.
- Sold the goods, rendered the service and parted with the client. Here we are talking about a one-time income. In this case, further interaction is impossible for objective (one-off goods) or subjective (easier to work with new leads) reasons. In this case, the CRM-system acts as a classic system of fixing and controlling transactions, payments and the formation of documents.
- The management style of the company is aimed at long-term relationships with the client. Relationships can be on the plane of service, maintenance, after-sales, sales of complimentary goods, incentives for product updates, and so on. This is a more complicated way, requiring additional investments, labor and technical resources. CRM-solution on this path turns into an indispensable assistant.
CRM tools in a relationship perspective
The first transaction was carried out, the client was entered into the database, and subsequent contacts were already outlined. Before you begin the interaction, you need to understand the motives of the buyer, which cause him to return:
- You are the only company that sells a product or service. In this case, the fatal mistake is to think that this state of affairs will remain forever. Sooner or later, a competitor will appear on the market and you should be sure of the loyalty of your customer base. To do this, you need to make a client profile in the CRM system, write notes, create a knowledge system on it.
- The client chooses you among several competitors because of your advantage (price, promo, service, proximity to the house, range, etc.). It is always interesting to work in a competitive market - your CRM system should not only collect customers, but also build segments on various grounds, so that you can understand the reasons for buying from you. By the way, it will be useful to take into account competitors and all their activities right in the system.
- The client likes you and he buys from you no matter what. As a rule, this case refers to well-known brands with a strong image component. But often the buyer is motivated by simple household factors: for example, territorial proximity, constraint to the new seller, the habit of functionality / taste / ergonomics, etc. In this case, it is important to understand how you attract customer groups and play on this strength. For these purposes, segmentation in the CRM system and filtering of clients in various sections will help.
In all three cases, the CRM system assumes a number of key responsibilities:
- Formation of customer knowledge. In the case of a long-term relationship, the CRM system stores not only contacts, but also keeps track of interaction points, stores case studies, conversations, and comments from managers. All this information is necessary in order to give the client a sense of communication integrity. How does this happen? Before communicating with the client, the manager looks at the history and, in a conversation or letter, gives a reference to the previous point of interaction. Thus, the client has the impression that he is being approached as a friend and his question is of interest to the company. Probably, it is not necessary to additionally speak here why the client should be contacted by the name specified in the system.
- The mechanism of informing customers. Today, the CRM system is being introduced not only in manufacturing companies, it is in demand in tourism, the beauty industry, retail sales, construction, etc. These are industries where the pre-sale is quite simple. In this case, the CRM systemhelps to create lists of mail and SMS mailings, to prepare templates of colorful information letters. Do not be afraid to "spam" the client - choose a good reason, a decent design and the correct period of mailings, then such activities will be partly even long-awaited (for example, summer discounts on the services of a sports club). Track customer feedback and adjust your marketing policy. In addition, the integration of a CRM system with PBXs makes telephone communication an excellent channel for communication with the customer and additional sales.
- Fixing commercial opportunities. Customer requests, as well as their refusals, should be collected and subjected to a thorough analysis. Any result, negative or positive, is a commercial opportunity that can be turned into a deal. It is important to collect the facts and then process groups of clients, applying special offers and other marketing influences to them.
- Analytical tool. Numerous reports in the CRM-system (built-in and user) help analyze the results of transactions, assess future sales prospects, segment customers. Segmentation plays a key role in building long-term relationships . By looking at the various analyst slices by customer, you can pinpoint the purchase motives and factors that influence repeated interactions. It is these groups that should underlie promotional activities and marketing initiatives - any action that is not based on data can be too risky for a business.
- Competitor analysis tool. If you do not know your competitors, you have lost the war for market share. Track activity, enter information into the CRM-system knowledge base, create swot-analysis maps, download positioning files for you and competitors. I am sure that your managers often hear questions about comparison with competitors and your advantages. Having such data at hand will allow you to always be in a favorable light and demonstrate your advantages. Questions about competitors should not take the manager off guard - they should be the starting point of successful self-presentation.
Thus, the CRM-system accumulates in itself the maximum amount of information necessary to build effective relationships. It is important to correctly collect, store, process and interpret existing data.
CRM system does not work alone
In the case of building long-term relationships, special attention should be paid to employees who work with the client (account managers, key account managers), as well as all parts of the organization who participate in the interaction (for example, service engineers, support, salespeople, salon personnel and so on.).
On the one hand, managers should be responsible for filling the CRM-system and be able to use the data within their competencies, on the other hand, the CRM-system is designed to facilitate the work and exercise some control (for example, call recording). At this stage, it is important to train the staff to use the program, and as imperceptibly as possible for the client. Let's look at several methods of organizing additional sales and the role of the CRM-system and employees in them.
- Stimulation to purchase a similar product, but with updated characteristics . Perhaps the most difficult way, requiring considerable skill manager. It is necessary to track the history of relations with the client, to analyze the sales cycle, the motive for the purchase and further client questions. The main problem here is that the necessary information is not structured and it is necessary to select it from the system manually, according to the fields of comments and notes. But it's worth it - if you find that a new and more expensive product solves the problems that have accumulated in the client, consider the transaction is closed: accustomed to the product and wanting to receive more from it, the client will readily make an additional purchase.
- Promotion, discount promo code . Rather simple and familiar method. A CRM system can store and account for a discount system, set personal exclusive discounts and markups, and create letters of distribution. The task of the manager is to create competent samples of customers and to correlate them with the most relevant offer. The level of conversion of such activity depends on the attractiveness of the proposal, the solvency of customers and the scope of the company.
- Sale of complimentary goods and services . In this case, the CRM-system helps to understand the needs of the client or group of clients, and the task of the manager is to explain to the client all the advantages of the offer. The sale of complimentary goods is an art. It's one thing if you sell obviously complimentary goods (say, oil paints and canvases), another thing if we are talking about expensive unobvious offers, often simply disguised as a compliment: insurance of the TV against falling off the wall or teeth whitening in a dental clinic. Here it is important to collect refusals and causes of failures in the CRM system in order to form a more correct proposal in case of a fiasco.
- Maintenance and service . There are three main approaches: free service, paid service and hybrid, combining the distinction between paid and free processes. In the CRM-system, it is important to take into account customer requests and reactions to these requests in order to have a good basis for a successful commercial offer in the future.
Of course, there is still a lot of methods, independent and derived from the above. However, one should always remember that decisions should be made on the basis of previous accumulated experience, and strategies should be based on analytics. Probably, then you will gain loyal customers, who are definitely not able to lure one-time shares of competitors. Take care of customer experiences, and their needs will shape themselves.
The price list for RegionSoft CRM and a handy calculator for calculating the cost of licenses are available without registration.
Description of the new release RegionSoft CRM 7.0
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