Welcome to the fifth Industrial Cybersecurity Meetup

    On December 25, from 19.00 to approximately 21, our office will host the fifth meeting of cybersecurity experts of the automated control systems for automated control systems / RUSCADASEC. Total scheduled three performances.

    At the first, Alexander Karpenko, head of the information security department of the automated process control system at the Angara Technologies Group, will analyze what the specialist for the protection of automated process control systems should know and be able to. And also to reflect where it can be learned, on examples of comparison of world and domestic practice.

    The second presentation will be devoted to the MITER ATT & CK attack matrix. Sergey Soldatov and Teymur Heirkhabarov (the head of our monitoring center and the head of the monitoring technology development group, respectively) will tell how it can be used by the operational security divisions (SOC) in their daily work.

    At the last speech, Dmitry Darensky, head of industrial cybersecurity practices at Positive Technologies, will talk about industrial safety remote monitoring systems, which will have to be implemented at industrial facilities due to changes in Federal Law 116 “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities”. He plans to discuss what such systems may be, what data and to whom they will have to send and, most interestingly, what benefits such systems will have for the enterprises themselves. In other words, about the options for the future.

    Mitap will be held in the building of Kaspersky Lab at Moscow, Leningradskoe highway, 39a.

    Registration for the event is available here at this link until December 21.

    If you can not attend the event, but the topic is interesting - welcome to the
    online broadcast on YouTube . After some time, the record will be posted there too.

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