The digest of fresh materials from the world of the frontend for the last week No. 274 (August 1 - 6, 2017)
We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.
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Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin
Web development |
Javascript |
Browsers |
Entertaining |
Podcast “Web Standards”, Issue No. 79 : Service workers are no longer a joke, downloading fonts, grids and flexes, picture in practice, heavy packages, WTF JS?
Frontend Weekend Podcast # 14 : From Freelance to Your Own Online Education School
React Five Minute Podcast # 28 : React 16 Beta
React Five Minute Podcast # 29 : Error Monitoring (youtube version with video and presentation slides)
Drinkcast Podcast # 2 : Joyful June - Happy Mentor
Podcast “Frontend Youth (18+)” # 12 : Where to work hard
Podcast “Frontend Youth (18+)” # 13 : Good / Bad Programmer
Foreign fonts - HTML Shorts . How to download fonts? Vadim Makeev about FOIT, FOUT, FOFT and Font Face Observer
Weekly stream from Yuri Artyukh “ALL YOUR HTML” # 10 : Yuri plays played in Code In The Dark, makes a watercolor effect and triangulation for future animations
Web development
Beginner's Guide to Advanced Web Applications and Front Ends
7 tools to develop your first progressive web application
- Responsive Images 201: Client Hints Technology
- Making npm easier: useful cuts and tricks
10 guides to improve web accessibility
Replaceable Elements in HTML: Myths and Reality
I made a style guide for my personal site and you should too . Fresh Note from Zach Leatherman
- Performance:
Difference between GTmetrix, PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom Tools and WebPagetest
Critical request . A detailed article about the features of downloading various types of content, with priorities, examples and a checklist
“First significant rendering,” a report by Patrick Hamann at Front-Trends 2017
“ Rendering performance vice versa” Martin Splitt at Front-Trends 2017 with a look at sites in terms of computer graphics
- Spectacular web:
Unified Style Language
- emotion: The Next Generation of CSS-in-JS
Top 9 animation libraries in 2017
Focus on focus . About: focus,: focus-ring and accessibility
If you really don't like FOUT, `font-display: optional` can help you
Shoelace - a starting set of custom styles in the spirit of bootstrap, but in a modern way
Getting rid of an ugly state: focus (as well as saving it)
Glamorous v4 release
How to use custom CSS properties with transitions, transforms, and animations
“Master fallback for web font” , a fresh video from Front End Center
The Power of CSS , Una Kravets report at Front-Trends 2017
JavaScript as a phenomenon , JavaScript as a celebration , JavaScript as a thought virus
Hidden Messages in JavaScript Property Names
New V8 and Node.js Speed: Optimization Techniques Today and Tomorrow
- V8 6.1 JavaScript Engine Release
Online VS Code IDE for Angular and React.
The Road to Modern JavaScript
Vue vs React: the battle of Javascript frameworks
What the f * ck javascript? . A curated list of fun and tricky JavaScript fun examples
Your latest ESLint config . The next one will be with Prettier
Jigsaw Puzzles for Fun and Use - Dan Shappir
JavaScript Bubbling
Creating a library for the Image Zoom effect on vanilla JavaScript
Oh yeah! Async / await
Performance audit of Vue.js docs
Nuxt.js: a framework for creating universal Vue.js applications
Creating custom inputs on Vue.js
Binding classes to HTML using Vue.js
How to create a photo gallery on Vue.js
vuestic - Admin dashboard for Vue.js applications
- How to deploy React and Redux web application in 10 minutes
- TDD React.js Applications
Learning React.js Is Easier Than You Think
Deep Immersion in React Animation
hocs - a collection of high-level components for React
Introduction to React Router
React.JS - data transfer in components
Прототипирование с React VR
В Firefox началось тестирование отправки файлов, голосового ввода и заметок
Разработчики Mozilla тестируют инструмент для передачи уничтожающихся после загрузки файлов
В тестовых сборках Chrome для Android появился встроенный блокировщик рекламы
Еще одно расширение для Chrome превратили в adware, взломав его разработчика
Intersection Observer приходит в Firefox
- Facebook присоединился к Chromium
Машинное обучение проникает в браузеры с помощью JavaScript
Flash мертв: кто следующий?
- Publishers returning to WordPress after short experimentation with Medium
WebAssembly (W3C) Working Group Launched
webpack awarded $ 125,000 by MOSS (Mozilla)
- Why startups fail: an analysis of the reasons cited by the founders of 194 companies
- Bitcoin Cash fork in the Bitcoin network officially held
- Over $ 3,000: Bitcoin rate updated historic highs and continues to grow
- Facebook now uses neural networks for translation
- What happens on the Internet per minute in 2017 (infographic)
We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.
← Digest last week
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin