When will the offer be sent to me? HR Manager Job Tips

    Many of us have been to this place: the interview went well, the company is cool, the HR manager is adequate, but for some reason they are not calling back. On DevGAMM conference in Moscow HR-director of the company Appodeal Galina Tokareva shared insights, which will save from the disturbing thoughts and will help to better understand the process of recruitment in the IT and game development.

    As a rule, in the view of the applicant, the process is quite straightforward.

    However, in reality, everything is a little more complicated - and this is not at all the invention of an eychar who likes to torture you with anticipation. The hiring process can indeed take a long time, but with proper information from the company, it should not be so painful.

    How does a job open?

    Appodeal first determines the need for a new employee - the team leader (Team Lead) requests HR. The need for vacancies is agreed with the head of the office. A vacancy is included in the recruiting plan of the region, a separate application is filled out for it.

    After initiating a vacancy, we draw up its description with general information and requirements for the candidate, and then describe the selection process.

    Work on a vacancy- A standard process for searching, attracting and selecting candidates. There is nothing supernatural at this stage, however, when submitting an application, you should not forget that in addition to you, an HR specialist has from 5 to 15 candidates. Their applications and resumes also need to be studied in detail, and then conduct one or more interviews that take from 1 to 2 hours of working time. Therefore, do not panic if you have not been called back two days after the interview - HR is simply obliged to consider all the candidates and cannot make a swift choice in your favor by virtue of its official obligations.

    During the interview, the HR manager informs the deadlines for which they will give an answer - usually these are the maximum deadlines, and they vary depending on the position. In a respectable company, these deadlines are always respected, but again, it is worth remembering that they can inform you of a decision at the very last moment - simply because of the flow of candidates and internal coordination. You have the right to contact the HR manager at any time and clarify at what stage your resume is being considered. Do not forget that candidates can designate critical terms for them to respond from the company - for the employer this approach is even more convenient.

    What can affect the timing?

    It happens that the vacancy has been suspended . HR specialists are also people, and they also go on vacation and get sick. Accordingly, the search for candidates is suspended. Sometimes the recruiting plan is revised during the search process - the number of vacancies or the requirement for candidates, which you should also be informed about (at least we are informing). Vacancy is considered closedwhen the candidate is found, accepted the Job Offer and went to work. A job may be canceled due to a review of the plan and the lack of need for an employee. As a rule, a vacancy is transferred to the archive after the employee goes to work, but HR will breathe calmly only when his candidate has passed the probationary period. Therefore, the vacancy may hang on the company's website or on HR resources for some time, and your feedback will be sorted out and added to the database. Applicants will receive a standard review message during this period.

    As soon as the accepted candidate passes the probationary period, the HR specialist changes the status of the vacancy to “closed” on all resources, fixes data on the employee and the planned date of entry into the work in a special table.

    The higher the level of specialist skills and the degree of his responsibility, the longer it takes him to search and select candidates.

    Below is a table of terms that you can focus on when submitting a resume. We at Appodeal are trying to close vacancies on the principle of “the sooner the better”, that is, HR managers are working to their fullest and ahead of the deadlines indicated in the table :)

    To worry less about deadlines and not get confused at the interview, we recommend that you follow a simple check list .

    Pay particular attention to company information.

    It is incredible, but true: there are often candidates who have no idea what the company is doing. Finding out details and asking questions is a great way to please HR and see if you are suitable for the company and, importantly, whether it suits you. The sites in the sections "Career", "Vacancies" or "Work with us" often spell out the core values ​​of the company, there are photos of the office and potential colleagues. Take the time to drive the company name plus “interview” or “reviews” into the search engine to read what the media write about your potential place of work. Half an hour of time spent and sincere interest in what the company is doing can be great for you to play, but obvious indifference will not save even with a good resume.

    Look for a referral among company employees

    Many companies have a recommendation system. You should not urgently add to all employees at random on Facebook, but remember - perhaps at some conference you had a sincere professional conversation with one of the developers. Feel free to write to a friend - he will receive a bonus for this or just a thank you from colleagues, and you will provide yourself with an airbag in case of high competition.
    Appodeal jobs, if anything, can be found at the link .

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    Is the scope of the company important for you?

    • 24.4% I read everything I can find about the company 119
    • 56.2% At least I go to the site before the interview 274
    • 26.2% This is interesting, but I'm waiting for 128 to be told
    • 21.1% In general, it does not matter 103

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