How to become an independent registrar .RU / .РФ

  • Tutorial
In this series of articles we will tell you how to get accreditation, how you can get it yourself and share our developments with you. We in Beget want us to develop not only us, but the entire industry as a whole, as competition creates good products.

The first article will talk about the administrative procedures that will need to be performed to obtain the status of an accredited registrar. In the second article we will tell and share our developments for integration with the CC (Coordination Center).

Why we became a registrar and what guided us

Before we got the accreditation, we registered domains .RU / .RF through different registers: the main supplier were , we also worked with r01 and . Some of our domains are still serviced by these registrars. In addition, we work with these registrars by domain in zones other than .RU / .РФ. If the client wanted to transfer the domain for service to us, we went to meet him and transferred it to our personal account of the current domain registrar.

This created a large number of problems both for us and for our customers. There were cases of the separation of domains, about which we had to learn from clients, errors from the side of registrar software. Support for three different APIs itself created difficulties. As for domain prices, our partner prices were only about 10% higher than the prices set by the Coordination Center, so this was not the main reason for becoming an independent registrar ...

The main reason is the complete management of the domain name by our company and the absence of dependence on us and our users from possible failures and errors on the part of our partners.

The first attempt to apply for accreditation was in the summer of 2014, but then, unfortunately, in connection with other matters (at that moment we were actively planning to enter the international market, there will still be a second attempt =), the folder with documents remained just a folder with the name "Registrar Project".

The second time we decided to become a registrar in .RU / .РФ zones at the beginning of 2016, when there was information that the transfer of domains between registrars would become paperless. Of course, we were extremely disappointed that, unlike international zones, our focal point for national domains did not adhere to the same scheme of work, and money is taken only for transfer, and not for extension at the time of transfer (which clearly does not contribute to market liberalization ) We can say that this was impossible to do due to the fact that the maximum domain registration period in .RU / .РФ zones is 1 year, but what prevents it from being made larger?

Nevertheless, the transfer procedure between registrars has become easier nevertheless, which means that those who wish can transfer the domains to us, and since we have already begun to study the question of how to become a registrar for the second time, we decided to complete the matter.

What you need to do to get accreditation

.RU / .РФ domain zones are regulated by the Coordination Center of the national Internet domain domain ( .

Currently, 46 registrars are accredited ( ), and it is noteworthy that 13 of them, including us, were accredited last year. I would also like to congratulate our colleagues from the hosting industry who have recently received accreditation - this is a step in the right direction. Perhaps other companies, like us, decided to do this due to a change in the policy of domain transfer between registrars.

All information on how to get accreditation can and should be found on their website -

We read the requirements for the future registrar and comply with them.

Accreditation can be granted to a legal entity of the Russian Federation with a working office and a minimum number of employees to ensure work as a registrar. It will be necessary to prove (confirm) the focal point a stable financial position, the ability to ensure the stability of the software when working with the Registry and back up data.
And also: to insure activity as a registrar and prepare a prototype site that will provide all the information regarding future work as a registrar.

Let's look at some points that can put on a stupor.
1. The registrar is obliged:
    1.3. timely insure professional liability associated with domain name registration activities:
      1.3.1. for Registrars with an accreditation experience of at least 1 (one) year - for an amount of at least 15,000,000 (fifteen million) rubles or 500,000 (five hundred thousand) US dollars;
      1.3.2. for a newly accredited organization - in the amount of not less than 30,000,000 (thirty million) rubles or to provide proof of intent to carry out such insurance within a period not exceeding 1 (one) month from the date of accreditation;

This item can cause difficulties, because if you simply contact any insurance company with questions of activity insurance as a registrar, this causes some confusion among insurers. Therefore, it is still advisable to get on that specialist who has already issued such insurance. If you can’t deal with this issue on your own , write to , tell us the contacts. The cost of insurance at the time of accreditation amounted to about 30 thousand rubles.

1.6. comply with the requirements set forth in the entered into force Technical conditions for interaction with the domain registration system (hereinafter referred to as the “Technical Conditions”). The newly accredited organization must undergo technical tests for compliance with the Technical Conditions within 1 (one) year after the decision on its accreditation. Until the successful completion of technical tests, the newly accredited organization will not be granted access to the Domain Name Registries, with the exception of access to the test Registry in the manner established by the Regulation on Technical Testing

After receiving accreditation, there is 1 year to pass the technical tests.
We will talk about how to get through them and what difficulties we had to face in our next article.

2. For the provision of domain name registration services, the Registrar must have the necessary number of qualified employees to perform the following functions:
- administrative matters;
- financial issues;
- technical issues;
- interaction with users and administrators;
- information security;
- legal issues;
- interaction with law enforcement agencies.

The Registrar must provide the Coordinator with information (contact information) for interaction on the above issues and immediately inform the Coordinator about a change in this information.

Everything here is quite simple, you need to provide a list of employees who will be responsible or already responsible for certain issues.
At the same time, it is quite suitable if the same employee is responsible for several spectra of work. If you, for example, provide hosting services to your clients, then one way or another, all of the above issues concerned you, and you worked with law enforcement agencies.
4. The registrar is obliged to provide the user, including publish and timely update on his website dedicated to registration activities, complete and reliable information:

Under this item, it will be necessary to prepare a prototype site containing all the information about you, sample applications and a description of all possible actions with domains. Site preparation, of course, will take time, but the task is not too complicated, given the fact that all the information about actions with domains can be viewed, for example, on our website
6. The Registrar is obliged to develop and put into practice instructions for staff containing a description of the Registrar's procedures for performing actions related to the registration and subsequent maintenance of domain names.

As part of the accreditation, you will need to develop various regulations for employees, which will need to be submitted to the Coordination Center. In fact, this can be one document that describes all the procedures for working with domain names.

Regulation example:

14. The registrar is obliged to ensure the stable functioning of the hardware and software complex in case of equipment, power supply and communication systems failure; have backup tools that provide the ability to fully recover data in the event of any system failures, to the state at the time no more than a day before the failure.
15. The Registrar is obliged to have means of protection against actions of third parties aimed at obtaining unauthorized access to the registrar's hardware and software complex or at disrupting its normal functioning

To comply with this requirement, it is necessary to ensure the creation of backups, the availability of backup equipment and round-the-clock (or almost round-the-clock) monitoring, as well as investing in the security of stored data.

We fill out the questionnaire and prepare a package of documents

If you feel the strength and ability to meet all the requirements described, you need to open the Accreditation Agreement ( ), find point 2 and prepare a package of documents in exact accordance with the list and then send it to the postal address of the Coordination Center.
If formally all the signs are met and the documents correspond to the list, then the Coordination Center will send you an accreditation invoice within 3 days after receiving the package of documents. On the day we receive accreditation, the cost of verifying your competence in registering domain names is 80,000 rubles. This amount is not refundable even if the Coordination Center refuses accreditation.

  • We pay the bill for verification of accreditation.
  • We are waiting for verification of documents and compliance with all requirements.

During the verification process, the Coordination Center will contact you and, possibly, indicate some shortcomings in the documents or in the questionnaire. Documents are checked within a month.

We receive a decision on accreditation or refusal

Upon receipt of a refusal, please note that you can re-apply only after 3 months. If you are lucky and the Coordination Center has made a positive decision about your accreditation, then you will be invited to sign the Accreditation Agreement. This Agreement must be signed within 20 days of the decision on accreditation.

Getting accreditation is half the battle, then there is a year to begin directly to register domains.

To work with the Registry, you can write your own solution or use the software from JSC "Internet Technical Center" under the name "Virtual Registrar". Read more about the Virtual Registrar here.. "Virtual Registrar" is a paid product, and for its use you must pay from 22 rubles. for each domain registration, or 10,000 rubles / month. for unlimited tariff.

Now we are debugging and bringing to mind our registration software; we plan to put it in OpenSource . In our next article, we will talk about how we went through technical tests and share our development.

PS: if someone needs examples of documents, write to , we will be happy to help =)

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