Level 80 CG modeling: photorealistic real-time characters in Unreal
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Recently we tested new graphics in War Robots and got a lot of positive feedback from the players. And although we are talking about mobile graphics, there is a lot of room for growth. With the desktop even more interesting. If earlier it was possible to take weeks to render a high-quality scene with photo-realistic models, now this is done in real-time in Unreal itself. I saw the work of a 3D artist on ArtStation, and then found an interview with him at 80 level, it looks cool. Under the cut mostly pictures and videos.

My name is Lukas Hayka , I’m a 3D artist from Slovakia and started CG 10 years ago, just playing with Maya and Euphoria Physics. But even then I was attracted by the theme of photo-realistic models of man - a kind of challenge.
In 2011, studying photogrammetry, I created the thread “Crossing the unexplained valley” on the forum . The topic became popular and I was contacted by Remington Scott and John McInnns , for whom he began working on different characters.
And in 2016, I began to “play” with rial-time characters in Unreal - it was then that Grace and Trump were made for VR. True, Grace was a collaboration with Salim Ljabli (he made the body), and Trump was a collaboration with Salim Ljabli and Vimal Kerketta (who worked on the similarity).

Then there was the work on the characters of the Netflix PR campaign for the TV series “Modified Carbon” ( Altered Carbon) and the creation of the avatar Gabriel René - the first digital avatar of a person in the blockchain (for more details, see their website ).
With 3Lateral, I worked on character recruiting for Battlefield 1 and Star Citizen, as well as on several AAA films for the Chinese market.
But the problem with all this is that it is difficult for me to show such works even after releases. This was the motivation for creating new characters in rial time - to show the level in the schedule and freely share it on the Internet, without thinking about the army of lawyers.
Then I contacted James Busby from 3dscanstore , who provided me with some photogrammetric photos. Of these, Eutow , Heroine andWorldstar Projects . But for me they are all part of one big project.

I wanted to show the level of characters in real time, which is already achievable in modern video games or other media. Although, of course, much depends on the features of the project. For example, these models have 6k polygons and 8k texture resolution.

My name is Lukas Hayka , I’m a 3D artist from Slovakia and started CG 10 years ago, just playing with Maya and Euphoria Physics. But even then I was attracted by the theme of photo-realistic models of man - a kind of challenge.
In 2011, studying photogrammetry, I created the thread “Crossing the unexplained valley” on the forum . The topic became popular and I was contacted by Remington Scott and John McInnns , for whom he began working on different characters.
And in 2016, I began to “play” with rial-time characters in Unreal - it was then that Grace and Trump were made for VR. True, Grace was a collaboration with Salim Ljabli (he made the body), and Trump was a collaboration with Salim Ljabli and Vimal Kerketta (who worked on the similarity).

Then there was the work on the characters of the Netflix PR campaign for the TV series “Modified Carbon” ( Altered Carbon) and the creation of the avatar Gabriel René - the first digital avatar of a person in the blockchain (for more details, see their website ).
With 3Lateral, I worked on character recruiting for Battlefield 1 and Star Citizen, as well as on several AAA films for the Chinese market.
But the problem with all this is that it is difficult for me to show such works even after releases. This was the motivation for creating new characters in rial time - to show the level in the schedule and freely share it on the Internet, without thinking about the army of lawyers.
Then I contacted James Busby from 3dscanstore , who provided me with some photogrammetric photos. Of these, Eutow , Heroine andWorldstar Projects . But for me they are all part of one big project.

I wanted to show the level of characters in real time, which is already achievable in modern video games or other media. Although, of course, much depends on the features of the project. For example, these models have 6k polygons and 8k texture resolution.