How Heisenbug works

    Heisenbug 2018 Moscow recently passed. Not only testers gathered under one roof, but also programmers, specialists in automatic and load testing, team managers and all the others for whom testing is the most important part of life. This post is a photo report, in which we will once again look at how it was (carefully, traffic). Photos in really good quality will arrive a little later, and this is what we took on ourselves along the way. At the end there will be a couple of words about the next Heisenbug 2019 Piter and how to submit your report to it.

    Preparation and materiel

    Hi, I am Oleg, I was lucky to help a little in organizing Heisenbug, and I also had a camera. There will be a few pieces that participants usually do not see, absorbed by the next report.

    So, about nine in the morning. The first participants have not yet arrived, and Baruh Sadogursky has already “banished” his keyout before the program committee - for the last time before the actual performance. To be in time, speaks at double speed. Even for him it is not easy, in one breath you need to say a lot of words.

    Subsequently, a girl appeared at the site, who outlined the reports in this original way:

    Actually, this is the report of Baruch. The first Facebook comment about this picture: “Is this a report on“ grocery mindset ”?” :-)

    UPD : found the author’s twitter picture: @ManukhinaDarya . I strongly recommend to subscribe!

    At the same time, an online broadcasting studio opens, and Vsevolod Brekelov and I discuss the opening interview:

    The interview is conducted by Zhenya Trifonov and I, each time inviting speakers, program committee members and key community members to the studio. Subsequently, what is recorded in this studio will not only get on YouTube, but also on the screens between presentations.

    All equipment of the online broadcast is hidden in special cubes filled with everything necessary, from a mixing console to the capture of four microphones:

    At the beginning, at the studio door, there was just a sign with the name, but along the way, valuable advice began to appear on the door to people running into it:

    Nearby is the room in which the broadcast operators are sitting. This is at least three people - Maxim m1skam Zverev, Alexander alsion Ivanov and Artem Nikonov. On the TV, on the left, you can see the image from the cameras of all the halls, on the right - along the graph you can see traffic flowing to the Internet.

    Look at the most important devices that support life during multi-day conferences: energy, coffee and cola. Now on the table is a whole battery of redbully.

    Max and Artyom are still doing a lot of things on the court, and Alexander reigns supreme with such a MIDI remote control:

    The remote control allows you to quickly burn through those buttons that control the mouse is extremely inconvenient.

    All arriving speakers need to be photographed in good quality. To do this, there is a dedicated photographer who, on the EOS 5D Mark IV, photographs everyone who stands on this line on the floor:

    If you see glamorous pictures of speakers on the network, then these are just those who have undergone heavy post-processing.

    If you are a speaker and don’t know how to find a photographer, you will be helped by nyadzhnye unicorns on her feet:

    Our large racks with equipment are deployed in the halls:

    On the right in this photo you can see the signs that show the speakers for 20, 15, 10, 5 minutes before the end of time.

    Similar iron stood on aftepati, but with an additional remote control. On the left of the photo - our main in terms of hardware, Bogdan Zaitsev, we owe him a lot of normal work and the existence of all these clever self-made racks and consoles:

    Speakers are here for such departments:

    But this is not a simple notebook stand, because something interesting is hidden inside:

    At the speaker, however, they are looking directly at the eyes with super bright lamps and a super bright projector. They really blind the eyes. This is a sacrifice that the speakers and organizers have to bring for the participants to see everything well, and after the conference you will receive videotapes with a high-quality, clear and juicy picture (but only if you fill in the feedback form!)

    Zhenya Trifonov and I do not use anything other than hand-held microphones and buttonholes. The rest of the equipment is stored in special cases, and communication takes place over walkie-talkies.

    The speakers are not available on the radio, but they read the Telegram and are often in the speaker’s room, where they spend time between performances, prepare for their reports and simply communicate. The speaker room is a standard meeting place.

    In addition, you can navigate through several halls where the reports are held. All of them are called famous names on gold plates with a special color "Slavic":

    Whistling everyone in Pushkin, the first day begins!

    The first day

    First of all, participants are met at the registration desk. For speakers there is an extra small stand.

    The most valuable thing in registration is handing over the duck!

    This is followed by the opening ritual, including a speech by the directors of the Group and sponsors.

    Opening keyout

    Keynout leads Baruh Sadogursky. “Let's dismiss all testers” is a provocative topic, and who would have thought - Baruch could very clearly and rationally explain the topic so that at the end it was necessary to seriously try not to agree with the conclusions.

    I brought a large pack of my own authorship books with me and distributed them to everyone for free. The books went like hot cakes. Wishing to get an autograph found Nemer. For example, we are lying on binbegs next to the Badoo stand, and Baruch continues to sign, even in a lying state.

    By the way, a completely different kind of books were sold nearby in the demo zone. It is absolutely impossible to resist the desire to take a picture with your favorite C ++:

    Further reports are in normal mode. In each slot there are three reports, three speakers, three discussion zones. Heisenbag loves a trinity.

    Below are links to all the descriptions of the reports, and the photos correspond to the list from left to right. Links can be used to quickly look at the slides of the relevant report. Videos will be sent to the participants after filling out the feedback form.

    First day closing keyout

    The day was completed by a report by YouTube Wylsacom , known for critical reviews of technology and especially for apple devices.

    According to Socialblade , he is now the ninth largest blogger on YouTube.

    The report was mixed. Valentine told everything in his usual half-room style - just like he does on his own channel. Those who watched his videos at least once understood what to expect. But some were clearly unprepared. Someone started collecting flash mobs in a chat to play him while he was on stage.

    Despite all this, so many people leaned into the discussion area that they almost crushed against the wall. To take this picture, I had to defend an impressive line of people who wanted to make selfies.

    Well, another self-defense campaign on human rights, which waited for Wils for an hour and remained until the very end of the discussion area and conference day in general:

    In this picture there is a notable share of irony - the conquerors of YouTube and Habra came together, with an incomprehensible outcome. In general, the discussion area was very different from comments on YouTube and was reduced to two conversations for half an hour long: what problems have gadgets and what trends are on YouTube now. Vilsa shared his plans for the development of the channel there, but I don’t feel right to post it here - it looks like the infa was semi-private, and he told it only on the influx of feelings.

    Discussion areas

    Of course, after each report there were discussion zones. This is the most famous feature of the conference, so I won’t talk about it for a long time, here’s a couple of random photos:

    Sponsorship, Demo Stage and more.

    This time the conference had a lot of sponsors, and they did a terrible job to make fun between presentations. But if you list them all, then this habrapost will never end! Therefore, for reasons of honesty, I will not publish any photos on this topic, those who wish can watch them in our group on VKontakte .

    I'll tell you better about the Demo Stage. On it, during the report, the most filled hall was broadcast, plus various mini-activities sometimes took place during the breaks. On the one hand, its main task is a purely utilitarian solution to the problem of temporary overcrowding in the halls. On the other hand, it turned out to be a place of attraction and a convenient meeting place for the participants. Unfortunately, for the same reason, I have almost no photos from this zone: I tried to walk there in stealth mode, so as not to prevent people from listening to the report.

    In general, photographing at such a concentration of people in such a way that it does not bother anyone is very difficult.

    Birds of a feather flock together!

    Immediately after the end of the main program of the first day, two parallel BOF sessions were waiting for us:

    • “Do we need the role of a tester or all migrate to the SDET, development, etc. " (in Russian)
    • «Career in testing: develop skills in one tech stack vs. many different stacks (Java, Python, C #, C ++, etc.) ”(in English)

    BOF is now a traditional format at our conferences. Something like a round table or discussion group in which everyone can take part. This format historically goes back to the first informal discussion groups of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) .

    Some problem, it seemed to me, was the overcrowding of the first BOF session. Previously, this format had a rather limited number of discussion lovers - I remind you that there was a party at the same time where you could do the same thing, but in a more fun format with music and beer. But this time turned out to be special - there were as many people in the room as there are in not every report. All this seriously complicated the situation for those who came late, for them the BOF was just another report. Most likely, this situation will try to fix the following Heisenbug.

    But at the English-speaking session of the people there were exactly as many as needed. Even a little bit small.

    A party

    As an alternative to bofam, there was a party with drinks, snacks, and music. Party fire!

    Ignite Karaoke Battle

    In the afternoon, in the middle of the hall, there appeared such a sign:

    By evening, it was already filled.

    The rules are simple: two participants take the stage, and they have to tell something on the basis of slides, which they, of course, have never seen before. And the slides are selected that you need, believe me! Participants tried to build a coherent story, telling one after another. Who can not cope - flew out of the tournament. And so - until the winner.

    Even Zhenya Trifonov ( phillennium ) decided to take part . I was even a little afraid that he would win (he is known for the frightening ability to rap at x2.5, that is, he has a dishonest advantage over ordinary people). But no, he decided to pass the baton to Oksana.

    Interestingly, Baruh Sadogursky was the arbiter of the whole case. With his own eyes, he saw how he perfected the slide selection algorithm while sitting in the speaker’s room. Everything is written there in a very simple JavaScript, everything is completely transparent and fair, but I will not tell the implementation details :)

    In general, it turned out very fun and cool, waiting for the next time.

    Second day

    Closing keyout of the second day

    "Extreme testing: tricks from the dark corners of mobile interfaces" - this is the last large-scale report of this conference. All you need to know is Vitaly Friedman, one of our most beloved and popular speakers, who made bright and memorable presentations.

    Next Heisenbug and Call for Papers

    This post would be incomplete without the announcement of the next Heisenbug . It will be held May 17-18, 2019 in St. Petersburg .

    And, of course, you can submit your own report. This is real. Remember the feedback form, which is filled after the conference? In response to the question “who should I call for a report next time?” Many participants answer “me”.

    Program committees read completely all applications and carefully consider them. Yes, there are many famous personalities in the list of speakers, but it is quite possible to get there. It is necessary, of course, to work well on the content and on the feed, but you will be helped by people who are well versed in this.

    There are very specific criteria for the adoption of the report, which can simply be met. There is a specific process that begins with the acceptance of an application and ends with a speech at a conference.

    To start your journey as a speaker, you need to follow the link , read everything there carefully and do as it is written.

    Early bird

    If you go to the Heisenbug 2019 Piter website or to our groups in social networks, you will see that everything is just beginning. The program committee has not yet laid out even the first version of the program, we are still collecting feedback from the participants of the Moscow conference, photos in the process of processing, and so on. The team is now starting its six-month journey to the perfect Heisenbag.

    Right now, at the very start of the conference, you can buy tickets at the best price. This is an option for people and companies who are willing to invest in creating the best testing conference in Russia and are confident that we can do it. Is there any reason for such confidence - judge for yourself on the just-past Moscow Heisenbug.

    Another point: at the last two of our conferences (DotNext and HolyJS) all tickets were bought out in two weeks and it’s not a fact that this will not happen again. All have long been accustomed to, that this happens at music concerts, and plan them in advance. It is also possible to get a Heisenbug ticket strategically. If you agree - open the appropriate page of the site (until January 1, the cheapest tickets are available).

    In any case, thank you for being with us and for reading this post to the end.

    See you at Heisenbug 2019 Piter!

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