The digest of interesting materials for the mobile # 190 developer (on February 5-12)
In the new release of cleaning the App Store and Google Play, the release of Android Wear 2.0, Tinder one comedian, the pursuit of Snapchat, several materials about React Native, the pros and cons of Viper, an alternative to hamburger and many other tasty materials.

This is not an article, this is a facebook. What you read under the cut is a squeeze of our ridiculous techno-mistakes for all 5 years of work on the flagship product - iFunny. Perhaps our feil story will help you avoid mistakes, or perhaps cause laughter. Which is also good. Make people laugh - FunCorp's vocation has been for 13 years.
I found out that the work of an in-house designer in a company that makes its own product is very different from the work of a designer in a studio or agency. I tried to describe the main differences and illustrate my own experience. The article will be useful for designers on both sides of the barricades to broaden their horizons and help to overcome internal barriers.
What would you do differently if you had not only touchscreens from 2007, but also unlimited batteries, high-speed Internet access, high-resolution screens, processors, 100 times more powerful than personal computers in 1994, and many high-quality cameras?
Now the digest is also available as a newsletter. You can subscribe here .
Analytics, marketing and monetization
Devices and IoT
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![]() | Wit and courage: how many times we were wrong when creating iFunny |
![]() | What is the difference between a designer in a grocery company and a designer in an agency or studio? |
![]() | Benedict Evans: Mobile 2.0 |
Now the digest is also available as a newsletter. You can subscribe here .

- (+21) Why VIPER is a bad choice for your next application
Dad, from the heart (+20) J-Bird
- (+16) How we did application of the international PINS loyalty program
- (+12) Patterns of design, view of the iOS developer. Part 1. Strategy
- (0) Why VIPER is a good choice for your next application
- The upcoming APC apocalypse may rob iOS of many classic hits
- iOS Size Class: cheat sheet for screen sizes
- Custom layout for standard components in iOS
Funny Animations Using CGAffineTransform
Introduction to Protocol Buffers on iOS
How to download old versions of applications from the App Store
How to make an onboarding screen (iOS, Xcode 8, Swift 3)
Upgrading Airbnb to Swift 3
50 Questions and Answers for an iOS Developer Interview: Part 2
Overlap: overlay effect for visual elements
Chat SDK: Chat on Firebase
MIPivotPageController: switching view controllers with horizontal swipes
AnimatedCollectionViewLayout: Transition animations for UICollectionView

- (+16) Dagger 2. Part Three. New facets of the possible
- (+10) ChairInput. We are writing a game in Unity, controlled using the Android virtual keyboard. The problem with the camera angle
- Android Things Developer Preview 2 released
- Google released Android Wear 2.0 and introduced LG watches on the new OS
- 10 Android Developer Productivity Tools
- Head of Material Design moves from Google to Dropbox
Android Dev Podcast. Issue 27. News, Instant apps, Android Pay and Mock APIs
- Google Play will arrange global cleaning applications
Complete Application Testing Guide with Examples
Comparison of RecyclerView and ListView
We create the counter of the entered text
Simplify Fragment navigation with backstack and commitNow ()
When not to use RxJava
2016 Android Developer Toolkit
Material Design and Mysterious Meat Navigation
Acceptance of applications for Google I / O: February 22-27
Simple Dagger2 Dependency Injection Application
Modular2Recycler: Modular RecyclerView.Adapter
AndroidMvpStarter: Android + MVP + Dagger2 + RxJava2 + Robolectric + Espresso + Mockito + EasyMock / PowerMock + JaCoCo
AlphabetIndex: fast RecyclerView
Chuck: HTTP Inspector for Android OkHttp Clients
Just Another Android App: A Simple Android Application Based on MVP Architecture
Chat SDK for Android: Chat on Firebase

- (+29) Procedural generation of levels for MERC in Unity
- (+17) We connect Facebook SDK for Xamarin.Forms
- (+13) What is UX / UI design really?
- (+9) Development for Sailfish OS: Testing of QML components
- How much can you work on one product
- The man created his tinder, where he is the only man
- Swedish Hut Starts Recruiting a Third Time
- Netflix posted the code of its bot HubCommander
- Dev Books: The Most Mentioned StackOverflow Books
- 10 mobile apps with the best UI: January 2017
How much does an app like Snapchat cost?
Redesign of Vietnamese Momo Mobile Wallet
Pros and Cons of React Native Product Launch
React Native on Instagram
What is it - write your own application
Offline First app on React Native + Meteor
React Native Image Caching
Great Alternatives to Hamburger Menus

- (+21) Why Zuckerberg chases after a ghost
- (+11) What is traffic arbitration? and participants in the arbitration market
- (+2) Facebook Audience Network - a new word in monetization of sites and applications
- SuperData and Unity: “Can't stop and won't stop: market overview of mobile and VR games”
- Mobile love: acquiring users for dating applications
- The messenger “Allo” from “Rostelecom” was removed two weeks after the start
- The application is first officially recognized as a contraceptive
- Shoot the feature
- Application Stores in Cuba
- ASO Experiment: How Emojis Improve Downloads
- Owners of older smartphones spend less on games
- Top 10 analytical tools of 2017
- App Stores: How to reach users outside the App Store and Google Play

- (+37) Electronic ink for Wirenboard 5 or we draw barcodes on Go
- (+26) Home Assistant or one more “brain” for a project like “Smart Home”
- (+19) We start the gas flow velocity sensor
- (+5) Free IOT & GPS VIALATM service
- Samsung occupies 70% of the market for VR devices
- Apple Watch occupies half the market for smart watches in 2016
← Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail.