The digest of interesting materials for the mobile # 190 developer (on February 5-12)

    In the new release of cleaning the App Store and Google Play, the release of Android Wear 2.0, Tinder one comedian, the pursuit of Snapchat, several materials about React Native, the pros and cons of Viper, an alternative to hamburger and many other tasty materials.

    Wit and courage: how many times we were wrong when creating iFunny

    This is not an article, this is a facebook. What you read under the cut is a squeeze of our ridiculous techno-mistakes for all 5 years of work on the flagship product - iFunny. Perhaps our feil story will help you avoid mistakes, or perhaps cause laughter. Which is also good. Make people laugh - FunCorp's vocation has been for 13 years.

    What is the difference between a designer in a grocery company and a designer in an agency or studio?

    I found out that the work of an in-house designer in a company that makes its own product is very different from the work of a designer in a studio or agency. I tried to describe the main differences and illustrate my own experience. The article will be useful for designers on both sides of the barricades to broaden their horizons and help to overcome internal barriers.

    Benedict Evans: Mobile 2.0

    What would you do differently if you had not only touchscreens from 2007, but also unlimited batteries, high-speed Internet access, high-resolution screens, processors, 100 times more powerful than personal computers in 1994, and many high-quality cameras?

    Now the digest is also available as a newsletter. You can subscribe here .





    Analytics, marketing and monetization

    Devices and IoT

    Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail.

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