GeekBrains begins to prepare full-stack developers in Python

    Our educational portal GeekBrains announces the launch of a new training course for web developers in Python (Django) . An advanced course with an in-depth study of the Django framework will allow you to qualify for the post of Full-stack developer - a specialist with a large set of competencies that can create a web application from scratch.

    The 10 month training program consists of 11 courses. You will start with the basic concepts, learn the basics of Python and databases, and then move on to more complex topics, the development of which will help you successfully solve the problems facing Full-stack developers.

    You will master the tools of Front-end development of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as a modern framework for Back-end development of Django, which will help you write code faster and implement the idea in a working IT project. During two interactive courses - basic and advanced - you will receive in-depth knowledge of Django and will be able to immediately apply them in practice.

    Lessons are taught by practitioners of Python-programmers with specialized education and work experience in the specialty of 5 years. Classes in the format of webinars several times a week in the evenings. To consolidate the skills after each lesson homework is given, which will help to deal with a personal tutor from among the best graduates. By the end of the course, each student will independently develop a full-fledged online store with registration and authorization functions, which will be the first project for the portfolio.

    Upon completion of your studies, everyone is guaranteed two months internships, during which you will be under the guidance of the team leader to participate in the team development of the project - a translator website with advanced functionality. The best students in the case of successful implementation of the test task will be able to start working at GeekBrains partners or join a startup founded by graduates of previous courses.

    Classes will begin on December 24th. Training is paid, you must register to participate .

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