MSK.NET community mitap at Kaspersky Lab

    As you know, the .NET platform is actively used by many programmers around the world. She has many fans in Moscow. In particular, this is the MSK .NET community, which holds regular meetings where participants discuss new approaches, hints and development practices for this platform.

    Among the members of the community there are also our employees - after all, .NET is also actively used in our projects. Therefore, it was decided to hold the next MSK .NET meeting at our place, at the headquarters of Kaspersky Lab.


    At the meeting, which will be held on November 14 at 19:00, together with experts we will talk about techniques for optimizing desktop applications and diagnosing problems in .NET.

    In the first report, Kaspersky Lab developer Sergey Sentsov will demonstrate and analyze in detail non-standard methods for optimizing .NET desktop applications, starting from the CLR device and ending with the analysis of individual IO operations in xperf. The results will include indicators of real Kaspersky Lab products that we learned to launch as quickly as possible.

    In the second report, the head of the development team, Alexander Rakhmanov, will present an alternative view of WinDBG, which many .NET developers traditionally consider an extremely specific and even unnecessary tool. Alexander will show how to integrate the process of collecting dumps, their analysis and correction into the life cycle of application development, so that it becomes an integral part of the diagnosis of both ordinary and unique cases.

    Under the leadership of Alexander, the meeting participants will study groups of the main problems (deadlocks, out of memory, access violation, logical errors, etc.) that may occur with the application, as well as tools for analyzing them. Along the way, he promises to tell how to “hang up” a WPF application using a flash drive and is it safe to call DateTime.Now?

    Visit us on November 14th to chat with experts live and exchange ideas! Participation is free, but we ask you to register so that we can prepare properly.

    You can see the details of the meeting and the topics of the reports, as well as register for the meeting here .

    See you!

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