Huawei: Protection of the control plane

    The article discusses aspects of protecting the control plane of the Huawei NE Series routers. Examples are given for the NE40e, with software: VRP V800R008. On other types of routers (for example, NE5k) and with a different software version, the configuration may differ slightly.

    For a more detailed study of this issue, I can recommend further acquaintance with RFC 6192 (Protecting the router Control Plane).

    In VRP, there are a number of ways to automatically diagnose and protect the control plane of routers. However, given the scarcity and opacity of the documentation, I recommend still adhering to the traditional method of protection: creating whitelists for the necessary protocols and services and closing the rest of the traffic.

    The main policy section is as follows:

    cpu-defend policy 1
     process-sequence whitelist user-defined-flow blacklist
     cp-acl ip-pool enable
     whitelist disable
     blacklist acl 3900
     blacklist ipv6 acl 3950 
     application-apperceive disable
     ip urpf loose

    The process-sequence determines the sequence of policy operation: whitelist (which is turned off in our case), user-defined-flow, blacklist (rule 3900 for IPv4 and 3950 for IPv6).

    Considering that we will determine the allowed protocols ourselves, the rest of the traffic will be filtered by the black list - there is no need for application-apperceive analysis.

    The mechanism of URPf (Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding) is enabled at a conservative loose level.

    The blacklists for IPv4 and IPv6 look like this:

    acl number 3900
     description --- ACL For IPv4 Discard ---
     rule 5 deny tcp
     rule 10 deny udp
     rule 15 deny ip
    acl ipv6 number 3950
     description --- ACL For IPv6 Discard ---
     rule 5 deny tcp
     rule 10 deny udp
     rule 15 deny ipv6

    The policy must be applied on each slot:

    slot 1
    cpu-defend-policy 1
    slot 2
    cpu-defend-policy 1

    "Default" includes the following protection mechanisms:

    udp-packet-defend enable
    fragment-flood enable
    abnormal-packet-defend enable
    tcpsyn-flood enable
    attack-source-trace enable

    It is recommended to close all unused protocols and services in the ma-defend section . This option can be enabled, both globally and by slots. For example:

     ma-defend global-policy
     protocol OSPF deny
     protocol RIP deny


    ma-defend slot-policy 1
    protocol … deny

    The following describes the user-defined policy. The general rules are summarized in the table below. The values ​​for speed / priority are indicated as an example and do not claim to be “ultimate truth”. The maximum number of elements in a user-defined policy is 64.

    Type of trafficSpeedA priorityRule number
    Bgp1 Mb / sHigh3901
    LDP1 Mb / sHigh3902
    IS-ISN \ aN \ aN \ a
    VRRP1 Mb / sHigh3904
    Bfd1 Mb / sHigh3905
    MCAST1 Mb / sHigh3906
    Ssh512 Kb / sMiddle3907
    FTP5 Mb / sLow3908
    DNS512 Kb / sLow3909
    SNMP1 Mb / sMiddle3910
    TACACS +1 Mb / sLow3911
    NTP512 Kb / sLow3912
    ICMP, trace, lsp-ping512 Kb / sLow3913

    Next, consider the ACL filters for the corresponding protocols \ services.

    3901. BGP protocol.
    The rule for filtering the BGP protocol can look either in a simplified form:

    acl number 3901
     rule permit tcp destination-port eq bgp
     rule permit tcp source-port eq bgp

    or for each feast separately:

    acl ip-pool BGP-Peers
     ip address
    acl number 3901
     rule permit tcp source-pool BGP-Peers 0 destination-port eq bgp
     rule permit tcp source-pool BGP-Peers 0 source-port eq bgp

    3902. LDP protocol.

     rule 5 permit tcp source-pool Lo0_P2P destination-port eq 646
     rule 10 permit tcp source-pool Lo0_P2P source-port eq 646
     rule 15 permit udp source-pool Lo0_P2P destination-port eq 646
     rule 20 permit udp source-pool Lo0_P2P source-port eq 646

    3904. VRRP

    acl ip-pool VRRP_Peers
     ip address
    acl number 3904
     rule permit 112 source-pool VRRP_Peers 

    3905. BFD

    acl number 3343
     rule permit udp source-pool Lo0_P2P destination-port eq 3784
     rule permit udp source-pool Lo0_P2P source-port eq 3784

    3906. All MCAST (IGMP, PIM, MSDP)

    acl number 3906
     rule permit 103
     rule permit igmp
     rule permit udp destination-port eq 639
     rule permit udp source-port eq 639
     rule permit tcp destination-port eq 639
     rule permit tcp source-port eq 639

    3907. SSH

    acl number 3907
     description ### SSH access ###
     rule 5 permit tcp source-pool MGMT source-port eq 22
     rule 10 permit tcp source-pool MGMT destination-port eq 22
     rule 15 permit tcp source-pool MGMT destination-port eq 830

    3908. FTP. FTP-data

    acl port-pool ftp
     eq 20
     eq 21
    acl number 3908
     rule 10 permit tcp source-pool MGMT source-port-pool ftp
     rule 15 permit tcp source-pool MGMT destination-port-pool ftp

    3909. DNS

    acl ip-pool DNS
     ip address
     ip address
    acl number 3909
     rule 5 permit udp source-pool DNS source-port eq dns

    3910. SNMP

    acl number 3909
     rule 5 permit udp source-pool SNMP source-port eq snmp
     rule 10 permit udp source-pool SNMP destination-port eq snmp

    3911. TACACS +

    acl number 3911
     rule 5 permit tcp source-pool TACACS source-port eq tacacs
     rule 10 permit udp source-pool TACACS source-port eq tacacs-ds

    3912. NTP

    acl number 3911
     rule 5 permit udp source-pool NTP source-port eq ntp
     rule 10 permit udp source-pool NTP destination-port eq ntp

    3913. ICMP

    acl number 3342
     rule permit icmp icmp-type echo
     rule permit icmp icmp-type echo-reply
     rule permit icmp icmp-type ttl-exceeded
     rule permit icmp icmp-type port-unreachable
     rule permit icmp icmp-type Fragmentneed-DFset
     rule permit icmp
     rule permit udp destination-port range 33434 33678
     rule permit udp destination-port eq 3503

    3951. BGP for IPv6

    acl ipv6 number 3951
     rule 5 permit tcp destination-port eq bgp

    3952. ICMPv6

    acl ipv6 number 3952
     rule 30 permit icmpv6
     rule 35 permit udp destination-port range 33434 33678

    To apply sheets, they need to be bound to the cpu-defend policy as follows:

    cpu-defend policy 1
     user-defined-flow 1 acl 3901
     user-defined-flow 2 acl 3902
     user-defined-flow 4 acl 3904
     user-defined-flow 5 acl 3905
     user-defined-flow 6 acl 3906
     user-defined-flow 7 acl 3907
     user-defined-flow 8 acl 3908
     user-defined-flow 9 acl 3909
     user-defined-flow 10 acl 3910
     user-defined-flow 11 acl 3911
     user-defined-flow 12 acl 3912
     user-defined-flow 13 acl 3913
     user-defined-flow 51 ipv6 acl 3951
     user-defined-flow 52 ipv6 acl 3952
     car blacklist cir 0 cbs 0
     car user-defined-flow 1 cir 1000
     car user-defined-flow 2 cir 1000
     car user-defined-flow 4 cir 1000
     car user-defined-flow 5 cir 1000
     car user-defined-flow 6 cir 1000
     car user-defined-flow 7 cir 512
     car user-defined-flow 8 cir 5000
     car user-defined-flow 9 cir 512
     car user-defined-flow 10 cir 1000
     car user-defined-flow 11 cir 1000
     car user-defined-flow 12 cir 512
     car user-defined-flow 13 cir 512
     car user-defined-flow 51 cir 10000
     car user-defined-flow 52 cir 512
     priority user-defined-flow 1 high
     priority user-defined-flow 2 high
     priority user-defined-flow 4 high
     priority user-defined-flow 5 high
     priority user-defined-flow 6 high
     priority user-defined-flow 7 middle
     priority user-defined-flow 8 low
     priority user-defined-flow 9 low
     priority user-defined-flow 10 middle
     priority user-defined-flow 11 low
     priority user-defined-flow 12 low
     priority user-defined-flow 13 low
     priority user-defined-flow 51 high
     priority user-defined-flow 52 low

    To issue trashholding alerts, you can use the following function:

    cpu-defend policy 1
     alarm drop-rate user-defined-flow 7 threshold 100 interval 60

    here the value of threshhold is set in packets, and the interval in seconds.

    Statistics on the operation of CoPP filters can be viewed in the display cpu-defend section ...
    After completing the settings, you should also scan the router.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that Huawei (like any modern vendor) offers all the necessary methods to protect the control plane of its routers. And periodically appearing reports about found vulnerabilities show that these tools should not be neglected.

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