@OpenStack Meetup at Mail.Ru Group: November 30

Hello friends. Since we ourselves are actively using OpenStack , we decided to invite other adherents of the technology to visit us on @OpenStack Meetup, which we do together with the Russian OpenStack community.
The meeting will be held on November 30 (Friday) at 19:00 in the Moscow office of Mail.Ru Group (Leningradsky Prospect, 39, p. 79).
We invite everyone who works with OpenStack and who are interested in the features of the platform. Among the speakers are Yandex.Money, Canonical and Mail.Ru Group. Ambassador OpenStack in Russia Ilya Alekseev will begin the meeting, who will share with the guests the news of the recent OpenStack Summit in Berlin.
Registration is compulsory and closes November 28 at 11:59 pm (or earlier if the seats run out).
“News from the fields of OpenStack Summit (Berlin 2018)”
Ilya Alekseev, OpenStack Ambassador, coordinator of the Russian community of OpenStack
“How we prepare OpenStack in Yandex.Money”
Oleg Selianin, Vyacheslav Batalov, “Yandex.Money”
Oleg Selyanin and Vyacheslav Batalov from the Yandex.Money operation automation group will tell you how and why they use OpenStack and what problems they encountered during its operation.
"Backup of virtual machines in OpenStack"
Mikhail Kebich, Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions
Consistent Backup is a headache for many companies, especially for those who use OpenStack. Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions has come a long way in implementing Backup and Restore as a Service in our IaaS and PaaS services, writing our own driver for Cinder Backup and adding orchestration and automation for scheduling.
Mikhail Kebich will tell you how Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions organized a backup service, about user scenarios, as well as what issues you had to face along the way and what solutions to come up with.
“Modeling Infrastructure Services: OpenStack Charms Project”
Dmitry Scherbakov, Canonical, Field Software Engineer
Dmitry Scherbakov will talk about one of the approaches to commissioning and maintaining complex infrastructure using service modeling on the example of the OpenStack Charms project: for which Canonical services did this approach need and a little about the projects that Canonical develops and uses to render them? (Juju, OpenStack Charms, MAAS).
Be sure to register by reference .
We also remind you that we have a cozy channel in Telegram, where we write not only about @Kubernetes Meetup, but also about other Mail.Ru Cloud Solutions events: t.me/k8s_mail